Obama as
The issue of Obama as Lincoln has once again hit the press,
with an overlay of Obama’s face on Lincoln’s face on the popular
Drudge Report. Where Drudge begrudges Scallion (pardon the play
on words) with the credit for drawing the connection, the issue
first arose in May of 2007 when Gordon Michael Scallion
predicted on the popular Coast to Coast broadcast that “Lincoln
shall return to occupy the White House again” and then predicted
that Obama would win the election. Many parallels between
Lincoln and Obama have since been noted.

- Obama to Swear in on Stack of Historic
January 10, 2013
- Obama will take the oath of office
on the Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. Bibles.
Obama took the oath on the same Lincoln Bible at his first
inauguration in 2009.
- Ellie Crystal and Gordon-Michael
October 17, 2007
- During the broadcast
Gordon-Michael mentioned his May 2007 prediction at the
Edgar Cayce Prophecy Conference when he said, "If there
are no new entries into the field, then Lincoln shall
return and occupy the White House again". He then named
Obama as the next president.
- For Obama Followers
November 10, 2012
- The media has taken note that
Obama is fixated on the Lincoln presidency, mentioning for
instance that he wants a "team of rivals" to advise him,
as Lincoln had done. Obama announced his candidacy at
Springfield, IL as Lincoln had done. Both Obama and
Lincoln were lawyers from Illinois, served in the state
legislature and then briefly in the U.S. Senate. Could the
spirit of Lincoln be returning, as an African-American, to
finish what Lincoln set out to do?
This issue was last noted on November 16, 2008 in Issue
105 of this newsletter, when the Zetas confirmed Scallions
insight and added that Obama was a walk-in during his teens.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
11/8/2008: Obama
was also Lincoln, as is obvious to many, including Gordon
Michael-Scallion. Most Star Children recognize early that they
are different, and sense the reason why. In Obama's case, he
was a walk-in during his teens, so was able to choose the body
and life circumstances for his mission. In such cases, where a
walk-in occurs, the human body and mind sense a change, and
seek an answer for this, arriving at the conclusion that they
have a new soul within.
Lincoln mania has since evolved, with two movies with the
Lincoln theme emerging to hit the screen in late 2012. The
first, a serious film, has proven to be a block buster with many
accolades and awards. The second, a spoof, has Lincoln as a
vampire hunter.

- Lincoln (2012)
- In a nation divided by war and the
strong winds of change, Lincoln pursues a course of action
designed to end the war, unite the country and abolish
slavery. With the moral courage and fierce determination
to succeed, his choices during this critical moment will
change the fate of generations to come.
- Lincoln (2012 film)
- Filming began October 17, 2011,
and ended on December 19, 2011. Lincoln premiered on
October 8, 2012, at the New York Film Festival.
- Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
- Abraham Lincoln, the 16th
President of the United States, discovers vampires are
planning to take over the United States. He makes it his
mission to eliminate them. Blu-ray Release Date:
- Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
- Abraham Lincoln is reinvented as a
vampire-killing president. Release Date: Jun 22,
Sandy Hook
Conspiracy theories abound about Sandy Hook, fanned into flames
by the NRA and gun manufacturers who see themselves becoming
billionaires overnight with increased demand. Quick, buy your
guns before they are outlawed! “Everyone would be safe if only
every toddler were armed with an AK47” is the cry, as though
more guns were the answer. Statistically one is more likely to
get shot in their own home by a family member than elsewhere by
a stranger. Nevertheless, conspiracy theories range from:
- It never happened and the kids are safe, living someplace
else. (Citing some closed caskets and some parents identifying
their children by photo, rather than viewing the bodies.)
- It was all staged so Obama could take away our guns.
(This ignores the assault weapons ban that the Tea Party
dominated House allowed to lapse, which the majority of
American’s feel should be reinstated.)
- No one person could be that accurate, making those many
kills, just compare to other mass shootings and look at the
death rate. (This ignores the accuracy of the shooter, who had
Asperger’s syndrome, wherein bothersome emotions such as
empathy are reduced and accuracy and attention to detail
enhanced to a remarkable degree. Also, a small target will
take a bullet to a vital organ or artery where a bullet to an
adult is more likely to only cause a flesh wound. Adam also
went to target practice with his mother. )
- Adam had his brothers ID which is fishy. (Why wouldn’t
a younger brother, a teen, fish ID out of the garbage if he
wanted to posture as and buy things as an adult? Such as guns
and ammo, which requires an adult status in Connecticut.)
- The medical examiner assumed the wrong weapon had been used,
a gun later found in the shooter’s car, unused. (The medical
examiner was filmed and quoted in the heat of the day of the
shooting, outside the school. This was before all the evidence
such as bullets had been collected and examined. It was
certainly before all the autopsies had been done, which took
- Someone was arrested in the woods, thrown to the ground,
handcuffed, proving there was more than one shooter. (Anyone
found in the woods, even neighbors coming to see what the fuss
and shots were all about, was subject to arrest. Adam came in
the door just ahead of the 9:30 am lockdown, having a high IQ
and a mother who was aware of community events. Adam hardly
needed assistance to get into the school. The doors were open.

