Announcement War
The Zetas only recently revealed that October 20, 2014 was the
planned date of the announcement, or the week following October
20, 2014 to be more precise. October 20, 2014 is precisely 500
days from June 7, 2013 when Obama and China’s premiere Xi met in
Santa Monica, setting the date. Heads of State around the world
were informed, thus the nervous blunder by the French Foreign
Minister last May 13, 2014. That October 20, 2014 was the date
was not publically revealed by the Zetas until the date had

- Diplomat Predicts How Many Days We
Have Left Before Climate Disaster
May 13, 2014
- French Foreign Minister Lauren
Fabius started the countdown to climate change disaster,
speaking in Washington before a meeting with American
counterpart Secretary of State John Kerry. “We have 500
days to avoid the climate chaos.”
ZetaTalk Insight
11/1/2014: The
elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world –
have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by
Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X
exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set
by Obama and Xi at their June 7, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica.
The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May
13, 2014 re “500 days until climate chaos” was in reference to
this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013
meeting, ie October 20, 2014. There was an obvious test of the
EBS system on October 24, 2014, designed to flush out any
remaining saboteurs that could delay or counter the
announcement. Now it has been announced that the White House
has been under cyber attack for the past two weeks, a period
of time leading into October 20 and the days following.
There were several signs that the White House was preparing to
admit the presence of Nibiru in the inner solar system on or
shortly after the October 20 date. One sign was an EBS test on
October 24, which seemed to only affect the AT&T U-Verse
network. Another was a cyber attack on the White House computer
system that interfaced with the outside world via email. This
interface included the media. Per the Zetas, these
incidents were absolutely related to the pending announcement,
which was being blocked from flowing to the media and thence to
the public.

- White House Emergency Alert Interrupts
TV Viewers Across America
October 24, 2014
- AT&T has blamed a nationally
syndicated radio station for sending the alert message,
despite the fact that only the federal government can send
out EAS alerts. The alert system, can only be activated by
the President in times of emergency. Americans watching
television across the country were puzzled earlier today
when an alert from the White House interrupted their
viewing, told them to stand by for an emergency message
and warned them not to use their phones. TV channels
automatically changed to local news stations but no White
House message ever came, prompting confusion and concern,
especially given heightened tensions amidst the Ebola
crisis. The message was seen by viewers in Austin,
Atlanta, Detroit and across North Carolina, as well as
other areas of the country.
- White House Hit With What Appears To
Be Sustained Cyberattack
October 28, 2014
- The White House computer network
has been hit by what appears to be a sustained
cyberattack, putting the system on the fritz for nearly
two weeks, if not longer. Network outages are not uncommon
in the White House, but they typically last no more than a
few hours. For the system to be damaged for days on end
indicates an attack of significant strength.
So the announcement by Obama during the week of October 20 was
frustrated by blocking him from the media. Was the EBS test
expected to reach all
media outlets on Friday October 24? If so, it was apparent that
most had been blocked. Was the cyber attack intended to prevent
the White House from communicating via email to the media? Per
the Zetas, Israeli agents were at the helm, trying to blame the
Russians for the hack. The banking system, very much a Jewish
enterprise, is very threatened by the pending announcement,
fearing bank failures. And Israel is furious that Obama wants to
tend to the American homeland instead of going to war for Israel
in the Middle East. I, Nancy, watched the live broadcast from
the White House honoring ebola volunteers on October 29 and
noted that Obama's relatively ad hoc speech appeared word for
word in the text below him, often before
the words were out of his mouth. There was at least a 30 second
delay in the broadcast, enough to stop the stream if he
attempted to insert the announcement during the broadcast. Per
the Zetas, the corporate media has Obama boxed in!

