India Steadily Sinks
The Zeta prediction for the sequenced 7 of 10 plate movements
has the sinking of the plate holding India at the start of the
order, and continuing to incite plate movements around the world
as the “brake” in the plates that causes all others to follow in
a domino fashion when the brake is released. This is an
iterative process.

ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2010: The
sequence of events is, thus: a tipping Indo-Australia Plate
with Indonesia sinking, a folding Pacific allowing S America
to roll.
Sinking is continually occurring on the India portion of the
Indo-Australian Plate, which is being shoved under the
Himalayas. The Indus Valley in Pakistan lies on the border of
this plate, and has had steady incursions of seawater as this Pole
Shift ning blog details, and prior newsletter describing
the Pakistan Mud Islands in
October, 2013 and the loss of 10 feet in
elevation in 2011 as predicted by the Zetas for the start
of the 7 of 10 sequence.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2010: The
western edge of India, where the Indus River region in
Pakistan is sinking, will likewise not experience that much
loss of elevation, commensurate with the eastern edge of
India, perhaps a 10 foot drop.
Then on the other side of India in that portion of India above
Bangladesh, a mid-river island in Assam is crumbling, as this Pole
Shift ning blog details. And finally, the Maldives
islands, to the southwest of India and sharing the plate with
India, are losing elevation and sinking into the sea, as this Pole
Shift ning blog details. Thus India – left, right, and
bottom – is showing evidence of sinking.

- Villagers in Pakistan face Threat from
Rising Seawater
April 2, 2014
- The intrusion of the Arabian Sea
into the mouth of the Indus River on Pakistan's southern
coast is eroding land, forcing whole villages to relocate
inland, and threatening fishing livelihoods. In the early
20th century, the area was famous for production and
export of red rice and fish. For centuries earlier, it was
a center of trade and scholarship, partly due to the old
port at the seafront town of Keti Bunder. Now the survival
of this part of the dying delta region is threatened.
- Majuli, World's Largest River Island
is Shrinking and Sinking
February 18, 2014
- The largest river island Majuli is
submerging due to excessive sediment discharge caused by
frequent low magnitude seismic disturbances. It has been
reported that the surface area of the island, originally
1100 square kilometres has shrunk drastically and now
areas 352 square kilometres.
- Sinking Islands Battle Tides of
Climate Change
March 29, 2014
- Rising waters have already caused
some islanders to flee their homes for higher ground. On
the Kiribati islands in the Pacific, some villages have
been completely flooded. Local farmers also have to worry
about encroachment of saltwater on their crops. The
ever-approaching sea means less surface area for
agriculture, and a greater need to transport food from
Chile 8.2 Quake
If the tilting of the Indo-Australian Plate is the first plate
movement, the second and third are the sinking of the Sunda
Plate and tilting of the Philippine Plate, and these too have
shown recent activity as of late March, 2014, as noted in Issue
393 of this newsletter. The fourth in the sequence
of plate movements is the S American roll, which involves the
top part of the S American continent rolling westward, pushing
the Caribbean Plate down on its southern edge and pushing the
Andes over the Nazca Plate to the west of S America. This, per
the Zeta predictions, would cause magnitude 8 quakes along the
Andes. Thus the 8.2 experienced in Chile on April 1, 2014
was not a surprise.
ZetaTalk Prediction
11/27/2010: Where
the Andes will experience quakes of magnitude 8-9 during the 7
of 10 due to confrontations with the Nazca Plate, and the
northern border of the S American Plate likewise due to the
confrontation with the Caribbean Plate, the eastern coast does
not deal with these traumas.

