Dark Twin Erupts
As the Dark Twin is pushed up behind the Earth in their shared
orbit, the clash of gravity giants in close proximity with each
other is hard on both. Due to the Repulsion Force, a result of
gravity giants coming close to each other and then repulsed by
resistance to the graviton crowding, there is a bumping back and
forth process that goes on. The Dark Twin has become visible
since 2004, after the Earth was halted in her orbit in 2003. It
has no water or atmosphere, but as a black hunk of rock reflects
blue and yellow light rays.

ZetaTalk Description 4/19/2004: Asteroids
regularly take mankind by surprise, appearing for a close pass
but unnoticed until they arrive. Magma is black, or dark gray,
not a surface that reflects visible light rays. What is it
about the color black that makes it dark, unseen?
It absorbs light, almost entirely, reflecting
little. And as a dead planet, without water, without
atmosphere, without vegetation coloration, there is nothing on
the Dark Twin to change this. Why does the Dark Twin appear on
the horizon, briefly, as a large yellow planet, the
color and size changing back and forth to a
tiny blue star? These are the colors least absorbed
by the twin, thus most reflected.
Per the Zetas, the Dark Twin eventually escapes to move along
the shared orbit, but this will not occur until close to the
Last Weeks. It came close enough in 2017 for surface features to
be discernable, and for the fact that it rotates in a
counterclockwise manner – a retrograde rotation. When the Dark
Twin’s features are discernable, it is because of the Monster
Persona phenomenon, whereby light rays going outbound from an
object are pulled back by gravity, giving the appearance of a
larger than life object.

ZetaTalk Comment 10/31/2017: The
detail features on the surface of the Dark Twin have been
captured on film before in 2010, during a Monster persona
presentation. The features are more distinct in 2017 as the
Dark Twin is pressing up behind the Earth in their shared
orbit, trying to drop behind the Earth to pass on the far side
away from the Sun and Nibiru. It will not manage this maneuver
until the Last Weeks, as we have explained. One can see from
this video that the Dark Twin is slowly rotating,
counterclockwise, left to right, and shows many impact
craters. Without water or atmosphere, there is little to
disguise these craters.

Now in 2021 there is another dynamite capture of the Dark Twin
in a Monster Persona image, once again from the Arctic web cams
the FAA maintains for pilots. This Yukon Valley cam shows that
the Dark Twin has developed a volcanic eruption! This March 18,
2021 capture is confirmed by a February 6, 2021 capture which
shows the volcanic eruption at the same location on the Dark
Twin’s surface. This is the Hopi Indian Blue Kachina and the
Hindu Kali God, both harbingers of the End Times.

- I was sent a video today from one
of my friends, he'd secured a video on the Yukon Valley
weather cam. This appears to be showing a volcano with
smoke plume/trail. Could you or the Zeta's shed any light
on what we're seeing here. The video is live on Zeta-talk

ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/31/2021: The
Dark Twin has come up behind the Earth in their shared orbit.
The Earth is trapped and halted in her orbit, and the Dark
Twin likewise cannot leave their shared orbit, so crowds
close. In 2017 it was possible to discern
the features of the Dark Twin, and confirm the fact that
it rotates in a counter-clockwise manner. It is looming close,
as a recent capture of the Dark Twin next to the Moon showed.
At that time, on February 26 of this year, volcanic activity
was already present.
The Dark Twin does not have
water or an atmosphere, but being a twin of the Earth in other
respects it does have a molten core. Caught in the cup in
front of Nibiru, it is subject to blasts of magnetons and
gravity tugs, all of which have increased volcanic activity on
Earth. Being pressed closer to the Earth is an additional
factor, as the Repulsion Force that will keep these planets
from bumping into each other is a jolt each time it is
invoked. Thus more than one volcano has opened up on the Dark
Twin, visible on the Arctic cams that look back along the
shared orbit at dusk.
Petrol Ground Fires
We recently reported about SkyFire
- about the increase in Petrol masses afire in the skies.
Clearly, there was danger that they would start grounding, and
setting fires in the fields and forests and even the suburbs.
Now they have. In Peachland, Georgia a falling
fireball was filmed as it descended toward a suburban
home. Most of this burning petrol disbursed but a piece broke
off and fell to the ground, starting a 5 alarm fire.