- Watch Live As President Obama Meets
With Ebola Health Workers At The White House
October 29, 2014
- President Obama is scheduled to
make an address at the White House Wednesday afternoon. A
number of healthcare workers who have treated Ebola
victims will be in attendance. President Obama will be
introduced by Dr. Kent Brantly, a doctor who contracted
the disease in West Africa and later recovered after
receiving treatment in the United States.
- New Russian Boldness Revives a Cold
War Tradition: Testing the Other Side
October 30, 2014
- When the White House discovered in
recent weeks that its unclassified computer systems had
been breached, intelligence officials examined the digital
evidence and focused on a prime suspect: Russia, which
they believe is using its highly sophisticated cyber
capabilities to test American defenses. But its tracks
were well covered, and officials say they may never know
for sure.
ZetaTalk Insight
11/8/2014: Although
the EBS system did arrive at AT&T U-verse clients, it was
intended to go out to all TV stations and did not. This
despite extensive checking in the months ahead of that Friday
October 24. TV stations are not owned by the government, in
the main, and this is certainly true in the US. They are
corporate owned, and thus subject to the dictates of the
wealthy elite who own them. Thus the EBS and Oval Office
routes are closed to Obama, as are any pressers where he is
speaking live. The fact that this block would be so complete
and ruthless was frankly a surprise to the announcement team.
What did the White House
hacking reveal, where their internet connections were accessed
days prior to the week of October 20 and following? Per news
reports, the US was informed that they were hacked by a
friendly foreign power and Russian text was found within the
hacking software, so the Russians were suspected. This was a
setup as the Russians were not involved, but rather Israel at
the helm, as they also are part of the cover-up team. The
Jewish banking system is very much opposed to the
announcement. This whole hacking system was to ensure that the
White House had no route to the outside press, thus emails to
the media were haphazard during the outage.
Relying solely on Russia or
China to proceed would get the truth out but since the block
had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security
directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward
and subject to being countered. If true, where is the
confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd
communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to
make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going
now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of
course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as
having the announcement succeed.
In that Obama is working closely with the Council of Worlds on
the matter of getting the common man informed about the pending
passage, empowered with the knowledge the elite have had for
themselves for decades, they are an involved party. Per the
Zetas, the Council of Worlds was not amused by the delays, the
deliberate blocking that Obama encountered. Per the Zetas, the
Council of Worlds is now at war with the cover-up crowd, the
wealthy and politically powerful elite controlling the media and
blocking the message. Though this war is undoubtedly going on
behind the scenes, dramatic evidence of the war was seen in the
explosion of the Orbital Science launch which self-destructed on
October 27 and Sir Richard’s Virgin Galactic venture exploding
on October 31. Both ventures were the product of corporate space
programs, which also endeavor to get the rich off the face of
the globe and presumably to Mars or the Moon to ride out the
Pole Shift in relative safety.

- Videos Reveal the Terror of Onlookers
as $200m Antares rocket Blew Up
October 27, 2014
- Rocket launch is part of $1.9bn
private contract to launch cargo to space station. Orbital
Sciences' executive vice president Frank Culbertson said
the company carried insurance on the mission, which he
valued at more than $200 million, not counting repair
costs. The explosion hit Orbital Science's stock, which
fell more than 15 percent in after-hours trading.
Conditions for the launch were perfect. The accident could
draw scrutiny to the space agency's growing reliance on
private U.S. companies in the post-shuttle era. NASA is
paying billions of dollars to Virginia-based Orbital
Sciences and the California-based Space X company to make
station deliveries.

