September 18
Suddenly, in early September, several countries in Europe such
as the Netherlands and Spain and Israel announced a draconian
lockdown that was to start on September 18. If the need for this
severe lockdown was Covid-19, then why wait until September 18?
Did all these countries get the same memo? Claims that a 2nd
Wave of the pandemic was about to start thus did not jibe. If
this were truly the case, then the lockdown should not have been
delayed. Was the claimed 2nd Wave of Covid-19 being exaggerated
to keep the populace locked in their homes as a form of Martial

- The Truth about Second Waves of
March 16, 2020
- The H1N1 flu pandemic of 2009,
which the CDC estimates killed between 151,700 and
575,400 people, had a second wave more severe than the
first. Why might such waves happen? The Black Death that
decimated Europe between 1347 and 1351 was the first wave
of a centuries-long plague pandemic. The second, nastier
wave didn't hit until the 1500s, and the third occurred in
the 1800s. By contrast, the waves of the 1918 flu pandemic
happened within months of each other. The 2009 flu
pandemic exhibits a similar pattern, with the first wave
starting in March and the second in October.
- It’s now Looking like the Lockdowns
May Have Been a Huge Mistake
September 6, 2020
- We’ve never before responded to a
contagion by closing down whole countries. The 1957-58
Asian flu killed between 70,000 and 116,000 Americans,
between 0.04 percent and 0.07 percent of the nation’s
population. The 1968-70 Hong Kong flu killed about
100,000, 0.05 percent of the population. The US
coronavirus death toll of 186,000 is 0.055 percent of the
current population. It will go higher, but it’s about the
same magnitude as those two flus, and it has been less
deadly to those under 65 than the flus were. Yet there
were no statewide lockdowns; no massive school
closings; no closings of office buildings and factories,
restaurants and museums. No one considered shutting down

- Israel to Enter Full-Blown Lockdown,
Shut Schools & Close Most Non-Essential Business from
September 18 - Report
September 13, 2020
- Israel is poised to declare the
whole country a “red zone” due to a spike in Covid-19
cases, limiting people’s movements to a 500-meter radius
from home and closing all non-essential businesses that
serve customers in person. The sweeping lockdown is set to
take effect on September 18 at 6am local time, multiple
Israeli media reported.
- Second Lockdown in Europe from
September 18 According to Spanish Newspaper
August 14, 2020
- Socialist Spanish Prime Minister
Pedro Sánchez, who in his own words is 'militantly
pro-EU', takes to the country, according to Euro Weekly
News 18 September back into a strict
lockdown, supposedly because of the 'worrying rising'
number of Covid-19 infections. In Phase 1 there
will be a regional lockdown first. Spaniards are then no
longer allowed to leave their municipality or place of
residence. The borders with France and Portugal are also
closed to all 'non-essential' traffic.
- U.K. Considers Further Movement Curbs
as Covid Infections Surge
September 18, 2020
- Boris Johnson’s government
extended coronavirus restrictions across northern England
and the Midlands, as ministers refused to rule out a short
national lockdown to tackle a surge in infections.
ZetaTalk Insight
9/30/2020: Why
are Europe and Israel in a panic, going into a draconian
lockdown on September 18? If this is about the Covid-19 virus
going into a Second Wave, then why wait for the lockdown? One
day it is not deadly and the next day, deadly? Despite the
hysteria about Covid-19, statistically it has proven to be no
worse than a bad flu. Historically, the world did not go into
draconian lockdowns over a bad flu, so why is Covid-19 any
different? It is being used to control the populace for the
panic that the establishment fears is coming when the public
becomes aware of Nibiru.
This was anticipated to be
upon the establishment by January, 2021, but an international
group of astronomers has decided to preempt this date by
educating the public before panic can set in. After Obama
failed to inform the world in 2015 that Nibiru was trending
for a passage, an international group instituted what we
called the Prongs, and set about
to lead the people of the world to an understanding of the
likely passage and potential crustal shift that would be
caused by Nibiru.
This effort
failed because the astronomers were from Europe and the
US, neither of which was ready for their populace to hear this
bad news. The Prongs were shut down, but never died. The new
2020 Prong effort is populated by dozens of astronomers from
as many countries so that any political agenda cannot squelch
it. The former Prongs were under western control, but this new
group is beyond that. Israel fears banking failures and is
quickly making amends with their Arab neighbors. Europe fears
uncontrolled migration. A second wave of Covid-19 is thus
being used as an excuse to control the populace.
Indeed, there seems to be a rush to mend fences between Israel
and its Arab neighbors. The UAE and Bahrain signed agreements
with Israel in September and several more Arab countries are
planning to do the same. Why the sudden rush? But what is clear
is that the Junta in charge of the White Hat Doubles decided
that Ruth Bader Ginsburg should “die”. Long dead
and on ice waiting for the time when her body would be
needed for a funeral, her “death” was announced on September 18.
Thus, her death and the possible forthcoming replacement
dominated the news cycle in the US - starting on September 18.

