10 Days of Darkness
The Secret War to take down the
Satanists breaks into the public view on occasion, as when the Notre Dame Cathedral was torched or
when nuke sniffer planes flew around NYC
or over Denver, or a missile
being shot skyward from Whidbey Island when President Trump was
supposed to be flying overhead. Then there are the multiple coup
attempts to displace President Trump and replace him with
Pelosi, the third in line. Treason was the primary reason Obama,
Hillary, McCain, Pelosi and Schiff were executed, though the
truth of all this and the associated Moloch child sacrifice has
been kept from the public.

ZetaTalk Insight 2/28/2019: Is
there a relationship between the crackdown on the traffic in
human babies for Moloch worship and the sudden push for late
term abortions in New York and Virginia states? Another nexus
is the connection to Democratic personalities such as Bill
Clinton and Oprah Winfrey, who both promoted John of God.
Hillary and Podesta were solidly connected to the Spirit
Cooking of the Moloch worshiping crowd. Though such
personalities are prosecuted by the Tribunals, they are
allowed limited public appearances under guard as Trump’s
Junta deems the extent of their crimes too shocking for the
public to digest. The prosecution of those involved in human
trafficking is in process, despite the support it got from the
rich and politically powerful.

The Tribunals in operation since the start of 2019, under the
authority of President Trump’s Executive Order, have made steady
progress on both fronts. Satanism and Moloch child
sacrifice are embedded in European royalty and the
Bush/Clinton Cabal in the US. The Deep State and most of the
media are owned and complicit. Tribunals have resulted in the
execution of numerous politicians, celebrities, and
individuals of wealth and influence. All of this is carefully
kept from the public too, with Q explaining that the hospitals
would not be able to accommodate all the heart attacks were the
truth to be known.

The Moloch practice of rape to terrify young children, and the
harvesting of the resulting Adrenochrome to give the Satanists a
high, is of course hidden, but did emerge in 2018 when a rape
camp was discovered along I-19 in Arizona. Thus the
traffic in the tens of thousands of young children required has
been driven into Deep Underground Military Bases, or DUMBS.
The Zetas confirmed that these tunnels exist and have and are
being used to traffic children. Surveillance is difficult due to
the cooperation of Deep State participants, who warn the
traffickers. How then to catch them in the act?

ZetaTalk Insight
1/31/2020: Rumors
continue to emerge about caged children held for Satanic
rituals in underground facilities in the US, some of them on
former military bases or DUMBs. It is certainly true that the
child sex trade desires storage of small children where they
would not be discovered. The discovery of the rape camp
near I-19 shows what happens when their practices are
above ground and in the open. From the Bush administration to
the Clinton administration, the Cabal was able to facilitate
using the US Military for their ends,
and sleeper cells remained. This cleanup progresses,
but does not include nuclear explosions, though
collapsing the DUMB does require explosions. The current war
being waged against the Satanists is a silent war, with the
execution of major players such as Cummings and even the Queen
being denied by the use of doubles or claims of a natural
death. The public is only told a small part of the story.
On November 5, 2017 Q
posted an enigma, which is not unusual for the enigmatic Q. He
stated “Disinformation exists and is necessary. 10 Days.
Darnkess. War. Good vs Evil.” This soon became known as the 10
Days of Darkness puzzle, though Q did not specifically say that
darkness would last 10 days. Notably, the word Darkness was
misspelled, being “Darnkess”. The dots were connected on this
clue when an Anon discovered a book about sex abuse and rescue
just before Easter. The book was titled 3
Days of Darkness but the title page was misprinted. It
said “Darnkess”. The Zetas explain.

