Alien Invasion
On January 4 rumors swirled on the Internet that aliens had
landed at the Bayside Mall in Miami. There were various reports
and witness testimony that creatures 7-10 foot tall were being
sighted, that almost 100 police cars had arrived, the airport
was closed, power was cut to the mall, and black choppers were
swarming in the skies. One video escaped to be passed around on
the Internet, confirming some of these stories, but cell phone
and videos were confiscated and the media was silenced. Just a
False Flag event by the elite hoping to distract from Nibiru in
the news, per the Zetas.
ZetaTalk Answer
1/11/2024: With the nearby presence of Nibiru
no longer deniable, many in the establishment want to generate
a False Flag operation so the truth is not known and the
western banks need not fear the loss of their mortgage
interest payments. The Nibiru coverup has always had the
Rothschild banks at the helm, for this reason. An alien
invasion was one of the scenarios to delay the Nibiru
announcement. Thus having giants, men on stilts with reptilian
face masks, were marched into the Bayside Mall, creating a
panic. A short-lived invasion with the fraudsters arrested.
But there are real 10 foot hominoids in Paraguay, as an incident
in 2012 proved and confirmed again this year on the Brazil
island of Ilha do Mel. This tribe of tall men are Annunaki/Human
hybrids, showing up during the colonial days as the Oiga
magazine reports, and filmed on video in 2012. Not
coincidentally, Parana Province has recently gotten bright UFO
lights which per the Zetas were to give warning that flooding
from S Atlantic sloshing might soon occur.
- 10-Foot-Tall Strange Beings Seen
Traversing Brazilian Island as Alien Rumors Swirl
Jamuary11, 2024
- New video shows two giant,
humanlike creatures strolling along the foothills of a
small Brazilian island in what some believe is proof
aliens are visiting Earth. One of the 10-foot tall beings
appears to take in the sights of Ilha do Mel, an island
two miles off the coast of Southeast Brazil, as another
stands closely behind, the footage shows. They stand
confidently on the top of the hill, which locals say is
difficult to reach, with the shrubbery barely reaching
their knees.
- Ilha do Mel State Park
- The Ilha do Mel State Park is a
state park in the state of Parana, Brazil, located in the
municipality of Paranagu. It is a very small island, with
a lot of fauna and flora, due to its small index of
urbanization. Inside the island, the use of vehicles and
traction animals are not allowed, in order to avoid
damaging it and preserve its natural beauties, and also
the number of visitors on the island can't exceed 5.000
people. When visiting the island, the walking through it
is made on foot by trails of land, for better appreciation
of nature and also don't damaging. The island is not all
available to visit, there are limited areas that are for
ZetaTalk Confirmation
1/13/2024: As
we detailed in 2012 when the issue of giants
in Paraguay was addressed, this is a group of
Annunaki/Human hybrids who fear the anger of their former
slaves who had rebelled against being forced into Gold mines.
They were known to the earlier explorers, as the development
of modern day technology in the hands of their fully human
neighbors only convinced them to remain hidden. That said, why
are these hybrids on this particular island along the S
Atlantic coast making an appearance at this time?
The Brazil province of Parana
is one of the spots getting UFO
displays warning of future flooding. If the Antarctica
Plate lifts as we have predicted between the tip of S America
and S Africa, then displaced water will rush up along the
southern coastline of Brazil. These Annunaki/Human hybrids
have lived in seclusion in this area for thousands of years,
and are debating where to go to escape the flood tide. Thus
they sent out their scouts. They are likely to move inland
into the highlands but will continue to seek seclusion.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
2/4/2012: The
Annunaki were slender, though muscular, and thus their
offspring would have the trim, thin outline seen in the recent
photos and videos. Where in one photo the head of the tall man
dressed in white appeared to be orange, this is due to the
color of the hybrid's skin, when tanned, not as brown as pure
human skin. When this hybrid cluster encountered European
explorers, they like the American Indians recognized a threat
to their existence, though at first they greeted the explorers
and were curious. They withdrew, and have kept themselves
separate from strictly human society to avoid hostile
From the time when pure blood
Annunaki were in the vicinity, enslaving mankind for work in
their mines, relations were not good between the Annunaki and
their slaves. Rebellions occurred, when many Annunaki were
injured and lost their lives, and these hybrids were aware of
the legacy left to them. It became part of their culture to
avoid contact with human society. This caution has only
increased as modern day humans became more technologically
advanced, while the hybrid cluster remained isolated and
relatively primitive in their culture. Like Bigfoot, attempts
to contact these illusive half-breeds would only result in
their disappearance, slipping away into the caves and jungle
to be lost again.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
1/3/2024: The
Plate Movement process as the 7 of 10 Plate Movements are
coming to an end will include a compressing Pacific and a
widening Atlantic. This is already in process. When the S
Pacific compresses it presses on the Antarctic Plate, pushing
it up between the tip of S America and S Africa. This forces
the Atlantic open, allowing the foot of Africa to slide into
the void created in the S Atlantic. What this means for the
state of Parana and other provinces that lie inland along the
coastal mountains of Brazil or within the reach of the Buenos
Aires Bay should it be inundated is that the potential for
flooding exists. The lifting Antarctic Plate will force water
up along these coastal mountains and into the Buenos Aires
Bay. Once inland behind the coastal mountains, this water will
not have an easy route to drain, but might linger.
