Martial Law
Many countries are in the midst of dealing with what is in
essence a pandemic, isolating the infected and imposing
mandatory quarantines and closing their borders. As of the end
of February, the US Marines and FEMA have been told what their
roles will be. The National Center for Medical Intelligence has
raised the threat level to WATCHCON1.
And per insider Alex Jones, the US Army is preparing for up to 3
million deaths. One after another countries are imposing
rules to deal with Covid-19. At what point is this within the
current civil law or crossing the line into Martial Law?

- US Marine Corps Disease Containment
Preparedness Planning Guidance for 2019 Novel Coronavirus
February 12, 2020 | MARADMINS Number: 082/20
- Per the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), a person under investigation
for 2019-nCoV infection should be isolated, and healthcare
professionals, and local or state health departments,
should be notified immediately. Become familiar with
authority to declare a public health emergency, restrict
movement, quarantine and isolate.
- FEMA Preparing for Possible
Coronavirus Emergency Declaration
March 2, 2020
- FEMA officials are preparing for
an "infectious disease emergency declaration" by the
president. The Trump administration would have to use the
1988 Stafford Act to enable FEMA to provide such disaster
By early March there were more signs. Twitter
requested their employees work from home, for the present.
Schools in the infected
Washington State district closed for 2 weeks. Amazon
instructed its employees in Seattle, Washington, to work from
home at present. Shows or meetings or political rallies are
increasingly being canceled, as is air travel to and from
infected parts of the globe. Most containment and isolation is
voluntary cooperation, or under State or Local control. Britain
prepares to enlist
volunteers to help the NHS. Moscow has requested returning
self-quarantine for 14 days. Singapore
will jail non-compliant citizens.

- Q&A: What can the Government Force
People to do in the Name of Containing the Coronavirus?
March 2, 2020
- What is the federal government
legally authorized to do? The 2010 Public Health Service
Act authorizes the federal government to prevent the entry
and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries
into the United States, as well as between states.
- Russia on Red Alert: almost Surrounded
by Coronavirus Cases - Braces for Epidemic
February 28, 2020
- As the world's biggest country,
bordering 16 states, Russia is something of a sitting duck
for COVID-19. With eight of those now reporting
infections. There has so far been no recorded infection of
a Russian national on home soil.

At what point will Martial Law
emerge in most countries of the world, in response to the
Covid-19 or the increasingly obvious Earth changes pointing to
the presence and pending passage of Nibiru? The Zetas have
stated in the past that Martial Law would be the last resort for
those countries operating in a highly democratic manner, but
that Heads of State have been informed that by January 2021
Nibiru would be too obvious to be denied. That date is
approaching. Will Covid-19 be used as an excuse?
ZetaTalk Description 8/23/2014: The
first reaction of Heads of State is to brace for rioting. The
establishment anticipates that every crop shortage, every
water shortage, every uptick in earthquakes or disease will be
related to the pending passage, with a demand for government
action. What then? Depending upon the country and the culture,
martial law will evolve everywhere.

ZetaTalk Opinion
3/31/2020: We
have stated that Heads of State, worldwide, have been told
that the reality of Nibiru in the skies will be too obvious to
deny by January 2021.
Given this anticipation, any steps toward Martial Law taken in
2020 to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic can be assumed to be
permanent. We have also stated that the Covid-19 pandemic will
be “dramatically eased by
mid-Summer 2020”, assuming aggressive quarantine practices and
new anti-virals and vaccines. This should not be expected to
ease any Martial Law edicts already in place.
Those countries, such as China, which operate as though under
Martial Law already, show what can be accomplished with a
strong-arm approach. They turned the emergence of new cases
around sharply and are now forcing the survivors or the
reluctant back to work at gunpoint, if necessary. Because of
their strong-arm approach, they will soon be Covid-19 free as
long as travel is restricted. Compare that to Italy, which
espoused tourism, now forced to quarantine. Italy thus
infected Europe, which has maintained open borders throughout.
While the Covid-19 infections
rage on going into mid-Summer, protestations of the airline
and travel industry will be silenced as Heads of State are
forced to issue edicts banning travel and restricting
residents to homes unless they are escorted to work. Groceries
will be delivered. Schools will be via Internet or home
schooling kits. Social media will replace group meetings.
Those countries that do not institute such draconian methods
will be closed at the border by their neighbors, and forced to
live with their inept management.
How does this differ from what the world will experience when
the reality of Nibiru can no longer be denied? Strong-arm
tactics to ensure that food is grown and distributed will
continue. Grocery delivery may likewise remain, to prevent
looting and hoarding. Public gatherings will likely be limited
due to the fear they will spring into wholesale riots. As
disasters swamp coastlines with seawater and earthquakes
collapse cities into rubble, refugees will be transported to
rural areas and forced into survival camps. Not all that
different from the Covid-19 steps.
Pandemic Prophecy
Was the Covid-19 pandemic in End Times prophecy? Mother
Shipton is famous for predicting the future, one of many
well-respected channeled works.
Her predictions include the coming
Pole Shift, thus they come under increasing scrutiny as
her predictions seem to be on target. She clearly predicted a
pandemic, an “ague”, and it had something to do with China and
Russia. Could she have been referring to the present Covid-19?

