Bush 41 Funeral
Were subpoenas served during the Bush 41 funeral? This was
obvious to many, and the Zetas confirmed. It appeared that
Hillary and Biden and Bush 43 and even VP Pence’s wife were
served, most finding an envelope in their program. But why would
Trump not chant the Apostles Creed? This includes the phrase
“forgive them” and he is, at present, the US President and thus
can issue Presidential pardons. Per the Zetas, this was a setup,
a trap that Trump did not fall into.

- Trump is Slammed for not Reciting The
Apostles' Creed during George H.W. Bush’s Funeral
December 6, 2018
- As President Trump stood beside
former presidents Obama, Clinton, Carter and their wives
Wednesday during George H.W. Bush's funeral, all but he
and first lady Melania were seen reciting The Apostles'

ZetaTalk Insight
12/31/2018: Bush
41 was not arrested and sent to Gitmo, as was done
to McCain, nor was he executed for his crimes, but his
body was held on ice for an opportune moment when the Cabal
would need to distract the public from adverse media coverage.
As Q noted, December 5 was scheduled to be a day of testimony
in the House, with Huber unveiling Clinton email and
foundation crimes. This was postponed, perhaps indefinitely
given the Democrats were to inherit the house, but certainly
pushed off the front page. As Q noted the Bush 41 funeral
claimed him a hero, as did McCain’s funeral, hiding their
treason and numerous crimes.

What was Q referring to as a
“counter” move? What was clear from extensive video coverage
of the Bush 41 funeral was that several people received an
envelope in their programs, and that Bush 43 was passed a
piece of paper by an agent standing guard behind him. These
were, as suspected by many, legal subpoenas to appear before a
tribunal as witness or, in the case of Hillary, for
sentencing. Hillary has been traveling abroad, seeking shelter
in a country that would deny an extradition request from the
US, but has not had success as yet.
The Obama’s were not served
because they have been willingly cooperating with the DOJ and
Trump’s Junta, and themselves were not guilty of any crimes.
Biden has not been willing to testify, as he hopes to be a
candidate in 2020 and wants to shield the Democratic Party.
Bush 43 inherited the White House after the Clintons, so
became intimately aware of the web of corruption embedded in
the Deep State by the Clintons. The Bush family has been
hoping the investigations would end with the Mueller probe,
thus Jeb and Laura were horrified at seeing Bush 43 served.
Military tribunals have been in
process during Trump’s presidency, as has been openly
acknowledged by Trump’s EO of March 1, 2018. Thus those
served at the Bush 41 funeral will not be in open court. VP
Pence’s wife has been leaking pillow talk for some time, and
will have to reveal her contacts and cohorts. She leaks dirt
on Trump as she wants her hubby to succeed him, and
soon. Why would Trump not sing the Apostles Creed
pledging allegiance to Jesus and forgiveness for all? Because
the words “forgive them” might be taken as a Presidential
Anchorage Travel
Throughout the ZetaTalk saga the Zetas have consistently warned
about damaged roadways and bridges. Surely big earthquakes or
floods could not crash all bridges or wash away all roadways!
Surely there would be alternative routes to take! The recent
Anchorage earthquake on November 30, 2018 shows just how damaged
roadways can get! The buildings in Anchorage survived intact,
although the contents were tossed about a bit. But the roadways?
No travel on that. The days the Zetas warned about may be about
to arrive.

- 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake hits Alaska,
Damaging Homes and Roads
November 30, 2018
- A 7.0 magnitude earthquake that
hit Alaska on Friday shook buildings, damaged highways and
prompted a tsunami warning that was later canceled. The
quake hit about eight miles north of Anchorage, the most
populous city in the state. There were no reports of
deaths. The USGS estimated there was a low probability of
fatalities because most people in the region live in
structures that can withstand an earthquake. Much of the
damage occurred in transportation infrastructure.
- Large Earthquake Rocks Anchorage,
Alaska, causing 'Major Infrastructure Damage'
November 30, 2018
- Those caught in the tremblor
described ferocious shaking that “just didn't stop." There
is major infrastructure damage across Anchorage. Many
homes and buildings are damaged. Many roads and bridges
are closed. Stay off the roads if you don’t need to drive.

ZetaTalk Prediction
4/14/1999: Anytime
there is a break in the link, the link is broken and affects
everything downstream. Bridges are down. The grid is
ZetaTalk Prediction
1/20/2005: The
stress on the crust will find the crust snapping and adjusting
as these days pass, with cities imploding, bridges and
roadways and rail lines distorted, all the infrastructure of
man’s civilized existence rupturing, the broken link theory
applied, becoming useless.