- Chile Earthquake 2014 Sparks Tsunami
Warnings For Multiple Countries
April 1, 2014
- A massive earthquake of magnitude
8.2 struck off northern Chile's coast, causing a tsunami
and resulting in multiple deaths. The U.S. Geological
Survey initially reported the quake at 8.0, but later
upgraded the magnitude. It said the quake struck 61 miles
northwest of the Chilean city of Iquique at 8:46 pm,
hitting a region that has been rocked by numerous quakes
over the past two weeks.
- 7.6 Aftershock Rattles Chile's
far-Northern Coast
April 3, 2014
- A powerful 7.6-magnitude
aftershock hit Chile's far-northern coast, shaking the
same area where a magnitude-8.2 earthquake hit just a day
before causing some damage and six deaths. Chile's
Emergency Office and navy issued a tsunami alert and
ordered a precautionary evacuation of low-lying areas on
the northern coast, meaning many people could be spending
another sleepless night away from their homes.
Precursor quakes had been experienced in Chile in the weeks
ahead of the 8.2 quake, and other evidence that the S American
roll was in process was present too. Specifically, crumbling
along the northern coastline of Venezuela, as this Pole
Shift ning blog reports. One can see how the Caribbean is
affected during this roll to the west by the activity of the
buoys in the Caribbean after the Chile 8.2 quake.

- Maracaibo: Walkways of Vereda del Lago
will be Reinforced
March 28, 2014í-de-la-vereda
- The constant action of water and
strength led to the undermining of the foundation lie the
rails on a section of the park Vereda del Lago.
ZetaTalk Prediction
11/27/2010: The
Caribbean Plate will lift, slightly, on its northern edge,
while plunging greatly on its southern edge, being pushed down
by the overriding S American Plate as it rolls. The hump of
the S American Plate intrudes into the Caribbean, and as it
moves to the west it will push the Caribbean Plate above
Colombia down forcefully.
Egyptian Records
The record of the last passage during the time of the Jewish
Exodus is best recorded by the Egyptians in the Kolbrin, a
written text that includes the Egyptian report. The Exodus is
also recorded in the Book of Exodus in the Bible, and by Ipuwer,
an Egyptian witness recording his observations on a papyrus. In
his book Ages in Chaos, Velikovsky compares the Book of Exodus
to Ipuwer’s account. They closely correlate.

- Papyrus
2:5-6 Plague is throughout the land.
Blood is everywhere.
2:10 The river is blood.
Exodus 7:21 There was
blood throughout all the land of Egypt.
7:20 All the waters that were in the
river were turned to blood.
- Papyrus
2:10 Men shrink from tasting and thirst after
Exodus 7:24 And all
the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to
drink; for they could not drink
of the water of the river.
- Payrus
2:8 Forsooth, the land turns round as
does a potter’s wheel.
2:11 The towns are destroyed.
7:4 The residence is destroyed in a
- Papyrus 2:10
Forsooth, gates, columns and walls are consumed by
Exodus 9:23 The fire
ran along the ground. There was hail, and fire
with the hail.
- Papyrus
4:14 Trees are destroyed.
6:1 No fruit or
herbs are found.
Exodus 9:25 And the hail
smote every herb of the field, and brake every tree of
- Papyrus
4:3 Forsooth, the children of
princes are dashed against the walls.
Exodus 12:27 (The Angel of the
Lord) smote the Egyptians.
- Papyrus
9:11 The land is not light.
Exodus 10:22 And there was a thick
darkness in all the land of Egypt.
Beyond the clear references to red dust turning the water a
blood red, Ipuwer’s papyrus described social disorder and
confusion, which per the Zetas is what allowed the Jewish slaves
to escape. Quoting again from Velikovsky’s book, Ages in
- Papyrus
6:9 Forsooth, the laws of the
judgment-hall are cast forth. Men walk
upon them
in the public places.
6:7 Forsooth, public
offices are opened and their census-lists are taken
10:3 The storehouse of the
king is the common property of everyone.
10:3-6 Lower Egypt weeps. The entire palace is
without its revenues. To
it belong (by right) wheat and barley, geese
and fish.
14:11 There are none found to stand and
protect themselves.
- Papyrus Behold,
noble ladies go hungry.
Behold, he who slept without a wife through want finds
precious things.
He who passed the night in squalor
(raised his head).
She who looked at her face in the
water is possessor of a mirror.
Behold, no craftsmen work.
A man strikes his brother, the son of his mother.
Men sit behind bushes until the benighted (traveler)
comes, in order to
plunder his burden.
Behold, one uses violence against another. If three
men journey upon a
road, they are found to be
two men; the greater number slays the
land is as a weed that destroys men.
Compare this to the report in the Kolbrin, describing this
same destruction in the social order. Again, they closely

