Has Covid-19 become a pandemic? A pandemic is defined as a
runaway infection that has spread to more than one continent. As
of the end of February, Covid-19 has spread throughout Asia to
Japan and Korea and Indonesia, to the Middle East in Iran and
Bahrain and Kuwait and Iraq and Israel, to S America in Brazil,
to a dozen countries in Europe notably Italy and Germany, to
Africa in Egypt and Algeria, to India and Australia, and to
Canada and several states in the USA. It’s a pandemic. The good
news is that new cases in China have peaked, indicating that
containment, a strict quarantine, works.

- World Battles Virus Epidemic as Cases
Multiply Outside China
February 26, 2020
- Worries over the ever-expanding
economic fallout of the COVID-19 crisis multiplied, with
factories idled, trade routes frozen and tourism crippled,
while a growing list of nations braced for the illness to
breach their borders. With Brazil confirming the arrival
of Latin America’s first case, the virus had a toehold on
every continent but Antarctica. In Europe, where Germany,
France and Spain were among the places with a growing
caseload, an expanding cluster of more than 440
cases in northern Italy was eyed as a source for
transmissions. In the Middle East, where cases increased
in Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq, blame was directed toward
- Germany Facing Coronavirus
‘Epidemic,’ Govt can no longer Track Infection Chains
February 26, 2020
- German Health Minister Jens Spahn
has said that his country is facing a “coronavirus
epidemic.” Since breaking out in northern Italy, the
deadly COVID-19 virus has spread to more than a dozen
European countries.
What does containment mean? The Zetas immediately advised all
air travel in Asia should be stopped, but of course this did not
occur as the profits of the airline and travel industries rule
as the primary consideration. Eventually Australia and the US
did ban such travel from China, but too little too late as LA
had just been infected by a Korean airline crew member.
President Trump then added Iran, Italy, and S Korea to the list.
Israel has now urged all air travel be avoided. In a world
without air travel, this pandemic would still be restricted to
Wuhan or at the most central China.

- Government Triggers Emergency Plan
for COVID-19 Pandemic, and considers
Economic Assistance
February 27, 2020
- The tourism and education sectors
are being heavily affected as the crisis worsens.
The travel ban on arrivals from China has been extended
for at least another week. There will be no carve out for
the tens of thousands of university students unable to
reach Australia.
- Israel is the First Country to warn
its Citizens not to Travel Abroad over Coronavirus Fears
February 26, 2020
- Israel became the first country
to officially warn its citizens to avoid any international
travel amid fears over the coronavirus outbreak. Several
airlines have canceled flights to China, where the
respiratory virus originated, and governments have issued
warnings about travel to certain countries, but no country
has actively urged their citizens avoid traveling abroad
at large until now.
- Coronavirus: Trump adds Travel
Restrictions on Iran, Advisories for Italy and South Korea
February 29, 2020
- The U.S. was "expanding existing
travel restrictions to include any foreign national who
has visited Iran within the last 14 days.” The
administration is also urging Americans not to travel to
areas of Italy and South Korea that have been struck hard
by the virus.

- Cases Soar in Italy, Iran and South
Korea as Alarm Grows
February 27, 2020
- In both Italy and Iran, with two
of the biggest outbreaks, the number of reported
infections more than doubled in just two days, approaching
900 combined, and people who had recently been to those
countries continued to seed new outbreaks elsewhere.
ZetaTalk Advice
1/31/2020: Nature
contains epidemics in both man and animal by allowing the weak
to die and the strong to develop immunity, passed on in the
DNA from mother to child. But as with the SARS
epidemic these outbreaks of a mutant virus are
exacerbated by mankind’s love affair with the airplane. To
contain this new virus, all travel by air in Asia should be
stopped, immediately. But the airline industry would not
tolerate having their profits reduced in this manner, so until
a new vaccine is available and widely used, or until those
most vulnerable to a bad head cold and pneumonia are
eliminated, more deaths will be reported.
To restrict contact, many countries are imposing more than
travel bans, they are disbursing crowds, even if this impacts
traditional religious practices. Saudi Arabia restricted
pilgrimage, and Catholics are discouraged from attending
services for Lent. Japan is pressing for scanty graduation
ceremonies. Schools have not yet resorted to online classrooms,
or school from home, though this seems an obvious solution.
Students from China expecting to attend school in Australia are
being told to stay away, no apologies.

