Petrol Fires
Are the Petrol Masses likely to create fires in the skies,
beyond the occasional glow seen to date? In Mansalay, Mindoro in
the Philippines fire appeared above
the clouds, in a crown that eventually disappeared into
smoke. The Taal Volcano was having another eruption that day,
with SO2 emissions recorded at elevated levels. The Zetas warned
that the combination of volcanoes and Petrol could be deadly.
But even without volcanoes, fire
can descend, as happened in Washington DC just after
midnight on April 15.

- Taal Volcano (Luzon, Philiippines):
SO2 Emissions Rapidly Increased
14 Apr 2021
- The seismic activity of the
volcano continues at elevated levels.
ZetaTalk Explanation
April 14, 2021: What
happens when a heavy Petrol load is descending through the
clouds over a fomenting volcano? On this day – April 14 – the
highly active Taal volcano in the Philippines was blowing
emissions skyward, and these emissions are often hot. The
Petrol drifting down through the lower atmosphere worldwide
lately almost always dissipates or burns while descending. But
when a heavy Petrol load meets hot volcanic emissions, the
results are what is shown in this photo – a blaze in the sky.
This blaze wafted upward, as hot air does rise.

ZetaTalk Explanation
April 15, 2021: Visible
even in the dead of night, this Petrol Monster burn and
resulting cloud formation from the water vapor produced is
undeniable. It was likely only caught on film because it was
descending over the White House, but these types of Petrol
Burns are happening elsewhere, apace. When a Petrol Burn
happens close to the ground, it can start fires, and depending
upon how much Petrol is in the Mass when it grounds, these
fires are not easily extinguished.
Nibiru Clarity
Does the Moon ever occult elements of the Nibiru Complex, and
if so, is this considered an eclipse of sorts? This situation
arose on
April 11 when a photo captured a crescent Moon casting a
shadow toward a Moon Swirl cluster. This is not Venus in the
photo, which is 25
million miles from Earth. Nor are the Moon Swirls close to
Earth as they are always within 5 million miles of Nibiru, per
the Zetas.

ZetaTalk Explanation
April 11, 2021: This
unfiltered photo shows an odd grouping of 3 objects far to the
right. The tiny sliver of crescent Moon visible can only be
seen as a shadow on the shade side of the Moon. The Moon has
at this phase virtually disappeared from view. The orbs
visible near the Moon are Moon Swirl clusters clinging
together, magnetically attracted to each other. They are at a
distance from Earth and the Moon, in that the moons of Nibiru
will never be more than 5 million miles from Nibiru. The orbit
of Venus, where Nibiru currently rides is 25 million miles
from Earth. The Moon is only occulting some of the activity
beyond it.
The Sundog is as familiar as the rainbows that are caused by
refracted or bent light. Sundogs result when light bounces off
ice crystals that are found at an optimal angle along a halo
that forms around the Sun. Now that Petrol Masses are in the
mix, also reflecting light off their round surfaces, how has
this changed the appearance
of Sundogs?

ZetaTalk Explanation
April 14, 2021: These
are not sundogs but are caused by a similar mechanism. Light
reflection will most often occur at optimum angles, and in
these Swiss photos the side and top angles are
presenting. Because the entire swatch of space between
the Sun and Earth is filled with Petrol, sundogs will be
distorted. These long objects within the halo are the result
of light bent at the halo line colliding with light from the
Sun reflecting off the Petrol Masses. Thus what is shown are
distorted Petrol Mass outlines. Where the sundog would
be positioned at side and top in the Swiss photos is a blank
space in the center of this long line. The photo from Mexico
shows a similar gap between the concentric circles below the
Sun. These swirls are also distorted light from Petrol Masses.
Nibiru is close enough for the two dominant moons on either side
to be discerned. This forms the double helix that trails behind
Nibiru – Double Helix behind. But since Nibiru is swinging by
the Sun in a Retrograde Orbit, the Southern
Hemisphere sees a different view – Double Helix in front.
The Zetas promised great clarity, and the photo from Argentina
was captured without filters. As Nibiru draws closer, details
such as the atmosphere of Nibiru and its Dominant Moon with an
atmosphere can be discerned.

