Murder Rate
At the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the Zetas described what
they called a spiritual
Transformation of the Earth, wherein the good
hearted would be allowed to reincarnate on Earth while
those solidly in the Service-to-Self, the self-focused, would be
taken away from the Earth at death to live on
prison planets among their peers. Those souls still young
and undecided would be removed to a water world to continue
their deliberations as a type of intelligent
octopus. This process was called the Transformation, which
involves a separation
by orientation.

ZetaTalk Description
7/15/1995: The
Earth is undergoing a subtle transformation, as the
Transformation is now. This Transformation has been
progressing for at least this century, and will go for at
least a century more. The world involves an increasing
separation, by orientation, as the Transformation proceeds.
ZetaTalk Description
11/15/1995: At
first, this polarization and separation takes place family by
family, then township by township, then spreading to larger
areas. In step with spiritual change, physical change has
taken place. The concepts espoused by the Green Movement,
begun in the Netherlands, are now espoused worldwide, and
words and thoughts have been followed by action. Likewise,
some religious movements such as Islamic dictates have become
more harsh and repressive, resulting in increased restrictions
on women.
Despite the quality of the soul not being worn on the sleeve,
this quiet Transformation can be seen in the murder rate.
Worldwide, the murder rate has been going down. But due to
polarization, the separation by orientation, there are clear
trends by country. Those in the Service-to-Other are grouping
and migrating to live with each other, and those in the
Service-to-Self are likewise choosing to live with each other.
The Zetas, as usual, explain.

- Homicide Rate, 1950–2014
- Find the rate for murder and
nonnegligent manslaughter per 100,000 people in the United
- List of Countries by Intentional
Homicide Rate
- A study undertaken by the Geneva
Declaration on Armed Violence and Development estimated
that there were approximately 490,000 intentional
homicides in 2004. The study estimated that the global
rate was 7.6 intentional homicides per 100,000 inhabitants
for 2004. UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
reported a global average intentional homicide rate of 6.2
per 100,000 population for 2012 (in their report titled
"Global Study on Homicide 2013"). UNODC calculated a rate
of 6.9 in 2010.

- 2017 was Record-Low for Homicides in
New York City
December 31, 2017
- 2017 was record-low for homicides
in New York City, with NYPD logging lowest number in
nearly 70 years. December 31, 2017. Unofficial numbers
show that the NYPD had investigated 290 homicides so far
this year — a number the NYPD hasn’t seen in nearly 70
years. The 2017 numbers are a 61% drop from two decades
- Puerto Rico Fears Post-Maria Murder
Surge: 11 Days, 32 Slain
January 11, 2018
- Puerto Rico fears post-Maria
murder surge: 11 days, 32 slain. January 12, 2018.
Thirty-two people have been slain in Puerto Rico in the
first 11 days of the year, double the number killed over
the same period in 2017. The storm has plunged much of the
island into darkness, increased economic hardship and
contributed to a sickout by police, all fueling
lawlessness. What’s more, officials say a turf war has
broken out among drug gangs looking to grab territory
after the storm’s disruption.
- Tourists Warned not to Leave Resorts
in Jamaica after Murder Spike
January 20, 2018
- British and Canadian tourists in
Jamaica have been warned not to venture from resorts in
Montego Bay after a state of emergency was imposed in
response to a spate of deadly shootings. Soldiers have
been deployed on the streets in St. James parish after a
series of killings led to a military response.
ZetaTalk Insight
1/31/2018: It
is clear from numerous sources of statistics on the murder
rate, that murders, worldwide, have been decreasing for years.
Why would this be so when stressors such as poverty,
starvation, disasters and political upheaval have if anything
increased? It is the quiet progress of the spiritual
Transformation of Earth, wherein the Earth gradually becomes a
planet predominantly inhabited by those in the
Service-to-Other. As deaths occur, those leaning heavily to
the Service-to-Self are not allowed to reincarnate on Earth,
but are taken to the water planet that awaits those still
considered spiritually undecided.
Thus the Earth gradually
increases the percentage of her peoples who are leaning to the
Service-to-Other. Another trend is an increase in Walk-Ins,
Service-to-Other souls from other worlds who have come to the
Earth to do service during her Transformation. Why then are
there reports, as the recent report from Puerto Rico, where
the murder rate has spiked? As the Transformation proceeds, as
we have stated, there is increasing polarization of the
orientations. Those in the Service-to-Other are prone to find
and live with each other, and likewise the Service-to-Self
tend to migrate to live with each other. These trends will all
continue to exacerbate.
7 of 10 Resumes
During 2010 the Zetas detailed what they called the 7 of 10
Plate Movements, a Scripted
Drama caused by the shape of the plates and the direction
of prior movements, and now accelerated by the daily Earth
Wobble as Nibiru approaches. This was predicted by the Zetas to
start by the end of 2010 with sinking action in Indonesia, which
occurred, but then the process slowed as the Council of Worlds
installed humming boxes on
strategic plate borders and fault lines.

ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2010: The
sequence of events is, thus:
* a tipping Indo-Australia Plate with Indonesia sinking,
* a folding Pacific allowing S America to roll,
* a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift allowing Africa to roll
and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,
* great quakes in Japan followed by the New Madrid adjustment,
* which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the
north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.
In the years that followed the 7 of 10 Plate Movements
progressed, but the slowing action had an inevitable
impact. There is certainly a difference between a slow slide and
a sudden rupture. Might the original prediction change due to
this? Periodically, in 2013 and again in 2015, the Zetas gave a
synopsis, describing the process to date and how their original
prediction might have changed, assuming that the slow pace would
continue. The Zetas, after all, are not the Council of Worlds.
The Zetas are not in charge. Nor can the Zetas reveal what the
Council of Worlds might be planning.

ZetaTalk Statement
2/2/2013: We
stated two years ago that the 7 of 10 and 8 of 10 would
overlap, due to the delays in arranging an announcement by
Obama. The European tsunami is a factor of a rip in the North
Atlantic Rift, and when occurring slowly would result in less
water rebounding, and a smaller tsunami height as a
consequence. Where we are currently waiting for the 7 of 10
plate movements to complete, the stress on the plates is
apparent. The sinking of the Sunda Plate and the folding of
the Philippine and Mariana plates is approximately 70%
complete, but the final moves will occur in conjunction with
further progress on the S American roll. Though the cover-up
has found it necessary to kill almost all the buoys on the
Nazca and Cocos plates, the S American roll has barely begun,
perhaps 13% of the overall changes expected. And the African
roll is barely twitching, at present, perhaps 5% into the
ZetaTalk Statement
3/7/2015: It
is not possible to just stop the 7 of 10 plate movements. The
sinking of the Sunda Plate is now perhaps 93% complete (up
from 70% two years ago), with regions inundated by sea water
still excused as broken dykes or levees or excessive rain. The
Pacific Plate has steadily compressed, with major quakes in
Japan evident and the S American roll progressing to an
estimated 27% at the current time (up from 13% two years ago).
The African roll has barely started, now at an estimated 12%
(up from 5% two years ago). At present, the New Madrid
adjustment is perhaps at only 2%, but as the 7 of 10 movements
will accelerate, this will now rapidly change. As we have
stated, any tsunami striking Europe will be vastly reduced by
the slowed pace of the New Madrid adjustment.
Now that another three years has passed, it is clear that the 7
of 10 has been unleashed. Jakarta, the capitol of Indonesia, is
sloshing in sea water that even the sea walls cannot hold back.
The building holding the Stock Exchange at Jakarta imploded.
There was talk in the media about moving the capitol to the
island of Borneo, which is on higher ground. Meanwhile, the lies
about the inundations from the sea being due to rain continue in
the well-controlled press. Meanwhile, the entire Sunda
Plate holding Indonesia is outlined in quakes, continuously.

- North Jakarta, Thousand Islands
Inundated with Tidal Floods
December 5, 2017
- Cleaning workers under the
authority of the Public Facility Maintenance Agency (PPSU)
in Penjaringan, North Jakarta tried to hold off the
seawater using sandbags as residential areas became
inundated. In Thousand Islands regency, at least three
islands were inundated following a tidal surge.
- Jakarta Stock Exchange Ceiling
January 15, 2018
- Amezzanine floor at the Indonesia
Stock Exchange in Jakarta collapsed, injuring scores of
people - many of the visiting students - under slabs of
concrete and glass.
As the Zetas had predicted in 2013, the sinking of the Sunda
Plate seemed to be completing as the S American Roll progressed.
The S American Roll was obvious in
August, 2017 with beaches along southern Brazil and Uruguay
drained while Chile experienced unexplained tsunami waves. The
roll moved along within months to a major quake in the center of
the Caribbean Plate on January 10,
2018 combined with Ecuador beaches lifting due to subduction
pressure from the Cocos Plate there on January 3, 2018.

