Impeachment Trap
Suddenly Capitol Hill was set afire by the news that a
Whistleblower had come forth with damning information on
President Trump. Asking a foreign power to interfere in the 2020
election! Abuse of power! A cover-up! But the Whistleblower did
not have any first-hand information, and a transcript of the
phone call between President Trump and Ukraine President
Zelensky was quickly released by the White House. Was this a
deliberate trap set by Trump? Yes, and Giuliani
was on fire with evidence that it was Biden who had done
quid pro quo in the past.

- Pelosi Announces Trump Impeachment
Probe, saying ‘No One is Above the Law’
September 24, 2019
- Democrats have questioned whether
Trump improperly used his office to pressure the Ukrainian
president to investigate political rival Joe Biden's
- Goodwin: Pelosi’s Impeachment
Flip-Flop Changes Everything
September 24, 2019
- There is a next-to-zero chance
the GOP controlled Senate would convict the president.
Pelosi stopped short of creating a select panel and
reportedly has no plans to call for a formal House vote.
Reports that the so-called whistleblower had no direct
access to the call raises questions of credibility.
Ironically, a full examination of the facts could make
Biden the first casualty of the impeachment jihad. He is
already a weak front-runner and even if he did nothing
legally wrong in dealing with Ukraine, the fact that his
son was enriching himself by free-riding on the coattails
of his father’s job won’t sit well with progressive

ZetaTalk Confirmation
9/30/2019: Was
the whole Ukraine issue a trap set by President Trump? This is
obvious to many, who see that during any impeachment
investigation the Republicans will be able to subpoena and
release material related to 2016 crimes by the DNC and Obama
administration but also by Biden in the past. This coincides
with the pending timing of the release of FISA documents.
President Trump of course would never be formally impeached
because this would not get the votes in the Senate. Even if
the House does not formally impeach, Biden’s past will be
forced into the media.
This was the plan. All that
was needed was a catalyst to force these issues into the
reluctant media. Pelosi has been sitting on a bomb, fearing
the exposure, and now must try to either smother the bomb that
just went off or make much of supposed impeachable “crimes”.
If the Whistleblower was a trap, how was he triggered? He was
a known Deep State Trump hater, who was inflamed by reports
that others gave him. He has no direct information, just
rumors, to report. The transcripts of the Ukraine call will
counter these rumors. Meanwhile, Biden will be exposed and the
Democrats diminished.
Attempting to seize the moment, Schiff put forth a false
narrative, paraphrasing what Trump said as the actual transcript
did not hold any smoking gun. Trump’s popularity rose to 53%,
per Rasmussen, and his war
chest gained $5 million within 24 hours. The
odds of Trump being impeached rapidly plummeted.
Meanwhile, the issue of Biden’s past refused to be put back in
the box, leaving the Democrats with a weakened and rapidly
weakening field of candidates to be their 2020 nominee.

- Schiff’s ‘Re-Telling’ of Trump Phone
Call with Ukraine Head gets Mocked as ‘Unhinged
Orange-Man-Bad Fan Fiction’
September 28, 2019
- With impeachment efforts against
President Donald Trump resting on the content of a single
phone call, who could blame Congressman Adam Schiff for
embellishing the truth a little, all to sell his “Orange
Man Bad” narrative. His thunder stolen by the release of
the transcript – which failed to reveal the quid-pro-quo
arrangement between Trump and Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky that Democrats had alleged – Schiff
added some dramatic flourishes to his summary of the call.
- Impeachment Odds Plummet as Trump
Releases Ukraine Transcript
September 25, 2019
- Among other things, the
transcript shows Trump discussing former Vice President
Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Climate Change
Global Warming has a history, since Al Gore went on his Inconvenient
Truth lecture tour. But few realized that before
it was Global Warming it was a cooling trend that was the big
issue. The US government learned of Nibiru’s approach from
chatting with aliens after the Roswell crash in 1947. They
assumed a volcanic Winter,
and preached that as the doom and gloom message. But then Nibiru
entered the inner Solar System in 2003, amidst a warming trend,
and the story line changed. None of this had anything to do with
man’s activities.

- Nolte: Climate ‘Experts’ Are 0-41
with Their Doomsday Predictions
September 20, 2019
- For more than 50 years Climate
Alarmists in the scientific community and environmental
movement have not gotten even one prediction correct, but
they do have a perfect record of getting 41 predictions
wrong. If we don’t immediately convert to socialism and
allow Alexandria Ocasio-Crazy to control and organize our
lives, the planet will become uninhabitable. Why would any
sane person listen to someone with a 0-41 record?
1970: Ice Age By 2000
1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines
1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish,
Meat, and Dairy
2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by
2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months
to Save World
Since Global Warming has been proven
to be a hoax the term has been changed to be Climate
Change, but the claim that it is man’s lifestyle that is the
cause has still continued. This is all to distract from the
Earth changes caused by Nibiru so the cover-up over Nibiru can
continue. Meanwhile, hysteria among the young is encouraged.
MoveOn coordinated a worldwide march, allowing school children
to have a day off from school. And any logical arguments were ridiculed
and attacked.