ZetaTalk Explanation
April 16, 2021: The
Sun rotates in a counterclockwise direction, and all the
planets in the inner Solar System rotate and orbit in a
counterclockwise direction, following the direction set by the
Sun. Nibiru rotates in a retrograde
(clockwise) direction and when it rounds the Sun for a passage
assumes a retrograde orbit
direction. This is one reason for the extreme clash with the
Earth. They are clashing on many fronts. Just as the Earth’s
Moon orbits the Earth in a counterclockwise manner, Nibiru’s
close hugging moons and the debris swirling around Nibiru are
orbiting Nibiru in a retrograde manner.
The direction of rotation of objects that orbit a central body
such as the Sun is controlled by what we have termed Sweeping
Arms, particle emissions from this central body that reach out
into space and are sweeping in the direction of rotation. This
is what is shown in the photo of debris swirling around Nibiru.
The Double Helix of the two dominant Moons will likewise swirl
in a retrograde manner.

ZetaTalk Explanation
April 14, 2021: We
have stated that Nibiru is 4 times the diameter of Earth, and
that the moons of Nibiru equate in size to the Earth’s Moon.
Are these recent photos from Florida showing this size
difference? The Petrol and Red Dust clusters closely around
Nibiru because it is the bully magnet and the Red Dust is
charged. The two dominant moons that form the Double Helix are
buried in the Petrol and Red Dust so their true size cannot be
determined. But as Nibiru draws closer, this and other
mysteries will be revealed.

ZetaTalk Explanation
April 16, 2021: As
is known, the view of Nibiru from the Southern Hemisphere
differs from the view from the Northern Hemisphere. In that
Nibiru is moving in a retrograde or clockwise direction as it
swings around the Sun, in the view from the Northern
Hemisphere Nibiru would lead, dragging its Double Helix of the
two Dominant Moons behind it. The view from the Southern
Hemisphere thus finds the Double Helix in the front, hiding
Nibiru. All is reversed.

ZetaTalk Explanation
April 17, 2021: If
the moons of Nibiru equate to the Earth’s Moon in size, and
Nibiru is 4X the diameter of Earth, does this latest photo
from Florida show this ratio? The Petrol burning in the
atmosphere of Nibiru and the one Dominant Moon in the Double
Helix that has an atmosphere form an outline along the
horizon. It is the burn mark, where the burning Petrol is seen
both before the horizon, at the horizon, and just after the
horizon. This is surely the season of Nibiru visibility when
such features are now easily discerned.
When does one of the Moons of Nibiru join a Moon Swirl, and when
and why might it remain
independent? There are many factors in the Dance of the
Moons, and per the Zetas if a Moon is too large, the Repulsion
Force between moons will eject a large moon from the swirl.

ZetaTalk Explanation
April 16, 2021: The
Nibiru entourage includes Moons that are attracted to each
other and begin to swirl in a dance. They can never escape
this dance because the attraction and repulsion of gravity is
balanced and keeps them in close proximity to each other,
which prevents external forces from snagging a Moon from this
swirl. What would prevent an individual Nibiru Moon from
joining such a Moon Swirl? Size is the primary factor. A large
Moon will escape the swirl during a gravity repulsion force
push. These Independent Moons will reflect light in the criss-cross
manner that is common during light emission or
reflection from a body.
Petrol Bubbles have surface tension but they also merge into
Petrol Monsters. The Zetas explain this process often starts
with a spec of Red Dust, which being magnetically attracted to
other specs of Red Dust will pull the Petrol Bubbles together.
Alberto shows us in a snap from Italy that light captured by a
Petrol Monster will go in circles, unable to completely escape.

ZetaTalk Explanation
April 14, 2021: This
well illuminated photo of the Petrol Bubbles near the Sun
shows detail not normally apparent. Each or most of the
bubbles appear to have a black spec centered within them. The
process of building a Petrol Monster starts with Petrol
Particles bumping into each other out in space. This concept
should be familiar to mankind as water or oil particles will
merge to form a water puddle or oil spill, held together by
surface tension. Just as the Petrol Masses are now consuming
the Red Dust they encounter, early in the process Petrol
Particles encounter debris out in space and incorporate this
debris into the emerging Petrol Bubble.
Because the tail of Nibiru is composed of charged Red Dust,
those Petrol Particles that contain a piece of charged iron
oxide dust will actually be a step ahead in the merging process.
These Red Dust particles have an electro-magnetic charge, and
thus wish to align with each other into a magnetic field or
space magnet. By pulling toward each other, they cause the
Petrol Bubble that holds them to merge, starting the merging
process. Thus we have Petrol Particles merging into a Petrol
Bubble and eventually into a Petrol Mass or Petrol Monster. All
wafting Earthward.