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Wx9GxXYKx_8#
- Man Who Helped Sandy Hook Kids is
Harassed by Conspiracy Theorists
January 15, 2013
- A man who found six children in
his driveway in Newtown, Conn., after their teacher had
been shot and killed in last month's school massacre has
become the target of conspiracy theorists who believe the
shootings were staged. Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old gunman,
had shot his way into the school and opened fire, killing
20 children and six adults.
Per the Zetas, compared to the real
conspiracies that were rampant during the Bush administration,
when the desire to invade Iraq for its oil reserves and to
declare martial law in the US via a bird flu pandemic were in
play, the theories on gun control are absurd.
ZetaTalk Comment
1/19/2013: In
a nation where 911 truthers are ridiculed, when the facts are
on their side, is it any wonder that conspiracy theories arise
when the right to bear arms is involved? The evidence that 911
was an inside job is overwhelming. Dick Cheney was conducting
an exercise in DC on that day, so those wanting to muster
fighter jets against the airliners were confused. Was this a
real attack or the exercise? A member of the Bush family was
put in charge of security at the twin towers just ahead of the
attacks. The buildings were brought down in a controlled
demolition, by explosives planted in the days before the
attack. But does this then mean that every conspiracy theory
is correct?
During the Bush administration
numerous attempts were made to incite martial law. The FBI
found that the “accidental” release of the 1957 bird flu virus
to 4,000 labs around the world during the Bush era was not an
accident, but no one was ever prosecuted. Numerous attempts to
plant a dirty bomb in a US city were foiled by ourselves,
unbeknownst to the public. No such plans are pending under
Obama, but those who resent his control of the White House
would say otherwise. Cries of secession and impeachment
abound. Where were they when freedom in the US was under real
Those who would convince the
public that Obama is out to remove all hunting rifles and
pistols from the public are having a field day with the Sandy
Hook massacre, pointing to statements made by the media and
the medical examiner on the day of the shooting, and video
showing the police searching the woods and arresting anyone
found there. Information was live that day, rolling out before
the facts were in. Adam was claimed to be his brother Ryan,
based on ID carried by Adam so this teenager could buy things
that required adult status. Ryan had a room in the family
home, until recently, so Adam had ample access to the trash or
his brother’s room.
If the media was confused
about the identity of the shooter, the medical examiner could
hardly be more precise on the day of the shooting. Before all
the bodies had been moved, before any autopsies had been
conducted, a statement by the medical examiner as to his
assumptions on the weapons used is hardly definitive.
Likewise, that the police were aggressive in searching the
woods and arresting anyone found walking there should not be
surprising. As it became clear that a highly intelligent teen
with Aspergers syndrome had slipped into the school just ahead
of the 9:30 am lockdown, loaded with guns from his mother’s
gun chest, and systematically shot his targets with the
precision that those with Aspergers syndrome are known to
possess, the conspiracy theories only accelerated.
After the dust had settled and
the facts were in, the motives and methods were logical and
consistent. The home was stocked with an arsenal. Adam had
been taken to the range for target practice by his mother.
Adam was highly intelligent, and given his Asperger’s syndrome
was able to control his emotions during his rampage. Adam
expected to escape, using his brothers ID. Adam anticipated
becoming an adult soon, and inheriting the funds his mother
had formerly controlled. His mother was in the process of
filing papers allowing her to continue to control his funds,
and by this signed her death warrant. Snatches of information
reported by the media before the facts were in hardly warrant
proof of conspiracy theories.
Meanwhile, those resentful about Obama’s second term have gone
berserk. Cries for impeachment and succession from the union are
heard. Meanwhile, Obama presses forward in his attempts to
remove assault guns from the streets.
- Full List of 23 Executive Actions in
Gun Violence Reduction Measures
January 16, 2013
- At President Obama’s announcement
on new steps to be taken in an effort to control gun
violence in the U.S., the president will sign measures
which will initiate 23 separate executive actions on gun
- Wyoming Ban On Federal Gun Bans
Proposed By State Lawmaker
January 10, 2013
- A Republican state lawmaker in
Wyoming has introduced legislation to prohibit enforcement
of federal gun control measures. State Rep. Kendell
Kroeker (R-Evansville) has put forward a bill making it a
felony to enforce in Wyoming any federal ban on assault
weapons or high-capacity gun magazines. Under the
supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution, federal laws
take precedence over state laws. States can only opt out
of federal mandates connected to accepting federal funds.
- Congressman Radel on Possible
Presidential Impeachment
January 16, 2013
- Congressman Steve Stockman from
Texas has taken aim against President Obama’s forthcoming
executive orders that will further restrict gun rights by
“eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the
White House, and even filing articles of impeachment”
against the President.
Sunda Still Sinking
Monsoon flooding in Jakarta is worse than ever, as recently
reported on the Pole
Shift ning. Coincidentally the flooding in Sumatra and all
along the edge of the Sunda Plate (being shoved under the curve
of the Indo-Australian) is likewise simultaneously severe! Why
not elsewhere? Because elsewhere is not experiencing an
elevation loss. Where the 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate had
reached the degree predicted by the Zetas (as noted in Issue
283 of this newsletter on March 4, 2012), the final chord
had not yet been sung, apparently. If the Presidential Palace in
Jakata is awash, can this be considered in anyway normal and

