Prong Wars
As the announcement about Nibiru approaches its crux – the
revelation that an exoplanet is indeed in the inner Solar System
and currently passing the Sun – the cover-up battles have
intensified. The cover-up has always encouraged the public to
look outward into dark space, away
from the Sun. Thus they recently provided access to the WISE
images, which does just that. WISE never includes the region
within Earth’s orbit, which is where Nibiru rides since its
arrival in 2003. Per the Zetas, NASA is not trying to help
during the “discovery” of Nibiru, but is rather trying to

- NASA-Funded Website lets Public
search for new Nearby Worlds
February 15, 2017
- NASA is inviting the public to
help search for possible undiscovered worlds in the outer
reaches of our solar system and in neighboring
interstellar space. A new website, called Backyard Worlds:
Planet 9, lets everyone participate in the search by
viewing brief movies made from images captured by NASA's
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission. The
movies highlight objects that have gradually moved across
the sky. By using Backyard Worlds: Planet 9, the public
can help us discover more of these strange rogue worlds.
- Help scan the Realm beyond Neptune
for Brown Dwarfs and Planet Nine
- Is there a large planet at the
fringes of our solar system awaiting discovery, a world
astronomers call Planet Nine? We’re looking for this
planet and for new brown dwarfs in the backyard of the
solar system using data from NASA's Wide-field Infrared
Survey Explorer (WISE) mission. But we need your help!
Finding these dim objects requires combing through the
images by eye to distinguish moving celestial bodies from
ghosts and other artifacts. There are too many images for
us to search though by ourselves. So come join the search,
and you might find a rogue world that's nearer to the Sun
than Proxima Centauri - or even the elusive Planet Nine.
- Wide-field Infra-Red Survey Explorer
- Solar panels will provide WISE
with the electricity it needs to operate, and will always
point toward the Sun. Orbiting several hundred miles above
the dividing line between night and day on Earth, the
telescope will look out at right angles to the Sun and
will always point away from Earth. As WISE orbits from the
North pole to the equator to the South pole and then back
up to the North pole, the telescope will sweep out a
circle in the sky. As the Earth moves around the Sun, this
circle will move around the sky, and after six months WISE
will have observed the whole sky.
ZetaTalk Comment
2/18/2017: At
first blush this offer seems to be asking amateurs to help
them locate Nibiru, as we have in ZetaTalk mentioned the
possibility that the actual official announcement route might
be by elevating amateur discoveries to review and discussion
by Prong 3 astronomers. But this maneuver by NASA has the
opposite intent. Owned or bribed by the wealthy elite who
still want the cover-up to continue, those at the helm in NASA
are intent on discrediting the Prong 3 efforts and confusing
the general public.
Nibiru will be discovered, as we have stated, within the Dark
Energy Survey images which have imaged the inner Solar System
from the Chili observatory since 2013 and include recent
infra-red images from the SouthEast to the NorthEast along the
Ecliptic. This scan is within the Earth’s orbit, where the
Nibiru complex has resided since 2004. The WISE images, on the
other hand, all point outward from the Earth into the night
sky, never imaging the region, thus, within the Earth’s orbit.
This maneuver by NASA is intended to create clutter, to drown
out the Dark Energy Survey discoveries.
The Dark Energy Survey, on the other hand, does image the region
where Nibiru rides, along and just southeast of the Earth’s
Ecliptic. It also has in its image databases the region Nibiru
passed through as it entered the Solar System in 2003. The Prong
team knows exactly
what to “discover” when the time is right.

- Dark Energy Survey
- The gun-barrel shaped region of
the survey (blue and red) that lies along the celestial
equator is another sky area that has been observed by
other telescopes, both in optical light and at other
wavelengths. That region of sky, which passes directly
overhead of someone standing on the earth’s equator, is
visible from both the northern and southern hemisphere,
while the more southerly portion of the footprint is only
visible from the southern hemisphere.
Then, just ahead of Nancy’s anticipated appearance on the
American Heroes Channel on February 26, NASA again tried a
diversionary tactic. The Prong Wars were palpable. First, by
pointing to a cool brown dwarf in the Trappist
system, NASA was pointing to everything but Nibiru, once
again. Their statement implied was that if Nibiru were here,
nearby, NASA would have noticed and presented this to the
public. Were they planning to once again deny that Nibiru
exists? Oddly, their hour-long presentation was cut short,
ending after only 40 minutes. The Zetas explain.