- Israel Signs Accords with United Arab
Emirates and Bahrain at White House Ceremony
September 15, 2020
- President Donald Trump heralded a
pair of historic agreements formalizing diplomatic
relations between Israel and two Gulf Arab nations in
a ceremony on the White House South Lawn.
- Netanyahu, Trump Float Sudan, Oman as
next Potential Partners to join Peace Train
September 13, 2020
- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
and President Donald Trump have raised the possibility of
promoting contacts with the two countries. They would
follow the UAE and Bahrain.
- Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader
Ginsburg dies at 87
September 18, 2020
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme
Court justice who was as pioneering as she was brash, died
Friday [September 18], the high court said. She was 87.
The court said Ginsburg, a lifelong champion of women's
rights and a fierce advocate for gender equality, died
"surrounded by her family at her home in Washington, D.C.,
due to complications of metastatic pancreas cancer."
Ben Fulford offers another explanation for the September 18
lockdowns, which seems to coincide with Q’s saying “Rig for
Red”. Fulford reveals that aggressive arrests of the Satanists,
who dominate Europe and by extension the US, is in process. Q
relates this sweep to World
War II and carpet bombing by B52
Stealth Bombers. Rig for Red is a military phrase for
stealth lighting. Now in addition to the tussle over mail-in
ballot fraud in the 2020 election and the anticipation of riots
over a Nibiru announcement and the worry about a New Madrid
tsunami in the Atlantic we also have a Satanists cleanup on
September 18. Phew. The Zetas explain.

- As Zionists are Purged in Israel, the
Next Target is Switzerland
September 21, 2020
- The rogue nation of Israel was put
under lockdown at the start of the Jewish New Year to
facilitate a purge of Zionists. In a counter-offensive, an
estimated one-million Satanists in the U.S. are being
mobilized to overthrow the government. The major
anti-Zionist offensive was started with the announcement
of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader
Ginsburg. Here is how Pentagon sources summed up the
situation: “Trump announced a list of Supreme Court
nominees on September 9th, so the Ruth Bader Ginsburg
(RBG) death on Rosh Hashanah sends a New Year message to
the Jewish mafia while Israel is forced into another
lockdown to round up Zionists.”
- QAnon Rig for Red Meaning: Do You
Understand These Q Posts?
- “Rigging for red” means using dim
red lighting to preserve night vision (or “dark
adaptation”). Red lighting has frequently been used on
submarines since World War II.