- Saudi Arabia Restricts Pilgrimage to
Most Sacred Muslim sites of Mecca & Medina over
February 26, 2020
- Saudi Arabia has imposed a
temporary ban on religious pilgrimage, known as Umrah, to
historic Islamic shrines in Mecca and Medina over the
coronavirus outbreak that has recently spread to the
Middle East.
- Virus-hit Japanese Schools Close in
the lead-up to Graduation Ceremonies
February 26, 2020
- With the end of the academic year
approaching next month, education boards in the prefecture
asked all schools to take measures to prevent the spread
of the virus at graduation ceremonies by shortening them
or reducing the number of attendees.
- World Battles Virus Epidemic as Cases
Multiply Outside China
February 26, 2020
- In St. Peter’s Square, many of
those gathered for Pope Francis’ weekly audience wore face
masks and clergy appeared to refrain from embracing the
pontiff or kissing his ring. Services in Singapore were
broadcast online to keep people from crowded sanctuaries
where germs could spread, bishops in South Korea shuttered
churches for what they said was the first time in the
Catholic Church’s 236-year history there, and in Malaysia
and the Philippines, ashes were sprinkled on the heads of
those marking the start of Lent instead of using a damp
thumb to trace a cross of ashes.
Pandemic Impact
Of course the airline and travel industries have been impacted,
and shipping of necessary parts in the supply chain for the
manufacturing sector might be affected, but the plunge in stock
markets is, per history, only temporary during pandemic scares.
Staying the course is usually the wisest money management
choice. Inventories that become depleted will need to be
refurbished, so within months or a year, matters return to

- How Stocks Reacted During Past Flu
February 28, 2020
- Let’s look at stocks during past
pandemics. During the 1900s and into the 2000s, the
world has been confronted with several major flu
pandemics. In the post-WWI era, there have been five known
flu pandemics including the Asian Flu (1957-58); the Hong
Kong Flu (1968-69); the Russian Flu (1977-78); the Swine
Flu (2009-10); and lastly, the current coronavirus (2019).
- Coronavirus: Historical Stock Market
Performance with Pandemics
January 28, 2020
- Market impacts tend to be
short-term in nature, and highly speculative. A lot
depends on daily new cases and the global spread of the
virus. Airlines are at risk if people dial back on travel.
Testing and diagnostic companies that can test for the
virus may see increased demand. But history has shown that
while pandemics can create a significant opportunity for
specific companies, they tend to be short lived.
ZetaTalk Overview
3/31/2020: During
any pandemics, more than illness and death occur. Those
infected are ostracized, quarantined, and the social
isolation, where short, has devastating effect on school
attendance, workplace attendance, and the ability to move
produce and goods from one segment of society to another. Food
shortages develop, as well as shortages in supplies. These are
opportunities for businesses to step into overproduction or be
inventive or resourceful. Many new corporate entities or
networks find their birth during such troubled times.
Stock markets have routinely
dipped during recent pandemic scares but rebounded quickly
when the pandemic eased. Depleted inventory must be refilled,
and the new corporate entities that have emerged create a
boom. If schools had to be closed, online or home school
venues may flourish. If shopping for food is risky, due to the
threat of contagious, then home delivery networks may
flourish. Certainly the airline and travel industries are
suffering. There are winners and losers.
Familiar faces among politicians or the celebrity crowd might
disappear, and even the Pope appears to be fighting what has
been described as a “cold”. Might opportunists take advantage of
the virus to attack the opposition? An assassination masked by
Covid-19? Always a possibility.

