N Pole Migration
The Magnetic N Pole of Earth has been drifting from a location
in the Arctic near Canada toward Siberia, at an increasing pace.
Mankind’s devices reliant on pointing to True North have had to
be tweaked periodically, else GPS does not work and pilots land
in the wrong airport. Your compass will point to magnetic North,
so depending upon where you live, you must tweak it in order to
get it to point to Geographic N Pole.

- How to Adjust the Declination on a
- What we think of as the top of
the globe is referred to as “True North.” Magnetic North
(where your compass needle actually points) is a function
of Earth’s magnetic fields and its core elements, which
fluctuate in complicated ways. Currently, Magnetic North
is roughly north of Hudson Bay in Canada.
- OA Guide to Map & Compass
- True North is the Geographic
North Pole where all longitude lines meet. All maps are
laid out with True North directly at the top.
Unfortunately for the wilderness traveler, True North is
not at the same point on the earth as the Magnetic North
Pole which is where your compass points.
- Magnetic Declination
- By convention, declination is
positive when magnetic north is east of True North, and
negative when it is to the west.
And of course those articles quoted above, one dated 1998, are
no longer correct as the Magnetic N Pole of Earth has packed up
and moved to Siberia. Now one of those tweaks is coming early,
and scientists are at a loss to explain why the drift to Siberia
is increasing. But the Zetas, as usual, explain.

- Earth’s Magnetic Field is
Mysteriously Acting up, pushing North Pole towards Siberia
January 11, 2019
- The field changes as
the molten metals surrounding the earth’s solid iron core
churn and flow, creating electric currents and a
corresponding magnetic field. As a result, the magnetic
poles tend to shift slightly as a matter of course.
However, researchers don’t know what’s causing the
magnetic field to now move so quickly. It’s moving away
from Canada and approaching Siberia. Scientists think a
high-speed jet of liquid iron under Canada could be
responsible for the pole’s movement, weakening the
magnetic field below and allowing Siberia to draw over the
- Earth’s Magnetic Field is Acting Up
and Geologists Don’t Know Why
January 9, 2019
- Earth’s north magnetic pole has
been skittering away from Canada and towards Siberia,
driven by liquid iron sloshing within the planet’s core.
The magnetic pole is moving so quickly that it has forced
the world’s geomagnetism experts into a rare move. On 15
January, they are set to update the World Magnetic Model,
which describes the planet’s magnetic field and
underlies all modern navigation.
- Scientists Warn Earth's Magnetic
North Pole has Begun Moving 'Erratically' at Speeds so Fast
they are having to Issue an Emergency Update to Maps used by
Electronic Navigation Systems
January 10, 2019
- The charts, known as the World
Magnetic Model (WMM), are used to convert between compass
measurements of magnetic north and true north and can be
found in the navigation systems of ships and airplanes as
well as geological applications (such as drilling and
mining). The WMM is also part of map applications in
smartphones, including the Google Maps App. Researchers
from the U.S.'s National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) maintain the WMM.
ZetaTalk Explanation
1/31/2019: Where
magnetospheres are most often depicted as circular, they are
in fact most often twisted into odd shapes by the strong
magnets in their vicinity. Earth’s magnetosphere itself is
twisted by forces from the Sun, so that there is a tight nub
of magnetic flow lines sunside, but long streaming wings out
behind the Earth. Where these twists are depicted out in
space, the core of the Earth and its surface are assumed to be
immune, resistant to these blasts from the Sun, as no records
from the past during prior Pole Shifts exist to guide mankind
in this matter.
Enter the monster planetary
magnet, Nibiru, which is now positioned sunside and pointing
its Magnetic N Pole toward the Earth. Thus, for several years,
the Magnetic N Pole of Earth has been drifting toward Siberia,
forcing periodic adjustments in navigational systems. How far
will the twisting of the Earth’s magnetosphere go, prior to
the Pole Shift itself? From the core to the surface, the
Earth’s magnetosphere is no longer a circle. The Magnetic S
Pole too, has drifted. Both of Earth’s poles are now
approaching the shape of the magnetic wings depicted for
Earth’s magnetosphere in space.
Will mankind’s magnetic
navigational systems need to point directly behind the Earth,
out into space, to operate? This of course is an untenable
situation, and long before this state arrives, man will find
alternative ways to determine “True North”. But in the
meantime, and for those systems that cannot adapt as they are
tied to the magnetosphere itself, chaos will reign. Satellites
systems such as GPS will fail to be reliable. Airplanes will
land so far from where intended the pilots will be shocked.
And until Nibiru is admitted, the public will be confused.
Mankind’s staunch reliance on the compass has increasingly
caused problems. In 2005 the Zetas stated that mankind is rigid
in this regard, and will cling to the compass. By 2011 the
busy Denver International Airport reported near-misses had
almost doubled in one year, due to old-timers among the FAA
retiring. Why would that cause compass failures? Per the Zetas,
the old timers knew the compass was not reliable, but the
procedures had never been formally changed. By 2014 airports
were painting lanes on their
landing strips, as the compass was no longer a trusted guide.

