Wave#2 Anticipation
The Zetas predicted that the big New Madrid Adjustment would
happen by the end of 2021 or shortly thereafter in early 2022.
They stated that ahead of this big adjustment there would be
predecessor adjustments that would come in waves. Wave#1
occurred on May 8 when the Colonial
Pipeline was forced to close where it crosses the
Mississippi River and a truss on the I-40 bridge to Memphis
snapped. Following that we had a refinery explode at the Ohio
River headwaters, then a DC pedestrian bridge collapse and the
SurfSide condo collapse. The SE Portion
of the US cannot move and is poised to rip off. The emission
maps showed the tension in the SE Portion on June 5.
Then the tension shifted to the Gulf of
Mexico when a buoy throbbed for a day on July 8
along the path from the Pemex gas field explosion to New
Orleans. This happened simultaneously to a major water main
break at Jackson, MS. The next day a cruise ship went aground in
Kentucky while cruising the Cumberland River. The river bottom
had shifted. If Wave#1 focused on the SE Portion of the US to
the EAST of the Mississippi River what will happen to that
portion of the US to the WEST of the Mississippi River? On that
same day, July 8, a massive quake swarm on the California/Nevada
border began. Notably, SO2 and CO emissions from rock shifting
began to focus on western Canada, which sustained a crane
collapse in BC.
- Bridge Collapse leaves Jackson
Residents without Water
July 8, 2021
- People living at Pebble Creek
Apartments say they have been without water nearly three
days after a bridge collapse.

- Passengers taken off American Jazz
Cruise Ship after it Runs Aground in Kentucky
July 11, 2021
- The U.S. Coast Guard reports that
the cruise ship passengers and eight members of the crew
were taken off the ship on pontoon boats July 9 with
rescue and assist boats nearby to ensure passenger safety.
According to the U.S. Coast Guard, the American Jazz,
owned by American Cruise Lines, has run aground on the
Cumberland River outside the normal shipping channel. The
cause is under investigation.
- 6.0-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Near
California-Nevada Border
July 8, 2021
- The USGS said in a briefing
Thursday that this now 6.0-magnitude quake was
particularly uncommon for the area and poses a 6% chance
that this is a foreshock of a larger quake. Shaking could
be felt from the San Francisco Bay Area to the east of
Carson City Nevada.
- Multiple Fatalities after Crane
Collapses at Kelowna, B.C., Construction Site
July 12, 2021
- The crane collapse happened at the
Brooklyn construction site run by developer Mission Group.
The company described the incident as a "catastrophic
failure (in which) a crane fell during the dismantling
ZetaTalk Confirmation
7/31/2021: As
was noted when the Pemex gas field exploded in an underwater
eruption, and as we have stated since the start of the 7 of 10
Plate Movements, the New Madrid Adjustment will start its
unzipping in Mexico. Draw a line from the Mexico City/Pemex
region to New Orleans and this line passes through the current
active buoy location. This is very significant as this will
soon destabilize the continental US near and above New
Orleans. That the lowlands near Jackson, MS are shifting in
step with the buoy warnings is not a surprise.
Beyond these signs that the rock in the western 2/3 of the N
American Plate is shifting toward the Pacific are the signs of
unease in the US and Russian governments. Hal Turner reports
a rumor that filling station chains have been warned there
will be a gasoline shortage soon, so the next delivery of
gasoline might be their last. There is a long N America Plate
border running down through the Arctic, and when the N America
Plate twitches, this could affect Siberia too. Thus the
temporary closing of the Nord gas line and military exercises in
Siberia look suspicious.

- Alert: Pilot/Flying J and Cenex tell
Gas Station Owners "Next Delivery is your Last"
July 8, 2021
- Reports have been coming in that
Pilot/Flying J and CenEx corporations have both told their
gas station franchisees/operators that "your next fuel
delivery will be your last. When your tanks reach ten
percent, shut down."

- Russian National Guard to hold
Exercise on Elimination of Threats to National Security
July 2, 2021
- Russian National Guard will hold
the Zaslon-2021 major operational, and strategic exercise
in several regions of Russia, the National Guard press
service told TASS Friday, adding that the exercise would
focus on neutralizing threats to national security. The
exercise would take place between July 12 and 30. The
agency noted that the exercise takes place within the
framework of the comprehensive preparation for the
Zapad-2021 joint strategic exercise, planned for September
this year.
- Nord Stream AG to Halt Gas Pumping for
10 Days
July 12, 2021
- Nord Stream AG, the operator of
the Nord Stream gas pipeline, will halt gas transfer over
both lines from July 13 to 23 for the scheduled
ZetaTalk Confirmation
7/31/2021: Why
are some filling station chains suddenly getting a notice that
gasoline delivery to them will soon stop? Their primary
suppliers are getting a confidential notice from the US
Military that there could be a gasoline shortage pending if
the New Madrid Fault Line ruptures. Sworn to silence to
prevent panic if the public were to learn of this, these
suppliers could not stop themselves from issuing what they
thought was a confidential message to their clients. Their
concern is that true emergencies would arise and leave the
public without any means to escape a catastrophe. Thus, the
10% rule.
Sun Pulse
A number of people have recently been able to capture a pulsing
Sun on film. Alberto made a similar capture in 2017. Per
the Zetas, this is photons affected by the increasing dance in
magnetics between the Earth and Sun, caused by the presence of
Nibiru and its vast charged tail and many Moon Swirls in this
region. Not to be discounted are the massive Petrol Monsters in
the region, which can be seen lighting up as though burning. Can
they burn without Oxygen? Per the Zetas yes! What will the
people of Earth conclude on seeing all of this?
ZetaTalk Confirmation
9/30/2017: Human
scientists understand that the Sun and magnetospheres can
pulse, for many reasons as yet poorly understood by man. We
have described the behavior of many particle flows as being a
rush to clump together and a push away from crowding. This is
God's plan, and accounts for the dynamic nature of the
Universe, always in motion. Where man's studies indicate that
pulsations are long, and Alberto's video shows a rapid pulse
in Nibiru's tail, the variations are many. The tail is
throbbing, as interactions between many magnetospheres within
the tail are involved.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
7/31/2021: Pulsing
is caused by the throbbing of magnetospheres, which occurs due
to the crowding and rebound of magnetic particles. All
particles, as we have
explained, have this inherent behavior, part of God's
plan, so that the dynamic Universe is always in motion, else
would stagnate. Light particles are affected by the increasing
activity in the various magnetospheres between the Sun and
Earth. The Sun and the Earth have a magnetosphere, as does
Nibiru and many of its organized Moon Swirls. In that Nibiru
is positioned more directly in front of the Sun, their
throbbing affects the view of the Sun.

- Glow Stick
- The chemicals inside the plastic
tube are a mixture of the dye, the base catalyst, and
diphenyl oxalate. The chemical in the glass vial is
hydrogen peroxide.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
7/31/2021: What
would cause a Petrol Monster in space to start burning? Petrol
does not burn in space unless a spark or heat source starts
the process, just as gasoline spilled on the ground does not
burn unless a match is tossed. Where oxygen is plentiful, such
as in the atmosphere of Nibiru or Earth's atmosphere or one of
the dominant Moons in the Double Helix, spontaneous
burning can readily start. One can see this process
surrounding Nibiru and its dominant Helix Moon, and even on
other water bearing moons of Nibiru within Moon Swirls on
But can a Petrol Monster in
space, between Nibiru and the Earth, alight? The components of
such a burn exist within the Petrol, in that there is always
some oxygen captured in various compounds. Once alit by the
heat of the Sun or perhaps an interplanetary
lightning flash, a slow smoldering burn can start and
proceed until free oxygen is no longer released. Oxygen can in
fact be passed around, from first one burn to another, if the
result of the first burn is fragile. What would the people of
Earth conclude, seeing the sky on fire?
ZetaTalk Description
4/13/2013: Dark
lightning is something we, the Zetas, talked about at the
start of the ZetaTalk saga in 1995. We stated that where water
vapor and other particles are thin, as out in space, there is
no spontaneous release of light and heat, no flash and
crackle, in other words, lightning is dark.
Chupacabra in Africa
The Chupacabra in S America and the Caribbean seem to have disappeared, after a spate when their
starving young were found in Texas and Kentucky. But now they
have reappeared in Africa!
A hoax was quickly assembled using Cloud
Wolf CGI skills and the freelance sculpture skills of Joseph-Rob
Cobasky and announcing a Werewolf production dated April 1
by Lobisomem Morto a Tiros - na
Estrada do Curtume.

- Alleged Nigerian Sighting's Bogus
June 19, 2021
- The clip that's got people buzzing
surfaced seemingly out of nowhere this week, and it shows
what appears to be the body of a lycan - subspecies of a
werewolf in monster mythology - dead on the ground in the
middle of the night, bleeding from its face, lying
motionless. This alleged killing took place somewhere in
Nigeria. The clip that everyone is seeing is dubbed over,
as the original is actually part of what seems to be a
short film from Portugal called "Lobisomem Morto a Tiros"
which translates to "werewolf shot to death." It was
thrown up on April 1 by a user named Cloud Wolf. Anyway,
nothing to see here, people -- back to Bigfoot and Loch
Ness sightings, please.
Per the Zetas, a Chimera with a human body and wolf head and
brain has indeed been set loose in Africa, but as of today the
only valid photos are of a highway pickup of a roadkill.
Where S Africa has a brown Hyena, the highway roadkill being
stuffed into the truck has no hair on its chest or front leg,
and clearly has two nipples on its chest as a human would.
Hyenas nurse their young from nipples tucked between their rear
legs and are hairy throughout. This roadkill was a Chimera!

ZetaTalk Confirmation
7/31/2021: The
young Chupacabra bodies retrieved in Texas and Kentucky and
South of the Border are hairless, with long fangs and large
ears and long digits on its front claws. The S African variety
appears to have these same features but differs in key
aspects. Canines, such as coyote or wolf or dog, have a knee
joint that bends backwards, as does the Chupa retrieved in the
Americas. The S African Chupa has a knee joint that appears
human, bending forward, with a long foot. The front claw also
appears to have an opposable thumb. This is a human body.
Is this an elaborate hoax or a human/Chupacabra hybrid created
to terrify mankind in Africa, the last continent those in the
Service-to-Self hope to conquer? Having been driven
from the Americas, and leaving Antarctica in disgrace,
the Service-to-Self aliens determined to conquer
the Earth are making a last stand in Africa. Thus this
hybrid, equivalent in size to a human, has been unleashed in
Africa. Accustomed to large carnivores such as lions, crocs,
and hyenas these hybrids will be killed off quickly and not
have the effect those in the Service-to-Self desired.
Of course there is a coverup over the release of a video
showing the Chupa/Human hybrid. Neither the indigenous
governments nor those who would colonize Africa again want
panic in the people. Claims that the video is a hoax despite
its compelling nature are hollow, though back-dated materials
will be brought forth and deliberate confusion over the
country involved inserted. By the Council of Worlds rules, the
Service-to-Self must not allow their imported creatures to
harm humans, thus the Chupacabra could kill goats but not the
populace. Those rules apply to the African variety.
How was the Chupa/Human hybrid made? This is not a true hybrid
as the DNA is not consistent throughout the body. It thus
should be called a Chimera. The perpetrators wanted a human
form as they wanted the terrified humans to become afraid of
other humans as a result of their encounter, thus being pushed
into alienation and abandonment and toward Service-to-Self
allegiances. At a young age, a wolf head and brain were
attached to the spinal cord, thus the instincts of the Chimera
were of a wolf, a hunter.
Is there a nexus between the recent assassination of Haiti's
President Moise and Tanzanian President Magufuli last March?
Both were anti-vax, neither President allowing their citizens to
be vaccinated. Haiti allowed the statistics on their deaths
to be skewed, where almost any death was counted as a
Covid-19 death. But Magufuli was strict and did not allow the death
count to be inflated. It was clear that the death of Moise
was related to the drug Cartel, but was the Covid-19 agenda also

- Former DEA Informant Arrested in
Assassination of Haiti President
July 13, 2021
- The former DEA informant who was
arrested is Joseph Vincent of Florida. Vincent along with
fellow Haitian-American and Florida resident James Solages
were arrested by Haitian officials and charged with taking
part in the assassination.
- Several Tied to Haiti Assassination
Plot were Previously US Law Enforcement Informants
July 13, 2021
- Haitian-born Christian Emmanuel
Sanon, 63, entered the country on a private jet in June.
Sanon hired the Florida-based company CTU Security, which
they alleged recruited men initially to provide security
for Sanon. He came with the intention to take over as
President of the Republic. Two Colombian suspects who were
killed in Haiti by police also had links to CTU Security,
which is owned by a Venezuelan national.
- Who's Running Haiti after President's
July 10, 2021
- There is no functioning Haitian
legislature at the moment. Lawmakers' terms of office
ended in January 2020 and President Moise never held
legislative elections to elect new lawmakers, as called
for by statute. So the country has been operating without
a parliament for the past 18 months. Moise ruled by
decrees - 'decret-lois' - that did not require legislative
approval. After his 2016 election, Moise quickly lost all
credibility because of a corruption scandal.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/31/2021: Who
killed Moise - the acting President of Haiti - in an obvious
assassination? A huge clue is that a contingent of mercenaries
from Colombia and Venezuela were hired to protect Moise. Were
they intent on protecting the man, or the figurehead that
allowed their drug shipments to be staged in Haiti ports.
Moise was corrupt, as was known, and did nothing to further
democracy in Haiti. He was assassinated by the mercenaries
because they feared the US DEA had flipped Moise. Fingers
point in all directions but once again, Haiti

- The Assassination of Haiti's President
may Worsen its Response to COVID-19
July 9, 2021
- Haiti is the only country in the
western hemisphere that has not vaccinated a single person
against COVID-19.
- Haiti, Tanzania and Madagascar Refused
the COVID-19 Vaccines and now All Three of their Presidents
have Died Unexpectedly
July 11, 2021
- Magufuli, one of Africa's most
prominent COVID-19 skeptics, mocked the effectiveness of
masks, banned COVID-19 testing, prohibited doctors from
diagnosing, and announced in June 2020 that the country
had defeated the pandemic through prayer. Doctors were
barred from wearing face masks.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/31/2021: Moise
- the Haiti President - was assassinated by the drug cartels
of Colombia and Venezuela because he had begun to work with
the DEA. But was his death also the result of his disdain of
the Covid-19 vaccinations and refusal to allow this to be
forced on the Haitian people? Magufuli, the president of
Tanzania was also a fierce anti-vaccination proponent. Those
who desire to use the Covid-19 flu virus and its variants
hardly wanted two such strong Negro men, Presidents of their
respective countries, to hold the position that the
vaccinations are not necessary.
Indeed, this was a factor in the death of Moise, who was under
extreme pressure by the DEA and Biden Administration to turn
against the drug cartels' use of Haiti as a transshipment port
for their drugs. This ultimately led to his assassination. Did
the DEA understand that they were being used to rid the world
of Moise? Not directly, as drugs is always an excuse in and of
itself. Magufuli had heart disease but while in hospital was
assisted to die promptly. The death rate from Covid-19 in
Tanzania was a thorn in the side of the Covid-19 dictators,
who could not wait for Magufuli's removal.