- And yellow men great power
From mighty bear with whom they've lain.
These mighty tyrants will fail to do
They fail to split the world in two.
- But from their acts a danger bred
An ague - leaving many dead.
And physics find no remedy
For this is worse than leprosy.
- a·gue
- malaria or some other illness
involving fever and shivering.
a fever or shivering fit.
ZetaTalk Insight
3/31/2020: Mother
Shipton’s prophecies are highly accurate, as is of record, but
those prophecies that have yet to play out are regularly
misinterpreted. She predicted the rise of China, which has
occurred. The fact that Russia and China support each other,
are economic and defense partners, is another prediction that
has come true. They are both founding members of the BRICS
consortium, the banking network that has overtaken the
IMF and the World Bank.
But why would Mother Shipton
imply that a partnership between China and Russia would
present a new plague? As is of record, Russia is developing
the Far East, which will become tropical in the Aftertime, and
China, with a populace of over a billion, will surely migrate
there. India has also been invited. Meanwhile, Siberia melts,
and many long frozen germs are emerging. Both bacteria and
virus are preserved in a deep freeze. Immunity to these germs
is long gone. But Mother Shipton is predicting more than a
Siberian melt, she is predicting a merging of indigenous germs
from Asian and Siberia, mutating.
A Siberian Pithovirus was discovered in thawing
permafrost in 2003 but to date has not caused a pandemic.
Per the Zetas, this is part of their prediction on increasing
illness due to migrating germs. Happens during every Pole
Shift. But what about the inference on a famous Denver
Airport mural, showing an AK47, an Asian child wrapped in
a red China blanket, and gas masks? Per the Zetas, the Scimitar
depicted shows conflicts with the Middle East, between Russia
and Muslim countries.

ZetaTalk Insight
3/31/2020: The
murals at the Denver Airport depict the Pole
Shift disasters. The Scimitar sword used by Muslims and
the Russian AK47 of course depict armed conflict, and both are
involved in constant conflicts in the Middle East. Bio warfare
would also be presumed during the period prior to the Pole
Shift, given the press to migrate to safe locations and the
fact that many nations maintain active bio warfare labs.

The Kolbrin is an Egyptian record,
and describes both past and future passages of Nibiru. It
correlates closely with the Book of Exodus. But beyond the
bitter red water, poisoned with red dust from the tail of
Nibiru, and skin irritation from the red dust, no viral plague
is described. The Book of Exodus and the Torah detail the 10
plagues that descended upon Egypt. But none of these sound like
a viral infection such as Covid-19. They sound like the locust
swarms plaguing Africa recently, restless
frogs crossing roads in China, and dust

- Papyrus
2:5-6 Plague is throughout the
land. Blood is everywhere.
2:10 The river is blood.
- Exodus
7:2 There was blood
throughout all the land of Egypt.
7:20 All the waters that were in the
river were turned to blood.
- Kolbrin
6:11 It swept the Earth
with grey cinder rain and
caused many plagues, hunger and other evils.
It bit the skin of men and beast
until they became mottled with sores.
Plague was throughout the land,
the river was bloody and blood was everywhere.
Those who did drink from the river vomited it up.
The dust tore wounds in the skin of man and beast.

- The 10 Egyptian Plagues
- The water became blood, and the
first plague began. The water, even in wood and stone
jars, was undrinkable, fish died, and the air was filled
with a horrid stench. The second plague brought an influx
of millions of frogs. In the third plague, he struck
the earth and gnats flew up from the dust. The infestation
took over every man and animal around. The fourth plague
affected only the lands of Egypt. The swarm of flies was
unbearable. The fifth plague sent a deadly disease through
the animals they relied on. The sixth plague resulted
in horrendous and painful boils appearing on every
Egyptian and their livestock. The seventh plague
brought torrential rains, thunder, and hail that killed
people, animals, and crops. The eighth plague would
prove to be the most devastating. Locust insects ate every
green plant they could find. Three days of complete
darkness stretched over the lands of Egypt in the ninth