- Presidential Palace Inundated
January 17, 2013
- The Presidential Palace in Central
Jakarta would likely be inundated should the West Flood
Canal be unable to cope with the increasing volume of
- 10,000 Displaced by Floods in
Indonesia Capital, Two Dead
January 16, 2013
- Severe flooding following
torrential rain has driven almost 10,000 people from their
homes in the Indonesian capital.
- Flood Inundating Thousand Houses in S
Sumatra for Week
January 8, 2013
- The flood that has inundated
thousand houses in Banyuasin district, South Sumatra,
since a week ago has not yet receded.
What might this have to do with a US Navy Minesweeper running
aground in the Sulu Sea, as reported by the Pole
Shift ning? Where the Philippine Islands are primarily on
the Sunda Plate (except for the north Island of Luzon), they
have been above the sinking afflicting the rest of the Sunda
Plate due to the folding of the Philippine Plate under the east
edge of the Sunda Plate. But per the Zetas, during the final
crunch, the Philippine Islands will sink too.

- US Minesweeper Stuck on Reef off
January 17, 2013
- The USS Guardian ran aground on
the Tubattaha Reef on Wednesday night "during normal
transit", the US embassy in Manila said in a statement.
The extent of the damage to the ship and the cause of the
accident was still not known.
ZetaTalk Prediction
11/27/2010: The
tilting of the Philippine Plate give the Philippine Islands a
temporary boost up also, as these islands ride on the eastern
edge of the tongue holding Indonesia. Meanwhile, the tongue
holding Indonesia has been plunged down, ultimately pulling
both the Mariana and Philippine plates down as they fold.