- ‘It Started Flying Towards Us’:
Mysterious Fireball Ignites Blaze in Peachland
March 17, 2021
- A mysterious fireball caught on
video floating through the night sky near Peachland
sparked a blaze. Local resident Jay Balehowsky said he was
taking his garbage out when he noticed a bright object
glowing in the sky. “It seemed like it was kind of
circling around. But then we saw it break up, and it
started flying towards us. We saw the rest of it burn out
and then one piece basically fell down into the
neighbour’s yard.” Four firetrucks and approximately a
dozen firefighters rushed to a report of a grass fire off
Ponderosa Drive around 8:45 p.m.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/31/2021: As
could be seen from the number of Petrol Bubbles descending
through the atmosphere, while afire, it was inevitable that
ground fires would be started by this route. Wildfires are
nothing new, but with the increase and severity of drought
this will be problematic in some locations. We have stated
that the Pole Shift fires will burn all the forests, which
will then regrow from seed. The Earth will become green again.
But in the meantime, the firemen will be busy.
The Petrol Masses have become monstrous, increasing in size, so
it takes longer for them to burn and disburse. This can be seen
in a photo capture from Zambia, where an entire cloud appears to
be burning, then burns out. That’s a lot of petrol! To add to
the sunblocking effect, recently
featured in this newsletter, red
dust is now being captured in the bubbles so the
sunblocking is intensified. The Zetas, as usual, explain.

- How Do You Prepare for the Apocalypse?
March 21, 2021
- Cloud Iridescence forming above a
cumulonimbus cloud in Zambia.

ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/31/2021: Both
Alberto and Mario have noted a very dark Petrol Mass, either
in front of the Sun on March 15 or slightly to the side on
March 19. As has become routine lately, both Alberto and the
photographers from the ZetaTalk Followers group have captured
the same phenomena, at the same time, validating each other.
Alberto’s Petrol Mass is darker than others surrounding the
Sun in his photo, and for the first time in their long history
of working together, Alberto called Nancy from Italy to alert
her to this photo. Both photographers sense the import of the
dark Petrol.
We have mentioned light being
captured by the Petrol, so that it circles around inside the
Petrol Mass and appears as bright spots of simply a well-lit
bubble. More than light can be captured inside a Petrol
Bubble, and these dark Petrol Masses on display this day are
filled with red iron oxide dust. One reason the Petrol Masses
will be darkening the Sun on occasion, even being taken for an
eclipse of the Sun, is this factor. When the Red Dust is free
to blow about, each speck independent, they are not a sun
block. But when trapped inside a Petrol Mass, they become
South Atlantic
The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) may be puzzling mankind but
the Zetas explain why this magnetic anomaly exists. The SAA came
into the news in 2010 when it seemed to be increasing in
strength. The Zetas explained that it was a second S Pole and
was being tugged by the N Pole of Nibiru as it approached for
the passage. By 2014 when it was in the news again, the Zetas
explained why a weak spot in the Earth’s crust existed nearby,
causing the anomaly. By 2017 the microwave MIMIC system was
drawing lines from Nigeria to the SAA, and once again the Zetas

- Strange Flashing Lights and
Spacecraft-Killing Radiation: The 'Bermuda Triangle of
Space' Revealed in Unprecedented Detail
May 27, 2014
- Known as the South Atlantic
Anomaly (SAA), it is the point where the Van Allen
radiation belts – rings of charged particles that surround
Earth – come closest to the planet's surface. Astronauts'
on the space shuttle complained laptop computers would
sometimes crash when they passed through the anomaly.

ZetaTalk Explanation
9/11/2010: As
is known, there is a magnetic anomaly just to the west of
South Africa, which acts almost like a second S Pole for Earth
and is positioned on the other side of the Earth at the same
latitude from the Earth's magnetic S Pole. The N Pole of
Planet X grabs this anomaly, as it is a type of S Pole, thus
lurching plates nearby.
ZetaTalk Explanation
5/31/2014: The
South Atlantic Anomaly acts like a second magnetic S
Pole, which is an intake for magnetons to enter the core of
the Earth’s magnetic field. Is there some relationship between
this anomaly and the emerging new land that will
appear nearby when the Antarctic Plate pushes up between the
tip of S America and S Africa during the Pole Shift?
This spot has been pulling apart, creating a void between the
great S American and African plates over the decades as Pangea
has pulled apart. Mankind calls this flood a type of
radiation equivalent to the particles found in the Van
Allen Belt. But this is not external radiation but merely
the release, in a clump, of internal particle flows.

