2019 Tribunals
On March 1, 2018 President Trump signed Executive Order (EO)
13825 clarifying the use of civilian courts and lawyers to
assist Military Tribunals. The line
would now be blurred such that civilian trials could be
considered valid under Martial Law, and vice versa. Martial Law
had been in effect since 911, due to a National Emergency
effect, and continued by every President since. But this is the
first time the validity of trials had been addressed and
clarified. What was unclear was the delay until January 1, 2019
for public Tribunals, which the enigmatic Q addresses. Why the

- Trump Signs Sweeping Executive Order
March 4, 2018
- Signing of a sweeping Executive
Order making the most significant changes to the Uniform
Code Of Military Justice (UCMJ) since the Military Justice
Act Of 1983—and whose most significant change authorizes,
for the first time in history, experienced civilians to
take part in the US Military court-martial process—thus
clearing a path for mass “Deep State” arrests whose trials
and sentencing would not impact the normal flow of the US
Military justice system.
- Martial Law and Military Tribunals
Trump Takes on the Deep State
September 16, 2018
- The Annex issued on March 1, 2018
by U.S. President Donald Trump and the Department of
Defense prepares the way for Nuremberg-style tribunals.
The essence of these orders was that all U.S. civilians
shall be subject to military justice and that the military
will be able to hire non-military legal experts to help
with the upcoming tribunals.
- Executive Order 13825—2018 Amendments
to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States
March 1, 2018
- Sec. 2. The amendments in Annex 1
shall take effect on the date of this order, subject to
the following: (c) Nothing in title LX of the MJA shall be
construed to invalidate the prosecution of any offense
committed before January
1, 2019. (d) Nothing in the MJA shall be
construed to invalidate any nonjudicial punishment
proceeding, restraint, investigation, referral of charges,
trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action begun
prior to January 1,
2019. Sec. 5. The amendments in Annex 2,
including Appendix 12A, shall take effect on January
1, 2019, subject to the following: (a) Nothing in
Annex 2 shall be construed to make punishable any act done
or omitted prior to January
1, 2019, that was not punishable when done or
omitted. (b) Nothing in section 4 of Annex 2 shall be
construed to invalidate the prosecution of any offense
committed before January
1, 2019. (c) Nothing in Annex 2 shall be
construed to invalidate any nonjudicial punishment
proceeding, restraint, investigation, referral of charges,
trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action begun
prior to January 1,
During 2018 the Mueller investigation of any Russian
interference of the 2016 election has been running amuck,
snaring peripheral players for crimes that had nothing to do
with Trump or the Russians. Manaford owed the IRS
funds from years ago. Cohen handled taxi
medallions illegally. General Flynn failed to register as
a foreign agent when trying to rescue
a US pastor held as hostage by Turkey. Meanwhile, the DNC
and Hillary had conspired and paid for Russian info against
Trump – the Steele Dossier - but their crimes got ignored.

ZetaTalk Comment 11/30/2017: The
Junta running the US is a secret government, and wishes to
remain so. That Hillary is under house arrest can only be seen
from the reluctance of the DOJ to indict her for Clinton
Foundation crimes, because she was, as we have stated, already
tried in a type of Court Martial and is under house arrest.
Meanwhile, our only clue is an ankle boot, worn simultaneously
to the one worn by McCain. When General Dunford took over the
Federal Reserve in 2015, removing any control by Jewish
Bankers, this was likewise secret, but we could see that this
happened because the .org website disappeared, leaving only
the .gov. That said, the chance of the public learning about
any arrests of the Deep State planning to make mischief when
the public might start to riot and panic because Nibiru can no
longer be denied, is nil. This is indeed ongoing, with the
sudden invasion of CIA headquarters to collect evidence and
ongoing arrests of select CIA agents. This is the cutting edge
of Deep State cleanup. Where conspiracy boards will claim all
manner of reasons for this conflict between the Junta and the
CIA, the reason is strictly Nibiru.
There are hints that the delay until January 1, 2019 was to
allow Huber working (under Sessions and now under Whitaker) on
Hillary issues to complete his investigations and bring them
forth for trial. Clearly Tribunals have been in process, with Hillary and McCain under arrest and
the CIA files on pedophilia suddenly snatched at Langley by

- Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Responsibility for conducting
military operations goes from the President to the
Secretary of Defense directly to the commanders of the
Unified Combatant Commands and thus bypasses the Joint
Chiefs of Staff completely.
- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff (CJCS) is, by U.S. law, the highest-ranking and
senior-most military officer in the United States Armed
Forces and is the principal military advisor to the
President, the National Security Council, the Homeland
Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/26/2016: Obama
is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General
Dunford is. General Dunford is using the DOD prosecution at
present using national security threats as the rationale. For
lack of a better term to use with civilians, Hillary is being
court martialed, for her time as Secretary of State which is
an official position equivalent to a military officer, and as
he, General Dunford, is now in charge, all federal positions
can be seen as military positions. Thus, her indictment is
legal, but the public would be confused. Dunford will order
the DOJ to prosecute, while in the meantime all Grand Jury
activity is proceeding without delay.
Now there is shuffling of military personnel in the Trump
Administration – Dunford leaving in September, Mattis by the end
of February, Kelly by the end of December. Speculation runs
rampant, from pending
Tribunals needing these wise minds for guidance to Trump
gone amuck. Could the Zetas clarify?

- After Syria, Trump Planning 'Troop
Withdrawal from Afghanistan'
December 21, 2018
- US President Donald Trump is
planning to pull thousands of US troops out of
Afghanistan, reports have said, a day after the Republican
president rebuffed top advisers and announced the
withdrawal of all US soldiers from Syria.
ZetaTalk Insight
12/31/2018: We
have stated that Dunford’s
Junta has been in charge of the US since the fall
of 2015, when Obama failed to make the announcement
about Nibiru, lacking the courage to do so. Over the next 3
years, Dunford, as head of the Joint Chiefs, has seen McCain’s
treason prosecuted, Hillary’s money laundered funds retrieved
from the Clinton Foundation, and pedophilia blackmail snatched
from the CIA archives at Langley. But more is afoot, as the
subpoenas served at the Bush 41 funeral showed. So why is
Dunford leaving his post?
We have stated that Martial
Law will be instituted everywhere,
worldwide, by the time the Last Weeks arrive. This is already
in process, gradually, on one excuse or another. Terrorism,
riots, migration, or disasters have seen troops deployed. We
have stated that the US will likewise call troops
deployed at home. Now, in step with DoD Mattis
resigning, Trump announces that troops in Syria and
Afghanistan will be coming home. Is there a relationship?
We have often stated that the
uproar over Trump’s presidency has at its center the fear that
Trump will allow an admission that Nibiru is real, is present,
and a passage is pending. The wealthy elite of the world fear
this, as does the Deep State, as it means that those now in
control of the world may lose their perch. Quietly, behind the
scenes, pedophilia blackmail has been stopped and Moloch
child sacrifice prosecuted. Those responsible have
either been arrested and imprisoned or executed or kept on a
tight leash under House Arrest. The former New
World Order leaders are thus no longer in control nor
Despite the lack of official
admissions about Nibiru, the public is awake. It is visible,
obvious, and as the End Times signs increase, the public is
likely to take steps accordingly. Many will quietly prepare to
die, some will move to safe locations leaving their
responsibilities unattended, migration will increase, but the
majority will simply panic. This will mean riots and social
disruption, lack of social services, the failure of the goods
and services chains such as food and fuel delivery. Food
production will be affected, and the safety of citizens will
be jeopardized.
It is not control of the
media that is the issue, it is spontaneous reaction from the
public, much as the Yellow Vest revolution that has arisen in
France and spread to many countries, without abatement, or the
Arab Spring that evolved in the Middle East. Contactee
awareness of the coming Nibiru Pole Shift is broad, over half
the population aware. Thus End Times panic would erupt. The
Junta is planning to 1. remove the last claims to leadership
by Cabal controlled politicians by public trials in 2019 and
2. install younger and more resilient leadership in the US
Military and 3. forthwith bring the troops home in
anticipation of riots.
End Times Signs
End Times signs are popping up everywhere, from 1. the David
Meade media splash quoting the Bible wherein the
Apocalypse was supposed to happen on September 23, 2017 to 2.
the Russian Patriarch Kirill
stating we are in the times the Book of Revelations talked about
to 3. the Dead Sea once again
filled with fish as predicted in the Bible. Now we have another
End Times sign from the Middle East, this time from a Hadith
wherein the deserts of Arabia become lush.

