Dark Twin Distance
Photos of the Earth’s Dark Twin show that unless presenting as
a Monster Persona, the Dark Twin appears to be far away. But how
close is it in reality? The Monster Persona, as detailed in Issue 579 of this Newsletter last
November, is not the true size, as it is represented by light
rays that have gone out into space, then been turned back toward
Earth by the gravity of Earth. Monster Personas of the looming
Venus and of Nibiru have also been captured on film.
Normally positioned exactly behind the Sun, on the opposite side
from the Earth, the Dark Twin was known
by the ancients, by various titles.

Recently images captured from the ISS live feed on May 23 have
been documented
by Mr MBB333. The Dark Twin appears, and Mr MBB333 ponders
if it is the Earth’s Moon. The captures occur when the ISS is on
the bright side of the Earth, over the tip of S America and
around 10:30 am Mountain Time. In that images captured in the
Southern Hemisphere are essentially upside down, the Sun shadow
on the right hand side of the Dark Twin in the images equates to
a Sun shadow on the left hand side in the Northern Hemisphere.
The Dark Twin, as is known, is approaching the Earth from the
West in their shared orbit. The colors match a naked
eye report on May 25 from Michigan at 11:22 pm.

- Looking Northwest from Central
Michigan. Earth's Dark Twin appeared as bright Red-blue
planet/star setting rapidly to the West. I was able to get
off a few shots before it quickly disappeared beyond the
horizon. Time was 11:22pm
Another capture of the Dark Twin from the ISS on June 2 shows
this rapid descent to the horizon when the ISS is located
further to the North and West over the Pacific. The camera is
looking toward Azimuth 212, toward the West. Here the Sun is
shining on the Dark Twin from the right,
the correct side from the Northern Hemisphere or when close to
the Equator. The globe is also approaching dusk, where the ISS
is located. The size of the Dark Twin in all these ISS images is
the correct size, not a Monster Persona.

Comparing the size and appearance of the Moon to what Mr MBB333
captured, one can certainly see the difference. The Dark Twin is
Earth sized, thus their sharing of the same orbit, balanced on
either side of the Sun under normal conditions. Kojima of the Pole
Shift ning has computed the distance of the Dark Twin in
these recent ISS image captures, as the Earth’s size is known,
the Dark Twin’s size is known, the Moon’s size is known, and the
Moon’s distance from the Earth is known. Using the curvature of
the Earth in the images, Kojima computes the Dark Twin to be 12
Earth diameters distances away. That’s close!

- Earth in the picture: zoom-out,
x1/5,15.6 cm (diameter): 78 cm
Dark Twin in the picture: zoom-in, x10, 2 cm (diameter):
0.2 cm
Thus the apparent size ratio viewed from ISS is,
Earth (390) vs Dark Twin (1).
Per the Zetas, the Dark Twin is approximately the same
size as the Earth.
So the distance ratio from ISS is,
ISS-Earth (1) vs ISS-Dark Twin (390).
ISS orbital altitude (ISS-Earth): ca 400 km, thus
ISS-Dark Twin: 400 km x 390 = 156,000 km.
Diameter of Earth: 12,752 km (156/12.8 = 12.2)
The gap between Earth and Dark Twin is 156,000 km, which
corresponds to approximately 12 earth.
I-19 Rape Camp
A disturbing discovery off I-19 south of Tucson, AZ was
reported on June 5, first in the alternative media and then
gradually in some of the main stream media. This was apparently
a holding site for small children, with restraints described as
rape trees, condoms, porn, and children’s toys and clothing. At
present it appeared to be a deserted camp, across the highway
from a suburb. This was discovered by chance by Veterans on
Patrol (VOP). But the camp is located along I-19 which leads
from Tucson to Mexico, so could logically be a holding area for
children being sold to pedophiles or worse.

- Homeless Camp or Child Trafficking
June 1, 2018
- Veterans on Patrol said they
followed a solar light, and in the middle of a heavily
wooded area by the Santa Cruz River, they saw the camp.
Straps tied to trees were used as restraints. News 4
Tucson toured the site with Veterans on Patrol and noticed
structures in the camp were tied together using similar
straps that they described as restraints. The area used
where they claim the children may have been kept could
also have been used as shelter to get out of the heat or
place to sleep.

