At the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the Zetas advised mankind to
prepare for crop shortages and starvation as the Pole Shift
approached. The solution? Eat bugs and worms. Citizens of
industrial countries are in horror at the thought, though the
other half of the world includes them in the diet and even
considers them a delicacy. The problem? Attitude, which needs to
change. Bugs eat manure and rotting things, an abhorrent thought
to the delicate sensibilities of citizens in industrial

ZetaTalk Advice
7/15/1995: Food
stuffs that can be grown without artificial light and will do
quite nicely on the gloomy light supplied by the Sun are
mushrooms, earthworms, and various insects that feed on dead
tissue. After the cataclysms bugs will be in abundance, as
dead tissue from both plants and animals is everywhere. This
trend can be taken advantage of, as distasteful as that
concept might be to humans who have never eaten a bug. Larva,
grown in humus, can be turned into pureed and creamed soups,
puddings, or omelets by skilled cooks. Those eating the fare
would never guess that the base was not cream, milk, and eggs.
For those humans who do not prepare, they will find themselves
eating bugs in any case, as meals from what they can catch or
find growing will be few and far between.
Meanwhile, the reality of crop failure due to the erratic
weather continues to eat into food reserves and food
availability. At first prices go up, and then the shelves are
increasingly bare. Then changes in diet occur, where the public
is forced to eat whatever is available. Spring of 2019 found the
US Midwest under flood, with beef
and crops devastated as a result. Now we hear of yet another
famine in North Korea, and surprisingly, food rationing in Cuba!
Of course, Venezuela is starving but this is considered a
political issue. But North Korea and Cuba have been under a
steady hand.

- North Korea faces Food Crisis after
“Worst Harvest in a Decade”
May 7, 2019
- Four in ten North Koreans are
chronically short of food and further cuts to already
minimal rations are expected after the worst harvest in a
decade. The country suffered a famine in the mid-1990s
believed to have killed as many as 3 million people.
- Cuba Launches Widespread Rationing in
Face of Crisis
May 10, 2019
- The Cuban government announced
that it is launching widespread rationing of chicken,
eggs, rice, beans, soap and other basic products in the
face of a grave economic crisis. Cuba imports roughly two
thirds of its food at an annual cost of more than $2
billion and brief shortages of individual products have
been common for years. In recent months, a growing number
of products have started to go missing for days or weeks
at a time, and long lines have sprung up within minutes of
the appearance of scarce products like chicken or flour.
How to change the delicate sensibilities of Western citizens
when food shortages emerge? Enter Chirp
Chips and a study in Queensland, Australia on making sausages
out of grubs. The United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) has been encouraging food production from
insects for years, both as human food and as fodder for animals.
Burger King has begun to offer a vegetarian alternative to the
Whopper. Expect more of this, say the Zetas.

- Humans will Eat Maggot Sausages as a
Meat Alternative: Scientists
May 1, 2019
- Food scientists at the University
of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia are incorporating
insects such as maggots and locusts into a range of
specialty foods, including sausage, as well as formulating
sustainable insect-based feeds for the livestock
themselves. The Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and
Food Innovation (QAAFI) team is focusing on pleasing
Western palates by disguising insects in pre-prepared
foods. They are also supplementing chicken feed, which is
currently made mostly of grains, with black fly larvae,
with promising results. Poultry is a massive industry
worldwide and the industry is under pressure to find
alternative proteins that are more sustainable, ethical
and green than the grain crops currently being used. Wild
chickens eat mostly insects.
- Edible Insects Future Prospects for
Food and Feed Security
- To meet the food and nutrition
challenges of today – there are nearly 1 billion
chronically hungry people worldwide – and tomorrow, what
we eat and how we produce it needs to be re-evaluated.
Edible insects have always been a part of human diets, but
in some societies there is a degree of distaste for their
consumption. Although the majority of edible insects are
gathered from forest habitats, innovation in mass-rearing
systems has begun in many countries.

- Burger King Plans to take its new
Fake-Meat Whopper Nationwide
April 29, 2019
- Burger King’s Impossible Whopper
— made from wheat and potato proteins — is going on the
permanent menu after just a month-long pilot program in
St. Louis. Plant-based burgers have become such a hot food
trend that one of the major companies making them — Beyond
Meat — is planning an initial public stock offering later
this week.
ZetaTalk Comment
5/31/2019: As
the advent of serious crop shortages begins to squeeze
industrial countries, the problem of educating the public to
the reality of nutrition from bugs and weeds emerges. Third
World countries routinely eat bugs,
and even consider them a delicacy. But industrial countries
expect their corporate farms to produce grain and grain fed
beef and chickens, and fish from fish farms likewise fed on
grain. Given the devastating crop failures and livestock loss
in the US alone this past year, the sensibilities of the
spoiled western public is a problem.
We, the Zetas, have been
advocating eating bugs and
weeds since the start of the ZetaTalk saga. The average
citizen of an industrial country, whether in Europe or Hong
Kong or Australia or the US – does not dwell on how his food
is grown, preferring to think of the fields being fertilized
by petrol products. But it is also fertilized with human waste
and manure from domesticated animals. In the future, after the
Pole Shift, protein from bugs and worms and fish will likely
be from rotting bodies, including drown humans. If this
offends your sensibilities, then starve!
Locust swarms are Biblical because of their association with the End
Times. They swarm when there is not enough to eat in a
given location, seeking food elsewhere. But locusts are good to
eat, as the movie Hildalgo
states. A Saudi princess tells the hero not to consider them a
plague but a blessing, to eat them and feed them to his horse.
This proves a life saver!