- BREAKING! 35,000 kids rescued from
captivity in New York, California, Florida, Washington
April 3, 2020
- Pentagon 1 confirms children
continue to be rescued in locations that include New York,
California, Florida, Washington, and the numbers have seen
a dramatic increase. Pentagon 1 said the number increased
some 3,000 children to 35,000 and
advised there is “more coming”. The Pentagon Pedophile
Task Force is currently assisting the U.S. Military with
actionable intelligence and will continue to report
ZetaTalk Confirmation
4/30/2020: Q
described a game theory in one of his earliest posts - #97 –
in 2017. The enigmatic Q was known for puzzles and speaking in
code, so his reference to what is taken to be 10 Days of
Darkness actually includes a misspelled word. “Darnkess” is a
misspell found in a book about sex abuse of children – 3 Days
of Darkness - and their rescue going into Easter. Connecting
the dots, Qanons have speculated that the time is now, 2020,
with the start on April Fool’s Day and the ending on Good
Due to the pandemic, the
hospital ships Comfort and Mercy have been deployed and
temporary hospitals have been erected in New York City and
elsewhere. It is being speculated that this effort is to
comfort children brought from the tunnels. Because of the
social isolation orders, there would be few citizens to
witness such an effort. It would be under cover of Darkness,
thus. We have confirmed that underground
bases and tunnels exist, and have and are being used to
supply young children to the pedophile and Moloch worshiping
Those involved in the child
sex traffic cease operation if they think they are being
observed. The “Darkness” Q referred to is not due to a lack of
sunlight or an Internet outage, it was that surveillance would
cease. The network assumes they are free to operate, and thus
are identified. Yes, “Darnkess” was a deliberate misspell on
Q’s part. Yes, the lock down orders in many parts of the
country are allowing the US Military to expedite the rescue of
small children being rushed through the tunnels. Were it
not for the Covid-19 virus, this operation would have been
done with more stealth until the public is deemed able to
process the information without undue distress.

And the beat goes on. New apparent Doubles have emerged among
the Satanists. The Spirit Cooking queen - Marina Abramovic - has
been switched as of March 2020, as has suspected pedophile Tom
Hanks who was closeted in Australia due to a reported Covid-19
infection this past month.

New Madrid Reminder
The Zetas have warned that the New Madrid adjustment is close,
and will happen before the end of 2020, before the time in
January 2021 when the establishment can no longer deny the
presence of Nibiru.
ZetaTalk Timeline
3/5/2019: Is
there such a worldwide program that has a deadline of 2021?
Every country has one. They have been told, via face-to-face
meetings between heads of state, that this is the year when
Nibiru will be close enough that denial is no longer feasible.
What programs are being put into place? As Nancy has
noted, Russia and China have firm plans.
The US will be dealing with the New Madrid by then, and fully
into Martial Law programs with FEMA.
Thus the Zetas seem to be giving warnings via UFO displays
during the month of April. Displays were presented in two places
along the St. Lawrence Seaway – Detroit
and Cleveland
- which will spread and slosh during the adjustment. A display
also was presented to Mexico,
the tip of the N American Continent bow, where a release of
tension in the bow will result in a lurch there too. This all
coincided with a release
of CO in western Kansas, where heaving ground due to the
New Madrid pressure had occurred in recent months.

ZetaTalk Analysis
4/30/2020: We
have detailed the degree to which the St. Lawrence Seaway and
the states running along south of the Seaway will participate
during the New Madrid adjustment. The Seaway is already
ripping open all the way to the Black
Hills, and will do so again, though not to the degree
anticipated for the Pole Shift adjustment. The New Madrid
Fault Line turns toward the East when it reaches the Chicago
area, and runs along under the Seaway all the way to the New
England region. Thus Detroit
and Cleveland will both be affected when the big New
Madrid adjustment occurs.
The Detroit UFO display shows
an expanding line, moving at both ends of the display. Detroit
already has a persistent hum, as
it is ripping apart along the course of the river between the
Great Lakes on either side – Lake Huron and Lake Erie.
Cleveland is directly on the Seaway, and will find sloshing
water from the widening Seaway to be a rapidly diminishing
problem. Thus the UFO display in Cleveland seems to disappear.
Do these displays, coming at this time, mean the New Madrid
rip is close at hand? Yes.

ZetaTalk Analysis
4/30/2020: As
we have repeatedly explained, during the pending New Madrid
adjustment, that portion of the US lying to the East of the
Fault Line will move toward the NE while that portion of the
US lying to the West of the Fault Line will remain in place.
Mexico is at the tip of the bow formed by the N American
Continent. When the tension in the bow is released, as the
Fault Line rips, there will be an adjustment in Mexico too.
Those parts of Mexico to the East of the bow line, and along the
Gulf, will ease and slide toward the North. This Mexico
adjustment is clearly shown in the UFO display, as the UFO line
is at first conjoined, then separated, then the right side
(East) moves up (North) while the left side (West) moves down
(South). Crevasses along the line of adjustment might appear,
not an unusual occurrence in Mexico due to the bowing tension it

ZetaTalk Analysis
4/30/2020: A
massive release of CO has occurred before in the N American
Continent, because of the bow stress associated with the
forthcoming New Madrid adjustment. In 2016 a CO release 180
times normal occurred over the West Coast due to
subduction of the Pacific Plate under the N American Plate.
Due to the lack of oxygen underground, CO accompanies the
methane gas released when rock layers slip apart and release
gasses from rotting vegetation. Note that the CO release in
western Kansas occurs along a line paralleling the New Madrid
Fault Line. This release is also to the West
of the Ozarks, along a line where the hard rock under
the Ozarks ends. The New Madrid Fault Line will soon
Earth Wobble
The Daily Earth Wobble whips the top of the globe to the East
and then to the West, exacerbating the African Roll. This has
caused explosions in Nigeria recently. Nigeria is the pinch
point in Africa, where the roll causes compression between the
top portion of Africa (which is moving East) and the bottom leg
of Africa (which is nailed to Antarctica). Where the explosions
puzzled Nigerians, since it had no relationship to gas lines or
meteors, it has a simple explanation. It is the African roll
pinch. The Daily Earth Wobble lean to the East and West also
whips the winds, causing the Coriolis Effect winds to be
misplaced over southeastern Europe.

- Meteor or Bomb? Explosion Destroys
over 100 Houses in Akure
March 28, 2020
- Over 100 buildings, school,
churches were destroyed by an explosion in Akure, the Ondo
State capital. While many attributed it to bomb explosion,
others said it must have been a meteor fragment from outer
space that hit the earth with devastating effects. There
was a similar explosion at Abule Ado in Lagos recently.
There is no oil pipeline close to the Eleyowo village
where the explosion happened.
- Explosion Rocks Akure, 100 Buildings
Allegedly Affected
March 28, 2020
- According to residents of the
community affected, the blast which occurred in the early
hours of March 28, cut off the ever busy Akure /Owo road
while many people were said to have been injured.
ZetaTalk Explanation
4/30/2020: We
have addressed the pinch that Nigeria sustains as the Africa
Roll progresses. As the top part of the Africa Plate rolls
toward the East, the tip is anchored at Antarctica. This
causes a pinch, or
collapse, at Nigeria. This pinch emerged in 2017 when Nigeria
had excessive earthquakes. Rock
forced into a bend will explode outward. This explosion on
Akure, at the heart of the pinch, was not caused by a meteor
as there wasn’t any scream or roar during entry, nor any
bright lights in the sky in the dead of night. Was this a
sneaker meteor? It was the African Roll pinch, exploding.

- Zagreb's Air is still Bad, there is
still Desert Sand
March 28, 2020
- According to data from the Swiss
site IQ Air, which compares air quality in the
world, this morning at 8 am, Zagreb was ranked fifth in
the world rankings for air pollution. This is a slightly
better situation than yesterday afternoon when Zagreb was
at one point the first in the world to be contaminated by
the high concentration of desert sand particles that
reached Croatia from the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan
- Trade Winds
- The trade
winds or easterlies are the permanent
east-to-west prevailing winds that flow in the Earth's
equatorial region (between 30°N and 30°S latitudes). The
trade winds blow predominantly from the northeast in
the Northern Hemisphere and from the southeast
in the Southern Hemisphere, strengthening during the
winter and when the Arctic oscillation is in its
warm phase.