- NASA to Host News Conference on
Discovery Beyond our Solar System
February 20, 2017
- NASA will hold a news conference
at 1 p.m. EST Wednesday, Feb. 22, to present new findings
on planets that orbit stars other than our sun, known as
exoplanets. The event will air live on NASA Television and
the agency's website.
ZetaTalk Insight
3/4/2017: NASA
rather abruptly ended the anticipated hour long presentation a
full 20 minutes early. They had hardly run out of questions,
though the moderator kept saying “keep them coming” as though
there were few questions. Their planned presentation material
had already been covered, but these detail oriented scientists
could have talked for hours to fill the time. Were they
deliberately closed down and told to stop?
The moderator was told to
close down due to “our time is up”, as their plans were to
address exoplanets close into the Solar System. This was to
appear as though coming from a questioner. Denial of any
possible life brearing planets or brown dwarfs/dead suns would
have been the response. Since the moderator could not signal
the panel without being obvious, she just shut the
presentation down! Who ordered them to stop? Members of the
Trump administration.

This seemed to be less a pro-Nibiru announcement than a
pro-extraterrestrial life announcement, a fact publicized by
Google. However, Trappist was described as being an “ultra-cool
dwarf” which fits the description of Nibiru itself, which is a
cross between a planet and an unlit star - 4 times the diameter
of Earth and 23 times as massive, per the Zetas, creating its
own heat and light as a “smoldering brown dwarf”.
Nevertheless, NASA was once again was denying Nibiru and
pointing the public out into dark space, rather than looking at
Nibiru next to the Sun.
American Heroes
Nancy and the ZetaTalk material were on the American Heroes
Channel as part of the How the World Ends series. This portion
of the series was titled Planet X and premiered on February 26,
2017. It is available to be
streamed from their website. The show openly acknowledges
that Nancy is the founder of the PlanetX/Nibiru theory, relating
the two objects as one and the same. The trailer, on their FaceBook
page, leads with that assertion.

Leading up to this Nancy Lieder’s name appears in the main
stream media. Pending progress by the Prongs, with increased
attention to the ZetaTalk message, is almost palpable.
- Will the Mysterious Shadow planet
Nibiru Obliterate Earth in October? No.
January 5, 2017
- The concept mutated toward
doomsday in 1995, when a self-avowed alien contactee and
psychic Nancy Lieder warned about a collision with Nibiru
on her site ZetaTalk. As outlandish as the prospect might
seem, the concept took hold. In the estimation of NASA
astrophysicist David Morrison, there are some 2 million
websites devoted to what happens when Nibiru meets Earth.
- Should You Be Worried about the
'Death Asteroid' Headed Towards Earth?
January 27, 2017
- There’s really only one person
saying WF9 is the Sweet Meteor of Death some people were
rooting for in the 2016 election: Dyomin Damir
Zakharovich, a Russian astronomer who claims that the
asteroid is actually a piece of Nibiru. What, you might
ask, is Nibiru? Why, it’s a planet we were told about by
Nancy Lieder, a woman who claims to be in telepathic
contact with aliens from Zeta Reticuli. This would be a
good point to bring up that the “Nibiru cataclysm” was
supposed to have happened in 2003.
But really, are you surprised? People predict asteroids
are about to wipe us all out constantly. It was supposed
to happen in 2016. And 2015. And 2014.
Personal EMP
Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) has been in the news lately for
bringing down big airplanes with a total loss of electronic
control and hurtling electric trains off their tracks when they
speed up during a pulse. Air France 447
in 2009 was the first such airliner crash of note, and Hoboken
in 2016 the most recent train surge. Increasingly there have
been unexplained fires or electrical faults, in parked cars or
electronically controlled cars or cell phones. All
electronics can be affected. Yet we are moving forward
with an increased use of robots and drones and driverless cars.
Disaster awaits.