- Just like Something out of the Bible!
Nightmarish Swarm of Millions of Locusts Darken the Sky over
Najran, Saudi Arabia, just Weeks after Devastating Iran
May 4, 2019
- A few weeks after Iran, swarms of
locusts are currently invading southern Saudi Arabia, near
Najran, darkening the skies and adding a thick layer of
insects to trees. Just like something out of the bible!
- Locust Swarms Descend on Egypt like
Biblical Plague
March 4, 2013
- In the biblical book of Exodus,
locusts are one of 10 plagues delivered upon Egypt after
the pharaoh refused to free the enslaved Israelites.
End Time Battles
Iran is once again in the news because it has threatened to
renew its nuclear program. Holding the 3rd largest oil reserves
certainly makes Iran a significant country. In 2006 Iran
threatened to switch from using the US dollar for oil
transactions, and caused a furor. Now that switch has already
been made, so it is not the cause of today’s furor. Iran is a
Muslim country, but then so is Pakistan. Iran has stated that
Israel must go, but Israel already has the bomb and is hardly
ready to be a victim.

ZetaTalk Comment
3/17/2006: Iran
is the 4th largest in oil production, and holds the 3rd
largest oil reserves, so securing this under US occupation has
been a goal of the Bush crowd all along. But the timing of the
saber rattling indicates a financial issue as the
precipitator. What happens, then, if the US dollar is no
longer desired, because it is no longer needed for the oil
markets? The dollar gets dumped.
ZetaTalk Insight
5/31/2019: The
key to sorting out the uproar over Iran becoming a nuclear
power is to examine who stands to gain. BRICS members Russia
and China and India are nuclear powers, as is their problem
child North Korea. IMF and NATO members France and England and
the US are nuclear powers, as is their problem child Israel.
Pakistan is likewise a nuclear power. Why would Iran thus be a
threat? This history goes back to 1979 when the Ayatollah
Khomeini was returned to power as a result of the Iranian
Revolution returning Iran to Islam. For many, giving
Iran the bomb is equivalent to giving ISIS the bomb.
But wait, isn’t Iran suddenly sabotaging oil tankers in the Gulf
of Arabia? Or so the news would have you believe. Two Saudi oil
tankers and a Norwegian tanker. What would be the point? To
knock out competing interests? Iran had just announced it was
going to restart its nuclear program, but why would Iran then
institute an oil war? Seems suspicious, and as usual, the Zetas

- John Bolton has Always Been at War
with Iran, soon America will be Too
May 9, 2019
- Anyone else getting Iraq déjà vu?
John Bolton gathered a 7am meeting at CIA headquarters
with top intelligence, diplomatic and military advisers in
the Trump administration to talk about Iran. And if
there's one consistent element in John Bolton's crazy-ass
mustachioed career, it's wanting America to go to war with
- US Plans Call for up to 120,000
Troops if Conflict Begins with Iran
May 14, 2019
- The Pentagon has drafted plans to
send up to 120,000 troops to the Middle East in the event
Iran launches an attack on U.S. forces in the region or
restarts its nuclear weapons program. The size of the
force — 120,000 troops is roughly the number the U.S. used
to invade Iraq in 2003 — has shocked some officials inside
the Trump administration.
- Oil Tankers 'Sabotaged' as Gulf
Tensions Soar
May 13, 2019
- Four ships, including two Saudi
oil tankers, were damaged in mysterious "sabotage attacks"
that have inflamed Gulf tensions amid a standoff between
the United States and Iran. Saudi oil tankers Al-Marzoqah
and Amjad were attacked off the emirate of Fujairah along
with the Norwegian tanker Andrea Victory and an Emirati
ship, the A. Michel. Saudi Arabia, the Islamic republic's
regional arch-rival, condemned "acts of sabotage" and a
"criminal act". Neither Saudi Arabia nor the UAE gave
details on the nature of the attacks or accused anyone of
ZetaTalk Insight
5/31/2019: Obama’s
$150 billion dollar payment to Iran was a bribe to keep Iran
from becoming a nuclear power, but after Trump ended these
payments Iran restarted its program. This began a war of words
and most recently, sabotage against oil tankers in the Arabian
Gulf. There are two main perpetrators in this sabre rattling,
neither of which is Iran nor the US. IMF
banks have been flailing recently because BRICS is
blooming. The IMF seeks to establish debt slaves, where BRICS
does not. Thus Israel, tied to IMF banks, is the prime
suspect. Israel wins in a number of ways, from drawing the US
back to the Middle East to crushing its enemy Iran.
The second group of
perpetrators are those wanting to start World
War III, the Satanists in the Illuminati, those
responsible for the recent Holy
War. As titular head of the Khazarian bankers, Netanyahu
in Israel serves both interests. Q has stated that
Israel will be last, as in these final battles of good against
evil, the drama has just begun. If angels
were in attendance when Notre Dame was torched, they are
surely assembling again.

