India Emigree Ban
During these months and years of the Covid-19 pandemic, India
has fared among the best with few deaths.
This has been attributed to the liberal use of HCQ, which blunts
the infection so that herd immunity can be established. Last
December, 2020 an HCQ production plant
was blown up in Taiwan. Now India, which has a massive
population and is destined to sink below the waves, is being
afflicted by a new “mutant” of Covid-19. Per the Zetas, this is
all related.

- India COVID19: Virus Catastrophe
Worsens, 'Horrible' Weeks Ahead
May 4, 2021
- COVID-19 infections and
deaths are mounting with alarming speed
in India with no end in sight to the crisis and
a top expert warning that the coming weeks in the country
of nearly 1.4 billion people will be "horrible." India's
official count of coronavirus cases surpassed 20 million,
nearly doubling in the past three months, while deaths
officially have passed 220,000. Staggering as those
numbers are, the true figures are believed to be far
higher, the undercount an apparent reflection of
the troubles in the health care system. The country has
witnessed scenes of people dying outside overwhelmed
hospitals and funeral pyres lighting up the night sky.
- India Hits new Grim Record with 3,689
COVID-19 Deaths in One Day
May 2, 2021
- India recorded its deadliest day
of the coronavirus pandemic yet with 3,689 deaths in the
last 24 hours and one more state going into lockdown
as the nation’s creaky healthcare system is unable to cope
with the massive caseload. The federal government has also
been accused of failing to respond to a
warning in early March from its own scientific
advisers that a new and more contagious variant was taking
hold in the country.
- India Biggest Producer of
‘Game-Changer’ Hydroxychloroquine Drug; has Enough Capacity
April 7, 2020
- India manufactures 70 per cent of
the world’s supply of hydroxychloroquine.

- Australia Warns its Citizens of Jail
and $50,000 Fine if they Return from India
May 3, 2021
- Even in the pandemic era of closed
borders, Australia's latest travel restriction stands out:
Anyone, including Australians citizens, who arrives in the
country after visiting India in the previous 14 days can
face up to five years in jail, a $50,000 fine or both.

- With New Variants, will COVID-19 Tests
Still Work?
April 9, 2021
- Of roughly 70 tests we’ve
assessed, only 22 had publicly available manufacturer
information on the effectiveness of detecting the B.1.135
variant (initially reported in South Africa), and only 20
for the P.1 variant (initially reported in Brazil and
ZetaTalk Warning
5/31/2021: What
is causing the sudden surge in deaths in India? India has been
notable for a low death rate because of its liberal use of
HCQ, the hydroxychloroquine that is produced in India from its
native trees. Thus its population has resistance to infection
but is not immune. Immunity arises from actually having
Covid-19 or being vaccinated. All infectious diseases flourish
in crowded conditions, and India has a massive population in
dense population centers. That said, what changed the dynamic
where HCQ kept Covid-19 in check in India?
It is being reported that a
variant of Covid-19 emerged in India in March. Early variants
had been reported in the UK, S Africa, Brazil, and Japan.
These early variants did not flummox the vaccine efforts nor
result in the hospitals being choked with dying patients. What
makes India’s situation different is that the current crisis
is not caused by a naturally occurring Covid-19 variant, but a
new variant that is resistant to HCQ. This new variant has
been genetically engineered and deliberately spread to block
emigration from India.
It is not a coincidence that
this new Covid-19 variant emerged after the Nibiru Complex
became so very visible in the skies and the Petrol in Nibiru’s
tail began fire-bombing the world. This was anticipated to
occur in January, 2021 so the elite had time to prepare. Where
Covid-19 is presumed by many to be an engineered pandemic, it
was as we stated a natural occurrence. But the conspiracy
theorists are correct that directed pandemics were being
planned, with the tools at hand.
It is notable that Australia
is severely blocking anyone coming from India. Australia has a
track record of brutal treatment of
any immigrants from Asia. Only the elite, who come with money,
are welcome. China likewise blocks immigration from India, but
they do so because their own population burden is massive.
This new variant can be countered by Covid-19 vaccines, but
India was slow to vaccinate its people so emigration will be
blocked for a long time. This will not prove to be the only
maneuver the elite will use to sculpt the world as the time of
the Pole Shift approaches.
Severe Wobble
Early in the ZetaTalk saga the Zetas detailed the Last
Weeks - the 7.3 weeks which include the 3 Days of Darkness
and end with the hour of the Pole Shift. The Last Weeks are
kicked off by the Earth slinging back and forth in a Severe
Wobble, and then rolling into the 3 Days of Darkness. But a
Severe Wobble can occur on occasion well ahead of the Last
Weeks, caused by the clashing of the Dark Twin and Venus with
Earth, and magnetic and gravity clashing with Nibiru. This has
often been depicted in Crop

What would such a temporary severe wobble entail? Severe
wobble sloshing is less than the Pole Shift sloshing, as during
the Pole Shift the crustal shift stops but with the water
on the move continues up to a 500-600 foot tide. The flood tide
potential during a severe wobble to be more like the 2004
Ache tsunami, which rose to 100 feet in height and rolled
in like a high tide.