- Iran’s Vice President Tests Positive
for Coronavirus
February 27, 2020
- Iranian Vice President Masoumeh
Ebtekar has become infected with the coronavirus, state
news in Tehran reported, adding to the already mounting
concern in the country as the virus continues to spread.
Ebtekhar, who advises President Hassan Rouhani on family
and women's matters, was placed under quarantine.
- Tom Cruise under Quarantine,
'Mission: Impossible' Italy Shoot Delayed
February 26, 2020
- Cast member Tom Cruise attends a
news conference promoting his upcoming film "Mission:
Impossible - Fallout" in Beijing. A planned three-week
shoot in Italy for Tom Cruise's
new Mission: Impossible film has been postponed
due to the coronavirus outbreak.
- Pope Francis Falls Ill, Religious
Events Canceled due to Coronavirus
February 27, 2020
- The pope appeared to have a cold
and spoke with a slightly hoarse voice at his general
audience and coughed during an afternoon Ash Wednesday
service in a Rome church.
ZetaTalk Overview
3/31/2020: Religious
rituals and political rallies may need to be closed, but in
the day and age of TV and the Internet, physical participation
is not necessary. Will the 2020 vote in the US be canceled if
Covid-19 cannot be contained? Delayed at most, but not
canceled, but we predict that the Covid-19 will be
dramatically eased by mid-Summer 2020, due to aggressive
quarantined practices and the emergence of effective
anti-virals and several new vaccines.
But Covid-19 will bid
farewell to many well-known celebrities and politicians, as
their normal activities require interaction with others.
Something as simple as a church service, or a session of
Congress, or a meeting with a Cabinet can prove deadly when a
highly infectious virus is involved. Will assassinations be
attempted, under the cover of a viral infection? Absolutely.
The Pope fears for his life, as
we recently detailed, and is now ill with a cough. A pandemic
offers opportunities, on many fronts.
Spring Planting
For those new to gardening, starting young plants without a
greenhouse or in limited space can present difficulties. But
with just a warm windowsill, and some bottles or containers from
the recycle bin, you too can start a garden from the groceries
you have at hand! Then transfer to a small garden spot outdoors,
or to container gardens on the back porch. This
video from ZetaTalk
Followers shows you how. And remember to always save fresh
seed for next year!

- How to Replant Vegetables! |
Gardening Hacks and Tips by Blossom
February 14, 2020
- These replanting hacks will make
you grow crazy!
Where this concept allows you to get a garden going from fruit
and vegie scraps you have at hand, preparing to plant a
traditional garden is another matter. Here’s where saving
seed from the last harvest matters. Mother Nature wants
her seeds dry and cool, so most seed only needs that preparation
and protection. Many seeds will not sprout unless gathered from
a ripe fruit, so those peppers and squash and melons should be
ripe before harvesting, as this chapter in the Finegan
Fine short story depicts.

- A frantic scene ensues, as the
gardener and his family are evacuating. Finegan is on the
roof of the factory with the gardener, trying to harvest
his crop. The gardener is harvesting potatoes. Finegan is
doing the same to carrots, starting to tear the greens off
them. The gardener cries out, “No, no, leave some! I'll
replant 'em for the seed. Gotta have the seed.” Finegan
and the gardener are now harvesting green cabbage, cutting
this off at the root and discarding the brown and tattered
outer leaves. The gardener cries out again, “Leave
that'en. I'll replant for seed. Just those half dozen will
- The gardener rushes over to the
far side of the factory rooftop, tearing off his shirt. He
picks seed shoots from carrot and cabbage plants being
used to grow seed and ties them into his shirt. Along the
sides of the factory roof the vines holding summer squash
can be seen bobbing up. The squash on the surface is
bloated and yellow, oversized and almost rotting in
appearance. The gardener cries out, “The squash!” He dives
into the water and swims along the bobbing vines, plucking
the overripe summer squash and tossing them to Finegan.
Several of them shatter when caught. “Arrrrrr! These are
rotten!” The gardener's wife rushes up to collect the mess
in a basin. She says, “This is seed! You gotta rippen it
Pole Shift
In July, 2017 I had an email exchange with a Muslim scholar,
who requested the Zeta input on what he described as
a mystery they had been struggling with for 14
centuries. It was a statement by the Prophet Mohammed,
known as “The
Hour”. It was my honor and privilege to engage in this
conversation with this learned scholar. The vibes were warm and
wonderful, intensely loving and focused on providing humanity
with the tools to survive.