- Two years ago, in a Target
parking lot, I experienced an unintended acceleration in
my car. When I went to back out of my space, something
crazy happened and my car started vibrating and the wheels
started spinning. I held my foot on the brake as long as I
could, screaming the entire time because it was surreal.
When I let my foot off the brake, the car took off
speeding forward at a highly accelerated rate and my car
went airborne. I ended up smashing down the “exit” lane of
Target and then pushing forward into a guardrail. It was
later revealed that Toyota admitted to a “glitch” in the
software of their Toyota Camrys. There are thousands of
cases of this happening not only with Toyota but Mercedes,
Ford, Chrysler, early Subaru’s and other manufacturers.
Could Toyota’s “basically hidden” electronic throttle
control issue be not only a “glitch” in their software,
but one affected by EMPs? The accident that was captured
on the “Target” parking lot cameras.
- Disneyland Parking Garage Fire
Damages 9 Cars
February 14, 2017
- Multiple cars caught fire at the
main parking garage for Disneyland guests. The
investigation into the cause of the fire was underway,
officials stated. Foul play was not suspected as a factor.
It's just an accidental fire that started with one vehicle
then quickly communicated to other vehicles.
- Samsung Suspends Sales of Galaxy Note
7 after Smartphones Catch Fire
September 2, 2016
- Korean manufacturer confirms 35
cases of newly launched devices exploding while being
charged and offers exchanges but stops short of full
recall. “We have received several reports of battery
explosions on the Note 7, and it has been confirmed that
it was a battery cell problem. There was a tiny problem in
the manufacturing process so it was very difficult to find
Where manufacturers stop short of a total recall while
replacing an ailing part, the cause is often unknown. Complex
electronics have a zillion parts that can go amuck, burn out,
fail, or not respond as programmed. Is there any sign that
Personal EMP might be on the increase? I, Nancy, have a personal
story to tell in that regard. I live in the Wisconsin stretch
zone, where Wisconsin is being pulled apart as the Seaway is
ripped apart. One can see this on a map of Wisconsin, with the
yaw to the west of the Green Bay Peninsula moving down through a
series of lakes toward Madison. This was also the direction of
the Wisconsin booms in 2012.

