Eclipse Reveals
Solar Eclipses have always been a nervous time for the Nibiru
cover-up crowd, because the glare of the Sun is reduced so the
Nibiru Complex nearby can stand out. The establishment has many
maneuvers to prevent the public from seeing the obvious.
NASA and JPL have their cameras focus on the side of the Sun
where Nibiru will not make an appearance, as occurred
in 2010. By 2015 the Nibiru
Complex – the Moon Swirls and Nibiru itself - was showing
up. NASA blamed SunSpot activity, though this activity did not
line up with the visible orbs.

ZetaTalk Comment 7/17/2010: Nibiru
was at a perfect angle for a dramatic appearance during the
July 11, 2010 eclipse. The establishment, desperate to
maintain the cover-up during such a well watched event, was
frantic, as live feed from several sources had been promised.
As anyone watching the event from several webcams noted, the
lead-up to the event was played for almost an hour prior to
the full eclipse. This was not a worry because the
establishment knew that Nibiru would only make its appearance
as the eclipse was waning, pulling away from the spot where
Nibiru could shine without competition from the glare of the
Sun. The order went out to cut all cams as soon as the total
eclipse was ended, and remarkably, worldwide, on all cams,
this occurred.
The June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse, however, showed more than a
peek of light on the edge when the Sun came out from hiding. It
showed a massive
notch in the Sun at the 4 o’clock position, with a visible
orb at the notch point. This notch lined up with a recent photo
of Nibiru captured by Alberto. Mario noted that the orb visible
during the eclipse had a shadow on the shade side, and Alberto’s
photos did too. Even the Circle Makers agreed, laying down a Crop
Circle design on Mud Lane on June 9 which was clearly
encouraging the public to look at the coming eclipse.

ZetaTalk Comment
6/30/2021: Eclipse
photos are not designed to reveal the Nibiru complex, as
taking photos of the Sun requires that a heavy filter be used
to protect the camera lens. Thus, the sky during an eclipse
that takes place during the day seems to be black. Hardly the
appearance of the sky during the day. Nevertheless, several
photos clearly show Nibiru at approximately the 4 o’clock
position to the Sun. The Crop Circle design laid the day
before at Mud Lane pointed the public to look for the Planet
of the Crossing just outside the area assumed by the Sun and

Further analysis of the Mud
Lane Crop Circle, when compared against a June 12 photo
from Alberto, shows yet more correlation. The Crop Circle design
shows a large object at the 2 o’clock position to the Sun, and
Alberto’s photo likewise has this large object. This is an
object with a new appearance! And what does that periphery line
in the Crop Circle represent? The Zetas explain.

ZetaTalk Explanation
6/30/2021: Alberto’s
latest photo on June 12 shows many aspects of the Nibiru
Complex, and they compare almost exactly to the Mud Lane Crop
Circle laid on June 9 - the day before the Solar Eclipse on
June 10. The Circle Makers showed the anticipated location of
Nibiru – the Planet of the Crossing – with an X, and indeed a
notch appeared at that location in Eclipse photos. Alberto
shows Nibiru as a solid object, with a shadow on the shade
side, and other photographers noted that shadow too.
There is a remarkable
correlation of this Crop Circle to the location of objects
captured on film during the time of the Eclipse. In Alberto’s
photo there is a curious large orb at the 2 o’clock position.
This object has a pattern, like Bubble Wrap, across its
surface. A smaller Bubble Wrap orb can be seen near Nibiru,
and others are also faintly seen nearby. The perimeter circle
in the Crop Circle is the orbit of Venus, to give perspective
on distance. Nibiru has not yet crossed the orbit of Venus.
Petrol Bubbles have been seen
as individual small bubbles, then Petrol Masses as they merge,
and eventually Petrol Monsters. They darkened when they
absorbed the charged Red Dust. The Bubble Wrap is showing a
Petrol Monster that has absorbed the moons and debris in the
tail of Nibiru! These stand apart from each other due to the
gravity Repulsion Force, so along with the Surface Tension
present in any Petrol Mass, they produce the Bubble Wrap
Nibiru is making its presence known in a number of ways lately.
MBB333 caught an image of Venus on May 12 in the wrong
place, due to the manipulation of the SOHO images that NASA
does. SOHO is given so many overlays to disguise the reality of
Nibiru, that they slipped up and presented a Venus in the wrong
place. But, despite Mr MBB333’s confusion, the coverup lives on.