- #StrikeWithUs: Beyond 9/2
- Climate change is a dire crisis
that demands urgent, large-scale collective action at the
community, state, regional, national, and global levels.
We are seeing a movement emerge that is growing in
political strength—forcing political leaders and
candidates to talk in-depth about climate justice in ways
they haven't before and forcing local governments,
institutions, and corporations to act.
- NASA Admits that Climate Change
occurs Because of Changes in Earth’s Solar Orbit, and Not
Because of SUVs and Fossil Fuels
August 30, 2019
- For more than 60 years, the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has
known that the changes occurring to planetary weather
patterns are completely natural and normal. But the space
agency, for whatever reason, has chosen to let the
man-made global warming hoax persist and spread, to the
detriment of human freedom.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
9/30/2019: Per
Breitbart, in the past 50 years, climate doomsday predictions
went from doom due to an Ice Age in 1970 to doom due to Al
Gore’s Global Warming in 2006. Neither rationale had a
basis, but both had an agenda. Global Warming has been proven
to be a hoax so the terminology
has been changed to Climate Change, which certainly is in
process. Climate Change is not man-made, but it is instead
Nibiru-made, and therein lies the hysteria. In 1970 the
establishment anticipated the approach of Nibiru to create a
Volcanic Winter, thus Ice Age predictions. But by 2006, after
its arrival in 2003, they found the opposite, thus the change
to Global Warming predictions.
NASA is attempting to insert
logic into the argument, asserting that the tilt of the Earth
is responsible, which is of course true in that the Daily
Earth Wobble tilts the globe in different directions, thereby
roiling the atmosphere and ocean tides. NASA is attempting to
gradually admit that Nibiru exists. But those in charge of the
cover-up over Nibiru countered by mustering forth the children
of the world to march in the streets. None of this will go
away, even with official admissions that Nibiru is real and
approaching for a passage.
We have stated that even when
Nibiru is officially admitted, an estimated 50% of mankind
will refuse to believe it. This has nothing to do with IQ or
education level, it has to do with courage at the soul level,
soul knowledge that reincarnation exists so the current life
is not the last, a spiritual orientation to help others, and a
determination thus to deal with the facts and plan a course of
action. Since the vast majority of humans on Earth do not have
sparked souls, and the vast majority that do are immature and
undecided, hysteria results.
S American Roll
As Step 4 in the Plate Movements predicted by the Zetas, the S
American Roll is still not complete. Step 1, the sinking of
Indonesia, has essentially completed, and has forced the capitol
of Indonesia, Jakarta, into a relocation to the Island of
Borneo. Progress on the 7 of 10 Plate Movements were reported in
this Newsletter during 2018 in February,
May, August,
and October. Since last year the
pace has picked up. The Zetas had predicted quakes up and down
the Andes and Trinidad and Tobago islands tearing apart during
the S American rolls. This is now clearly in process.

- Indonesia to move Capital from
Sinking Jakarta to Borneo
August 27, 2019
- Indonesia's president announced
that the country's capital will move from overcrowded,
sinking and polluted Jakarta to a site in sparsely
populated East Kalimantan province on Borneo island, known
for rainforests and orangutans.
- Loud Explosion at Piparo Mud Volcano,
Cracks Appearing across Roads, Trinidad and Tobago
September 22, 2019
- There are cracks appearing across
roads and homes at 22:20 LT across Pancho Trace, Trinidad
and Tobago Weather Center said, adding that some residents
have already self-evacuated.

ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2010: The
sequence of events is, thus: a tipping Indo-Australia Plate
with Indonesia sinking, a folding Pacific allowing S America
to roll, a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift allowing Africa
to roll and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop, great
quakes in Japan followed by the New Madrid adjustment, which
is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north
Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.
Tribunal Progress
The US Military Tribunals authorized by President Trump on March 1, 2018 are in full swing, but
the US public sees scant evidence that they are in operation.
These are secret trials, as the determination has been made that
the public would be overwhelmed by the extent of criminal
behavior amidst their elected leaders and the Deep State -
treason, Satanic Moloch child sacrifice, pedophile blackmail,
money laundering and the sale of US assets, and even the real
perpetrators of 911 and the JFK assassination.