ZetaTalk Explanation
10/31/2017: MIMIC
shows weather patterns by sending microwave through the
atmosphere from satellites aloft. This is just one of dozens
of commercial uses for microwave, which includes radio and
satellite communications. Microwave particles are close to
electromagnetic particles, thus have an affinity for these
particles flows. What would cause particle clumping in a
straight line from Nigeria in Africa, thence through the
highly magnetized Atlantic Rift to touch the Scotia
Plate? The S American Roll is pulling the S American
Plate apart at Buenos Aires in Argentina, thus plate stress
there, again with arching and thus clumping along the
electromagnetic lines.
Then in 2020 the SAA began migrating
toward India, the eventual location of the new S Pole per
the Zetas. Now in 2021 the matter is getting rapidly worse.
Nibiru is coming closer, the tugs on the SAA getting stronger,
and the effect on overhead satellites and the ISS more extreme.
Per the Zetas, this will only get worse.

- The Spacecraft-Killing Anomaly over
the South Atlantic
February 19, 2021
- Computers and instruments aboard
Skylab, the International Space Station (ISS), the space
shuttle, and even SpaceX’s Dragon craft have all
experienced glitches or other issues when passing through
the SAA.
- Terrawatch: the South Atlantic Anomaly
– a Growing Weak Spot in Earth's Magnetic Field
January 6, 2021
- One sign that the Earth might be
gearing up for a magnetic reversal is a weakening of the
field. We know that the Earth’s magnetic field has
decayed by about 5% per century since measurements
began in 1840. And much of that decay is associated with a
strangely weak spot between South America and southern
Africa, known as the South Atlantic Anomaly. This patch
has grown over the last 250 years and today the weak
field messes with satellite technology.
ZetaTalk Explanation
3/31/2021: We
have stated that the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is acting as
the Earth’s new magnetic S Pole, as graphically shown in 2017
on the MIMIC satellite images. The
S Pole is a magneton intake, and thus tries to position to be
opposite to the magnetic N Pole. As the magnetic N Pole of
Earth is being pushed from the Arctic toward Siberia, the
normal position for the Earth’s magnetic S Pole moves from its
location near Tasmania to the location of the SAA. As the wobble has worsened, the SAA has
likewise increased in strength.
As the cover-up over the
presence of Nibiru continues, nonsensical excuses such as a
polar reversal are put forth to explain the SAA. Of course
this explains nothing. What causes such a reversal? They have
no cause, just a claim. It is the presence of Nibiru pushing
on the magnetic N Pole of Earth that will cause the coming
Pole Shift, where the crust of the Earth will slip and slide
90 degrees, thus pushing the Bulge of Brazil to the N Pole
location, and pulling India to the new S Pole location.
Meanwhile, whither mankind’s electronics in space when passing
over the SAA?
Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP)
disrupts mankind’s electronics by a brownout or pulse, often
ruining the equipment in the process. Satellites or the
equipment aboard the ISS are vulnerable. During its migration
toward India, the SAA is passing over a rupture in the crust.
The Atlantic is being pulled apart during the S America and
Africa rolls, removing the protective crust so the magnetic
core of the Earth is more exposed. This trend will only
worsen. We have stated that mankind’s satellites will all be
torn from the skies during the pending Pole Shift. They will
become non-functional well before that time.
Suez Squeeze
The African Roll was in line to be #6 of the Plate Movements
the Zetas predicted would occur.
Last December, 2020 the Zetas stated
that the African Roll was 38% completed, and the New Madrid 36%
completed. Though the New Madrid adjustment is in line to be #9
of the Plate Movements, both these steps are now proceeding
simultaneously. Because the Council of Worlds delayed the New
Madrid adjustment, to give the Junta and President Trump time to
counter 2020 election issues, both steps #6 and #9 were delayed.
Now they are both rapidly proceeding.