ZetaTalk Insight
5/30/2021: What
the reluctant Mr MBB333 has discovered in the SOHO image
appears to be a planet as large as Venus on the edge of the
Sun or slightly behind the Sun. Though Venus is supposed to be
well to the West in its expected orbit, it is caught in the
eddy flow of particles coming round behind Nibiru and thus has
been moved back and forth in front of the Sun to simulate an
orbit in accordance with the Element of Doubt rule. Venus is
not far to the West at present but clustered close by with the
Dark Twin and Earth.
Why does this object appear to
be caught in the flames of the Sun’s Corona if it is not
perched upon the edge of the Sun? The perfectly circular
sphere of Venus is only possible because what SOHO sees is 2D,
without depth. And the SOHO images are composites,
especially at this time when Nibiru must be air brushed out of
the images. This is an automated process. Some portions of an
image may be allowed to create authenticity, and the Sun is
captured on film by many amateurs.
It is primarily the objects
closer to Earth that are excluded – where Nibiru would be
found or slinging up to the left where the moon laden tail
would be found. These regions are primarily replaced by older
SOHO images. But this Venus is not far enough to the left to
be replaced in the composite. First the upper quadrants as
they are today are put in place. Then the lower quadrants from
older SOHO images are put in place. Then the Sun with its
Corona. NASA will invent a Solar Flare to explain this
stumble, and the cover-up over Nibiru lives on.
Then there are the EMP outages, striking without apparent reason
on the island of Puerto Rico. This is quickly blamed on cyber
attacks or ghosts in the control room. But the Ionosphere
Monitoring and Prediction Center site shows a massive EMP
attack occurred. The Zetas explain.
- Puerto Rico Probes Fire that left 900K
Clients without Power
June 10, 2021
- Luma Energy was already struggling
with thousands of outages. People are seen walking in a
street in darkness by a power outage due to a cyberattack
in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico on June 10, 2021. Officials
don’t know what caused a transformer to blow in a secured
area monitored by cameras.
- Giant Explosion and Cyberattack cause
Major Blackouts across Puerto Rico
June 12, 2021
- A large fire at an electrical
substation for Puerto Rico’s new electricity provider,
Luma Energy, knocked out power for hundreds of
thousands of the island’s residents. Earlier that day, the
company announced its client portal and mobile app fell
victim to a cyberattack that disrupted customer access to
its online services.

ZetaTalk Confirmation
6/30/2021: During
the S America Roll, the Caribbean
Plate is pushed down on its southern edge while lifting
on its northern edge. The S America Roll is finalizing, with
many quakes in Central America and down along the Andes as a
result. Thus the Caribbean is lifting on its northern edge and
has been hammered with quakes in the Leeward Islands. Rock
stress is a known attractant for EMP, the electronic screech
in the rock wanting to arc up to a screech in the atmosphere.
Thus during a strong EMP blast from Nibiru, Puerto Rico was
caught in the crosshairs.
Aftertime Control
While we at ZetaTalk are encouraging the common man to prepare
for self-sufficiency in the Aftertime, the elite are planning to
be Kings and treating the common man as Serfs. We have a wealth
class system now, where the 1% consider themselves to be Kings,
but they hope for more control in the Aftertime – frankly
running slave labor camps. Last January, 2021 it was noted that
those managing the Gates fortune were buying up all the farmland
in the US. Now this trend has been identified for the housing