- Moment Virgin Galactic Spaceship
Exploded at 45,000ft
October 31, 2014
- The SpaceShipTwo plane, designed
to run the first ever passenger flights into space, split
into pieces and fell to earth two minutes after being
launched mid-air from a carrier plane over California's
Mojave Desert. Wreckage rained from the sky as one pilot
managed to eject from the cockpit using a parachute, while
the other was reportedly left strapped to his seat as he
plummeted to earth and died. Richard Branson immediately
announced that he was flying to the Mojave to deal with
the situation personally. Not long ago, Branson saying
that any fatalities in his space program could be bring it
to a halt. Stuart Witt, who is in charge of the Mojave Air
and Space Port, where SpaceShipTwo was launched today,
remained optimistic about the future of space travel.
ZetaTalk Insight
11/1/2014: What
caused this dramatic explosion? Both Orbital Sciences and
Space X have conducted successful launches, and the Antares
rocket being used is not new. The mission seemed ordinary, a
resupply operation. We have commented on launch failures in
the US, Russia, and by the ESA over the past few years, and
specified the reasons these launches were blocked. They were
to be used to intimidate from space, to spy on desperate
migrants, or to facilitate an escape into space for the elite.
Was this latest NASA disaster blocked for a similar
reason? This latest launch disaster is a clear and
pointed message to the elite to cease their attempt to prevent
the common man from knowing what the elite know – that Nibiru
has arrived and another passage is pending. The Council of
Worlds considers this to be war against the selfish elements
among the elite who are using their knowledge about the
pending passage to retain their privileged positions while
preventing the common man from coming to terms with what is in
their near future. These elite should expect more than
exploding launches, in their future.
Exploding launches have been used since 2009 to make dramatic
statements. One should not assume this to be the only
actions that can be taken by the Council of Worlds, but rather
only the public expression of their displeasure and intent to
block such activities by the elite.
- Risky Business: Top 5 Failures of US
Commercial Space Program
November 1, 2014
- NASA heavily relies on private
companies for space-related travel, but recent accidents
show that such firms cannot yet be fully trusted for the
mission. Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo experimental
rocket plane crashed in the Mohave Desert, killing one
pilot. An Orbital Sciences Corp. Antares rocket, which was
making its fifth venture into space, erupted in a massive
fireball over the coast of Virginia, obliterating a Cygnus
cargo ship that was on board. On August 22, an
experimental test flight of a three-engine Space X Falcon
9R rocket over McGregor, Texas, went awry. Sailing
vertically into the air, the rocket veered off of its
trajectory, causing the onboard safety system to issue a
self-destruct command. The Dream Chaser shuttle, made by
Sierra Nevada Corporation of Sparks, Nevada, crashed
during an unmanned free-fly test. Once released from a
helicopter, the craft’s left-hand landing gear did not
deploy. Sierra Nevada Corporation of Sparks is a
NASA-funded project designated to send astronauts to
space. Amazon’s hopes for a commercial space program
were called into question on August 24, when an unmanned
rocket manufactured by Blue Origin – a company funded by
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos – crashed during a test flight. The
aircraft lost control as it reached 1.2 times the speed of
sound, forcing the test to be terminated. Bezos’ venture
recently received funding from NASA to develop aircraft to
be used as space taxis for the agency.
ZetaTalk Checklist
8/30/2014: We
have warned the establishment in the past on which of their
endeavors are running counter to the Council of Worlds edicts.
They are aware of ZetaTalk, at the highest levels, but keep
thinking they can fool telepathic aliens. The US
Military was warned via ZetaTalk in 2010 when their Falcon
HTV-2 was to be used for intimidation from space, US supremacy
from space. That the Army’s Advanced Hypersonic Weapon launch
from Alaska should fail in 2014 should thus be no surprise.
What was the ESA up to with their 2014 launch of a GPS
equivalent network for the EU? Europe has many migration
issues. Without all satellites in the network, the network
cannot perform as expected, and thus the 2014 warning.

ZetaTalk Checklist
8/30/2014: NASA
was warned in 2009 and again in 2011 when they had launch
failures on their Glory satellite which supposedly was to
monitor climate change. The real agenda was to monitor
migration so as to blockade and murder them before they could
reach the US. The Russian establishment was warned in 2012
when the Telekom-3 was taken down, a launch that was
repeatedly tried by the Russians with the same result.

ZetaTalk Checklist
8/30/2014: The
elite are intent on an escape to Mars but have repeatedly been
told via ZetaTalk, as they were most recently in 2013 re a
SpaceX endeavor, that this goes against an existing Council of
Worlds edict. That their 2014 launch of a Falcon 9 Reusable
rocket failed to launch should thus be no surprise. The elite
must remain with the common man they so despise during the
coming Pole Shift.
The Rules
How does the Council of Worlds go to war with the elite, the
wealthy and politically powerful who are preventing Obama from
making his announcement? Per the Zetas, the Council
of Worlds is a fully elected council of “wise and
massive” entities in charge of administration in our part of the
Universe. No primer on the rules is complete without an
explanation on the Element of Doubt, provided to the public at
the very start of the ZetaTalk saga. As an example, where the
ZetaTalk website provided my drawings of the Zeta face and body
in 1995, this was not confirmed until 2011 with the MJ12 release
of the Skinny Bob tape.

ZetaTalk Description
7/15/1995: The
rule is, and will be for the near future, we keep the issue
constantly before the populace, with a steadily increasing
level of discussion, but always, always, with an element of
doubt. This element of doubt is necessary during the Awakening
so your populace does not become unduly alarmed. A faint, a
palpitating heart, distractible excitement, arguing with
friends and co-workers for a few days, and increased interest
in UFO subjects - none of this is considered a show stopper.
Were the entire populace to react like this, there would be no
problem. The Awakening would occur tomorrow. What we seek to
avoid is the nervous breakdown, the fear in friends and
co-workers rising to such a level that they take violent steps
against the reporter, or the intensity of fear in the observer
that would make them susceptible, incline them, toward giving
The Call to the Service-to-Self. For this reason visitations
are currently recorded only in the subconscious.
Another classic rule is the Rule of Non-Interference, which some
have described as the Prime Directive of Star Trek. Earth is
mankind’s schoolhouse, where emerging souls are to sort out
their spiritual orientation – Service-to-Other or
Service-to-Self. The Council of Worlds steps in when the balance
presented to emerging souls is weighted too heavily in the
direction of Service-to-Self, but other than that, and without
explicit edicts from the Council, Non-Interference is the rule.