ZetaTalk Explanation
April 17, 2021: This
photo of overlapping Petrol Monsters shows how sunlight is
captured within the Petrol Monsters. The entire Petrol Monster
lights up, from the center to the periphery. The light rays so
captured by the Petrol Monsters turn in circles, bent along
the periphery. The shaft of light directed toward the lower
left is ultra-bright because it has been bolstered by the
light captured within the Petrol Monsters in a line -
redundant, concentric, and cumulative.
As Nibiru approaches for a passage (estimated
in 2026), are you ready to be self-sufficient? Many
skills, such as saving seeds, takes practice. Expect to have
your home blown away by the hurricane force winds, and flooding
from torrential rains or high tides. You should plan on the grid
being down, so a stack of solar panels or a primitive windmill
might be required. Shopping, in person or via the Internet, will
be a thing of the past. Recycling clothing and mending by needle
and thread will be required.

As a result of the Pole Shift, the oceans of the world will
swell due to the ocean bottoms being heated by friction from the
crustal shift. Heated water takes up more space than cold water,
so when the oceans swell the sea level
will rise by an estimated 675 feet. In addition, the high
tides during the hour of the Pole Shift will swamp lowlands,
creating flood conditions. The solution to all this is houseboat
living, houseboat communities, and
harvesting the wetlands and seas. Houseboats can be constructed
from junk and plans
are available.

ZetaTalk Advice 2001: Our
suggestion is to plan for a floating community, as fishing
will be abundant in the Aftertime. Build your boats now, in
anticipation of this. You may be laughed at, as a modern day
Noah, but you will be master of your own country so to speak,
and able to travel where you wish.
After the Pole Shift the hurricane force winds that will have
pounded every country on Earth during the hour of the Pole Shift
will have left most of humanity homeless. Pulling a roof over a
basement may be a solution for some. Establishing shelters with
a tarp or tent is another option. But survivors will likely have
to learn how to use the junk blown about.
Collect clean rain water using gutter pieces. Tack screen in
place to keep the mosquitoes out. Gather hand tools, which can
be purchased off the Internet ahead of time, and secure some
camping equipment too.

ZetaTalk Prediction 7/31/2004: We
have mentioned that the poor, the homeless, the mentally ill,
will fare better during the coming changes because they will
not grieve for lost possessions, and already being at the
bottom of life’s ladder, will find themselves suddenly
counseling others on how to survive. We have mentioned that
the coming changes, the pole shift, is a great leveler,
putting the formerly wealthy on the streets and in
desperation, and the formerly homeless in a larger junk yard
from which to build a hovel.
Anticipate needing to start a fire. Flashlight batteries will
burn out, and matches are a finite supply, but a little dry
kindling and an old BIC lighter flint will last. No BIC lighter?
Halcon shows how easy it is to use friction. Get
his handbook online. Water will be polluted due to broken
or overflowing sewer pipes and volcanic dust on surface water.
Drinking and cooking water must be cleaned of heavy metals such
as lead and mercury and parasites that would cause dysentery or
cholera. Your supply of filters will run out, as will your
supply of bleach. Distillation is the answer.

Those who have not taken steps to be self-sufficient may find
themselves relying upon Nature’s Bounty. Hunting and fishing may
be done so aggressively by survivors that the wildlife and fish
stock is virtually wiped out, thus survivors may be forced to
eat weeds and bugs. Earthworms are
82% protein and their essential oil is Omega 3, like fish. Start
a green compost pile and harvest the earthworms regularly. They
will also be attracted to manure piles but need to be purged in
water to poop out the dirt and poop before supper.