Confused Media
With so many cover-ups ongoing, it is difficult for the public
to sort out the truth. First, President Trump told us that we
were watching a Movie and with all
the politicians wearing rubber masks and the expansion of Gitmo,
those with eyes to see can see this is the case. The Zetas tell
us that the US is under Martial Law since the Fall of 2015, and
from the treatment that President Trump gets compared to the
treatment Biden gets, it is clear that Trump is the Commander in
Chief. For instance, what emerged during the recent flap over
Defense Secretary Austin's hospital emergency.
- Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin
remains Hospitalized after Mystery Procedure; DoD remains
Mum on Release
January 7, 2024
- U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J.
Austin has been hospitalized since the first day of 2024,
and while Pentagon officials have not said when he will be
released, they continue to avoid saying why he went to the
hospital in the first place.
- Austin Remains Hospitalized nearly a
Week after Admittance to Walter Reed ICU
- Austin, 70, had an undisclosed
elective procedure on Dec. 22, and he returned from the
hospital one day later. He then, on Jan. 1, "began
experiencing severe pain and was transported to Walter
Reed National Military Medical Center where he was
admitted to the Intensive Care Unit."
- The Pentagon's 2nd in Command was Not
Informed of Defense Secretary's Hospitalization
January 7, 2024
- Austin was hospitalized on Jan. 1
for complications from elective surgery. Austin was
hospitalized on Jan. 1 for complications from elective
surgery. The secrecy surrounding Austin's hospitalization
is highly unusual. Not even his boss, the president, knew
of it; nor was Congress informed. The Pentagon and Austin
have not specified the nature of his medical procedure.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
1/7/2024: If
anything, the lack of urgency over SoD Austin being absent for
days and Biden being altogether unaware says that both are
irrelevant. They are not in charge. The US has been under
Martial Law since the Fall of 2015 when Obama failed to
announce the presence of Nibiru. This is not the type of
Martial law where troops are marching down city streets, but
it does put the Junta in control of the federal government.
The Biden Double takes orders from the Junta, and the Marines
are in charge of the US Military, Little by little the truth
is being told, but in the meantime the public is watching
a Movie.
That said, why can't Austin's
elective surgery or relapse be known? He was confirmed,
supposedly, by the Senate thus Congress has a right to know.
Austin went in for elective surgery on December 2 ahead of the
Christmas holidays, hoping his absence would not be noted.
Aging and overweight, like many men his age he wanted an
implant to counter erectile disfunction. This will never be
publicly admitted. This explains the severe pain that emerged,
which will likewise never be publicly admitted.
Then there are the constantly changing explanations on
alternative media as to what the 10 Days means -10 Days of
Darkness, 10 Days of Lockdowns, 10 Days of Blackouts, etc. This
started with a Q statement on April
4, 2020 that inferred child sex trafficking. But per the Zetas
this morphed into a blackout if Nibiru
were to be admitted, to lessen panic and riot from the public.
The whole Covid-19 affair with its continuing Lockdowns seemed
to be for that reason. The forums continually warn that we
are about to have a Lockdown for unclear reasons.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
1/7/2024: The
concept of Lockdowns and 10 Days of Darkness has been confused
from the start. Q started the
discussion and implied the Satanic sex abuse and torture
of children for the Adrenochrome in their blood was connected,
so some people assumed that a blackout or lockdown would
assist those rescuing children. Then there were the lockdowns
due to the flu called Covid-19, which was designed to keep the
public in their homes when Nibiru became
obvious. Now that Putin is threatening to reveal Nibiru,
and Nibiru is increasingly mentioned in the press, these terms
are increasingly in the mix, implying the grid will be down.