Social Media
President Trump has taken a new step in his battle with the
media, this time with the Social Media giants - Facebook,
YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. The talking heads on TV can be
instructed by their employers to avoid certain subjects or put a
spin on the news or even, as has so often been proven, report
fake news. But Social Media is presumed to be discussion by and
between members of the public, and thus governed by Free Speech
laws. But the pattern is clear. Censorship exists and has a
political bias.

- Social Media Platforms should Advance
Freedom of Speech
May 15, 2019
- Too many Americans have seen
their accounts suspended, banned, or fraudulently reported
for unclear “violations” of user policies. If you suspect
political bias caused such an action to be taken against
you, share your story with President Trump.
- White House launches tool to report
censorship on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter
May 15, 2019
- A Twitter spokesperson responded
to the new tool saying, “We enforce the Twitter Rules
impartially for all users, regardless of their background
or political affiliation. We are constantly working to
improve our systems and will continue to be transparent in
our efforts.” Facebook, Google, and YouTube did not
immediately respond to requests for comment.
- White House Launches Tool for
Reporting Social Media 'Bias'
May 15, 2019
- The White House launched a tool
that allows people to report possible "political bias" by
social media companies, an issue that President Trump and
top Republicans have hammered for months, accusing the
largest tech platforms of censoring right-wing voices.

ZetaTalk Insight
5/31/2019: Who
is behind the social media censorship? We have addressed the
structure of the elites trying to control mankind as the New
World Order, the Illuminati
with all their secret societies, the
Cabal composed of the Bush/Clinton political families
using pedophilia blackmail and practicing Satanism, and
the Deep State, which is their
enforcement mechanism. President Trump threatens them all
because he is not one of them, and certainly is not under
their control. The elites first addressed this threat during
the 2016 campaign by publishing false polling numbers and
trying to arrange election fraud. Neither of these efforts
worked because the election was guarded by ourselves and

Trump early on took to
twitter to communicate directly to the people, because the
majority of the news organizations were owned and controlled
by the elites. This had not been foreseen by the elites, and
their knee jerk reaction was to try to kill
Trump’s twitter feed, and to chide him for being
“unpresidential”, but President Trump picked up the pace. As
President, he can commandeer the news media, live TV, daily
and has done so. The pattern of misbehavior
by FaceBook is extensive, but the Democratically
controlled House will only cluck and scold, as President Trump
is their enemy too.
Now what? Due to the 1st
Amendment right to free speech, every challenge in the courts
digresses, so any challenge to censorship practices is dragged
out in the courts for years. Offenses are blamed on employees.
President Trump is a master at these games, and has found a
brilliant solution. He will give those unfairly banned media
coverage. The 2020 campaign has begun, and Trump loves to
campaign! Compelling personal stories will be relayed, with
details the traditional media would never provide. Checkmate!

As part of the elite plan to control the masses, FaceBook has
been repeatedly caught in mischief. In 2016 Zuckerberg tried to
launch a satellite that was to
establish an internet connection for those in Africa currently
without a connection. Per the Zetas, this was to spy on and
track migrant groups. The Council of Worlds shot it down. In
2017 Zuckerberg launched a venture to track
migration via Disaster Maps that showed where migrants
drifted based on their use of FaceBook. The Zetas predicted
“true karma” awaited Zuckerberg.

Then in 2018 it came to light that FaceBook has allowed
Cambridge Analytica to mine FaceBook
data for political purposes. Then it came to light that
the Pentagon’s LifeLong project was closed and killed on the
very same day, February 4, 2004, that FaceBook was founded!
Coincidence? Or was the Pentagon operation under President Bush
folding its collection of personal data into a database to be
built by FaceBook and Google and Twitter and other social media
giants? In addition to political censorship, Twitter has tied
Trump’s hands, preventing a defense allowed other Twitter users.
- Trump Wants Appeals Court to Let Him
Block Critics on Twitter
March 24, 2019
- Trump has wielded Twitter as a
cudgel since he joined a decade ago - attacking his
critics, blasting news coverage of his administration and
offering a constant, running stream of commentary on
issues from border security to Special Counsel Robert
Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the
election. He has 59.2 million followers. "Twitter is a way
that I can get out the word," Trump said. "Because our
media is so dishonest, Twitter is a way that I get out the
word when we have a corrupt media."