ZetaTalk Prediction
11/3/2007: Living
in large crowded cities are living on borrowed time, as the
earthquakes will come to these cities well before the pole
shift, dropping the buildings into their foundations and
bursting gas, water and sewage mains, creating not only injury
but a holocaust, all amid rubble and broken roadways that
prevent escape.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2010: The
areas to be affected have already been experiencing quake
swarms, buckling roadways, sinkholes, breaking dams, and
unsettling jigging which is unexplained by the authorities.
ZetaTalk Prediction
3/12/2012: Roadways
will be impossible for trucks to navigate so replacement parts
will not be delivered.
As this dedicated Pole
Shift ning blog shows, bridges are regularly collapsing or
roadways rupturing or washing away. During the past couple
months, unexplained and likely due to rock layers pulling apart
or shifting in stretch or compression zones, are those in
Siberia and India and Greece. But the erratic weather has
increasingly created washouts on roadways too in New Zealand,
Italy, and South Carolina.

French Revolution
The French Revolution of 1789 was notable for the revolution it
created in Europe and beyond, in the Caribbean and Americas. As
a result, European royalty lost their grip. Now we seem to have
a second French Revolution, with the Yellow Jacket fervor spreading
to Belgium and May’s reluctance to allow
the Brexit that the UK people opted for. What will this
mean for the future of the European Union? Poland
and Hungary are already refusing to honor EU immigration
rule, and Merkel
is stepping aside in Germany.

- France’s Yellow Vest Protests: The
Movement That Has Put Paris on Edge
December 3, 2018
- Taxes made up more than half the
cost in France. Per liter, lead-free gas was 1.41 euros on
Sunday, or about $6.00 per gallon. Those who participated
were predominantly men and women who rely on their cars to
get to work and take care of their families.
- French Revolution
- The French Revolution (French:
Révolution française was a period of far-reaching social
and political upheaval in France and its colonies
beginning in 1789. The Revolution overthrew the monarchy,
established a republic, catalyzed violent periods of
political turmoil, and finally culminated in a
dictatorship under Napoleon who brought many of its
principles to areas he conquered in Western Europe and
beyond. Inspired by liberal and radical ideas, the
Revolution profoundly altered the course of modern
history, triggering the global decline of absolute
monarchies while replacing them with republics and liberal
democracies. Through the Revolutionary Wars, it unleashed
a wave of global conflicts that extended from the
Caribbean to the Middle East. Historians widely regard the
Revolution as one of the most important events in human
ZetaTalk Insight
12/31/2018: The
European Union has been steadily losing ground, on many
fronts. Europe’s history of
colonialism has left them with the mindset that they
control the world’s destiny, and the spate that Germany had
with Nazi supremacy was an example of that mindset. The
Illuminati call Europe home, and are infected with the
Nazi bloodline. Colonialism failed. Nazi Germany failed. And
Merkel’s alliance with
Erdogan to flood Europe with ISIS soldiers has likewise
failed. Merkel has promised to forgo her leadership of
Germany, and her school chum
May is likely to be forced out in the UK.
Where the IMF was to create
debt slavery around the world, this too is failing as country
after country seeks out BRICS
instead. Where the Euro was to become the new world currency,
now China’s yuan is taking that place. Quiet prosecution of money laundering banks in Europe
has reduced the plush assets the elite and royalty assumed was
theirs forever. Suddenly royalty and politicians
are broke, and seeking to raise funds on the backs of
the common man. Given that elections are regularly rigged in
Europe, and those who run the European Union are not elected
at all, the common man has little recourse.
In the past, it was the
French Revolution of 1789 that had a domino effect through
Europe and spread West to the Americas. The grip that European
royalty had was broken, but went underground to form the
Illuminati and the Nazi philosophies. Arrogant and determined
to stay in power, the elite will not bend to the will of the
people, whom they presumably serve, but will persist. Martial
Law must have the agreement of the people, or it cannot
succeed. In France, the police are already with the people,
but Macron is not listening.
Contact Rules
The Zetas have explained the Council of Worlds rules that guide
contact between aliens and humans. These rules cover contact
between humans and aliens in the Service-to-Other and in the
Service-to-Self. Until the era of Roswell, mankind was allowed conscious contact with aliens. Thus
the Vedas, a book from ancient India, depicts real aliens seen
by humans, and as recently as the Dark Ages in Europe Yoda was
chatting with monks. But due to the expectation that mankind
would have a rapid awakening to the alien presence, the Council
of Worlds imposed the Element of Doubt rule.

ZetaTalk Insight
12/31/2018: The
rules governing contact with humans are such that both
Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self aliens can respond to The
Call from humans, and in essence consult with them, give
counsel. No physical interaction or manipulation of the human
is allowed. Visitations with both groups are allowed to occur
on space ships or in private settings, so temporarily
transporting the human is allowed. Of course, due to the
Element of Doubt rule in place since the days of Roswell, both
groups are required to record the contact only in the
subconscious of the human. Prior to Roswell, mankind had
conscious contact with aliens.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/15/1995: The
Element of Doubt rule must be interpreted in light of the
absolute certainty that the alien presence is real, or not.
The majority of the populace polled believes that the alien
presence is real, intelligent life elsewhere possible, without
any absolute proof in hand. The is what the Awakening desires,
a gradual comfort level increase, without any contactees being
burned at the stake by hysterical religious leaders whose turf
has been threatened.