The elite fear the public
becoming aware and rioting so that the elite have to rush to
their bunkers, leaving society to ruins. Lockdowns are rumored
because they hope to keep people from hearing the truth about
Nibiru - that it exists and will make a passage causing
devastation worldwide. This depends on who is in charge. The
elite hope to limit riots and even the flow of information. If
the elite are in charge, darkness from power outages and
limiting social media and phone calls would occur. If full
blown Martial Law is in effect then riots could be suppressed
while the economy continues - people at their jobs and
children at school.
If the Main Stream Media is not telling you the truth, the
Alternative Media is not altogether honest either. Many seek the
stage presence that ZetaTalk has earned due to prediction
accuracy. Take the case of Dutchsinse who claims earthquake
prediction accuracy. All due to his talent or due to his use of
ZetaTalk insights? His technique is to use the ZetaTalk Plate
Movement map published in 2010, and use that to locate stress
points. Note Dutchsinse published in 2011, right after the Zetas
published in 2010.
- How To Forecast in 4 Easy Steps
- Dutchsinse has been monitoring
earthquakes daily and globally since 2010 and went public
on YouTube in 2011. For years he is has been battling
through media, skeptic public opinion and even
professional seismologists.
1. Look up your fault lines
2. Look up the last 48 hours of earthquakes in EMSC
3. Look for 2 dots where earthquakes are on the same line
and find the point in the middle
ZetaTalk Confirmation
1/5/2024: Dutchsinse
developed his technique in 2010, the year our 7
of 10 Plate Movement prediction was published. His
technique for predicting earthquakes starts with examining a
map of the Earth plates and locating where recent earthquakes
have occurred. He has clearly copied our Plate Movement
predictions as he shows identical Plate Movements to our
prediction. He has also included our prediction on New Land
rising between the tip of S America and S Africa. Note the
correlation of his arrows on his Plate Movement map to our
2010 diagram.
He has the [1] Indo-Australian
Plate plunging under the Himalayas with [2] Indonesia
subduction, [3] the Philippine Plate tilt allowing the Pacific
to compress, [4] S American Roll to the West creating Andes
quakes and [5] tearing open the S Atlantic to create a void
for [6] the foot of Africa to drop on its NE corner, allowing
the Africa Roll and [7] ripping open the Mediterranean, while
[8] Japan quakes create distress in Beijing and [9] N America
reacts by splitting into portions on either side of the New
Madrid Fault Line, thus causing [10] a tsunami at the Azores
Why can't Dutchsinse give us
credit for our prediction? He was an unknown trying to become
famous. After using Plate movements as outlined in 2010 by the
Zetas, he followed the Zeta question queue where activity
would next be expected, and created a web of associated
activity [D, X] to hide his use of our Scripted Drama
predictions. The active areas he identified always have a
number of quakes so he is never without a claim of success. A
true plagiarist claims no association with his sources,
feigning ignorance. But Dutchsinse clearly has plagiarized
If the facts don't fit the story, then make up a story. That's
another Media scheme we see all too often. The issue of illegal
immigrants being hosted in tunnels under the Jewish Chabad HQ in
Brooklyn was soon twisted in many directions. Many in Israel are
seeking safety and fear retaliation against Israel for its
stance re Gaza, and New York is known to be a Jewish stronghold.
Thus the arrests.

- 770 Bochurim Breach Wall to Prevent
Tunnel Closure
January 8, 2024
- The iconic wooden panels in the
main shul of 770 Eastern Parkway were torn off by
aggressive bochurim on Monday in response to a cement
truck being ordered to seal off their unsanctioned tunnel.
The Shul was closed after the Gaboim and Merkos both
agreed to ask the NYPD to shut the Shul due to the
immediate danger.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
1/5/2024: The
tunnels under the 770 Eastern Parkway synagogue in Brooklyn
have resulted in numerous theories from immigrant smuggling to
child sacrifice. These tunnels are not new, but decades old
and led from the men's sector of the synagogue to the women's
sector, for unsanctioned trysts. In that Israel is being
condemned worldwide for their genocide and unwarranted attacks
against Gaza, many conservative Jews in Israel are seeking to
immigrate to the US fearing that Israel will be slaughtered.
This accounts for the tunnels being filled with books and
perhaps undocumented immigrants.
What of the spoiled mattress?
