Bezos Fortune
Jeff Bezos is the Amazon founder and sole owner of the
Washington Post. At $135+ billion, Bezos is considered the
wealthiest man on the globe. Thus, when he announced that he and
his wife of 25 years were going to divorce, tongues wagged. The
couple did not have a pre-nuptial agreement when they started
Amazon in a garage. Bezos was separated, dating a 49 year old
neighbor who was also separated. Thus, no scandal. So what was
Trump hinting at when he stated Bezos had “bigger problems”?

- Meet the Mistress Who Will Cost Bezos
$70 Billion
January 10, 2019
- Sanchez had been separated from
her husband - and presumably Bezos had been separated from
his wife - by the time the two had started seeing one
another romantically.
- “You’ll Be Surprised at the Names of
People Involved in the Corruption”
January 13, 2019
- President Trump took a swipe at
Jeff Bezos, “Washington Post that’s basically the lobbyist
for Amazon. He uses that, Bezos has bigger problems than
anybody right now.”
Bezos owns the Washington Post outright, having purchased it
for $250 million in 2013. The Washington Post is Trump’s
harshest critic, and constantly berates Q. Was the fake version
of the Post handed out in Washington DC days after Bezos divorce
hit the press a spoof, or Bezos spitting at Trump in some
manner? Why does Bezos hate Trump? The Zetas explain.

- Amazon Billionaire Jeff Bezos to Buy
Washington Post for $250 Million
August 5, 2013
- Bezos has agreed to pay $250
million in cash for the paper. Bezos, who is worth an
estimated $25 billion, will become the paper’s sole owner.
- Fake Washington Post Copies
Announcing Trump's Resignation Handed Out in Washington, DC
January 17, 2019
- Taking the art of fake news to
new heights, a non-profit has circulated mock Washington
Post issues near the White House, telling readers that
President Donald Trump fled to Crimea on the back of
women-led protests. Activists giving out fake copies of
the Washington Post commuters were spotted near the White
ZetaTalk Insight
1/31/2019: Bezos,
who is currently the sole owner of the Washington Post, has
posted public notice that he is in the process of a divorce
from his wife of 25 years. Normally, when a pre-nup is not in
place, assets are divided equally, but just where ownership of
the Post will go is not yet known. Q has implied that the CIA
was behind the purchase of the Post in 2013, and as is known
many of the most intractable Deep State members are within the
old timers of the CIA, Brennan included.
Is the Bezos divorce an
attempt to shield much of the Bezos family wealth, estimated
at 135 billion at present, from confiscation by Trump’s Junta?
Tribunals can operate using treason as a basis and/or using Trumps
EO 13818 as a basis. What crimes would be involved?
Amazon has an international reach, importing goods from
overseas and shipping goods throughout. What crimes are
involved? Drugs, young children for Moloch sacrifice, and
illegal immigrants, all of which can be ported about in
shipping containers and housed at Amazon warehouses.
Bezos per se is not a fan of
any of this traffic, but the CIA secures cooperation by
blackmail. An aging man with waning sexual prowess is often
tempted by younger and younger partners, as they are less
intimidating and less judgmental. The sense that the man is in
control and powerful is enhanced. Having secured the
cooperation of Bezos, the CIA set to using his company and
fortunes. Among the unsealed indictments awaiting tribunals
are those which would seize the Bezos fortune. By putting as
much as possible into his wife’s hands, the couple hopes to
minimize the damage.
That tribunals were in process was apparent from the House
Arrest boots that Hillary and McCain wore in November,
2017. Both boots were on the right foot, except when McCain gave
an interview and wore his boot on his
left foot, saying his right “needed a rest”. This was
during the time frame when Dunford’s marines landed at Langley,
seizing the CIA’s pedophilia blackmail material. Meanwhile, the
number of sealed indictments kept
mounting. Clearly more than just the activities of Hillary and
McCain were being investigated.