- When it passed men rose up against
those in authority and fled from the cities to swell in
tents in the outlands. Egypt lacked great men to deal with
the times. The slaves left. Their multitude moved in the
gloom of a half dawn, under a mantle of fine swirling grey
ash. The night was a night of fear and dread, for there
was a high moaning above and fire spang up from the
ground. A strange people came up against Egypt and none
stood to fight, for strength and courage were gone. The
invaders, came up because of the wrath of Heaven which had
laid their land waste. They enslaved all who were left,
the old, young men and boys. They oppressed the people and
their delight was in mutilation and torture. Pharaoh
abandoned his hopes and fled into the wilderness. He lived
a goodly life among the sand wanderers and wrote books.
Good times came again, even under the invaders, and ships
sailed upstream. The air was purified, and the land became
filled again with growing things.
Per the Zetas, these actions most likely will not develop
until the Last Weeks, or when people see that life as they know
it cannot and will not continue.
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/15/1998: Many
humans, when observing rapid changes in the weather or in
satellite reception are concerned that the coming cataclysms
will likewise produce rapid societal disruption well before
the week of the pole shift. They worry about how to anticipate
these changes, not only the ones ensuing from nature but also
from a more unpredictable source - human society. Will the
banks collapse? Will the grocery shelves be bare? Will the
militia march down the streets of their peaceful neighborhood?
What should they be braced for? There is unlikely to be
violent, rapid changes until it is close to the time when it
will be quite clear to all of mankind that their world, as
they know it, is not going to continue beyond the next few
weeks or months. Humankind, wishes to believe that the future
will be as the past has been - predictable, Sun rising, crops
drawn in, occasional floods, occasional droughts,
unpredictable health problems such as cancer and heart attack,
babies being born, and the renewal of life. They cling to
this. Until it is absolutely clear that this will not
continue, human society will not collapse. They will cling to
the belief that this will continue because the heart wants to
believe this.
Last Passage Dating
The date of the last Pole Shift during the Jewish Exodus cannot
be ascertained, but can be estimated. The explosion of Thera, a
volcano in the Mediterranean, has been estimated at 1,628 BC,
approximately 3,642 years ago. The Zetas will not give a date
for the forthcoming Pole Shift, nor will they confirm the Thera
dating, which is confused and openly debated. After a Pole
Shift, human record keeping goes to heck, ignored for perhaps
hundreds of years. For example, the Egyptian census was halted
at the last Pole Shift, and not resumed.

- Minoan Eruption
- There are no clear ancient records
of the eruption. The radiocarbon dates, which are in
disagreement with archaeological dates, have significant
implications for the accepted chronology of Eastern
Mediterranean cultures. The Minoan eruption is a key
marker for the Bronze Age archaeology of the Eastern
Mediterranean world. It provides a fixed point for
aligning the entire chronology of the second millennium
BCE in the Aegean, because evidence of the eruption is
found throughout the region. Despite this evidence, the
exact date of the eruption has been difficult to
determine. Archaeologists have traditionally placed it at
approximately 1500 BCE, but radiocarbon dates,
including analysis of an olive tree buried beneath a lava
flow from the volcano which gave a date between
1627 BCE and 1600 BCE with a 95% confidence
interval, suggest a date over a century earlier.
ZetaTalk Comment
1/19/2008: We
have explained that after a pole shift, record keeping goes to
heck. This is well documented in Egyptian history, where a
culture that had a census and military seemed to fall apart
suddenly to the extent that their Jewish slaves walked away
from them one and all. Thus, the exact date of the last pole
shift is not known. For several centuries, record keeping is
not done. The 1628 BC date is an estimate of when a major
volcanic eruption occurred in the Mediterranean - Thera. This
is an estimate. Carbon dating is not an exact science.
Attempting to match one estimate with another also does not
bring success, as folklore can be patchy. What is certain is
the description of what the Egyptians and Jews went through,
as there is correlation between the Book of Exodus and a
Papyrus written by the Egyptians. The Kolbrin, an Egyptian
record, also is exquisite in its description. Your best
indicator of when to expect the next pole shift is how the
Earth changes are tracking to our predictions.
The Zetas have stated that the passage of Nibiru, aka Planet X,
happens approximately every 3,657 years, but will not say how
this relates to this
passage, which can be affected by what Nibiru encounters on its
long voyage between its two foci. But human archeologists are
trying to sharpen their focus, while looking at the past, so are
bringing the dates of chaos in the past into closer
correlation. Throughout all these discussions, the dates
are an estimate, a guess, a swag, as were the attempts to align
the Mayan Calendar with the Gregorian Calendar leading into the
2012 assumptions.

