Australia Burning
All of Australia seems to be ablaze, particularly from the top
of the East Coast to the bottom, but parts west are ablaze too.
Vacationers have been driven to seek safety on the beaches,
where they can dive into the water or be rescued by boat or
choppers. But pity the poor roos
and koalas, who are often burned alive. Could the odd hot
water spike to the East of New Zealand relate? As usual, the
Zetas explain.

- Mysterious Hot Blob of Water off New
Zealand Coast Baffles Scientists
January 2, 2020
- There is a similar unknown
phenomenon off New Zealand producing a spike in water
temperature of up to 6°C above average across a massive
patch of ocean east of New Zealand.
- State of Emergency Declared in parts
of Australia Ravaged by Wildfires
January 2, 2020
- The fires are in part the result
of a prolonged drought. The months of January through
November were the second driest period on record since
- It’s So Hot in Australia right now
That Animals are Dropping Dead from Trees
December 24, 2019
- Last week, horses were buried in
meters of snow in Iceland. And today, animals are dropping
dead from trees in Australia due to unprecedented
ZetaTalk Insight
1/31/2020: Are
the Australian fires raging across the entire country at the
end of 2019 due to drought and heat? These factors contribute
but the lift of the Indo-Australian Plate is also a factor.
Just as the California fires are due in part to the subduction
of the Pacific Plate pushing under California, Australia is
dealing with plate movement consequences. As the
Indo-Australian Plate is pushed under Tibet, it lifts at the
New Zealand edge, creating a void under the plate that hot
molten lava rushes to fill. This temporary river of lava is
heating Australia and warmed ocean currents to the East of New
Meanwhile, in nearby India, they are experiencing the coldest
day on record for this date. Bizarre extremes continued for
Europe, where Sweden experienced its warmest day on record for
that date, and Iceland was so devastated by 145 mph wind and 10
feet of driving snow that livestock were buried up to their
eyeballs. What is causing these extremes? This is a matter the
Zetas have warned about since 2004, after Nibiru entered the
inner Solar System – the Daily Earth Wobble.

- India Cold Wave: Delhi Reels from
Coldest Day in more than a Century
December 31, 2019
- India's capital Delhi has
recorded its chilliest day in more than a century amid a
severe cold wave across the northern part of the country.
It was the coldest day in Delhi since records began in
- Scandinavia has Broken its Highest
ever Winter Temperature Record
January 2, 2020
- This is the highest temperature
measured in January since the measuring station was
established in 1923.
- Snow is so Deep in Iceland Right Now
that Farmers have to Dig Out Horses Buried Under It
December 13, 2019
- A powerful blizzard swept Iceland
with 149 mph winds and dropped more than 10 feet of snow.

ZetaTalk Insight
1/31/2020: The
wild temperature swings and storms afflicting Europe and India
are also due to Nibiru, a result of the Daily
Earth Wobble. During the wobble the lean to the East and
lean to the West occur when the Sun is high over the swath of
the globe from Australia to Sweden. These leans bring both
these regions temporarily closer to the Equatorial latitude,
thus getting more sunlight. The violent swings create
turmoil in the atmosphere, thus bringing cold air to
India and a snow dump to Iceland. Such turbulence will
increasingly be evident.
The Pope’s Ring
Pope Francis has been captured on video this past year pulling
his right hand away, violently, from the public. Excuses have
been offered - that he is trying to protect the public from the
spread of
germs in March or that his arthritic
shoulder was hurt when a woman refused to let him go on
New Year’s Eve, pulling on his right hand with both her hands.
But is there more to this picture? He allows hand touch, but
appears to be protecting his papal ring, the symbol of his
position as Pope, which is on his right hand.

- The Pope Really Doesn’t Want his Ring
March 26, 2019
- Devotees all around the world are
taking note, after a video emerged showing the pontiff
repeatedly pulling his hand away from worshippers trying
to peck his papal ring – a sacred symbol of the Pope’s
union to the church. He was meeting members of the public
after mass at the Basilica della Santa Casa – a shrine of
Marian pilgrimage in the hill town of Loreto. He is seen
smiling politely as he greets each person and shakes their
hand, before snatching his own away as they bow to kiss
the ring.
- Pope Francis Apologizes after
Slapping Away a Clinging Pilgrim
January 1, 2020
- Pope Francis apologized for the
flash of anger — or self-protection — that he exhibited
while greeting the faithful around the Vatican’s giant
Nativity scene after a New Year’s Eve liturgy. Francis can
be seen reaching into the crowd and seeking the hands of
children. As he turns away, a woman in the crowd grabs his
right hand with both of her hands and yanks the
83-year-old pope back, causing him to momentarily lose his
balance. Francis, visibly upset, slaps twice at the
woman’s hands to free himself, rebuking her, and then
angrily turns away.

ZetaTalk Insight
1/31/2020: Recent
videos show Pope Francis reluctant to have the public hold his
right hand to kiss his ring. Kissing the ring of the Pope is a
long standing tradition of respect and homage, though both
Francis and his predecessor tried to discourage this
tradition. Was Pope Francis pulling his hand away from those
wanting to kiss his ring a fear of spreading germs amid the
masses, as claimed? If so, this concern did not emerge earlier
when Pope Francis ceremonially kissed the feet of others and
blessed the disfigured and afflicted, hugging and holding
Pope Francis fears
assassination. Saint Malachy’s Prophecy
of the Popes has placed Pope Francis as the last Pope,
but it is not clear if this Pope will live through the End
Times. Given the weight most Catholics place upon tradition,
the tradition of defacing a Pope’s ring at his death carries
great weight. Of course, this is assumed to be destruction of
a Pope’s ring after his death, but what if the ring is defaced
or destroyed prior to his death? There are many in the Vatican
- intent upon keeping the public ignorant of the Third Fatima
secret - who are looking for an excuse.
Pope Francis had routinely
been wearing a silver ring when out in public, keeping his
papal ring secure. But fearing assassination, he has recently
taken to wearing his papal ring at all times. When the public
grabs his hand and refuses to let go, he fears having his
papal ring removed, if only for a moment. He fears this would
be a signal given to those wanting to assassinate him.
Symbolically removed as Pope by such an incident, he would be
vulnerable. Thus his face shows fear and anger when the public
aggressively grabs at his right hand or holds onto him.
Indeed, in the photos, it can be seen that Pope Francis has been
wearing his papal Gold ring during 2019, a change from his prior
routine to wear a Silver ring from his days as a cardinal when
out in public. Pope Francis has never been shy about touching
others, in fact embraces those considered disfigured and kissing
the feet of those considered outcasts. During 2019, when wearing
his Gold ring, he allows fingers to touch, but appears to be
protecting his papal ring, the symbol of his power as Pope,
during a hand grab.

- Ring of the Fisherman
- A new ring is cast for each Pope
as a general practice in tradition. During the ceremony of
a Papal coronation or Papal inauguration, the Cardinal
camerlengo slips the ring on the ring finger of the new
Pope's right hand. Since at least the middle ages it has
been a tradition for Catholics meeting the Pope to show
their devotion by kissing the ring. Pope Francis only
wears a simple gold-plated silver ring for papal
ceremonies, preferring to wear his small, silver ring from
his days as a cardinal. Upon a papal death, the ring used
to be ceremonially destroyed using a hammer in the
presence of other Cardinals by the Camerlengo. Today, the
destruction of the ring's device with deep scratches is a
symbol of the end of rule of the pope who used to wear
that ring.
Soleimani Drone
Given Soleimani’s role in numerous terror attacks, per the
Zetas, the only surprise was that it took so long for the US to
target him. Middle East tussles are very much enveloped in
battles between the Sunni and Shia factions, with Iran and Assad
and Hezbollah being Shia and the Saudi and ISIS and the former
Iraq leader Hussein being Sunni. Soleimani’s death by a US
Reaper drone dramatically exposed the political divide in the
US, and the End Time battles between President Trump’s Junta and
the Cabal.

- Trump Jabs Dems over Iran Reaction,
Rages that 'Killer' Soleimani "Should Have Been Taken Out
Years Ago!"
January 3, 2020
- "He was directly and indirectly
responsible for the death of millions of people, including
the recent large number of protesters killed in Iran
itself. While Iran will never be able to properly admit
it, Soleimani was both hated and feared within the
country. He should have been taken out many years ago!"
- How Qassem Soleimani was 'Torn to
Shreds' by a US missile and his Body had to be Identified by
his Ring
January 3, 2020
- Soleimani, commonly known as the
second-most powerful man in Iran and tipped as a future
president, was so badly maimed in the strike that he had
to be identified by a large ring he wore on his finger. He
had just landed in Baghdad airport on a plane around
12.30am when he was met on the tarmac by Abu Mahdi
al-Muhandis. Moments later, as the cars passed through a
cargo area headed for an access road leading out of the
airport, the convoy was struck by missiles fired by an
MQ-9 Reaper drone - a deadly unmanned aircraft that is
designed primarily for offensive strikes.
- How Trump Decided to Kill Iran’s
January 3, 2020
- For a man U.S. officials have
portrayed as a terrorist mastermind, an evil genius
responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans,
Soleimani often flaunted his influence as he jetted
between Tehran, Baghdad and Beirut for meetings with local
potentates. The U.S. had "exquisite intelligence" on a
plot to strike Americans in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. By
killing Soleimani they disrupted such plans.
The Bush family Iraq wars destabilized the region and resulted
in the emergence of ISIS, which some in the Bush/Clinton Cabal
encouraged. There are secret End Times
agendas at play, and the Deep
State is constantly trying to gain the upper hand. Why did
Obama and his former Secretary of State Kerry dash around the
globe operating as a Shadow Government after President Trump was
elected? All is not what it seems. Obama partnered with
Soleimani and Kerry was in Iran just this past Summer.

- Obama Strikes a Deal - With Qassem
July 14, 2015
- From Obama’s perspective, the
Sunnis aren’t going to stop ISIS—in fact, they helped
create it. However, the Iranians can do it, and plenty of
other things as well.
- Rocket Attack at Baghdad Airport
Kills Iranian Military Mastermind
January 3, 2020
- Former Secretary of State John
Kerry had been engaging in “Shadow Diplomacy”, otherwise
known as conspiratorial sedition, by meeting with the
Iranians in the desperate hope to somehow keep the lousy
deal with the Iranians and his former Boss’ legacy intact.
- John Kerry Rejects Pompeo’s Criticism
over Meetings with Iran Officials
June 6, 2019
- Kerry said it has been common
practice for previous secretaries of state, U.S. senators
and many others to continue having public discussions with
people “as a matter of being well informed.”
ZetaTalk Comment
1/31/2020: If
there is any mystery surrounding Soleimani’s death it is why
there was such a long delay, as he was known to be the hand
fomenting mischief in Iraq for years. Respected and feared
even by Iran’s religious leaders, he walked openly throughout
Iraq while conferring with his disciples. As is known, the
Middle East is afflicted with religious battles between the Sunni and Shia factions.
Iran and Assad, the leader of Syria, are Shia. Saudi Arabia, a
US ally, is Sunni. Hussein, the deposed leader of Iraq was
Sunni. ISIS was formed from the remnants of his guard when
Hussein was deposed by the US.
Where not discussed openly in
the media, there have been secret End Times wars where
factions wanting ultimate control of Planet Earth try to
foment World War III, via various means. Instigating religious
battles, as was attempted during the Notre
Dame arson, is one approach. Creating a major war
between Iran and the US is another. McCain
was executed by the Tribunals for assisting ISIS. Though
Obama gave lip service to repressing nuclear development by
Iran, sending a bribe of over 1.5 billion annually to Iran, no
nuclear inspection followed. The Obama shadow government
whispered to Iran that the good times would return.
Meanwhile, ISIS appeared to
be defeated, but despite Baghdadi’s
death in October there were hints that it was
regrouping. Baghdadi, an acknowledged leader of ISIS, was
Sunni. But the attack on the Baghdad embassy in December was
done by Hezbollah, who are Shia and an Iranian ally. Thus with
Hezbollah attacking Israel, a US ally, and the US strongly
allied with the Sunni Saudis, the battle lines were drawn.
Soleimani had convinced
himself that he was invincible, actually believing the
reassurances from Obama’s shadow government that President
Trump was soon to be removed and business as usual would
return. Even Pelosi, during her cooperation with coup
attempts, felt the US Military would turn on President
Trump. Where does this leave Iran? Iran does not want war with
the US, nor do China and Russia wish to see this outcome.
Meanwhile, where the head of the snake among both Sunni and
Shia backed terrorists has been removed, peace in the Middle
East will continue to be elusive.
China in Africa
Is there a difference between the colonialism of the past,
wherein Europeans ruled in parts of Africa, S America, and
Indonesia and the current practice of helping
under-developed nations build their infrastructure? Colonialism
failed because maintaining order via a long reach became
too expensive after World War I and II. But is there another
side to China’s interest in Africa? The Zetas explain.