- And Suddenly the Sea Disappeared!
Major Water Receding in Santa Elena Frightens Fishermen in
January 7, 2018
- After several months, the strange
phenomenon of the ‘disappearing sea’ has been reported
again by frightened fishermen in Santa Rosa, a small port
located in the province of Santa Elena, Ecuador. Yes, the
sea receded ‘a little more than normal‘, stranding at
least 800 fishing boats on January 3, 2018 as well as two
days before.
The Africa Roll is likewise apparent, unlike in 2015 when it
was only 12% along. Quakes at the Iraq/Iran
border where the Saudi Plate is pressing eastward show the
press from the African Roll. In 2017 the Rift Valley was torn in
front of an astonished crowd in
Tanzania, and the Azure Window collapsed at Malta. The
MIMIC system showed microwave lines from Nigeria to the tip of S
America too, in 2017. We do know that Gibraltar has not spread
by an additional 125 miles, nor the Sinai by an additional 50
miles, so there is much to go. But the Zetas decline to give
percentages at this time.

In 2010 the 7 of 10 movements were a natural occurrence, based
on plate shape and history, a Scripted
Drama. In 2011 when the Council of Worlds installed the
humming boxes, this was by their direction, thus changing
the course of events. Per very recent ZetaTalk, it appears the
Council has lifted the brake, removed the influence of the
humming boxes, or at least this is in process. What does this
mean for America, the New Madrid adjustment, or the potential
European tsunami the Zetas originally predicted? The Zetas have
hinted that the European tsunami may still be a factor.
Basingstoke is lowland in the UK between London and the
Bristol Channel, and vulnerable.

ZetaTalk Analysis
1/31/2018: Where
at first glance the explanation that these 3 lights are on a
mobile crane in Basingstoke seems reasonable, a careful
analysis shows that the fulcrum of the crane is not
consistent. At first, the fulcrum seems consistent with a
mobile crane, but then it moves too far to the right, an
impossible feat. As we have explained, the Element of Doubt
must always be available for the faint hearted. Basingstoke
lies in southern Britain, between London, which will be
assaulted by churning waves from the English Channel, and the
Bristol Channel, which will get tidal bore from any European
In the original 7 of 10
warnings, the New Madrid adjustment was followed by what was
termed a European tsunami. In that the Council of Worlds
installed humming boxes to reduce the impact of the plate
movements, softening them and making them more gradual, the
European tsunami threat seemed diminished. To what extent will
it return, now that the Council of Worlds has lifted the brake
on the 7 of 10 plate movements? This UFO warning is telling
the people of Basingstoke that their floods may come from both
the East and from the West. For flooding to reach Basingstoke,
the tsunami assault will be significant.
The 7 of 10 sequence of events as originally outlined in 2010
by the Zetas has been altered,
per hot off the press ZetaTalk re the 8.2 quake off-shore from
the Aleutians. The large quakes predicted in Japan, to precede
the New Madrid adjustment have been replaced by this 8.2 quake.
The New Madrid adjustment is now positioned to be next.

ZetaTalk Analysis
1/31/2018: Why
was the jolt of the 8.2 off-shore from the Aleutian Islands
felt most strongly at Gitmo in Cuba, which is touching the
Caribbean Plate? Note that the largest quakes worldwide lately
have been due to the S American roll along Chile and on the
Caribbean Plate, which is being shoved westward by the S
American roll, and now on that portion of the Pacific Plate
which we have termed the Eastern Pacific platelet. This is of
course all related. This Aleutian quake affected only the sea
above the East Pacific platelet, as the buoys show that the N
American Plate itself was not affected.
Where the original prediction on the course of the 7 of 10
Plate Movement cited several 8+ quakes in Japan as a precursor
to the New Madrid adjustment, Fukushima altered that course.
This precursor has now occurred, as the East Pacific platelet
has pushed under the other Pacific platelets, silently raising
Hawaii in the process. It is clear that the Pacific to the
West of Central America was compressed by this action, due to
the strong seismograph resonance at Gitmo. The Caribbean Plate
is now more free to press westward, exacerbating the diagonal
tug on the New Madrid Fault Line.
Proof that the USGS is downgrading quakes emerged. The 8.5
quake in 1964 had an epicenter at Anchorage, on the N American
Plate. Nor do they pinpoint where the 716 wells in the US were
located. The 5.2 in Pennsylvania in 1998 affected wells only in
Pennsylvania. And the 7.9 quake in 2002 had an epicenter near
Fairbanks, also solidly on the N American Plate, and Wisconsin
is not the reach as this 2018 quake to Florida. This all shows
that the USGS is downgrading quake magnitude, as the 2018
quake was not on the
N American Plate, but on the Eastern Pacific platelet.