Seaweed is eaten regularly in Japan, harvested from the beaches
where it washes ashore. Where most algae are edible, be aware
that some algae such as the Red Tide are poisonous, as is
an anaerobic Cyanobacteria that can lurk in large green
algae growths in stagnant water. Duckweed is a naturally
occurring tiny plant that floats on tops of ponds, and is very high in protein.
ZetaTalk Advice 7/15/1995: Food
stuffs that can be grown without artificial light and will do
quite nicely on the gloomy light supplied by the Sun are
mushrooms, earthworms, and various insects that feed on dead
tissue. After the cataclysms bugs will be in abundance, as
dead tissue from both plants and animals is everywhere. This
trend can be taken advantage of, as distasteful as that
concept might be to humans who have never eaten a bug. Larva,
grown in humus, can be turned into pureed and creamed soups,
puddings, or omelets by skilled cooks. Those eating the fare
would never guess that the base was not cream, milk, and eggs.
For those humans who do not prepare, they will find themselves
eating bugs in any case, as meals from what they can catch or
find growing will be few and far between.
All the vitamins man requires can be
found in readily available weeds and bugs. What to do when
the Vitamin bottle is empty and scurvy has started gums
bleeding? You are surrounded by vitamins and minerals in the
edible weeds that grow everywhere. Get a good handbook. Plantain
and Purslane are high in Vitamin A, Sheep Sorrel and pine branch
tips high in Vitamin C, and plants such as Prickly Pear,
Dandelion, Thistle, Moss, Lichen, and Cattails are entirely
edible. Mushrooms too are edible but get a good handbook as many
are poisonous.

A better approach is to get into gardening! Urban and suburban
locations should be resourceful in finding gardening space, as
this example of planting banana trees
along the streets of LA shows. Back yards, container gardening
on patios or porches or along steps, all can allow the urban
or suburban gardener an opportunity to develop skills.
Soil is grown from green compost with the help of red wriggler
earthworms who digest the moldering compost and put free
nitrogen into the soil as a result. The shells of their egg
casts contain this nitrogen. Growing soil from earthworms is one
technique used by Growing Power, a
proven methodology for establishing gardens in inner city slums.

ZetaTalk Warning 7/15/1995: As
we described earlier, going into the cataclysms the weather
will become unpredictable, with torrential rainstorms where
not expected, and droughts likewise where not expected.
Backyard gardens, tendered carefully by watchful eyes, will
survive. Those groups who have prepared, and are relying on
themselves and their own carefully tended gardens, will not
find themselves pinched between starvation and hostilities.
Certainly would-be survivors should start learning how to save
seeds. Learning how to save seed is
not an overnight process, as many mistakes will be made. Some
seeds need to ferment before they will germinate. Most need to
be dried and stored in a cool location. Cloning can also be done
from a slice of tomato or a slice from a strawberry. Some of the
easiest plants to propagate are beans and corn and potatoes.
Beans and corn only need to be fully mature and well dried.
Potatoes are traditionally grown from cuttings, from the spouts
that appear on the sides of potatoes stored in a basement or
root cellar.

Keeping chickens and goats has long
been espoused in our newsletter. One can eat bugs or the
chickens can eat bugs and provide eggs and meat. Chickens need a
coop for safety at night, and will return to their coop at dusk.
New chickens should be kept in a coop for 2 days so they think
of this as home. Free ranging chickens will scratch for bugs and
worms but being omnivores will eat garbage such as melon rinds
too. They will cannibalize a sick member of the flock. Their
poop needs to age before being used in the garden or it will
burn the plants.

One can eat weeds or the goats can eat weeds and provide milk
and cheese and meat. They are affectionate and will follow
their herdsman and do not need to be herded, thus. They eat
almost anything, browsing bushes as well as grass. Their poop is
clean, like pellets, so easily transported to the garden for
fertilizer. They are great jumpers so need a high fence when at
ZetaTalk Suggestion 12/2003: Chickens
eat bugs, forage for themselves, and come home to lay their
eggs if given a safe and private roost. Ducks likewise eat
whatever grows in or around ponds, which will be numerous in
the drizzle, and don't require a dry spot to roost. Goats,
which eat anything, can likewise be kept within limits if the
surrounding country can sustain them.
After mucking out the chicken coop survivors will surely miss
their daily shower, but the more urgent issue is what to do
about a lack of soap and diapers. Soap can be made from water
drained through wood ash, which is caustic, and animal fat. This
is cooked to boil it down and then poured into molds.