During a tryst the woman would often bring her baby with her,
and changing diapers can get messy. Has there been child
sacrifice in the tunnels? In that they are open to the men,
night and day, this activity would not have escaped notice.
The legality of the tunnels, which run under several connected
buildings owned by the same individual, is under discussion
but nothing more should be made of this.
Africa Roll Signs
The Africa Roll is in process, turning Africa in a clockwise
direction so it drops its NE corner to scrape down along the
Sinai. During this process it also pulls the SE Portion of the N
American Plate, as these two plates are glued firmly to each
other along their Atlantic border. This eventually results in
the New Madrid Rupture, which is at hand. There will be a
tearing open of the N Atlantic during this process, caused by
the 4 plate juncture at the Azores pulling in different
Africa rolls toward the SE, pulling the SE Portion of the N
American Continent with it. This will result in Africa and the
SE Portion moving along the Mediterranean border, moving
Gibraltar 125 miles further to the East. Europe will remain in
place, while the Seaway and the New Madrid Fault Line at the
Seaway exit clap. Beyond the rising and falling water level in
the Seaway at Montreal, we have a diverted Gulf Stream as proof
that this is in process.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
1/11/2024: Why
is the Gulf Stream dividing at the Azores? This divide of the
Gulf Stream continues up along the N Atlantic, as though there
were a force influencing the waters. The Eurasian Plate
is under a ripping action at its SW corner, as can be seen in
the Methane burn maps, where the Seaway side of the N Atlantic
is relatively quiescent. This is a prelude for the finale
where a void will be opened at the Azores. The Eurasian Plate
will be the anchor, not moving, while the SE Portion will pull
to the East with Africa.
The N Atlantic Rift is under
distress at that time, being pulled in different directions.
Where assumed to be composed of independent segments, the N
Atlantic Rift is torn open and solidified from lava during
periodic Plate Movements, and thus operates as a whole when
being tugged apart. Magnetic connections exist as the
hardening lava forms into a magnet, aligning with the Earth's
magnetic field. The waters of the N Atlantic now reflect this
tearing of the giant magnet that is the N Atlantic Rift.
Electro-magnetic particle
flows have an affinity for water, which is a super conductor.
Thus the waters of the N Atlantic along the N Atlantic Rift
are charged, clashing with the normal Gulf Stream charge.
Since the N Atlantic Rift was formed during prior crustal
shifts, when the Earth encountered Nibiru with its retrograde
rotation, the N Atlantic Rift magnetism adopted a counter
clockwise direction. The Earth settled down into her current
magnetic alignment, but the N Atlantic Rift had already been
hardened to reflect the clash with Nibiru during the Passage.
Even Moscow, far from the quad-plate juncture at the Azores,
will be affected by the Africa Roll. They were given a UFO
warning in 2007 re flooding caused by river backwash, all the
way up river from the Black Sea to Moscow.
ZetaTalk Warning
2007: The
UFO blitz of recent months included more reports than reached
the media in the US. As can be shown by this excellent report,
Moscow was given a light show and telepathic warning too. If
UFO's were seen across the US and in Istanbul and London, as
warnings, what is in store in Moscow, in the coming
months? Moscow is in the center of an extreme stretch of
lowlands. Where above sea level now, after the pole shift,
when the big melt has raised the sea level some 675 feet
worldwide, Moscow residents will have hundreds of miles to
traverse in order to be above the waves.
There are no foot hills, no
mountains, no plateaus, in any direction. To the East, the
Urals. To the Southeast, the Caucasus. To the Southwest, the
Carpathians. And to the Northwest, beyond Finland, the
mountains of Sweden. We have described the UFO blitz in
Istanbul, Turkey as a warning that the entry to the Black Sea
will lower as Africa twists during pre-shift quakes and plate
movements. Where does this water go? There are several rivers
that drain these lowlands, many ending in the vicinity of
Moscow. The waters go up river, pushed back, a backwash.
Moscow will be reminded early that it lies in lowlands, with
unexpected flooding a result of plate adjustments.
Now Moscow has gotten a reminder UFO display. The time must be
close at hand.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
1/11/2024: In
2007 during the Moscow UFO display that year we detailed the
telepathic message Muscovites received. We explained that as a
result of the Africa Roll and the effect it will have on the
Black Sea and Istanbul, there will be a backwash of rivers up
into their headlands near Moscow. This will result in
unexpected flooding with few highlands nearby for Muscovites
to use. The pending New Madrid Rupture will be assisted by
Africa Roll episodes, and thus this time may be upon Moscow.