Deep State Wars
Could the public be unaware of a secret war within Political
Parties, between a King and his Generals, or between a Pope and
his Cardinals? In fact, most power plays are done quietly,
out of the public eye, so that the public only learns of them by
insider leaks or by analyzing patterns. The massive number of suspicious deaths among those who
threaten the Clinton Cabal, for instance. The size of Bernie
Sander’s 2016 campaign rallies or the Trump campaign rallies vs
the handful of people who attended Hillary rallies. Examine the

Thus the war against the Deep State is occurring outside the
view of the public, like sharks in the water, only visible on
occasion when a fin cuts above the surface. Yes, there are a lot
of Generals in attendance in Trump’s administration, and that
would imply a Junta in charge, but no official statement has
been made. Yes, the missile attack
alert for Hawaii on January 13, 2018 seemed suspicious,
but we are told this was all due to a mistake and a misplaced
twitter password. Now we have a number of US Military
helicopters crashing, followed by a ferocious C-130
crash. Per the Zetas, part of the Deep State war.

- Plane Crash Video shows National
Guard C-130 Aircraft Plunging to Ground
May 3, 2018
- Surveillance video captured a
1950s-era military cargo plane plunging to the ground. The
C-130 aircraft exploded into flames on a busy Georgia
highway Wednesday, killing all nine crew members aboard.
The Puerto Rico National Guard was headed for retirement.
The plane banked left before nosediving and spiraling into
the ground. Seconds later, a fireball and black smoke went
shooting into the sky. The plane crashed into the median
of the highway, narrowly avoiding traffic, warehouses and
a nearby gas station.
- Two U.S. Soldiers Killed in Kentucky
Helicopter Crash: Army
April 7, 2018
- Two U.S. soldiers died in a
helicopter crash during training at Fort Campbell,
Kentucky, the Army said on Saturday, marking the fourth
U.S. military aircraft mishap in less than a week. A U.S.
Marine Corps helicopter crashed during training in
Southern California on Tuesday. All four members were
believed to be killed. A Marine jet also crashed in
Djibouti on Tuesday. The pilot was later reported in
stable condition. On Wednesday, a U.S. Air Force pilot
with the traveling Thunderbirds exhibition squad died when
his F-16 fighter jet crashed in Nevada.
ZetaTalk Explanation
5/31/2018: Has
the war with the Deep State reached the point where there are
battles within the US Military for control? Dunford’s Marines
removed the hand of the Jewish bankers from the US
Federal Reserve in October, 2015. Dunford’s Marines were
the group that landed at Langley
last November to confiscate the CIA files. Secretary of
Defense Mattis is a Marine. Chief of Staff Kelly is a Marine.
Do you see a pattern here? We have recently mentioned that
Soros is trying to create riots and chaos in the US so that
sleeper cells in the US Military can upend Trump’s Junta. They
feel they can no longer wait, as they are losing on all
Attempts to intimidate
Dunford’s Junta have included trying to nuke Hawaii, and
trying to commandeer US nuclear submarines via sleeper
cell command posts near Denver. These are only a few of
the instances, most not in the media at all. Most of this war
is hidden. But when several helicopters crashed within days of
each other, it was clear that they were being triggered. Then
this stopped, as the triggers were located and dismantled. Now
we have a C-130 crash, in a plane that was old but not
disabled. Those responsible have been found and quietly
terminated, but such instances could be repeated. The war is
not yet won.
Adding to the confusion is the terminology used by various
trusted sources to explain this war, which is not addressed by
the corporate media except to defend nefarious characters and
attack those who are trying to set things right. These trusted
sources are Internet based – Wikileaks and Assange, Anonymous,
Ben Fulford, ZetaTalk, and now Q. Meanwhile, most of the media
screams their fake news, or focuses on distractions. The war is
being won by the good guys, steadily. But as with the sudden
good news on N Korea, the public may be the last to know!

ZetaTalk Explanation
5/31/2018: We
have described a Transformation Team
composed of Anonymous, Ben Fulford groups, Dunford’s crew,
Wikileaks and Assange, the Puppet Master, ourselves at
ZetaTalk and Nancy, the Council of Worlds, and now we must add
Q. The team is vast and deep. The Transformation Team fights
for truth vs the lies the corporate media spews. Fights to
empower mankind with the truth about Nibiru. Fights to reverse
debt slavery used by western and Jewish banks as an insidious
tool to enslave mankind. Who are these people?
The enigmatic Q refers to the
good guys as White Hats and those wanting to control and
enslave mankind as Black Hats. Ben Fulford refers to the bad
guys as the Kazarian
Mafia, as the Jewish banking empire as well as Netanyahu
himself hail from the Armenian Jews, the Kazarian empire. Some
refer to them as the Illuminati. We have referred to them as
the Cabal, as both the Bush and Clinton presidencies were
compliant and were well funded by Soros. We have also
referred to them as the New World
Order crowd.
They strive to trigger World
War III as during chaos they could come out on top, and
opportunities abound. War with Russia has been pushed hard,
thus all the lies about Russian interference with the 2016
election. Via Herbert Bush, the US has become awash with
drugs, to weaken its populace. And many of the school
shootings have the aim of changing the 2nd Amendment so the
American public is no longer armed. Wars in the Middle East
have been fomented, the goal of 911 which was indeed an
insider job, so that they could control all the oil the world
relies upon. Control is a deep desire of those who are
self-serving, what we call the Service-to-Self.

Korea Surprise
What happened? Just months ago, in January,
2017 the world was anticipating a nuclear war between N
Korea and the US. Kim was constantly testing ICBM’s that could
strike the West Coast of the US and clearly had nuclear weapons
being tested under Mantap Mountain. Despite trade restrictions
and a starving, worm ridden populace, Kim seemed unrelenting.
Then the Winter Olympics occurred, and after that an odd quiet
to the usual blustering between Kim and Trump. Per the Zetas,
Kim had a bully personality, and was not about to stop.

ZetaTalk Description
9/30/2017: What
is N Korea’s chubby dictator Kim trying to achieve by pushing
forward with his nuclear program? He is seeking to become
powerful enough that no other country, including the US and
his immediate neighbors China and Russia, can control him. Kim
has the mindset of a typical bully, and their lust for power
knows no bounds. When they get a grip on a country, they reign
for decades and are virtually impervious to attempts to stop
them. Kim envisions being able to dictate to the world,
essentially master of his Universe. Drunk with success, he
feels unstoppable.
So what happened? The world is speculating that Kim was no
longer able to test nuclear devices at the collapsing Mantap
Mountain, for fear it would leak radiation into the countryside
and into nearby China or Russia too. But Kim had never cared
about the welfare of others, clearly. He could create another
underground facility, or go elsewhere, or dig new tunnels into
the mountain rock, or simply launch missiles without testing the
strength of the nuclear device. This is obviously not what
brought about a change in Kim. Did China step in?

ZetaTalk Prediction
9/30/2017: Mount
Mantap has indeed been destabilized, as the landslides on the
surface indicate. Where China, the “slumbering dragon”, has
warned the world not to attack N Korea, the reality that they
might suffer nuclear pollution in their northern realm has not
escaped notice. Beijing, their capitol, is within reach, as is
Russia’s Vladivostok. They will act before this can happen.
Per the Zetas, though not being reported in the media, Xi of
China did step in, threatening an invasion of N Korea unless
Kim’s grab for power was stopped. The war on the Deep State and
the criminal Cabal of Bush/Clinton/Soros included trying to
trigger World War III via N Korea. N Korea ensured that illegal
drug trade profits continued to the Herbert Bush Cabal via Meth
manufacture in N Korea. Profits and support for Kim thus
had stopped. He was being squeezed. What does a Service-to-Self
soul do when trapped in this way? It leaves.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
4/30/2018: Within
this past year we have described Kim as having a bully mindset
– a lust for power, feeling unstoppable. Our list of expected
next steps did not include a peaceful reunification of Korea,
but rather included draconian steps such as an assassination
of Kim or military invasion of N Korea by either the US or
Russia or China. The alternative was an endless spitting
contest, with Kim continuing to grind down the citizens of N
Korea – a long reign by an intractable dictator. What happened
to afford this dramatic change?
Around the time of the Winter
Olympics, when Kim’s sister represented N Korea and
discussions with S Korea’s Moon occurred, there was a change
in Kim’s war like stance. It was known that Kim’s nuclear
testing ground – Mantap Mountain – was already destabilized
but this did not preclude Kim from testing his nukes elsewhere
or drilling tunnels into other parts of the mountain. This was
not the trigger changing Kim’s personality. Nor was it the
increased sanctions or Trump’s stance, as dictators do not
give up their power that easily.
Highly Service-to-Self souls,
given to being dictators who seek complete control and who
have complete distain for the safety and wellbeing of others,
do not tolerate loss. We have mentioned that Xi of China
is not being given the credit he deserves for stepping into
the N Korea mess. He went beyond sanctions and told Kim flat
out that China would invade and remove him from power unless
his antics and nuclear proliferation stopped. In a war with
China, Kim would lose. Faced with the humiliation of a loss on
so many fronts, the soul incarnated within Kim took flight,
leaving an empty body. A walk-in
Walk-ins can achieve dramatic
change, such as occurred en
masse during the Arab
Spring, was predicted by Ruth
Montgomery to occur during one of the US Presidencies,
and did occur within Obama for
much of his career, the soul of Lincoln being resident.
Walk-ins can be temporary if the original soul dithers and
wants to come back, but in Kim’s case the Council of Worlds
arranged for Kim’s soul to instantly start a new incarnation
elsewhere, so he cannot return. The walk-in soul is very old
and wise, carefully selected for such a momentous mission. The
future bodes well.
Now the world, stunned at the rapid turn of events, sees a
completely different scenario. No invasion of N Korea by the US,
or bombing of the poor civilians. No longer nuclear tipped
missiles raining down on Japan or Hawaii or Guam. No longer
increased tension between China and the US for another Korean
War. Instead, peace, disarmament in Korea, and reunification.
This was not even a possibility a couple weeks ago, not
possible. And now it is happening!