- Cargo Ship Stuck in Egypt’s Suez Canal
Affects Shipping Worldwide
March 25, 2021
- The Panama-flagged Ever Given ran
aground diagonally across the single-lane stretch of the
southern canal after losing the ability to steer amid high
winds and a dust storm. It is now blocking transit in both
directions through one of the world’s busiest shipping
channels for goods, oil, grain and other products linking
Asia and Europe, affecting billions of dollars worth of

ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/31/2021: We
mentioned just a week ago that commerce in the Red Sea would
be disrupted. The African Plate has a notch at Syria which
holds the African Plate in place. Thus to drop into the Indian
Ocean, the African Plate must scrape past Syria and Israel,
squeezing the Red Sea during this drop. Once past this
squeeze, the African Plate will be free to pull apart the
Mediterranean and many other dramas will emerge. The Ever
Given became stuck in the Suez Canal not due to wind but due
to a shifting canal floor.

ZetaTalk Prediction
3/31/2021: As
the African Plate drops, it will pull the Sinai Peninsula away
from its prior moorings, so that travel between Israel and
Egypt will be disrupted. Commerce by boat in the Red Sea will
likewise be disrupted during this turmoil, but after the
African Plate drops the Red Sea will have widened,
facilitating commerce.
Evidence that the Africa Plate has rolled in the past was
presented in a September, 2013 newsletter. The Afar
Triangle in Africa exactly fits the Arabian boot hell on
the Arabian Plate. During this forthcoming Pole Shift, the Red
Sea will be further ripped apart.

ZetaTalk Explanation 9/28/2013: One
can see from a relief map of the area that the Afar Triangle
was formed from magma as the Arabian Plate pulled east. The
heel of the boot fits exactly into the space where the Afar
Triangle lies.
The Zetas have predicted that Gibraltar will be pulled apart by
an additional 125 miles, with Africa sliding to the East to
create this spread. The Zetas predicted the Sinai Peninsula
would separate from the mainland by an additional 50 miles, with
a spread on both sides. In 2015 the Modis
satellite images had not yet shown a spread. This may soon

The progress in the African Roll that has been made can be best
seen in the spread at the Rift Valley. In 2017 video was
captured of the Rift Valley at Kampala
in the process of ripping open. It is the process at the bulbous
top of the plate that has been delayed. Once that scrapes cross
Syria and Israel and is free to drop, the process of the African
Roll will move more rapidly.

More evidence that the African Roll is in process comes from tar
on Israeli beaches. This is claimed to be from an oil spill, but
this is not fresh oil, and is widely disbursed. Per the Zetas,
this is from the rubbing of the Africa and Arabian Plate
borders, the oil rich rock releasing oil during this process.

- After a Week of Clean-up Efforts, Tar
still ‘Everywhere’ on Israel’s Beaches
27 February 2021
- From large patches clinging to
algae to tiny droplets in the sand, the dark, sticky
material is defying painstaking efforts to decontaminate
almost the entire coastline.
- Israel Investigates Tar Spill
Calamity, Places Inquiry under Gag Order
February 22, 2021
- The ministry told Maariv, The
Jerusalem Post’s sister publication, that the censorship
order was made because “the investigation conducted by the
National Marine Environment Protection Division and the
Green Police has complex international aspects.”
ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/31/2021: What
shipper caused the supposed oil spill that resulted in tar
disbursed along Israeli beaches? After a month, no perpetrator
has been found. The real perpetrator is Nibiru, causing the
Africa Plate to roll. There is a rock spur between the
coastline of Syria and Israel and the coastline of Turkey that
prevents the top nob of the African Plate from dropping into
the Indian Ocean. Thus at present the roll presses
aggressively toward the East, and is now resulting in a
squeezed Suez Canal.
As the great oil reserves in
the Middle East attest, there are pools of oil underground in
the region. As the African Plate grinds against the Arabian
Plate, this oil is released. Over time, and under the cooling
waters of the Mediterranean, this oil becomes tar. Oil spills
do not usually announce themselves with pieces of hardened
tar. They announce themselves with oil slicks. Why the
cover-up over the perpetrator of the supposed oil spill? There
isn’t one they can prosecute, and there is a cover-up over