ZetaTalk Comment
1/13/2005: Everyone
proceeded as thought cataclysmic changes to the Earth, such as
we were describing, would not occur. Despite the fact that
magnetism has been weakening, the compass has remained a
staunch tool for navigation.

ZetaTalk Comment
2/26/2011: The
problem is not that the new controllers lack experience but
that they are going by the book, following procedures
rather than understanding the "new" rules needed for safety.
The compass is no longer reliable, a fact not put
into writing but acknowledged by the old timers.

ZetaTalk Comment 1/18/2014: Air
navigation has been having increasing problems since 2003,
when the magnetic bully Planet X arrived in the inner solar
system. First the compass became erratic, pointing toward
Siberia as the magnetic N Pole instead of its established
location north of Canada. Airports responded by painting
directions on their runways, a fact which hit the press.
Nibiru Excuses
It’s hard to believe that in less than 3 months since Nibiru
excuses were covered in Issue 629,
more excuses would be proffered. One of the first Nibiru excuses
was the Global Warming fraud.
The IPCC under the auspices of the UN was found to be
manufacturing fraudulent data but the fraud is still running
strong. Only Trump had the courage to stand up to the Paris
Accord. Has hot air above caused the rise in volcanic activity
from below? Has fracking caused the
increase in earthquakes, worldwide?

Slowing of the Earth, long predicted by the Zetas as Nibiru
comes closer, is supposedly the fault
of the Moon. And oh, by the way, that pesty Moon is causing
earthquakes too. And the Sun
is blamed for Electro-Magnetic-Pulse,
even when there is no sunspot activity at all on the sleepy Sun.
Red dust on the increase? It’s just NASA dusting
of the ionosphere, to check the jet stream there.
The red dust from the vast tail of Nibiru has been variously
excused as industrial pollution or more often, dust
from the Sahara. Now a new study has shown that the Sahara
explanation cannot hold! But this is not expected to change the
constant excuses being proffered.

- Giant Dust Is Spreading Across the
World, Defying the Laws of Physics
December 20, 201
- For nearly 30 years, scientists
have known that small particles of dust, kicked up in the
Sahara, often ride on global winds to the Caribbean, 3,500
kilometres away from home. Originally, this foreign cloud
of desert dust was thought to contain particles no bigger
than 0.01 to 0.02 millimetres in diameter. But recently,
when scientists began collecting samples of dust from
floating buoys and underwater traps in the Atlantic Ocean,
the sheer size of the particles defied their expectations.
Between 2013 and 2016, the Royal Netherlands Institute for
Sea Research (NIOZ) found some dust particles measuring
0.45 millimetres in diameter, nearly 50 times bigger than
what global winds were once thought capable of carrying.
Now we have a couple new dramas to be used during the cover-up
for the Earth changes brought about by the approaching Nibiru.
The constant chemtrailing of the skies, to hide the view of the
Nibiru complex, comes and goes, but for those at the helm of the
cover-up the thought of the populace seeing Nibiru in the skies
is too horrific. People will realize the truth! So an excuse for
the chemtrails has been invented. They are shielding the Earth
from the heat of the Sun! Never mind that Europe
and Persia and Lebanon
have had record snowfall this month.

- Scientists have New Plan to fight
Global Warming: Dimming the Sun
November 24, 2018
- Scientists have come up with a
new and ingenious way of fighting global warming: use
chemicals to blot out the sun. Whether we’ll then have to
fight (and do everything else) in the shade, the research
doesn’t quite spell out.
- Mini-ice Age Underway
January 7, 2018
- Istanbul and the region of Thrace
in Turkey’s northwest were hit by heavy snowfall and
strong wind. Snow swept across 17 provinces of Iran.
Normal life in Indian-controlled Kashmir was disrupted by
heavy snowfall that lashed the region.
Global Warming needs to be stopped! It’s going to drown
the coasts! Oh wait, that’s caused by Nibiru nearby,
roiling up the core and heating the oceans from the bottom up.
The real danger from rising seas will be the Nibiru Pole Shift,
when the crust slides and the heat from friction causes a
gradual rise in sea level to 675 feet above present within two
years of the Pole Shift. Meanwhile, the coastlines will have to
worry about 500 foot high tidal waves during the hour of the

- Sea Level Rise
January 13, 2017
- Most predictions say the warming
of the planet will continue and is likely to accelerate.
Oceans will likely continue to rise as well, but
predicting the degree to which they will rise is an
inexact science. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change says we can expect the oceans to rise
between 11 and 38 inches by 2100, enough to swamp many of
the cities along the U.S. East Coast. More dire estimates,
including a complete meltdown of the Greenland ice sheet,
place sea level rise to 23 feet, enough to submerge
ZetaTalk Explanation 7/15/1995: How
is it that the oceans, so very deep and so very cold, have
warmed up? Is it the almost imperceptible rise in the
temperature of the air, a degree or so, as reported to date?
Since heat rises, why would this slight rise affect the
oceans? Meteorologists will tell you that the effect of air
warming is air turbulence, not warmer oceans. The Oceans are
Warmer because the core of the Earth has heated up, and it
does so in response to its brother coming closer. This will
continue, and increase, until sometime after the cataclysms
are past.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2002: It
has been estimated by mankind’s scientists that the melting,
completely, of the Antarctic ice would cause the oceans of the
world to rise in sea level by 200 feet. This is measuring the
effect of ice above the water line melting and returning to
the body of water, and leveling out. Most of the
surface of the Earth is covered by the great oceans, which
warm completely, without cold spots, after the shift, and do
not return to having cold spots until some centuries have
passed. This warmer water accounts for the rise in sea level,
in the main.
Ode to Alberto
Alberto is considered the premiere expert on photographing the
Nibiru complex. Most of the photos on the Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to photos of Nibiru are his. He
has been at this since 2003, when Nibiru first arrived in the
inner Solar System, then became almost lost in the glare of the
Sun. Alberto set out to hone his skills, practicing with various
filters – sun glare screens, welder’s lens, and finally in 2012
the red filter inserts found in all floppy discs. Alberto
was truly the father of the Red Filter

Nibiru is normally shrouded by dense red dust, but on occasion
its location at 4 o’clock to the Sun is clearly seen. In a 2014
capture, Alberto caught it outlined by halo lines. This 4
o’clock position applies for people in the Northern Hemisphere,
but in the Southern Hemisphere, such as in Brazil, it is seen at
the 10 o’clock position because people there essentially stand
upside down. The String of Pearls is also another distinctive
Nibiru complex entity, and was likewise caught in 2014 by one of
Alberto’s mylar filtered photos.

ZetaTalk Explanation
4/19/2014: Mankind
is familiar with the halos around light caused by ice crystals
in the atmosphere. When the angle from the light to the camera
or viewers eye is right, a diffraction of the light rays can
form a circle. The shroud of dust clings closely, but
rapidly becomes less thick at a distance from the corpus. At
various points where the composition of this shroud
changes, a ring is formed that will reflect and diffract light
outbound from the corpus of Planet X.

ZetaTalk Comment 3/22/2014: The
String of Pearls formation is visible because it is a series
of Moon Swirl tubes turned so that their ends face the Earth.
Each captures sunlight at the end pointed toward the Sun,
intensifies this when the sunlight bounces down the tube, and
emerges at the end facing the Earth as bright light, focused
like a flashlight.
Nibiru has a distinctive entourage in what is called the Double
Helix formation, major Moon Swirls on either side that look like
shoulder pads. This was seen in 2003 when Nibiru
first approached the inner Solar System and could be seen
in the night sky, and was photographed in telescopic lens. But
after being lost in the glare of the Sun, Nibiru looked
primarily like a dim fuzz ball. But Alberto captured the
shoulder pads in 2017, amidst a close hugging String of
Pearls. By the end of 2017 Alberto was also able to
capture the amount of debris and minor moons within the vast
wafting tail of Nibiru, including the distinctive Check Mark, a
Moon Swirl complex.

ZetaTalk Explanation 7/12/2010: Planet
X itself has two primary Moon Swirls that flare out on either
side, like shoulder pads. This is the source of the Winged
Globe shape, and the double helix shape on some photos of
Planet X. These Moon Swirls keep apart from each other, though
compete to be the closest Moon Swirl to the body of Planet X
itself. Fairly equal in mass, they both cling close to the
body of Planet X and both refuse to be displaced, thus the

ZetaTalk Explanation 1/31/2018: Now
one sees both arms of the Check-Mark in their full glory, with
all the moons visible. This arrangement of moons formed due to
one dominant moon having two sub-dominant moons on either
side, an arrangement that Nibiru itself has with its shoulder
pad appearance, the double helix. Each sub-dominant moon of
the Check-Mark then finds smaller moons attracted to it
trailing behind. This is a gravity dance.
Moving into 2017, as Nibiru moved closer, Alberto was able to
capture detail via zoom. An odd waffle board pattern was
identified by the Zetas as a magnetic field forming around Moon
Swirls. Then in early 2018 Alberto was able to capture the face
of the cloud shrouded Nibiru itself, with 8X zoom, as it slowly
rotated. This remarkable photo confirmed what Nancy had learned
during a trip with the Zetas – Nibiru itself is covered with
cream colored clouds. In 2018 Nibiru also was in a position,
briefly, to bend light rays such that they formed a spotlight
down to Earth.

ZetaTalk Comment 8/31/2017: Moon
Swirls are seen from the side as a long tube or a String of
Pearls, or at the end of the tube as a brilliant focus of
light. The new waffle pattern is neither, but it has been
generated from the tail. The waffle is magnetic field
lines that have formed around the dominant moon in a Moon

ZetaTalk Revelation 3/31/2018: This
is indeed the face of Nibiru, enhanced by the known phenomena
of a Monster Persona, which we have explained pulls the light
rays spreading outward back in toward Earth, thus making the
object seem larger. It is notable that the features
change over the four day period between photo shots, showing
that Nibiru rotates and thus presents a different face. Where
Nibiru is primarily a water planet, with much less land mass
than the Earth, it is densely shrouded by cream colored

ZetaTalk Explanation 6/30/2018: As
light easily bends toward gravity sinks, the sunlight coming
close to Nibiru and its dominant moons actually bends toward
these gravity sinks. Bent slightly, they refract like light
passing through water, to bend and focus the light toward
Earth! This phenomena may linger or repeat, coming and going,
during the ongoing drama of Nibiru’s approach for a passage.
Whatever the opportunities for image capture of the Nibiru
complex, we can be sure that Alberto will be at the forefront!