ZetaTalk Opinion
5/12/2007: The
months and years leading up to the last pole shift during the
Jewish Exodus are documented in the Bible in the Book of
Exodus, and by the Egyptians in the Kolbrin. Plagues of frogs
and locust swarms are mentioned, which of course occur when
the Earth is under tension or wildlife given confusing signals
or drought is on the increase. Is this not occurring now,
around the world? Drought and deluge is a factor in locust
swarms. We cited depressed immune systems, microbes on the
move so that humans or wild or domesticated animals would be
exposed to microbes they had no immunity for, and this has
emerged steadily. Examples of this are Morgellons, dying bee
hives, and cruise ship flu epidemics. Plagues reported in the
Bible are not dissimilar, sores on the body, or illness
afflicting human and animal alike.
The Book or Revelations 15-16, describing the End Times, also
details plagues, but again describes them as what the Zetas have
detailed for the Last Weeks and hour of the Pole Shift: biting
and bitter red dust, intractable drought, heat from the Earth
being drawn closer to the Sun in the Last Weeks, the 3 Days of
Darkness, and the hour of the Pole Shift with global earthquakes
during the crustal shift. The Muslim Hadiths also refer to these
Last Weeks, with a sunrise West prediction. No virus.

- Seven Bowls
- Seven angels are given seven bowls
of God's wrath, each consisting of judgements full of the
wrath of God. Loathsome Sores. The sea turns to
blood. The waters turn to blood. A major heatwave to
scorch the planet with fire. A thick darkness overwhelms
the kingdom. The great river Euphrates dries up.
A global earthquake causes the cities of the world to
- The
- The Hour will not be established
... till the sun rises from the West.
- Kitab al Irshad, The Twelfth Imam
- The rising of the sun from the
west one of the things which must happen.
ZetaTalk Last
Weeks 8/14/2010:
When Venus and the Dark Twin
escape from the cup, the particle crowding is suddenly eased,
allowing Nibiru to come forward toward the Earth. The Earth's
first evasion is to tilt her N Pole away from the oncoming
Nibiru to such a degree, and so violently, that she leans all
the way over to the left and then rebounds as a
reaction all the way to the right. This is the severe wobble,
for a length of 9 days. Finally, the rebound is repressed, for
a lingering lean to the left of 4.5 days or so.
Then a progression where the N Pole of Earth is pushed away
from the Sun and the approaching Nibiru, until the point where
3 days of darkness is unmistakable. This progression is
another 2-3 days in time. Then the 6 days of sunrise west.
Then the Earth rights herself, side by side with Nibiru, and
begins her rotation slowdown. It is during this time that the
Earth is drawn toward Nibiru, so that Nibiru quickly increases
in size in the skies and is the writhing monster of legend.
Slowing rotation is not a linear matter, but exponential as
the Earth is pulled closer to Nibiru.
The Dark Judge officially
acknowledged the validity of ZetaTalk, saying in a tweet
“Thank you ZetaTalk. The Judges acknowledge you.” This is
significant because where Q speaks for the US Intel community,
the Dark Judges speak for the UK Marines. Both work hand in hand
to clean up theft of public funds, pedophile blackmail, Moloch
child sacrifice, and political corruption. Just as Q has proven
accurate, so has the Dark Judge.

Thus when the Dark Judge stated that VP Pence was no longer the
acting VP, the Zetas expanded on that statement, including this
in their March
8 Newsletter. Where this was a recognition of the validity
of ZetaTalk, the compliment also was extended to the Pole Shift
ning site. We are all a
large team, working toward the same goals. Is it possible
the time to acknowledge the reality of Nibiru is close at hand?

Then a short time later, the Dark Judge retweeted
another Newsletter pointer to the February 2 Newsletter
on the ning. Dance of the Doubles covered Hillary, Pelosi
and Schiff, Meghan and Harry, and the Queen, showing the body
Double tells in each case.

Meanwhile, the evidence of Nibiru in the skies continues.
Unlike the old days when Dr. Astro (aka Phil
Plait the NASA mouthpiece) ruled supreme on the
GodlikeProduction forum, the Second
Sun sightings have even received a pin, becoming a pinned
thread. The photos blog on the Pole
Shift ning continue to display evidence, primarily
gathered via filtered photos which allow light in the red
spectrum to dominate. Nibiru can clearly be seen, as can various
Moon Swirls and String of Pearls formations.

- Here Comes the Sun(s)
- I'm wondering with all the 'doom
& gloom' that is coming to the front how many of us
have been noticing what is happening in the heavens above.