ZetaTalk Comment 11/30/2017: The
Junta running the US is a secret government, and wishes to
remain so. That Hillary is under house arrest can only be seen
from the reluctance of the DOJ to indict her for Clinton
Foundation crimes, because she was, as we have stated, already
tried in a type of Court Martial and is under house arrest.
Meanwhile, our only clue is an ankle boot, worn simultaneously
to the one worn by McCain. This is indeed ongoing, with the
sudden invasion of CIA headquarters to collect evidence and
ongoing arrests of select CIA agents. This is the cutting edge
of Deep State cleanup.
Shortly after that, on December 21, 2017 President Trump wrote
EO 13818 allowing confiscation of funds. Thus the Bezos fortune
became a target. No wonder he hates Trump.

- Executive Order Blocking the Property
of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or
December 21, 2017
- I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of
the United States of America, find that the prevalence and
severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have
their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the
United States, such as those committed or directed by
persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached
such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of
international political and economic systems. I therefore
determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption
around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary
threat to the national security, foreign policy, and
economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a
national emergency to deal with that threat.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
1/31/2018: There
have been hints in the alternative media that a purge of the
Deep State involved in crimes using the cover of the authority
of the United States was in process. What does Trump’s
Executive Order mean? It means that all Hillary funds,
laundered through the Clinton Foundation, will be confiscated.
Radio Contact
Radio waves are associated with the flow of electrons and
magnetons, and thus can be generated by lightning or mankind’s
electronics. There are hundreds of particles in this category,
per the Zetas. But this does not mean that radio waves from
space are generated for intelligent communication, but this is
the premise of the SETI efforts.

Per the Zetas, this effort is all to make the statement that the
alien presence on Earth is not real. Never mind the UFO’s seen
worldwide, and the live aliens on
film. Go back to sleep and shopping, SETI will let you know when
we’ve made contact.

- Radio Waves
- Like all other electromagnetic
waves, radio waves travel at the speed of light. They are
generated by electric charges undergoing acceleration.
Naturally occurring radio waves are emitted by lightning
and astronomical objects. Radio waves are very widely used
in modern technology for fixed and mobile radio
communication, broadcasting, radar and other navigation
systems, communications satellites, wireless computer
networks and many other applications.
ZetaTalk Statement
10/15/1995: The
absurdity of the SETI premise has been mentioned long and
loudly by many - that aliens would simply use radio signals,
that aliens would wait for an invitation, that the UFOs
sighted regularly in the skies should not at least be factored
into the program. The government is leaving props for the
truly anxious to cling to, and the scene of renowned
scientists peering into the sky and hoping for a radio bleep
makes a statement - the Earth has not yet been visited. The
truly anxious can then ignore all the rest of the uproar as
misguided. How long will SETI keep it up? As long as there are
anxious citizens nervously querying the agencies and as long
as the US government can continue to function. The coming
cataclysms will surely put an end to SETI, but we expect SETI
to be issuing reassurance right up to the end.
ZetaTalk Statement
4/15/1996: Magnetism
is the palpable, measurable effect of a subatomic particle not
yet delineated by man. In fact, there are several dozen
sub-atomic particles involved, out of the 387 involved in what
humans assume to be simply the flow of electrons.
So what is to be made of the media fluff up about repeated radio
waves – repeating Fast Radio Burst (FRB) – from space? On
January 9, 2019 the CHIME observatory in British Columbia
recorded six repeating bursts within a group of 13. Previously,
only a single repeat had been recorded. In addition, the new
FRBs were coming from a single source, 1.5 billion light years
away. Was this a sign of intelligent life elsewhere? Not so, say
the Zetas.

- Mysterious Radio Signals from Deep
Space Detected
January 9, 2019
- Among the 13 fast radio bursts,
known as FRBs, was a very unusual repeating signal, coming
from the same source about 1.5 billion light years away.
The CHIME observatory, located in British Columbia's
Okanagan Valley, consists of four 100-metre-long,
semi-cylindrical antennas, which scan the entire northern
sky each day. The telescope only got up and running last
year, detecting 13 of the radio bursts almost immediately,
including the repeater. FRBs are short, bright flashes of
radio waves, which appear to be coming from almost halfway
across the Universe.
- A Second Mysterious Repeating Fast
Radio Burst Has Been Detected In Space
January 9, 2019
- The first one, deemed FRB 121102,
was discovered in 2015 by the Arecibo radio telescope, and
it was revealed in 2018 that the bursts release an
enormous amount of energy. This new repeating fast radio
burst is called FRB 180814.J0422+73 and was recorded six
times coming from the same location, 1.5 billion
light-years away.

