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Board Meeting

Apr 25, 1999

1. New Headquarters Proposal - Vote or NOT
The President is moving to the Wisconsin site in September, 1999. Ron has taken residence in the cottage on the site and is devoting his full time to yard cleanup activities and supervised interior cleanup activities. To expedite timely response to the IRS and the State of Delaware, the official address should be moved to the Wisconsin address and the IRS and Delaware agent so notified.
2. Place of Business Established - Report by President
Steps taken by the President to establish the Wisconsin site as a Place of Business, per the Board's wishes. A PO Box in Wisconsin was rented, at a cost of $44/yr. Application for Mailing Permit from the US Post Office is pending application for Business License from the Village, known locally as a Conditional Use Permit, is not possible until Nancy as the property owner is on site. 
3. Lockbox Bylaws Change - Vote or NOT
The Bylaws currently state that the official corporate files be kept in a Lockbox on US soil by a Secretary proxy, as the Secretaries to date have not been resident in the US. With an official US based headquarters, the papers can be moved to the headquarters, filed in the Office, and the Bylaws so Amended.
4. Treasurer Arrangements - Vote or NOT
The current Treasurer, Brand, agreed at the President's personal request to fill the Treasurer's shoes following the forced resignation by Diana in April, 1998. Brand now feels he should Resign as job changes will move him out of state shortly, in one of several possible directions, and the situation is very unsettled. Ron was the first elected Treasurer, and is willing to serve again in that capacity. No checks have been cashed or disbursed, and no corporate account established in Georgia, as of yet. If Ron were appointed by the Board as Treasurer pending an emergency election by the Membership, and a Wisconsin Bank be named as the official Corporate Bank, the outstanding Vouchers that have been reviewed by the Internal Auditor could be paid forthwith.
5. Quickbooks Bylaws Change - Vote or NOT
The Bylaws currently state that the books must be kept on Quickbooks, to be shared electronically. Hypertext with scanned graphics of receipts and vouchers has in fact been used to submit material to the Internal Auditor for review. Excel spreadsheet or delimited text has been used to relay Balance Statements. Thus, the Bylaws are out of touch and at the same time unnecessarily restrictive, and should be Amended.
6. New Gifts Received - Report by Vice President
Clipper reports that he has received an anonymous gift for $1,000 into the Gift Pool, along with other gifts of $125, $100, and $50. The Gift Pool now totals $1,867. Our Bylaws state that any gift under $1,000 can be accepted without Board approval, if no conditions are attached to such acceptance. Our Bylaws also state that funds should be wired from a Gift Pool when they reach the $1,000 point, or when the Treasurer requires.
7. Prototype Grant Proposal - Vote or NOT
During a walkabout conducted by the President and Ron on March 28, 1999, a number of Prototype Development projects were discussed. The Wisconsin site offers many possibilities, and the President is offering the homestead as a site for these projects. Having the many prototypes in One Place is of benefit for tours, documentary filming, classes, and maintenance. All items and materials purchased by gift or grant funds would remain the property of the nonprofit and could be relocated at the pleasure of the Board. The President has developed a Self Dealing Analysis to invite scrutiny in this regard. The principle would be Ron Darby, who is known for his many comprehensive Contributions to the Troubled Times web site.
8. Funding Grant Proposal - Vote or NOT
Current proposals seeking funding, on the current Outstanding Balance, are: