When Nibiru becomes visible in the skies, what will be the
clues that this is a large planet, not just an asteroid or fuzzy
patch of red dust? One clue that we are seeing Nibiru in the sky
would be size. The Zetas have stated that Nibiru is 4X the
diameter of Earth. During the 1983
Infra-Red search for Planet X (aka Nibiru) Van Flandern
stated the object located out near the Constellation Orion was
2-5 times the diameter of Earth. In 2003 when Nibiru
entered the inner Solar System, the tail was swept behind it.
Thus Nibiru was visible.

- Search for the Tenth Planet
December 1981
- Beyond Pluto, in the cold, dark
regions of space, may lie an undiscovered tenth planet two
to five times the size of Earth. Astronomers at the U.S.
Naval Observatory (USNO) are using a powerful computer to
identify the best target zones, and a telescopic search
will follow soon after. ... Van Flandern thinks the tenth
planet may have between two and five Earth masses and lie
50 to 100 astronomical units from the Sun.
ZetaTalk Description 7/15/1995: It
outweighs the Earth by some 23 times, but by size is not 23
times as large as its weight is due to its makeup, having less
silicon than the Earth, for instance. Should one line these
planets up side by side, the Earth would look to Planet X as
the Moon does to the Earth.
ZetaTalk Description 7/15/1995: Though
a large planet, 4 times as large as Earth and thus larger than
Mars or Pluto.
Nibiru is normally shrouded by so much iron oxide Red Dust
attracted to Nibiru’s magnetic field that it looks like a dark
fuzzy object. Searching with an infra-red scope may locate an
object there, and filters help identify a red object there, but
seeing Nibiru the planet has not been easy. But now the Petrol
Masses are sweeping up and holding
the Red Dust, clearing the view. Previously, Nibiru was a dark
fuzzy ball, closely shrouded by Red Dust, though the dim light
from this Brown Dwarf would appear as a Second
Sun at Dawn or Dusk, startling people.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/31/2021: More
than light can be captured inside a Petrol Bubble, and these
dark Petrol Masses on display this day are filled with red
iron oxide dust.

Another clue would be appearance. In 2019 Alberto captured the
face of Nibiru in an 8X zoom shot,
showing the beige colored clouds that wrap Nibiru closely. This
matches what I, Nancy already know, as I was taken by space ship
to tour Nibiru, and was shocked to see the close cloud cover was
beige, not red. And in 2020 Julie caught a Monster
Persona image of Nibiru, which matched the features shown
by Alberto. Where the land masses under the cloud cover cannot
be discerned, cloud cover over land or water has a different
appearance, thus the cloud cover has features. Nibiru has more
water than land, per the Zetas.

ZetaTalk Revelation 3/31/2018: It
is notable that the features change over the four day period
between photo shots, showing that Nibiru rotates and thus
presents a different face. Where Nibiru is primarily a water
planet, with much less land mass than the Earth, it is densely
shrouded by cream colored clouds. Nancy was taken for a visit
in one of our space ships, and was astonished to see that
beneath these clouds, the Annunaki do not have blue skies, but
cream colored skies. Beyond that, of course, is the red dust
of the vast magnetic tail of Nibiru.

That said, what is to be made of the photo capture on March 26,
2021 by Manuel? Since Nibiru is at the orbit of Venus, and the
size of Venus as seen from Earth is known during a Transit of
the Sun, is this object in Manuel’s photo 5X the Transit size?
Yes, but it actually appears to be 4X the size, the correct
diameter for Nibiru. Alberto captured a close-up of Nibiru using
his telescopic lens at 8X zoom. By shrinking his photo of Nibiru
to 1/8 size, does this equate to Manuel’s capture? Yes.

- These were around 3:32pm and we
see the 2 big orbs by the Sun and then here comes what I
believe is Nibiru in red and using just the camera and no
filter it pops right out at you. Looking towards the west
the severe Earth wobble has placed it where it is. If the
Zetas would like to comment that would be great.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/31/2021: During
a severe lean to the West, as could be in process at this time
of day in the US, Nibiru could be found at the 2 o’clock
position. Normally heavily shrouded in Red Dust, and
thus only discernable as a fuzzy object, Nibiru is coming out
from the shadows in the view from Earth because the Red Dust
is being encapsulated in Petrol Masses. Thus the Red Dust is
momentarily swept aside for a direct view. Should this
continue, the public will begin to notice!
Given the Earth wobble, which slings the top part of the globe
to the East and then to the West during the day for much of the
Northern Hemisphere, where to look to locate Nibiru? Marty
McFlew of the ZetaTalk Followers has taken snaps of Nibiru
at 5:00 pm in the USA. Nibiru appears at the 2 o’clock
position, and for Alberto who takes his photos from Italy when
the globe is still in the Lean to the East position, Nibiru will
often be found at the 7 o’clock position. Look around, as the
wobble is violent and erratic.

- Near 5 PM Nibiru has moved to the
2 position from the severe Earth wobble . Take note as
this is clear skies and what people have forgotten is what
the Sun should look like. This is all now a huge hazed out