- Mysterious Repeating Radio Signals
have Reached Earth
January 9, 2019
- Professor Avid Loeb, from the
Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in the US, who
believes that they could be evidence of incredibly
advanced alien technology. FRB's were first detected
accidentally in 2007, when a burst signal was spotted in
radio astronomy data collected in 2001. In 2017 Professor
Loeb and Harvard colleague Manasvi Lingham proposed that
FRBs could be leakage from planet-sized alien
transmitters. Rather than being designed for
communication, they would more likely be used to propel
giant space ships powered by light sails. A light sail
works by bouncing light, or in this case radio beams, off
a huge reflective sheet to provide forward thrust.
ZetaTalk Insight
1/31/2019: Radio
waves are endemic to the Universe, common and easily
engendered by any electromagnetic environment. Long distance
communication by man has used smoke signals, beating on drums,
modulating an electrical flow over a phone line, and finally
radio waves through the air from a transmitter to a receiver.
Man thus associates radio transmissions with point to point
intelligent communication, as this was his first love. The
movie Contact carried this further by showing binary coded
images carried by radio.
Advanced aliens from
elsewhere do not toss out radio signals to reach more
primitive life on other planets – they just go there to visit.
Man explores wilderness areas on his home planet, Earth, by
physically going there, because to merely toss a message,
hoping that some life form might be able to interpret this, is
frankly silly. So beyond the fact that using radio for long
distance and point to point communication was mankind’s first
love, why do groups such as SETI insist that intelligent life
elsewhere is trying to contact man via radio?
We stated at the start of the
ZetaTalk saga that SETI was asserting that man had not yet
been contacted. So what has changed that the evidence from
radio bursts is now showing repeated radio signal groupings,
which would presumably not occur in nature? Disclosure of the
alien presence has been gradually occurring, pushed by the
increasing UFO sightings and arranged sightings of alien
bodies such as the little blue alien
in Peru. Fast Radio Bursts (FRB) repeat in nature when
the electromagnetic environment that incited the release of
radio waves repeats, and there are thousands of scenarios with
the hundreds of electromagnetic particles that exist that
would present that environment.
FRB have been known and
received by man since 2001, then in 2015 at Arecibo and now in
2019 at CHIME. They are not new. What is new is the jump to
claim ET is calling Earth, and this claim by Harvard men. Or
that propulsion through the Universe might be engendered by
radio waves, used as a type of light
sail as was claimed for a long cigar shaped asteroid,
dubbed Oumuamua, passing by Earth recently. Both claims are
absurd, but what is common is the push to admit the alien presence! All the while
making ET look as clumsy as man is at present – communication
via radio and travel via propulsion!
Propulsion, for space travel, is mankind’s concept. Just as with
the Flat Earth theory, showing mankind’s limited view and
limited technology. Propulsion is what mankind uses, with wind
for the sailboats of yor or jet engines for modern day planes.
Indeed, just as aliens do not propel
themselves through space, they likewise do not communicate by
radio. These concepts are being relayed, in the media, to the
public in an attempt to not only deny that the alien presence is
already here, but to insinuate that aliens are not
technologically advanced.

ZetaTalk Comment
11/30/2018: Is
the elongated rock dubbed Oumuamua a deliberate invention by
alien intelligence? Despite the romantic appeal of such
speculation, any device built by highly intelligent aliens
would not be so misshapen. Nor would aliens use captured solar
radiation to propel an object.
ZetaTalk Statement
7/15/1995: The
means of travel is not what humans assume, propulsion. As
humans can only move by a snail’s pace unless they are
propelled, they assume that interstellar travel is by
propulsion. It is not, it is by attraction, and a quick kiss
it is. Attraction and repulsion are equally strong, one not
affecting the regularity of motion more than the other.
Imagine what would happen if the repulsion were eliminated, in
a given interchange, and the attraction had no counterbalance?
How fast is fast?
Birth Rate Factor
Immigration policies are influenced by many factors, among them
a country’s birth rate. Will there be bodies to fill the jobs,
in future? Will there be young to care for the aged, in future?
Will applicants for immigration be educated or skilled, or
burden the social service system by going on welfare? Will there
be culture clashes between immigrant groups or between the
native culture and immigrants? Putin has encouraged native
Russians to have more babies, as has Japan, both paying new
mothers to do so.