- Among his predictions of
the End of Times what Islam in the Qur’an and The
Sunna (Muhammed Talk) called «The Hour». Muhammed
talked extensively about the coming of the hour and its
consequences to humanity even though he admitted that
neither him nor the Arch Angel Gabriel knew precisely
about the exact timing of its happenings, but nevertheless
he presented us with many approaching signs that will
occur very close together: Prophet Muhammed more than 14
centuries ago stated that the fake Christ will rule the
world for 40 days:
· One day like a year
· One day like a month
· One day like a week
· And the rest of the
days like your days.
Since then Muslim scholars have been presenting hundreds
of interpretations to this statement in vain.
ZetaTalk Answer
7/10/2017: We
in ZetaTalk have been allowed to describe a sequence of
events, as the date of the Pole Shift is not to be known.
Jesus and Muhammed, as well as other Star Children, were
intent on giving humanity messages to help them grow,
spiritually, toward being good hearted. As the Book of Exodus
and Revelations in the Bible and the Muslim Hadiths show,
these early religions also tried to convey wisdom about past
and pending cataclysms. In Islam, this is documented in the
Hadiths where sunrise West during the Last
Weeks allows the hour of the Pole Shift to be determined.
That said, what would
Muhammed have been referring to in his reference to 40 days?
“One day like a week” is referring to the stopped rotation of
Earth, which we have predicted will last 5.9 days. This seems
like a single day as the Sun stands still over part of the
globe. “One day like a month” preceding that would be the Last
Weeks. Excluding the Severe Wobble leading into the Last Weeks
and the Rotation Stoppage at the end, our prediction includes
34 days, a month that includes 3 Days of Darkness and 6 days
of Sunrise West.
“One day like a year”
preceding the Last Weeks is predicting the confused weather
and sunrise/sunset times that result from the daily Earth
wobble gone wild. We have predicted that the seasons will
“blend into one another”, thus that year will seem not to have
distinct seasons, but a mix. The wobble can make the Sun rise
and then set again, as has been documented, so night and day
may become confused as the wobble worsens. Muhammed is
predicting this confused period to last at least a year. And
then things go back to normal, rotation returns, and Nibiru is
gone from the skies, having moved on.
Given the ZetaTalk interpretation, we can back into not just a
sequence of events, but a timeline of events. If “one day like a
week” is the Stopped Rotation just prior to the hour of the Pole
Shift - we are not there as yet. If “one day like a month” is
the Last Weeks from the 3 days of Darkness through the 6 days of
Sunrise West – we are not there yet. If “one day like a year” is
wobble turmoil including a true blending of the seasons – we are
not there yet. Per the Zetas, the Blending
of the Seasons would be going from the heat of the hottest
Summer day to the cold of the coldest Winter day, within days.
But this gives us a timeline. When the wobble has stirred things
up to that degree, we have but a year.

ZetaTalk Last
Weeks 8/14/2010:
This progression is another
2-3 days in time. Then the 3 days of darkness and the 6 days
of sunrise west, which is a momentum and turnaround for the
swing into the 3 days of darkness. Then the Earth rights
herself, side by side with Planet X, and begins her rotation
slowdown. It is during this time that the Earth is drawn
toward Nibiru, so that Nibiru quickly increases in size in the
skies and is the writhing monster of legend.
ZetaTalk Blending
Seasons 10/8/2011:
We have stated that a
blending of the seasons will be a factor, to the extent that
the weather would jump from mid-summer to mid-winter within a
day or so. We are not there as yet.
ZetaTalk Blending
Seasons 11/6/2010:
The blending of the seasons
will be a phenomenon that will occur during the 8 of 10
scenarios, in the time prior to the last weeks. What you have
had up until the present is trends for more extreme weather.
Imagine going from the heat of the hottest Summer day to the
cold of the coldest Winter day, all within a day or so. That
is a blending of the seasons.