- Vigilante Group Claims they have
Uncovered a 'Child Sex Trafficking Camp'
June 5, 2018
- A vigilante group claim to have
discovered a child sex trafficking camp with an
underground bunker, a so-called 'rape tree'. The abandoned
camp near Tucson, Arizona, was uncovered by Veterans On
Patrol, which helps ex-servicemen who have become
homeless. The bunker can only accessed by a small opening
and was found stuffed with children's clothing and toys.
The veterans claim this was where children were locked up
and held captive. Meanwhile, Jon McLane, 35, chaplain of
Bravo Base, a nearby homeless camp, found a tree with hand
restraints and a swing, which he described as a 'rape
tree'. 'The straps are embedded into the tree in a way
that whoever was tied to that could not get off.
- US Veterans Uncover Underground
Bunker Possibly Used for Child Trafficking Camp in Arizona
June 3, 2018
- Veterans on Patrol stumbled upon
the encampment in Tucson, Arizona on Friday, but it wasn’t
a typical homeless camp. In the middle of the desert, they
found trees with restraints on them at the site,
children’s clothing, a baby crib, a stroller, an outdoor
bathroom, pornographic material, hair dye and a five feet
tall underground cave that had a dresser and crates. The
cave was not big enough for an adult, but a child could
easily fit inside.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
6/30/2018: The
explanation by the local media and police, that this was a
homeless camp, is plausible on its face except for several
obvious clues that do not fit that scenario. Homeless people
do not leave clothing and toys and strollers behind. They have
few possessions and value them. Items such as soap and flea
shampoo would be taken along. The camp does not look
abandoned, it looks like repeated use is expected. A homeless
encampment would be known to the locals, as they look to be
fed, go begging, and at times go shopping looking haggard and
unwashed. Yet the suburb just across the freeway was oblivious
of this camp, and even the VOP group had not heard of it by
Located in an industrial
area, in thick woods along a river bank, and with a busy super
highway separating the camp from any human residences - it was
highly private. It was indeed a temporary holding place for
children smuggled in from Mexico and Central America. Such
children, infants and toddlers, were drugged to be quiet, and
as orders came in they were repackaged into vans for delivery
elsewhere. The Moloch worshipers, famous and wealthy, would
often require a dead body for Spirit Cooking, so the
Adrenochrome to be harvested from a terrified child and
the ritual rape would be done at the camp.
In that those running this
camp never expected to be discovered, much less investigated,
this is an opportunity for law enforcement to catch this
network in the act. For the rich and famous, participating in
Moloch horrors is hard to prove. Testimony from other
participants is not considered legally binding. It thus
requires evidence from the traffickers who can be caught with
the goods. However, if they cooperate with law enforcement
they fear being eliminated. But infiltration has occurred,
thus the discovery by VOP, and more to follow. The rich and
famous will stop their practices for fear of discovery.
The I-19 rape camp was located on industrial land owned by CMEX,
which is owned by Carlos Slim, a wealthy Mexican who is very
much a Hillary supporter and Clinton Foundation donor.

- 181 Clinton Foundation Donors who
Lobbied Hillary's State Department
April 28, 2015
- The size and scope of the
symbiotic relationship between the Clintons and their
donors is striking. At least 181 companies, individuals,
and foreign governments that have given to the Clinton
Foundation also lobbied the State Department when Hillary
Clinton ran the place.
- New York Times’ Top Shareholder Is a
Clinton Foundation Donor
June 10, 2015
- Slim, a Mexican telecom tycoon
whose net worth of nearly $80 billion makes him the second
richest man in the world, became the top shareholder of
the New York Times earlier this year after he doubled his
shares to take control of 16.8 percent of the company. Not
only has Slim contributed between $1,000,001 and
$5,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation, but his company
Telmex has contributed an additional grant between
$1,000,001 and $5,000,000 through its foundation. Slim has
also pledged $100 million to the Clinton Giustra
Sustainable Growth Initiative.
- Carlos Slim
- From 2010 to 2013, Slim was
ranked as the richest person in the world by the Forbes
business magazine. He derived his fortune from his
extensive holdings in a considerable number of Mexican
companies through his conglomerate, Grupo Carso. As of
March 2018, he is the seventh-richest person in the world
according to Forbes' listing of The World's Billionaires
with a net worth estimated at $70.5 billion.
The CMEX facility at the rape camp (32°07'38.0"N
110°59'20.7"W) is currently inactive, an idle facility, but the
land is owned by Carlos Slim.