ZetaTalk Explanation
3/31/2020: In
general, the winds in the Northern Hemisphere roll West to
East, pushed by the rotating globe to curl clockwise in the Coriolis Effect. Thus the
prevailing Westerlies roll across the US and assault the
coastlines of Europe. So why would Southern Europe be getting
dust drifting over from the Kara-Kum Desert of Turkmenistan?
This would be a prevailing Easterly wind, blowing East to
West. Where the Trade Winds
returning air to the Equator do sustain an East to West
direction, they are found much closer to the Equator, within a
belt 30 degrees from the Equator.
That portion of Southern
Europe finding itself bombarded with dust from Kara-Kum is
being pulled into a Southerly lean by the Daily
Earth Wobble, which has in the past done a slight lean
to the East when the Sun is above India, switching to a slight
lean to the West as the mid-day Sun moves over Italy. What
these leans do is pull that part of the globe facing the Sun
to drop closer into the atmosphere that had formerly been
closer to the Equator. By slinging to the West after slinging
to the East, Southern Europe is in effect double dipping into
the dust storms of Africa and Saudi Arabia.
Where Nibiru causes the Daily Earth Wobble, it also impacts the
normal flow of gravity particles in and out of Mother Earth, our
own beloved gravity sink. The Zetas have explained that the
Auroras are not caused by a flux in magnetic particles, but by
gravity flowing in and out of the poles, thus bending light
rays. Thus, the puzzle over “STEVE” - horizontal Auroras in the
lower latitudes - has a simple explanation. Once again, it is
the nearby presence of Nibiru, which the cover-up will not allow
the media to mention.

- A new Aurora? Researchers say 'the
Dunes' aren't like the Usual Lights in the Sky
October 7, 2018
- In October 2018, several aurora
enthusiasts who regularly photograph the shimmering lights
noticed something unusual. Where the lights of regular
auroras are typically arranged vertically to create a
rippling, curtain-like effect, the skywatchers instead saw
luminous green arcs structured horizontally and extending
hundreds of miles toward the horizon. In addition to their
horizontal alignment, the lights appeared to undulate like
a wave in the night sky.
- Mysterious Ribbons of Light Dubbed
'Steve' are Not Auroras
August 20, 2018
- STEVE was initially given its name
in honor of the 2006 film Over the Hedge, and the title
was later accepted in the scientific community as a
‘backronym,’ standing for Strong Thermal Emission Velocity

ZetaTalk Explanation
2/28/2020: Early
in the ZetaTalk saga we explained that Auroras
were caused by light rays being bent by the Earth’s Gravity
Field. Where gravity particle flows have many aspects poorly
understood by mankind, such as the Repulsion
Force where accumulated gravity particles explode
outward from a gravity sink, a Gravity Field emerges at
the poles and returns at the Equator. Mankind’s probes
have established this Gravity Field shape, modeled as a potato
shape for the Earth, but mankind clings to the notion that
Auroras are caused by magnetons emerging or returning to the
In 2006 a new Aurora
phenomenon emerged - a skyglow near the Equator which
was dubbed STEVE. While theories
and speculation abounded, mankind remained tangled up in
confusion because they could not switch from the magnetic
theory to our gravity explanation. How could the large gravity
sink represented by Nibiru, which is 23 times as massive as
the Earth, cause increased skyglow? As is well known, light
rays bend easily, as anyone looking at their feet while
standing in water knows. Prisms are another such proof.
When two gravity sinks are in
the same vicinity, a dance ensues. A single gravity sink
dominates to form a single Gravity Field. This is a
complicated symphony where the repetitive Repulsion Force is a
drum beat but the steady flow of gravity particles downward
toward the center of the gravity sink is a lilting soprano.
Amidst this is a throbbing chorus of gravity particles flowing
into and out of the center of the gravity sink. While still
afar, the Gravity Field of Nibiru is interfering with Earth’s
Gravity Field, creating discord.
If Auroras at the poles are
light rays flowing with emerging gravity particles then what
is the STEVE skyglow? Just as the Earth has lower and upper
atmosphere levels, a Gravity Field likewise has levels of
intensity. We stated that Nibiru is creating conflicting
directives. The gravity particle flow normally involved with
the Earth symphony is now being diverted, such that the
particles returning to Earth’s center linger at the Earth’s
gravity troposphere, undulating. Where the gravity particles
linger, they bend light rays, which also appear to undulate.
Thus this new phenomenon, still being called an Aurora.