ZetaTalk Warning 8/25/2011: Nibiru
is approaching mainly from the right, in its retrograde orbit,
though also somewhat Sunside on its way outbound from the Sun.
The severe wobble will merely be an exaggeration of the
existing wobble, where the magnetic N Pole is pushed as its
current location in the Arctic near Siberia rolls over the
horizon. As the globe is pushed violently northward, the
waters in the Pacific will slosh southward, and waters in the
Atlantic will slosh in the opposite direction, northward. For
the Pacific, the northern coastlines will be pushed under the
ocean, and for the Atlantic, the southern coastlines will be
pushed under the ocean. Then, 12 hours later, this reverses.
The sloshing will be in a N/S direction, back and forth. The
severe wobble slosh will be 200-300 feet high.
ZetaTalk Prediction 8/27/2016: There
are other differences between a severe wobble and the Pole
Shift itself. As Nibiru tightens its grip on the planets
caught in the cup, Nibiru pulls to the right of the Earth
steadily and the Earth and her sister planets (Venus and the
Dark Twin) squeeze to the left. The Pole Shift is unleashed
when Venus and the Dark Twin escape the cup, allowing Nibiru
to draw closer to the Earth, but for a severe wobble these
extreme positions are not in place. Nibiru is still not
directly to the right of the Earth, nor is it close.
With the date of the Pole Shift now admitted to be 2026, at what
point might we have a temporary severe wobble? When might this
happen? History might be a guide. Note the temperature swings
and crop shortages described in China going into the last Pole
Shift 3,600 years ago. During the reign
of Chieh frost in July, torrential rainfall, snow in
Summer, failure of the cereal crops, and a disturbed rotation of
the Earth occurred. The history states this went on for years.
- In the twenty-ninth year of King
Chieh, the Sun was dimmed... King Chieh lacked virtue...
the Sun was distressed... during the last years of Chieh
ice formed in mornings and frosts in the sixth month.
Heavy rainfall toppled temples and buildings... Heaven
gave severe orders. The Sun and Moon were untimely. Hot
and cold weather arrived in disorder. The five cereal
crops withered and died.

In the Kolbrin, Noah was warned a full 2 years beforehand that
the time had come to build his arc. He was warned a full 2 years
ahead of the flood. Note the clue given to Noah was that a
strong wobble was ongoing, with the Moon moving rapidly across
the skies. Certainly, this was at least a
wobble. Here again Noah had years
of warnings.
- Then the day came when The Lady of
the Night changed her garment for one of a different hue,
and her form swept more swiftly across the skies. Her
tresses streamed out behind in gold and copper, and she
rode in a chariot of fire.
In the Kolbrin, there is a detailed description of the Pole
Shift when the Jewish Exodus occurred, but no mention of crop
shortages. The fear caused pregnant women to abort. They had all
the signs in the skies and red dust aplenty, but no crop
- The dark days began with the last
visitation of the Destroyer and they were foretold by
strange omens in the skies. All men were silent and went
about with pale faces. Fear walked the land and woman
became barren with terror, they could not conceive, and
those with child aborted. The days of stillness were
followed by a time when the noise of trumpeting and
shrilling was heard in the Heavens, and the people became
as frightened beasts without a headsman. … The dead were
no longer sacred and were thrown into the waters. He who
grew no grain now owned a storehouse full. Cattle were
left unattended to roam into strange pastures, and men
ignored their marks and slew the beasts of their
neighbours. No man owned anything. The public records were
cast forth and destroyed, and no man knew who were slaves
and who were masters. … Plague was throughout the land,
the river was bloody and blood was everywhere. Those who
did drink from the river vomited it up. The dust tore
wounds in the skin of man and beast.
The Zetas relay that Crop Circles warned that severe wobbles
might occur, for many reasons. The Repulsion Force which is
evoked when Nibiru comes close to the Earth or the Dark Twin and
Venus are bumping around is equated to a buzzing insect.

ZetaTalk Analysis
7/3/2004: What
symbolism could the circle maker use to relay the thrumming
struggle of this massive planetary magnet, 23 times the mass
of Earth, as it attempts to punch through the crowded
Ecliptic, facing a massive headwind but driven on its path by
the Repulsion Force from the Sun. It presses forward but this
creates additional crowding, so is driven back a bit, then
another press forward. Is this not the annoying buzz of an
insect? It is balance that is sought, in particle flows, and
when entering a side of the Ecliptic where this particle
crowding is absent, the Repulsion Force that has been pressing
Planet X forward on its path has free reign. A sudden, and
violent, exit from the solar system!
ZetaTalk Analysis
6/6/2009: The
symbolism of a buzzing dragonfly has been depicted before, in
a crop circle. Our explanation was at that time that the
dragonfly represented the struggle Planet X has in punching
through the crowded Ecliptic, and this still applies for this
more recent crop circle. What has changed? This time the
gyrations that occur during the pole shift are depicted on the
tail of the dragonfly. Reversals, from one side to the other.
Times when the Earth will have a long night or a short night.
This is what accompanies a severe wobble, which is one of the
first scenarios going into the last weeks.
Magnetic fields around Earth and Nibiru might clash, and
certainly are reflected in the twisting and scrambled appearance
on BATSRUS charts.