In that the Service-to-Self would invade and colonize the Earth
in a wink, if allowed, there are strict rules controlling their
contact with mankind. Exceptions are made for those in the
Service-to-Other, to maintain a spiritual balance for mankind.
Thus, the Volgograd Park incident in Russia in 1989 and the Varginha incident in Brazil in 1996
were conscious contact with Service-to-Other aliens, as was the
Little Blue Alien incident in 2016
in Peru.
ZetaTalk Insight
12/31/2018: Beyond
these basic rules, the Council of Worlds allows certain
manipulation of things by those in the Service-to-Other, who
are granted permission to perform UFO displays, conduct
protection and healings for certain key members of the human
race, develop a new hybrid Zeta/human race, and ensure a
spiritual balance on Earth, which is a schoolhouse for young
souls. In all these instances permission from the Council of
Worlds is required. Those in the Service-to-Self are never
granted these rights.

ZetaTalk Insight
6/27/2004: Brutal
intimidation, without any apparent hope of changing the
situation, is something the Service-to-Self try to achieve in
a developing world, but something the Council of Worlds
prevents. A balanced situation, where action can result in
change for the better, so a young soul can perceive the result
of their efforts to change a painful situation for others, is
desired, and thus circumstances are manipulated in the
schoolhouse to arrange for this. In all these exceptions with
the Rule of Non-Interference, manipulation is done to things,
not the incarnated human or life form, and thus does not
interfere with the setting the emerging young soul can

ZetaTalk Insight
8/7/2010: It is true
that the rules are different for those visitors in the
Service-to-Self, who for instance would not be allowed to
conduct a healing, as they in fact are not interested in healing
another but in gaining leverage with and chits from the one
healed. The Service-to-Self are restricted from doing UFO
displays, too, for these same reasons. The message they would
communicate would be for mankind to be afraid, as fear drives
one to the Service-to-Self orientation.

That said, how to place the confirmed stories about the
Omnipotent Krill, who greeted the newly forming MJ12 just ahead
of the Roswell incident? And what about the Service-to-Self
aliens who assisted the Annunaki during their intimidation of
mankind by a gravity assist, lifting heavy stones to build the
Great Pyramids and the heads on Easter Island? Per the Zetas,
the Fat Snakes that assisted the
Annunaki were in fact running the show! Thus, this was an
alliance, not contact. Thus, the rules were different for their
ZetaTalk Insight
12/31/2018: How
is it then that the Annunaki had conscious assistance from the
Service-to-Self Fat Snakes, who lifted great stones for them
during construction of the Great Pyramids and the heads on
Easter Island? We have stated that this was an alliance, which
is a different arrangement than a request for consultation
during The Call. The Fat Snakes were thus working for
themselves on Earth, and using the Annunaki as their lackeys
in the same manner they used the
Trolls they brought to Earth. Could 4th density
Service-to-Self aliens have such an alliance with mankind?

Though an alliance of sorts
was arranged with MJ12, this was tightly controlled by the
Council of Worlds. First, any arrangement done by MJ12 did not
reflect mankind at large, but only a small group of military
intel individuals. Second, the Element of Doubt rule imposed
at that time by the Council restricted any maneuvers the
Service-to-Self aliens wanted to perform to the point where
their efforts on Earth would have been futile. Third, the
Council imposed new rules to allow mankind a balanced
spiritual schoolhouse, as the balance had been disrupted by
the presence of the Annunaki and their Service-to-Self allies.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/15/1995: One
of the first aliens in the Service-to-Self orientation to
contact the United States government was a member of the alien
race from Orion, who called himself the Omnipotent Krlll. As
he was firmly in the Service-to-Self, they were in effect
speaking his language. He was at home.

ZetaTalk Insight
5/24/2014: The
Annunaki had an alliance with Service-to-Self aliens, who
provided the Annunaki with the ability to lift heavy rocks in
their structures on Earth, the better to intimidate early man
whom the Annunaki had enslaved. This alliance formed the basis
for the quarantine the Council of Worlds eventually imposed,
so that man could have a balanced spiritual environment during
its 3rd density experience. The major Service-to-Self
influence upon the Annunaki is a 4th density life form that
looks like a short, fat snake. It can manipulate gravity but
uses more dexterous slaves for other tasks. Where visitations
with aliens today are only recorded in the subconscious, a
rule imposed by the Council of Worlds to reduce anxiety in man
during the Awakening, in the past conscious contact with
aliens was allowed. Thus man saw the Annunaki accompanied by
the fat snakes they had as allies, and correctly associated
them with conquest, enslavement, and everything evil the
Annunaki were imposing upon mankind.