ZetaTalk Confirmation
9/30/2020: 9/18
has many meanings, as there are many battles playing out. One
operation can take advantage of the openings provided by
another. For example, Ginsburg’s death not only providing an
opportunity for Trump to fill that SCOTUS seat, but also to
block the public expectation that the mail-in ballots could be
supported by SCOTUS via her vote. That this was planned could
be seen from Trump talking about his short list the week
before she died. Ginsburg’s death on 9/18 was to flush out
Democrats, who would react to the expected loss of a SCOTUS
9/18 is also a date talked about by Q, in that he said Rig for
Red on 9/17 and then Running Red on 9/19. Now on 9/20 a
massive B52 Stealth bomber was depicted. Q would not refer to
any Nibiru announcement that way. The UK inference that their
lockdown might be brief and for only two weeks also implies a
mop up rather than an announcement that would set hair on fire
and require Martial Law. So in this regard, Fulford is
providing valid insight, and is correct. So now we have the
2020 mail-in ballots scheme countered and a Satanist mop up
operation in Israel and Europe, but could there be more?
In that at some point
countries in the West, considered Democracies, are going to
have to deal with the reality of Nibiru, this is yet another
9/18 opportunity. They are already experiencing riots, and
know that Martial Law will eventually be required. Russia and
China are not reluctant about Nibiru and in fact need this
admission to motivate their people. Dictatorships like N Korea
and Iran and the Philippines do not expect riots beyond what
they can control. During the crackdown on Antifa riots and the
anticipated Democrat riots over the loss of the 2020 election,
essential Martial Law will be inserted.
Thus this is the perfect time to unveil Nibiru, when all is
already in turmoil, the media already with their hair on fire
over the 2020 election being stolen because Biden has
withdrawn. The Satanists enraged and playing any remaining
cards they hold because their networks have been tried and
found guilty by the Tribunals. And creeping into this anarchy
will be discussions about a rogue planet covered in red dust
that has taken up residence in the Solar System. Nibiru will
not dominate the discussion, but will be an issue that will
continue to grow, having been introduced during the turmoil.
West Coast Fires
Often a satellite reveals things the human eye cannot perceive.
Not just because they see the big picture, but because they are
tuned into a certain wave length. For instance, the MIMIC
lines captured in 2017 that showed rock tension from
Nigeria to the point where new land is rising between the tip of
S America and the tip of Africa. Or the case where cloud
lines running along the Earth’s magnetic field from the N
Pole to the S Pole could be seen on satellite and also naked eye
from people on the ground in 2019.

The theory that a DEW, a Directed Energy Weapon in space, is
causing wild fires in California or destruction caused by EMP
induced explosions is an attempt to explain all this with a
cause other than Nibiru. It is part of the “anything but Nibiru”
campaign of the Nibiru cover-up. Now we have yet another
instance where the mythical DEW is being blamed on California
fires, caught
on video on September 8. This shows a beam of light going
from the California coastline south of San Francisco up toward
Oregon. Impressive, but the angle is wrong, and the Zetas
- Excerpts from Worlds in Collision,
Boiling Earth and Sea
- The traditions of the Indians
(also) retain the memory of this boiling of the water in
river and sea. The tribes of British Columbia tell: "Great
clouds appeared .. and such a great heat came, that
finally the water boiled. People jumped into the streams
and lakes to cool themselves, and died". On the North
Pacific coast of America the tribes insist that the ocean
boiled: "It grew very hot .. many animals jumped into the
water to save themselves, but the water began to boil".
The Indians of the Southern Ute tribe in Colorado record
in their legends that the rivers boiled. Jewish tradition,
as preserved in the rabbinical sources, declares that the
mire at the bottom of the Sea of Passage was heated.
Hesiod in his Theogony, relating the upheaval caused by a
celestial collision, says: "The huge earth groaned .. A
great part of the huge earth was scorched by the terrible
vapor and melted as tin melts when heated by man's art ..
or as iron, which is hardest of all things, is softened by
glowing fire in mountain glens".