ZetaTalk Prediction 5/31/2021: During
the years immediately preceding the Pole Shift the dynamics of
the dance in play tighten and the planets can suddenly adjust,
causing lurching and twitching of the Earth. The forces at
play are the momentum of each planet in its orbit, swept along
by the Sweeping Arms of the
Sun. This is steady pressure. Then there is the gravity Repulsion
Force which can suddenly kick in and push large gravity
bodies apart. This is a threshold pressure which builds until
the rebound point is reached.
The force of individual
magnetic fields is also a factor, where merging several fields
together can suddenly result because the fields around
individual bodies are pushed together. This is an incidental
occurrence based on position in space and the effect of the
charged and sweeping tail which is often the join for such
gravity field merging. These magnetic field joins and
disconnects are ongoing, and variable. In the midst of this,
the Earth will experience a blending
of the seasons. This is already in process.
Optimally this should result
in warmer Winters and cooler Summers, but in that the
atmosphere will be roiling about, this will also result in
more storms, hurricanes and tornadoes appearing where not
normally expected, and sudden and unpredictable tides. In
addition to the undeniable signs in the skies lately that
Nibiru is upon the Earth, these are warning signs that the
common man needs to move to safe locations and prepare to be
self-sufficient. Ignore the media lies and attempts to
silence the truth, and prepare.
Another example of how past Crop Circle designs are proving to
have relevance is this recent photo of the Nibiru Complex
capture on May 1 in Sarasota, Florida compared to a design laid
in 2010.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/31/2021: A
Crop Circle diagram comes to life! The Double Helix was
captured on film in 2003 when Nibiru arrived, and now is back
in view. This is another example that demonstrates the
validity and significance of Crop Circle designs.
ZetaTalk Analysis
7/31/2010: If the
Anchor crop circle was showing the Nibiru complex as it
retreats, White Horse is showing it as it approaches. The
minor Moon Swirls that composed the tail of the Anchor are
very distant and hardly visible. The two main Moon Swirls will
be seen on either side, flaring back. And the crowding of
magnetic particles in front of Nibiru as it points its N Pole
toward the Earth is shown, so that Nibiru itself is almost
repulsed by this crowding, pushed back in this cloud of
magnetons, so is moving slowly!
2026 Date
Since the start of the ZetaTalk saga in 1995, the Zetas have
refused to name the projected date of the Pole Shift. Their
answer has always been that with a date certain, those who would
harm the innocent and take advantage of the weak would
have time to plot and entrap. Debt slavery has certainly already
been promoted. Can slave or work camps be far behind?

Previously, only vague statements about the date have been made.
Jesus said none shall know the date of his return. The Zetas
have only provided a sequence of events as they did during their
7 of 10 Plate Movements and Last Weeks details. The Hadiths
in their 40 Days prophecy are vague, subject to interpretation.

ZetaTalk Admission
2/28/2021: We,
the Zetas, are asked almost daily when the hour of the Pole
Shift will arrive, and always respond with the same admonition
– the date is not to be known. This was an admonition Jesus
gave too, that none shall know the date of his return. What
then is to be made of a Buddhist Master’s text, stating in no
uncertain terms the likely date of the Pole Shift as 2026?
This was correct when written, almost a century ago, but the
celestial clock has many forces to consider and the passage
can speed up or slow down, depending upon many factors.
Why have the Zetas decided to commit to a date at this time,
after decades of saying the date is not to be known? Per the
Zetas, the major End Times battles have been won in favor of
those in the Service-to-Other. The Pointy Head aliens formerly
headquartered in Antarctica have left the Earth. Where cleanup
still needs to be done, Moloch practices are being eradicated.
ZetaTalk Explanation
5/31/2021: During
the public life of ZetaTalk, which began in 1995, we have
stated that the date of the Pole Shift was not to be known.
This was because knowledge of the date would allow those in
the Service-to-Self to take advantage of others. Debt slavery
was already in process, and would increase. False promises
would be made to provide safe locations, to promulgate slave
or work camps. Withholding the date of the Pole Shift aligned
with the intent of the elite to deny that Nibiru existed in
any case, because they wanted the status quo to continue as
long as possible.
What has changed that we at
ZetaTalk are now confirming the Buddha’s warning? The
End-Times battle between Good and Evil is being won! Where
this battle is being waged behind the scenes, the clash of
swords can be heard. The Pointy Heads in Antarctica who
facilitated the Moloch child sacrifice ritual have left the
Earth. The US Junta and the White Hat Alliance in many
countries are wiping out this practice, with political and
royalty leadership replaced by Doubles where necessary.

There is no longer a reason to
withhold the date. The primary concern now is to fight the
grip of the elite on the media. The public is not being told
the truth. The wealthy are in control of the media, and they
do not want to replace their wealth with bankruptcy when the
public rebels against debt slavery and the status quo. This is
all of course in the hands of man, so these last battles can
move in many directions. Opportunity to help one’s fellow man
abounds, and can only grow your soul to be more wise and