Retrograde Nibiru
The retrograde rotation of Nibiru is the reason the vast tail
of Nibiru, blowing out from its N Pole, swirls around in a
retrograde direction. Nibiru is located (in the view from Earth
in the Northern Hemisphere) at the 4 o’clock position to the
Sun. Thus the clockwise swirl of the tail throws the tail under
the Sun and thence to the left and above the Sun. This can be
seen in SOHO
captures and in Alberto’s
photos, which match.

Nibiru has a retrograde orbit around the Sun during its passage,
a retrograde rotation, and consequently a retrograde swirl in
its vast tail. This has been known since the ancients, as noted
by Zecharia Sitchin. Where all the other planets orbiting the
Sun proceeded in a counterclockwise manner, Nibiru (Marduk)
orbited in a clockwise retrograde manner.

- Plato in Politicus
- At certain periods the universe
has its present circular motion, and at other periods it
revolves in the reverse direction. There is at that time
great destruction of animals in general, and only a small
part of the human race survives.
- The Official Website of Zecharia
- Zecharia Sitchin made the
audacious assertion that not only do extrasolar planets
exist, but that other planetary systems can come into
being, exist, and can also meet a violent end. The
Summaerians named it Nibiru; the Babylonians renamed it
Marduk in honor of their national god. That scenario,
which explains a host of astronomical enigmas, was
illustrated in the book.
ZetaTalk: Signs
of Change July 2005: Sling orbit, retrograde orbit,
and retrograde rotation are involved. Planet X not only
passing the Sun in a retrograde orbit, it rotates in a
retrograde manner. This creates a direct clash with the Earth
when the distance between them closes so their magnetic fields
engage, ultimately slowing the Earth's rotation to a stop
during the passage.
The Zetas described the reason for the retrograde orbit as an
attempt by Nibiru to avoid the sweeping arms of the Sun, large
bands of solar emissions that sweep along with the Sun’s
rotation. These bands of solar emissions are the reason the
planets that orbit the Sun in the inner Solar System all sweep
along in the same direction. It’s like a broom. And Nibiru found
that at a distance it could not keep ahead of the band, so was
forced to jump over the band, thus beginning its retrograde
motion. This was clearly shown in the Path diagram the Zetas
provided for Nibiru’s approach during 1983-2003.

ZetaTalk Explanation
1/15/1997: As
the sweeping arm of this energy field passes the 12th Planet,
which in no way could stay ahead of this sweeping arm at the
distance it is from the Sun, the 12th Planet's reaction to the
bulk of the energy field is longer lasting and begins to
produce a retrograde orbit for its approach to the Sun. Thus,
during 1995 through 1998, the 12th Planet will drift left and
up toward the elliptic, aligning itself in the same manner as
the planets to the Sun's sweeping arm, but due to its mobility
out in space, its distance from the Sun, it develops a
retrograde orbit and begins to move to the right, in the
manner the ancients recorded.
ZetaTalk Explanation
2/4/2017: We
stated early in the ZetaTalk saga, even before Nibiru became
visible in observatory sightings in 2001, that it has assumed
a retrograde orbit. It did so to evade what we have called the
Sweeping Arms of the Sun, which reaches out from the Sun as it
rotates in a counterclockwise motion. The Sun rotates in this
direction, and forces all the planets in the inner Solar
System to orbit in this direction. As can be seen by photos of
the Nibiru system, this tail curves out from Nibiru in a
clockwise manner, a retrograde manner, curling under the Sun
and thence up to the left. Nibiru itself also has a retrograde
That Nibiru is coming at the Earth, and the other planets in the
inner Solar System such as Venus, has been depicted in Crop
Circle designs. The clockwise (retrograde) orbit around
the Sun is clearly depicted, as is the impact a retrograde
planet would have on other planets it encounters moving in the
traditional counterclockwise manner.

ZetaTalk Analysis 6/30/2012: Planet
X has a retrograde orbit and this design shows this clockwise
progression. Going into the passage, Planet X will grow in
size, looming as large as the Moon or the Sun in the sky,
while also continuing in its retrograde orbit so it will align
in front of the Sun, rather than to the right of the Sun in
the view from the Northern Hemisphere as it does today.

ZetaTalk Analysis
7/11/2015: This
design depicts a retrograde orbit, which Nibiru, aka Planet X
has. When looking down at the solar system, the view
astronomers prefer, the Sun rotates in a counterclockwise
manner, as do all the planets that go round and round in orbit
around the Sun. Nibiru deals with the sweeping arms of the Sun
when it approaches for its periodic passage by hopping over
the sweeping arms, thus passes through the solar system in a
retrograde manner – clockwise.