- Something Shocking Happened in
Florida after the Alaska Earthquake: Well Water Levels
January 24, 2017
- Gulf of Alaska sent vibrations
through the earth that caused water to rise and fall in
wells in Florida, thousands of miles away. Sensors near
Fort Lauderdale and Madison, near the Georgia border,
showed a minor change in water levels after the
earthquake, according to the United States Geological
Survey (USGS). Why did water levels in these wells some
3,800 miles away from the earthquake's epicenter change?
The changes in groundwater levels are often seen hundreds,
or even thousands, of miles away from an earthquake's
epicenter. After an 8.5 magnitude earthquake near Alaska
in 1964 water level changes were reported at 716 wells in
the United States, according to the USGS. A 5.2 magnitude
northwest Pennsylvania temblor in 1998 rendered dry about
120 wells for local homes for about three months. The
Denali, Alaska, 7.9 magnitude earthquake of 2002 caused a
well in Wisconsin to rise 2 feet.
One is always hearing, in the news, about blocked immigration.
Australia diverts drowning Indonesians to New Guinea. China,
already over populated, blocks those coming up from India and
Asia. The US, fearful that immigration is an open door to
terrorism, which it has experienced recently from immigrants,
and seeing what ISIS cells have done to Europe, is slamming its
doors. Thus it is a surprise to find some countries, such as
Chile, welcoming immigrants! Chile will have an optimal climate
after the Pole Shift, laid out along the New Equator and on high

- As U.S. Slows Immigration, One Latin
American Nation Embraces It
January 21, 2017
- One of Latin America’s richest
and safest countries has opened its doors to some of the
region’s poorest migrants in record numbers. Tens of
thousands of Venezuelans have fled their crime-ridden
country in recent years for Chile, which has a history of
receiving Bolivian, Peruvian and Colombian migrants. The
migrants help shoulder the costs of an aging population
that economists say will demand heavier spending on health
care and pensions in coming decades. Due to a falling
fertility rate and an 82-year life expectancy, the number
of working-age Chileans for every retiree is on pace to
fall. The government has granted migrant children access
to public schools and health services, regardless of their
legal status in Chile.
Many counties have a low population growth rate, and an aging
population, but most try to simply encourage babies in their
existing population. Japan has tried to offer financial
incentives. The Zetas note that the decision to stop having
babies is often a subconscious awareness of the Pole Shift to
come, and knowledge of how poorly the country will fare. Japan
has offered financial incentives but Japan has many volcanoes,
and will struggle in the Aftertime for this reason. China will
have a climate change, with its southern provinces very cold due
to proximity to the new S Pole.

- What is Zero Population Growth, or
May 16, 2014
- Zero population growth refers to
a population that is unchanging – it is neither growing,
nor declining; the growth rate is zero.
- Negative Population Growth
January 11, 2018
- Japan was the only non-European
country in the list, though China joined it after the list
was released and had a lower-than-replacement birthrate in
the mid-2010s.
ZetaTalk Comment
2/20/2010: Many
industrialized countries are reaching a zero population growth
curve, for instance Japan, Russia, and even the United States.
Without immigrants the populations of these countries would
shrink. This is an issue for governments who feel they must
plan for the youth to care for the aged, whether physically or
via financial support such as the Social Security system. Some
countries, such as Japan, have tried to bribe young mothers to
start their families, without much success.
ZetaTalk Insight
11/2/2013: It
is notable that this trend has been prevalent, and detectable
in Japan for the past 10 years - the period of time since
Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003. Was the populace somehow
intuitively aware of the problems facing Japan in the near
future? It is obvious that babies and toddlers will be at a
disadvantage during the Last Weeks and in the Aftertime. The
decision not to start families, to pull back from the type of
bond that would start hormones moving in that direction, is
not an intellectual decision. The establishment may have been
smugly assuming that the populace was unaware of the Earth
changes, but the thousands of clues, from the weather to
trembling ground, have alerted human instincts.
Chile’s open door offers an alternative to blocked migration and
the specter of an aging population in zero or negative
population growth countries. Those countries, such as Chile,
which will do well in the Aftertime can accept migrants from
regions which would otherwise drown or freeze! All it takes is
an open mind and an open heart!