ZetaTalk Explanation
9/30/2020: What
is causing a satellite view of the fires in California to
record a line going from a fire on the coastline of California
south of the San Francisco Bay area up toward Oregon?
California is burning due not only to the heat and drought,
but due to subduction of the
Pacific plates under California. The intense heat, coming up
from the ground, has inspired theories about DEW laser blasts,
which is false. The Council of Worlds will not allow any DEW
in space, despite claims that might be made.
Do satellites record
electromagnetic flow lines? They do indeed, as the MIMIC lines
recorded in 2017 show. The microwaves recorded by the MIMIC
satellite flowed from hot spot to hot spot on the Earth’s
surface. These lines went from the bend point in the African
Continent at Nigeria to the Scotia Platelet where new land is
rising. The plates are stressed, squeezed, and emit electronic
screech, as we have so often explained. The Earth’s magnetic
field has also been recorded by Satellite, as cloud lines in
2019, because the flow of magnetons affected the cloud
What then caused the brief red
line to appear on a satellite recording of the fires? Note
this satellite capture was taken on September 8 and on that
same day on September 8 Idaho had several strong quakes. The
San Andreas Fault Line crosses from land to ocean in the
location where the brief red line touched, and fault lines
under water always arc easily. This was an arc, known to occur
from one electrical field to another, recorded by the
satellite. The quake induced electronic screech in western
Idaho was a large field, encompassing rock under Oregon and
Washington states nearby which are stressed due to the Juan de
Fuca Plate subduction.
Indeed, on September 8 Idaho had quakes and on September 10
Yellowstone also had a quake swarm. Despite all the evidence
that fires are being set in Oregon by Antifa, the strong
subduction by the Pacific and Juan de Fuca Plates creates heat
that can even melt rock, per historical records. The subduction
runs all the way to the Continental Divide, and the fires are
burning in this same area. Meanwhile both California and Oregon

- California Wildfires Growing Bigger,
Moving Faster than Ever
September 10, 2020
- When it comes to California
wildfires, it now takes days, not decades, to produce what
had been seen as a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.
Last weekend, a fire burning in California’s Sierra
National Forest exploded in size, trapping hundreds of
Labour Day holiday campers who could only be rescued by
helicopters that made a series of white-knuckle flights
into the smoke. Recently we have seen multiple fires
expand by tens of thousands of acres in a matter of hours,
and 30 years or more ago that just wasn’t fire behavior
that we saw.
- Four Arrested for Arson on the West
Coast, One a ‘Regular Attendee’ of Anti-Cop Rallies in
September 13, 2020
- Four individuals — two in
Washington, one in Oregon, and another in California —
have been arrested for arson as firefighters battle dozens
of blazes across the West Coast. One of the arrestees is
reportedly a “regular attendee” of anti-police rallies in

- Wildfire Emergency in Oregon as it
Faces ‘Once-in-a-Generation Event’ Medford under Evacuation
September 9, 2020
- The U.S. Forest
Service's Pacific
Northwest Region said there are 20 large
wildfires burning across Oregon
and Washington that have destroyed some 476,027
acres as "extreme fire weather" continues across
the region.
- Nearly 100 Earthquakes Swarm
Yellowstone in 24 Hours
September 11, 2020
- A swarm of 91 earthquakes
rattled the Yellowstone National Park region in just
24 hours on Thursday, according to the United States
Geological Survey. The recent cluster of quakes didn’t
pass 3.0 magnitude. The biggest temblor was recorded at
2.8 magnitude, while the weakest was measured at 0.1
Schumann Blackouts
The Schumann Resonance began to have irregular
surges in 2014, surging above its normal 7.83 Hz. This
showed as white hot bands on the charts. By 2017 these bands had
become severe, broad and deep, and the pace kept increasing as
the documentation on this Pole
Shift ning blog shows. What was happening to the Earth’s
magnetosphere? When the surges became too extreme to be
measured, the white hot bands were replaced with blackout. Now
in 2020 the blackouts are lasting for a full day. Per the Zetas,
this is caused by Nibiru, nearby.

- Schumann Resonances
- The Schumann
resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in
the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of
the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum.
Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances,
generated and excited by lightning discharges in
the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and
the ionosphere.

ZetaTalk Explanation 8/6/2016: The
Schumann Resonance is an Earth hum, caused by a broad
vibration of the Earth within its own magnetic field. Since
magnetons, and the electrons that chose to flow with them, are
pouring out of the Earth’s magnetic N Pole and arriving at the
Earth’s magnetic S Pole, there is a tension at the fat sides
of the globe, around the Equator, of what can be described as
a pull and push. Magnetons want to escape there, but are
pulled back, causing this vibration. This is why the base
wavelength of the resonance is the circumference of the Earth.
There is a battle in the Earth’s magnetosphere, with the Earth
wanting to align with the Sun but also being assaulted by a
magnetic blast from Nibiru. Thus at times with a magneton
overload, at other times with a throbbing pull to this or that
side of the globe as the magnetons within the Earth, in the
process of flowing through, are either in excess or of a