- North Korea Nuclear Test Site to
Close in May, South Korea Says
April 29, 2018
- North Korea's nuclear test site
will close in May. Scientists have said the site may have
partially collapsed in September. The nuclear tests have
taken place in a system of tunnels dug below Mount Mantap,
near the Punggye-ri site. Six nuclear tests have been
carried out there since 2006. After the last, in September
2017, a series of aftershocks hit the site, which
seismologists believe collapsed part of the mountain's
- Time has come for the Reunification
of the Korean Peninsula
April 27, 2018
- It is fair to say also that the
rapidity of the thaw currently underway on the Korean
peninsula has taken the world by surprise.
- North and South Korean Leaders Agree
to End War, full Joint Statement Inside
April 27, 2018
- South Korea’s president Moon Jae
In and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un met for the first
time in history in an inter-Korean summit, also marking
the first time a North Korean leader has crossed the
border in 65 years. the two leaders agreed to announce the
official end of the Korean War this year (which was on an
indefinite time-out since the armistice agreement in
1953), as well as denuclearize the Korean peninsula.
7 of 10 Progress
The Pacific is compressing, as shown by the January 23, 2018 Aleutian Island quake.

In the expected domino reaction to this adjustment in the
Pacific plates, the S America Roll moved along, with the roll ripping Trinidad apart on February
13, 2018.

Then the Africa
Roll moved, as expected in the West to East domino
pattern. In April giant cracks appeared in Kenya, showing the
roll progressing.

- Panic at a Nakuru Estate as Huge
Cracks appear Overnight
April 29, 2018
- A section of residents from
Whitehouse Estate in the outskirts of Nakuru town are
living in fear after fissures developed in the area. Last
month, geologists warned that several fault lines are
still active in the Rift Valley.
- Fear as 2-km Fault Line cuts across
Naivasha Farms
April 17, 2018
- A two-kilometre fault line has
cut across farms, sparking fears among residents of Moi
Ndabi area on the outskirts of Naivasha town, Nakuru
County. Several acres of Irish potatoes, wheat, beans and
maize are feared to have been destroyed by the giant crack
that was filled with water overnight. The crack is similar
to the one that cut across sections of Mai Mahiu weeks
ago. According to experts the Rift Valley region is still
prone to volcanicity. This spot could be just one of the
tens, perhaps hundreds, of other weak spots on the Great
Rift Valley, which runs through the continent from the
Horn of Africa to Mozambiqu.
As the globe turns, West to East, the plate stress again
returns to the Pacific, and indeed on May 4 the Big Island of
Hawaii experienced a 6.9
quake after renewed activity of the Kilauea volcano. Many
aftershocks followed. In that quakes are currently dumbed down
by over 2 magnitudes by the USGS, this 6.9 quake can be assumed
to be a magnitude 9.

- New Volcano Notice: Earthquakes
Increase After Pu’u O’o Collapse
May 1, 2018
- A series of earthquakes, the
largest measured at a Magnitude 4.0, began rattling the
Puna district below Kilauea volcano in the area between
Pu’u O’o and Highway 130 last night, following the
collapse of the Pu?u ???? crater floor.
What can be expected for Hawaii, as the Earth changes continue
to progress. Actually, Hawaii fares well, as the portion of the
Pacific Plate that holds Hawaii rises during compression, so
Hawaii is expected to continue to gain elevation.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2010: Hawaii
is steadily rising now, after every major quake in the
vicinity. As we explained, the Pacific is not one plate but at
least four, and both the Hawaii Islands and the Society
Islands are being raised on the western edge of the Pacific
Plate portion that is subducting under the West Coast of N
America. Where these islands can anticipate an increase in
elevation, it will not be more than 140-160 feet.
Looming Nibiru
Since Nibiru has turned slightly to point it’s magnetic N Pole
directly at the Earth, many of the components of the Nibiru
complex have been lost in the fog. As the vast charged tail of
Nibiru wafts to this or that side, at times, more detail can be
seen. This is shown by Alberto’s photos taken recently, on April
19 when detail on the debris in the tail can be seen, and on May
6 when the location of Nibiru in the fog can be discerned as
more than one photo, only minutes apart, are available.

That the tail is pointed more directly at Earth, and that Nibiru
has moved closer to the Earth, can also be shown by recent
Schumann Resonance spikes. This subject was covered in Issue
567 of this Newsletter in August of 2017. A 7.83 Hz is the
normal range, for Earth, and last August it was spiking up to 36
Hz. Now, on May 5, 2018 we are spiking above 40 Hz.

- Schumann Resonance Today
May 5, 2018
- We will try to keep you updated
about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The
great variations that nobody can explain but that give us
a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is
vibration higher and higher.
- Schumann Resonances
- Local time is expressed in hours
of Tomsk summer standard time (TSST). TSST = UTC + 7