What happened to myself, 5 miles west of Baraboo and to a friend
in Baraboo on or about February 10, 2017 was surreal. Is this a
portent of things to come? Both the electrician and plumber
agreed that my basement experience looked like EMP. But there
could be no other explanation for my friend in Baraboo. The
moral of the story? If you live in the stretch zone, anticipate
personal EMP!
- North Freedom: We had a couple
new electric space heaters plugged in upstairs, and they
apparently blew a circuit. This happened repeatedly while
we were trying to figure out just which circuit or device
was the issue. None of that is supposed to create an EMP,
nor are space heaters supposed to blow a circuit in a
newly rewired house. So all the lights go out in the
basement. All 5, simultaneously, on two
different circuits there. All 5 light bulbs needed to
be replaced. Then the hot water disappeared. The plumber
confirmed that the reset switch on the hot water heater
had been thrown but the filament was fried anyway. Yes,
the water table is only 5 feet below the floor here, and
EMP acts like lightning, seeking water and electronics are
a great route for this. But it should not have happened!
- Baraboo: My electric lights began
to flicker. And then my smoke alarm, which has been dead
for nine years, suddenly came alive and began chirping
wildly. Simultaneously the TV in my spare bedroom turned
itself on, and the batteries in my never-used flashlight
failed.My heater controller failed within days, as did the
battery on my IPad!
ZetaTalk Explanation
7/26/2008: Looking
at a map of Wisconsin, one sees that Green Bay is at the point
where the peninsula is pulling away from the mainland of
Wisconsin. In other words, at the rip point. Looking further
inland along the line of rip, we see Lake Winnebago, a large
body of water which formed over an area that had sunk in the
past. When we described the St. Lawrence Seaway ripping open
during the pole shift, and the ripping process which has
already begun since the wobble and tugging at the surface of
the Earth occur daily, we described not just the seaway but a
Mississippi River bridge failing at Minneapolis and the much
earlier rumpling of the Black Hills in S Dakota. Of course the
ripping open of the seaway is going to affect Wisconsin as it
is in the heavy traffic lane!
ZetaTalk Explanation
4/7/2012: It
is no surprise that a crevasse on the Michigan peninsula has
been joined by booming in towns to the south as rock snaps in
a diagonal line toward Mexico. On March 18 Clintonville began
booming. On March 20 Chiapas at the tip of Mexico adjusted. On
March 20 the Clintonville booms moved down diagonally to
Montello. On March 28 the Baja beach disappeared. And on April
1 the Clintonville booms moved along diagonally to Baraboo.
Most definitely related!
Then there is the case of the dueling cell phones in Maine.
This situation happened a year ago and again about 6 week ago.
Cell phones, one or both, plugged in and being recharged, so a
surge is a definite possibility. One with an energized “send”
function and another with an energized “receive” function,
perhaps.The Zetas explain.
- Maine: A year ago my phone
started ringing and it was my wife’s phone calling. But
her phone was plugged in, recharging, next to mind on the
table, and she was upstairs, asleep. Now again about 6
weeks ago this happened again. This time both our phones
were plugged in, being recharged. This time my phone
called her phone, and recorded on her answering machine.
We could hear the news on the TV playing in the
background, so it was a definite connection between the
two phones.
ZetaTalk Explanation
3/11/2017: If
EMP can cause a surge in an electric train, or fry the
electronics on a fly-by-wire airplane, then it can surely play
havoc with personal electronics such as cars and cell phones
and home appliances. Cell phones plugged in to be charged are
subject to a surge through the electric power grid, and with a
“send” function activated would likely try to call the last
phone number called. EMP is known to be both surge and
brownout, so having lights flicker and then burn out would
occur. Filaments such as found in light bulbs or electric
heaters would be particularly sensitive to be fried.
It should not be surprising that car, van, and bus engines
burst into flame, as fuel for a fire is right at hand in the
gas tank and oil tank. Car moving parts are greased well, too.
An EMP affecting the battery would spark in all directions,
and once roaring, the fire would cause an explosion. The
public can expect such incidents to occur, intermittently, due
to the charged tail of Nibiru interacting with the electric
screech in rock layers in both compression and stretch
regions. Obviously, one should avoid touching any electronics
affected, during an EMP, avoid air and train travel if
possible, and if in a car or bus seemingly affected by EMP,
leave the vehicle before it explodes.
The UK and most of Europe is also in the stretch zone, as is
the swath of land through southern Russia to Tibet. Germanwings
going into the Alps in 2015 was EMP related, and radar
blackouts along the Danube. Manchester, in the center of
the UK, recently had a couple separate instances of a bus and a
van bursting into flames, for no reason. Both occurred on March
1, basically simultaneously. Manchester is in the stretch zone
identified by the Zetas as a spot where England is pulling
apart, into two pieces. Once more, EMP in the stretch zone

- Huge Fire as Bus goes up in Flames in
middle of Manchester Street
March 1, 2017
- The back of the double decker bus
caught fire in Cheadle Hulme during rush hour. One witness
told Manchester Evening News: "I couldn’t believe it. The
whole of the back of the bus where the engine is just went
up in flames.”
- Van Explosion under Manchester
Airport's Runway causes Terror and Travel Chaos as Planes
are Diverted
March 1, 2017
- A van caught fire in a huge
explosion inside a tunnel underneath a runway at
Manchester Airport. The tunnel on the A538 was closed
along with the runway as fire crews battled the blaze last
night after eyewitnesses reported hearing a loud bang.
ZetaTalk Explanation
2/16/2013: During
each Pole Shift, each passage with consequent crustal shift,
the UK experiences sinking on its western side. Ireland,
Scotland, Wales, and even England will experience drastic
sinking during this pending passage. That this has happened in
the past can be seen by looking under the waves, and seeing
ocean bottom that has recently been land, below. England will
not only be pulled down, on its western side, it is also
obviously being torn in two at the River Humber. The
establishment will come up with an excuse, as they always do,
for the Earth changes in process, no matter how absurd their
excuses become. The Eurasian Plate is being pulled apart,
while the Atlantic is spreading apart. Rock layers get torn
apart in this process, so the loose ground shifts as the base
upon which it lies gives way. This process will continue and