- 3,500 Year Old Inscription Revealing a
'Tempest of Rain' could Rewrite Egyptian History
April 3, 2014
- A new translation of a 40-line
inscription on the 6-foot-tall calcite block called the
Tempest Stela describes rain, darkness and 'the sky being
in storm without cessation, louder than the cries of the
masses.' Two scholars at the University of Chicago’s
Oriental Institute believe the unusual weather patterns
described on the slab were the result of a massive volcano
explosion at Thera—the present-day island of Santorini in
the Mediterranean Sea. Because volcano eruptions can have
a widespread impact on weather, the Thera explosion likely
would have caused significant disruptions in Egypt.
- World’s Oldest Weather Report could
Revise Bronze Age Chronology
April 1, 2014
- If the stela does describe the
aftermath of the Thera catastrophe, the correct dating of
the stela itself and Ahmose’s reign, currently thought to
be about 1550 B.C., could actually be 30 to 50 years
earlier. The stela’s text describes the “sky being in
storm” with “a tempest of rain” for a period of days. The
passages also describe bodies floating down the Nile like
“skiffs of papyrus.” Importantly, the text refers to
events affecting both the delta region and the area of
Egypt further south along the Nile.
- List of Pharaohs
- Note that the dates given are
approximate. The list of pharaohs presented below is based
on the conventional chronology of Ancient Egypt, mostly
based on the Digital Egypt for Universities database
developed by the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology,
but alternative dates taken from other authorities may be
indicated separately. Some time around 1650 BC the Hyksos
conquered Memphis, thereby terminating the 13th dynasty.
The power vacuum in Upper Egypt resulting from the
collapse of the 13th dynasty allowed the 16th dynasty to
declare its independence in Thebes, only to be overrun by
the Hyksos kings shortly thereafter.
What is known is what has been written in the Kolbrin, where
the chaos in Egypt was not just hail and firestorms and
earthquakes, which could have been caused by a nearby volcanic
explosion, but also red dust turning the water blood red,
killing the fish and bitter to drink. It was also an observed
crustal shift. And it was also an observed passing planet!
- The East was troubled and shook,
the hills and mountains moved and rocked. The Doomshape
thundered sharply in the Heavens and shot out bright
lightings. Then a voice like ten thousand trumpets was
heard. The whole of the land moved and mountains melted.
The sky itself roared like ten thousand lions in agony,
and bright arrows of blood sped back and forth across its
face. It is thus described in the old records, few of
which remain. It is said that when it appears in the
Heavens above, Earth splits open from the heat, like a nut
roasted before the fire. Then flames shoot up through the
surface and leap about. The Doomshape covers about a fifth
part of the sky and sends writhing, snakelike finger down
to Earth. Midday is no brighter than night.
- The Earth turned over, as clay
spun upon a potter's wheel. The craftsman left his task
undone, the potter abandoned his wheel and the carpenter
his tools. Men lost their senses and became mad. On the
great night of the Destroyer's wrath, when its terror was
at its height, there was a hail of rocks. The habitations
of men collapsed upon those inside. The temples and
palaces of the nobles were thrown down from their
foundations. Even the great one, the first born of
Pharaoh, died with the highborn in the midst of the terror
and falling stones. There were nine days of darkness and
upheaval, while a tempest raged such as never had been
known before.