- Desert Turns Green in Saudi Arabia
Dec 15, 2018
- Yes everything is green or
completely flooded. It’s not everyday you see a waterfall
and a rainbow in the desert. These rare conditions were
filmed in Tabuk, SaudiArabia.
- Saheeh Muslim, Book # 05, Hadeeth #
- The Last Hour will not come… till
the land of Arabia once again becomes meadows and rivers.
ZetaTalk Prediction
3/24/2006: Given
that the cover-up may crack, and certainly will crack when the
presence of Nibiru coming toward the Earth from the direction
of the Sun is evident to all, how will this play out? This is
unlikely to ever reach the point of certainty until the last
weeks, when the Earth rolls its N Pole away into 3 days of
darkness for the Northern Hemisphere. Nibiru and its moon
swirls and immense dust cloud will become increasingly obvious
in the sky, but the establishment plans to claim this is an
early solar maximum, plasma balls from the Sun and the like,
thus the populace will be encouraged to discount these signs.
Nevertheless, even with the cover-up firmly in place, there
will be increasing talk of the many signs that the End Times
are upon mankind. Even in those countries isolated from
mainstream media, the local version of the End Times
prophecies will be much discussed. Once certainty has been
reached, panic or stunned denial or a final move to safety
will certainly occur.
NASA Reveals
NASA controls the SOHO and Stereo satellites, as well as the
new Solar Probe. They control the release of images captured,
and regularly edit out any proof of
Nibiru or its wafting Moon Swirl strings. The Stereo
Ahead release on December 14 was quickly snuffed and
replaced, but what were those huge orbs in view in the original?
Venus and Mercury should not be near the Ahead satellite.
Remember, Earth is halted in its orbit, so is actually close to
where the Stereo Ahead satellite is currently located, at the
August position. Would that be Nibiru at the 4 o’clock position
to the Sun, thus?

- Planet X News - 2 Mysterious Objects
Appear on the Stereo Cor2 Coronagraph
December 14, 2018
- Streamed live.
Suddenly evidence of Nibiru and its moons almost
simultaneously appeared in images from the SOHO Helioviewer and
the Solar Probe. Note the matching number of Moons seen in the
Solar Probe and in the SOHO image – about a dozen in each. The
placement is similar, all in a long line. “Artifacts of
background correction”, my foot! That these images were allowed
to slip by, in synch with the Stereo Ahead slip, begs the
question. Is the public being slowly educated? More likely, NASA
has been taken by surprise lately, and is discombobulated.