ZetaTalk Confirmation
01/31/2021: A
quick check of trends over the past decade indicates
consolidation of US farmland from small family farms into
corporate hands. This consolidation is taking place in all
sectors of food production. Though Gates and his wife Melinda
are now Doubles, their massive wealth still resides in the
hands of others who have a like mindset. They know what is
coming, massive Earth changes driving the residents in cities
into the countryside. Starving, they will be forced to work as
slaves for their corporate masters. This is the plan being

- If You Sell a House These Days, the
Buyer Might Be a Pension Fund
April 21, 2021
- From individuals with smartphones
and a few thousand dollars to pensions
and private-equity firms with billions, yield-chasing
investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out
or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary
Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage
financing ever, and driving up home prices.
- If You Can’t Beat Institutional Real
Estate Investors, Join Them
June 9, 2021
- Competition is heating up for
single family homes due to demand from institutional real
estate investors. There has been rapidly growing demand
for single family rentals across the country, particularly
in the South and Southeast. Demand is driven primarily by
demographic changes, i.e. millennials starting families.
There are also affordability constraints as there are more
people moving away from small apartments in expensive
cities to larger homes with yards.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
6/30/2021: Why
has the US housing market suddenly become popular? The Gates
foundation only recently started to buy up all
US farmland available. Now pension funds are buying up
tract housing projects and attempting to capture the housing
market. The wealthy have always anticipated being in control
during the Aftertime, after the Pole Shift has ravaged the
Earth. They envision the common man will have no choice but to
work their slave farms in order to be fed and housed. For this
utopia for the wealthy to happen, they would need the
cooperation of the US Military.
What in fact will happen in
the US as the Pole Shift approaches will be Martial Law. Under
Martial Law property can be confiscated, with fair
compensation of the property owner the least concern. If there
are millions of citizens out in the rain because cities have
been leveled by earthquakes or the citizenry forcibly moved
due to erupting volcanoes, the US Military will simply
confiscate housing and set the citizens to work in work camps
growing crops and tending domestic animals. Will today’s
wealthy be in charge? No.
Media Wars
The most frustrating aspect of the media wars is that the Cabal
owns the media, and thus can spew falsehoods and deny the truth.
Any attempt to use the EBS by the
Trump Administration to inform the public that Biden’s
inauguration was illegal was blocked by the Cabal’s control of
the airways, despite the fact that this was illegal
interference. The plan to give a comprehensive explanation to
the public was put on hold. By silencing the EBS, the Cabal
ensured that only lies would be allowed to get through to the

- Getting Down to Brass Tacks
January 19, 2021
- The media is going down first in a
few hours because they are not sharing the truth and
Project Oden will take over via Star link. This will be
parallel with EO 13959. EBS will be used. This will be a
global. EBS likely to occur on Monday the 18th along with
blackout of major TV news sites, etc.
Blocking the Emergency Broadcast System had happened earlier
too, during the Obama Administration
when Obama was determined to announce the presence of Nibiru.
The Cabal does not want the public to know the truth about
Nibiru, and prevailed. Now the Junta and the White Hats are
striking back and turning the tide! Per the Zetas, the Fastly
outage was to give the Cabal a taste of what their life might
soon be like if they are denied the airwaves! The Cabal had
earlier tried to warn and silence Cox Media, and Congress had
likewise been attacked.

ZetaTalk Insight 11/8/2014: Although
the EBS system did arrive at AT&T U-verse clients, it was
intended to go out to all TV stations and did not. This
despite extensive checking in the months ahead of that Friday
October 24. TV stations are not owned by the government, in
the main, and this is certainly true in the US. They are
corporate owned, and thus subject to the dictates of the
wealthy elite who own them. Thus the EBS and Oval Office
routes are closed to Obama, as are any pressers where he is
speaking live. The fact that this block would be so complete
and ruthless was frankly a surprise to the announcement team.