ZetaTalk Explanation
7/15/1995: Our
visits on Earth are not to interfere with your people's
choices regarding their orientation.
ZetaTalk Insight
12/15/1996: Interference
in all cases must come before the Council of Worlds and be
justified. It is not simply enough to point out that the
Service-to-Self are winning in this area or another, an upset
to the overall balance must be demonstrated.
When asked for clarification, the Zetas described this with a
“Things vs People” comparison. Benign aliens, working on behalf
of the Council of Worlds, can manipulate things, but not prevent
people from exercising their right of self determination. The
person cannot be blocked from making their spiritual choices,
though the consequences of that choice might be altered.
ZetaTalk Clarification
6/27/2004: In
a spiritual learning house, a schoolhouse for emerging souls,
the prime directive is non-interference. This places a wealth
of spontaneous experiences before the emerging souls, who
develop empathy by being subject to various painful
situations. Empathy simply does not exist if a spirit has not
been there, in its past. At a certain point in the progress of
a world developing emerging souls, it on occasion becomes
necessary to interfere further with circumstances, to maintain
a proper balance for the first lesson that young souls are to
learn, which results in their decision to be either
Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. In all these exceptions
with the Rule of Non-Interference, manipulation is done to
things, not the incarnated human or life form, and thus does
not interfere with the setting the emerging young soul can
control. The decisions by the entity, expressed into action by
the incarnated human, are not interfered with, thus.
An example of the Council of Worlds stepping in to create
balance was the quarantine that chased the Annunaki off the face
of the Earth. Even 4,000 years ago, when the Great Pyramids were
built as sighting devices by the Annunaki, they were still on
the Earth. They are still in the Solar System, mining for Gold,
but not on Earth. They were, for instance mining Phobos, a moon
of Mars, their robots recently shooting down one of mankind’s
probes. Yet this quarantine was effected by manipulating things, like weather, while
allowing the Annunaki their spiritual choices, their free will.

- The Phobos Incident
- Joseph Shklovskii noted member of
the Soviet Academy of science and co-writer with Dr Carl
Sagan of 'Intelligent life in the universe', once
calculated from the estimated density of the Martian
atmosphere and the peculiar "acceleration" of Phobos, that
the satellite must be hollow. Could Phobos be a
hollowed-out space station of huge proportions? In July
1988, the Russians launched two unmanned satellite probes
- Phobos 1 and Phobos 2 - in the direction of Mars, and
with the primary intention of investigating the planet's
mysterious moon, Phobos. Phobos 1 was unfortunately lost
en route two months later, reportedly because of a radio
command error. Phobos 2 was also ultimately lost in the
most intriguing circumstances, but not before it had
beamed back certain images and information from the planet
Mars itself. The last transmission from Phobos 2 was a
photograph of a gigantic cylindrical spaceship - a huge,
approx, 20km long, 1.5km diameter cigar-shaped 'mother
ship', that was photographed on 25 March 1989 hanging or
parked next to the Martian moon Phobos by the Soviet
unmanned probe Phobos 2. The shadow - spindle- or cigar
shaped - is inconsistent with any possible shadow cast by
the moon Phobos, which is an irregular potato shape. After
that last frame was radio-transmitted back to Earth, the
probe mysteriously disappeared; according to the Russians
it was destroyed - possibly knocked out with an energy
pulse beam.
ZetaTalk Explanation
2/15/2002: They
cannot shuttle to Earth at this time, as it has been deemed by
the Council of Worlds to constitute interference with your
free will because their interaction with humans sprang from
their agenda for conquest. The quarantine was put into place
some thousands of years ago, but close enough in your recent
past that contact remains in your legends. They have no plans,
despite fear mongering among those claiming to be in contact
with these folks, to return to Earth, which they consider a
swamp. The Earth in their memory is full of carnivores,
rebelling slaves, and accidents related to wild weather. Now
that mankind has technology, a fact that cannot be denied due
to probes sent about and requiring their mining operation on
Mars to shoot them down when they come too close, they are
even less inclined to visit.