- 2018 Amendments to the Manual for
Courts-Martial, United States
March 1, 2018
- By the authority vested in me as
President by the Constitution and the laws of the United
States of America, including chapter 47 of title 10,
United States Code (Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ), 10 U.S.C. 801-946), and in order to prescribe
amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United
States, prescribed by Executive Order 12473 of April 13,
1984, as amended, it is hereby ordered as follows: Sec. 2
(b) Nothing in Annex 1 shall be construed to invalidate
the prosecution of any offense committed before the date
of this order. Sec. 2 (c) Nothing in Annex 1 shall be
construed to invalidate any nonjudicial punishment
proceeding, restraint, investigation, referral of charges,
trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action begun
prior to the date of this order.
- Sec. 6 (b) If the accused is
found guilty of a specification alleging the commission of
one or more offenses before January 1, 2019, Article 60 of
the UCMJ, as in effect on the date of the earliest offense
of which the accused was found guilty. Sec. 12. The
Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary
of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance
regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities,
staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take
into account when exercising their duties with respect to
the disposition of charges and specifications in the
interest of justice.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
9/30/2019: During
the secret war ongoing to bring
down the Khazarian banking empire headed by Bibi Netanyahu and
Moloch worship requiring child
sacrifice, the public is kept in the dark. This empire is
associated with the Illuminati royalty in Europe, the Nazi
blood line, and the Bush/Clinton Cabal. This network operated
with impunity due to extensive blackmail of politicians and
corporate leaders caught in pedophilia.
During the Tribunals operating in
the US and joined by the Royal Marines in the UK, Satanic
child sacrifice, money laundering, and theft of funds from the
people are being prosecuted.
While the public is kept in the dark, there are glimpses of the
progress. One was the sudden “death”
of McCain from cancer. Q had stated
on July 25 at 18:28:35 EDT that McCain would be “returning
to headlines”. McCain obits state he died an exact
month later on August 25 at 16:28 MDT local time in Arizona.
This was exact to the day, the hour, and the minute! Q had
stated on June 30 that “every
dog has its day” and McCain died on National Dog Day.
This was an execution by the Tribunals.

Because the UK Marines had joined with the US Marines headed by
General Dunford, the Queen herself was the next public figure to
be obviously executed. Her stolen funds
had been retrieved in December, 2016 and then right after
Trump’s visit, where he and the Queen were laughing away, she
disappeared to be replaced by a double.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg likewise has been replaced by a double, the
ever present raised vein on the left hand side of her forehead
now gone. Her crime, per the Zetas, was treason as she agreed to
give Loretta Lynch her seat if Hillary was allowed to evade her

ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/31/2019: Q
had predicted that Ginsburg was in trouble because she had
conspired with the Hillary crowd to protect Hillary from
indictment by promising to free her seat on the Court for
Loretta Lynch. Such open collusion for political reasons is
illegal, though can seldom be proven, but as Q states, they
“have it all”. The tarmac meeting between Lynch and Bill
Clinton was recorded, in full, and SCOTUS is likewise fully
monitored. There are no secrets. As reported by insiders,
Ginsburg was executed in late January, after having attempted
to evade her sentence by a stint in a private nursing home.
There are hints of others disappearing or absent for long
periods. During The Bush 41 funeral
subpoenas were served to Hillary, Bush 43, Pence, and Biden. Are
they to be witnesses or the subject of a trial? Do they plea
bargain? Since the pedophilia networks are being prosecuted,
many have wondered about Satanic Madonna’s changed appearance
and Elton John, who was knighted by the Queen. The Queen
approved of pedophilia and even child sacrifice, reportedly,
including the practice of hunting and killing children in the
forests of France, much the sport of the Dutch royalty. Thus the
Dutch King and Queen appeared to be in hiding during the recent
funeral of Christina.

If the Queen is dead, who is running the Commonwealth, of which
she is the titular head? Per the Zetas, Charles will be her
regent, but not replace her as Head of State. Thus, the UK has
no Head of State and the Commonwealth is without a titular head.
Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, 12 island nations in the
Caribbean, 9 island nations in the Pacific, 19 nations in
Africa, and 6 in Asia are free to ignore the “Queen”.
- Commonwealth of Nations
- The human symbol of this free
association is the Head of the Commonwealth, currently
Queen Elizabeth II, and the 2018 Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meeting appointed Charles, Prince of Wales to
be her designated successor, although the position is not
technically hereditary. The Queen is the head of state of
16 member states, known as the Commonwealth realms, while
32 other members are republics and five others have
different monarchs. As membership is purely voluntary,
member governments can choose at any time to leave the

ZetaTalk Comment
9/30/2019: The
Queen is dead and now replaced with a Double. Who stands in
her stead, acting as Head of State and Head of the
Commonwealth? In all of this the public has been kept in the
dark, partly to allow the Tribunals to continue until they are
confident those at the top are not criminals, and partly to
allow daily life for the common man to continue apace without
undue stress. The truth is considered too horrific for the
common man to digest. Executions are occurring but some icons
must be removed from power first. The Queen’s Double will
toddle about but be replaced by Charles as her Regent for
public events.