- Hundreds of Websites Worldwide go Down
- with UK Government, Spotify and Amazon all Affected
June 8, 2021
- Hundreds of websites worldwide
crashed following a massive internet outage – with
the UK government, Amazon and Spotify among those
experiencing issues. Millions of users across the
globe reported problems trying to access web pages, with
Netflix, Twitch and news websites including the BBC,
Guardian, CNN and the New York Times hit by the problem.
- Internet Down: Many of World’s Biggest
Websites Crash, Including Amazon, UK Government, and Reddit
June 8, 2021
- Everything
from Reddit to the New York Times and
the UK government’s website stopped loading around the
globe, with users seeing a range of error messages.
- Fastly
- More confidence. More speed. More
power at the edge. Control, scale, and performance.
Everywhere you need it. Meet the web app and API security
solution that everyone will use, from security teams to
devs and ops. Our all-in-one, easily integrated solution
is designed to work everywhere — and over 90% of
customers run our next-gen WAF in blocking mode.
ZetaTalk Insight
6/30/2021: Fastly,
a company that bragged on its security, came crashing down on
June 8 and this was not an accident. Note that many of the
leading Fake News sites, notably anti-Trump, were affected –
CNN and the New York Times and Twitter. Yet just days earlier
some neutral news carriers such as Cox had been attacked by
ransom demands. Is this a media war? We have noted repeatedly
that the most difficult element of the war on truth has been
control of the media. As has been noted, Twitter and FaceBook
are virulently anti-Trump.
This sword cuts both ways, and
that was the message being delivered by this outage. Fastly
brags on their security, yet it utterly failed for a full
day. We, the Zetas, assisted in this caper, as it was
clear that the media planned to block the truth about the 2020
election so the public would be confused and divided. Recounts
and audits in many states are showing the degree of election
fraud, yet does the public hear of this? Our teleport ability
puts Junta technicians into locked rooms, and this was one
aspect of the attack. Should the anti-Trump media bellow about
their 1st Amendment rights, they can sue us.
- Cyberattack Suspected in Cox TV and
Radio Outages
June 5, 2021
- A reported ransomware attack on
Cox Media Group (CMG) has crippled streaming and other
internal operations of dozens of radio and television
stations scattered across America’s 20 broadcast markets.
- 60 Congress Members Hacked, Locked Out
of Databases for Weeks
June 8, 2021
- The ransomware attack targeted
iConstituent, a tech vendor used by dozens of House
offices that enables lawmakers to provide constituent
outreach. It is unclear who is responsible for the latest
ransomware attack amid a series of hacks that have
targeted U.S. government offices in recent months.
Does this mean all truth is a hostage of the Cabal? What to
do? Man has Free Will on the
Earth, which is a school house for young souls to explore
Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self behavior. And in the US
there is freedom of speech, the 1st
Amendment right, so the media can say whatever version of
the facts it wants. Per the Zetas, the Council of Worlds has the
power to push back against the Cabal. The tools the Council of
Worlds has at its deposal include allowing a Severe Wobble to
occur and allowing EMP to attack the Cabal media. Hawaii
was warned about pending waves, and the Zetas explained
the plan.

ZetaTalk Revelation
6/30/2021: This
UFO display represents the tidal waves that will assault
Hawaii during the sloshing of severe wobbles anticipated
to occur soon. As detailed in prior Safe Locations warnings
for Hawaii, the islands of Hawaii can anticipate the waves
going around the islands, not over them. Nevertheless, it will
be a terrifying experience.
Wobble has been detailed for the Last Weeks but episodes
could occur before then too. The Council of Worlds feels the
people of Earth need to be aware of the approach of Nibiru,
and have formulated a plan to force the issue past the
cover-up in place. The Cabal controlled media refuses to admit
Nibiru, so all who say otherwise are ridiculed.
The Council of Worlds has approved increasingly severe wobble,
to increase gradually so as not to panic the people. This
wobble will proceed to the extent that the Sun may rise in the
North, or the globe turn upside down temporarily, with
rotation seeming to move from East to West during that time.
Meanwhile, those media outlets suppressing the truth and
spewing lies, such as CNN and MSNBC, will be silenced. They
will have no voice. Nibiru visibility is already present but
will be increased during this time.