- The Takeover: China is Building
Enormous Self-Sustaining Chinese Cities all over the African
December 31, 2019
- Yes, the Chinese greatly desire
African resources, but ultimately what they want is Africa
itself. But instead of conquering Africa using military
force, China is using economics instead. Today, more than
10,000 Chinese-owned firms are operating in Africa, and
virtually every major road, bridge, railway and skyscraper
is being built by the Chinese. As a result, most African
nations are very deeply indebted to China at this point.
- What Is China Doing In Africa?
August 4, 2018
- While Africa accounts for about
30 per cent of the world's reserves of hydrocarbons and
minerals and 14 per cent of the world's population, its
share of global manufacturing stood in 2011 exactly where
it stood in 2000: at 1 percent. Everything changed when
China came along.
- Skyscrapers, Trains and Roads: How
Addis Ababa came to Look Like a Chinese City
September 3, 2018
- Cars chug through the city on
smooth Chinese roads, Chinese cranes lift the skyline,
sewing machines hum in Chinese factories in Chinese-owned
industrial parks, tourists arrive at the Chinese-upgraded
airport and commuters ride modern Chinese trains to work.
Simply put, Addis Ababa is becoming the city that China
built -- but at what diplomatic and economic cost?
ZetaTalk Comment 1/31/2020: China’s
involvement in the development of Africa is not colonization,
as was done in the past by European countries. Colonization
was a top-down takeover of a country, such that the country
was owned and operated by the colonial power. They set the
laws, plundered the resources, and suppressed rebellion
brutally if need be. The cold hand of colonial occupation was
only stopped because it became difficult for European
countries to maintain their grip after two World Wars had
depleted their strength.
Does China have an
expansionist agenda in Africa? Obviously. China has 1.4
billion people, and thus with only 6.3% of the globe’s land
mass China has struggled with starvation in the past. Africa
also has 1.3 billion people but has 20% of the globe’s land
mass. Despite vast deserts, Africa has natural resources and
land that lays idle. China’s leaders are obviously aware of
and respect the ZetaTalk predictions on the coming Pole Shift
and resulting new geography, as the placement of their inland
Ghost Cities shows. Africa will be
solidly above the waves and will have a temperate climate
At present, China is acting
as an engineering or construction firm, offering services for
hire, or establishing businesses in Africa while employing
Chinese expertise. These are standard business practices
throughout the globe. How might this change as the Earth
changes progress? We have predicted that Europe
will migrate toward Africa after the Pole Shift, because
Europe will become a series of islands. We have predicted that
the lands to the west of India
will likewise migrate toward Africa, to escape the brutal cold
of the new S Pole at India. China will have established a
foothold in Africa, and will migrate some of its populace
before the Pole Shift, thus gaining the advantage.