- ZetaTalk Followers
- Solar mass ejection accompanied
by many planetary-like objects, Planet X Moons?
Interesting shadows trailing. Helioviewer 12-01-2018
- NASA’s Spacecraft Sent to Touch the
Sun, Snaps First Image from Inside Sun’s Atmosphere
December 12, 2018
- On its way towards the Sun, the
spacecraft has been gathering scientific data, and
snapping images. The photograph was captured by the
probe’s WISPR (Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe)
instrument, when the spacecraft was traveling at a
distance of 16.9 million miles from the sun, inside our
stars corona. The image shows distinct jets of solar
material which are dubbed coronal streamers, seen to the
left/center of the image. The bright spot you see in the
above image is Mercury. NASA explains that the black spots
near planet Mercury are ‘artifacts’ of background
ZetaTalk Comment
4/28/2010: Official
sites such as the SOHO and Stereo sites pronounce all is
normal and provide regular images that seemingly prove this
point. SOHO is at least 50% a programmed movie, with the
planets anticipated to be in transit showing up on schedule
and a background of stars appropriate for what would be
anticipated. The solar flares are real, though during attempts
to remove evidence of Nibiru from SOHO images the programs
show obvious edit lines. As we have explained, the programs
are not sensitive to color gradations, like the human eye, and
thus build in bloopers for the public to discover. Thus, in
order to effect the appearance of normalcy, with an Earth
moving in her orbit and Venus appearing opposite the Stereo
satellites at times, the passage of Venus was likewise
inserted into appropriate Stereo images. How long will this
game go on? Until what is obvious to man, what the common man
sees in the skies, is so disjunct from what NASA is foisting
on the public that NASA is forced to close down and refuse
comment. By then, for most of mankind, the chance to plan for
their safety will be past.

ZetaTalk Comment
12/5/2009: Where
Nibiru, in line of view, is normally behind the Sun blocking
circle, the Stereo satellites are positioned to either side of
Earth and thus pull in different views of what is behind the
Sun as well as different views of what is to the side and in
front of the Sun, as the Cor Overlap image shows. Place an
object approximately half way between Earth and Sun on the
Cor2 Ahead view, so that it would appear at the 4 o'clock
position in the line of view. This is what is being observed!
Moon Reveals
Since Nibiru arrived in the inner solar system in 2003, the
Moon has been out of place in the sky, too far North or South or
high or low, and rotating its Face inordinately. The Zetas
described this as a more extreme orbit of the Moon around the
Earth. The Moon is ordinarily supposed to be tilted at 7° 7'
degrees, but only at the New and Full Moon do we find it where
expected. This extreme orbit also affects both the amount of
illumination the Moon gets from the Sun, and the angle of
illumination. In 2004 this
Face rotation was measured at a shocking 90°.

ZetaTalk Explanation 3/11/2005: The
Moon, as a bead on the edge of the hat rim traveling around
the hat, is seen in the extreme North during one part of the
month, and at the extreme South two weeks later. Why? A
turmoil, mostly present at the Ecliptic, which the Moon
normally rides. The easy out for the Moon is to avoid the
crowded lane, which it does by being too high, and then too
low, for the majority of its orbit.

But it was also the speed at which the rotation happened that
astonished viewers. Over a 3
hour period, the rotation turned the Face of the Moon 30°
in 2005. The Face of the Moon rotates excessively because the
angle of the view from Earth rapidly changes during the
night. Per the Zetas, more SuperMoons can also be
expected, as the Moon is thrown into Nibiru’s gravity field more
often. Per the Zetas, the Moon will cling to the Earth during
the passage of Nibiru, and not be torn away. But in the
meantime, the rock and roll on the dance floor will continue.

ZetaTalk Prediction
11/19/2016: The
Moon has been thrown up where the curvature of the Earth does
not shield it as well from the Sun’s gravity as was formerly
the case. Then there is the factor of Nibiru’s gravity tug.
Thus, mankind can expect more Supermoons, whether announced
ahead of time or not, in their future.
ZetaTalk Prediction
7/15/1995: After
the switch, humans will find their Moon has traveled with them
to 4th Density, as its influence on the tides is something
life on Earth has come to rely on and has adapted to. Without
the Moon, the many forms of life in tidal pools would die and
the cleansing action of washing tides would cease.
Jump to 2018 and the Moon Face is still rotating and the
illumination angle is still far from what it should be. This was
noted recently in
December by MrMBB333, who always does an excellent job
documenting the subject.