- Fertility Rates are Now Falling in
Half the World's Countries
November 9, 2018
- Those dropping fertility rates
mean half the world's nations are now on the cusp of a
"baby bust" — meaning their residents aren't giving birth
to the number of children needed to maintain the
- Immigration to Canada
- In November 2017, Immigration
Minister Ahmed Hussen announced that Canada would admit
nearly 1 million permanent residents to Canada over the
following three years, rising from 0.7% to 1% of its
population by 2020. This increase was motivated by the
economic needs of the country facing an aging demographic,
with the number of senior citizens expected to double by
2036 alongside a decline in the proportion of working-age
adults. Currently, most immigrants come from South Asia,
China and Caribbean and this trend is expected to
- Babies Wanted: Nordic Countries
Crying for Kids
January 16, 2019
- They are now experiencing a
decline that threatens their cherished welfare model,
which is funded by taxpayers. In Norway, Finland and
Iceland, birth rates dropped, with 1.49 to 1.71 children
born per woman. Just a few years earlier, their birth
rates hovered close to the 2.1 level required for their
populations to remain stable. There are fewer large
families, and women are waiting longer before having their
first child.

- Before Election, Putin Offers $8.6
Billion to Russians to Have More Babies
November 29, 2017
- The government will spend 500
billion rubles ($8.6 billion) over three years on measures
to encourage Russians to have more babies, including
mortgage subsidies and payments to new and growing
families. The money will come from government reserves and
won’t require changes in the budget.
- People in Japan are Being Paid to
have Babies, and it Seems to be Working
June 3, 2016
- Japan's nationwide fertility rate
just hit its highest level in 21 years. This is no doubt a
good sign for a country struggling with a looming
demographic crisis. But what's particularly interesting
about this spike in fertility is that there was a
correlation with cash incentives for new parents.
Among the countries encouraging immigration are Chile and
Canada. Chile is welcoming
immigrants from earthquake ravaged Haiti and economically
ravaged Venezuela. High and dry, Chile is not a vacation
destination, but is offering free healthcare and assistance.
Canada likewise has changed its immigration policy to welcome
immigrants from India and China. Per the Zetas, this is because
Trudeau wants Canada to be a technology powerhouse!

ZetaTalk Insight
1/31/2019: The
immigration battles have scarcely begun. When the lands we
have predicted to sink begin to take on water, the press to
migrate will intensify. Russia is guarding against an influx
from drowning Eastern Europe, while encouraging its own
citizenry to move to its Far East. China is rebuffing
immigrants from drowning Asia while preparing to move its
coastal populace to rural Ghost Cities already prepared. The
US is building a wall to stop those fleeing a crumbling and
sinking Central America from demanding US citizenship rights.
But other countries, such as
Chile, are welcoming immigrants. Chile has an aging citizenry,
and those it is accepting from Haiti and Venezuela are young
and strong, of child bearing age or carrying babes in arms.
Half the developing nations of the world have such
demographics at present, where the worker base is aged and the
birth rate has not replaced the old with young. Japan, S
Korea, and Europe are examples. This is counterbalanced by the
expense of accepting new immigrants who in the main are not
skilled or well educated.
That said, why is Canada making a pitch for new immigrants?
Canada is a vast, sub-Arctic land, cold and barren in the
main, with only 37 million citizens. Russia has a similar
climate, but has 145 million citizens, and is a technology
leader. Both Russia and Canada will have excellent climates
with equivalent land mass above the flood line after the Pole
Shift. Trudeau has ambitions to be the N American King in the
Aftertime, thus, he is driven to increase Canada’s populace
and in particular to increase Canada’s technology creds. Thus
the preponderance of accepted immigrants are from India and