Burning Snow
As January, 2014 drew to a close, much of N America had a shock
beyond the record breaking cold. The most recent snowfall would
not melt, but smoldered and blackened under flame. The burning
snow went viral on the Internet. On January 30, 2014 burning
snow was recorded on video and distributed via YouTube from Denver,
and North
Carolina among dozens of other sites as an astonished
public checked to see if their snow, too, would blacken but not

Per the Zetas the burning snow is due to chemical components in
the Stratosphere pulled down by what the weathermen were calling
the Polar Vortex over Canada and the US in January. If left
alone, these components would evaporate and return to the
Stratosphere, but when lit, they chemically combined with H²O to
form a type of plastic. The snow smelled like plastic too,
especially when burned.
ZetaTalk Explanation
2/1/2014: Snow
or rain will certainly wash particulates and chemicals out of
the air, as is known. After a rain, the air will seem fresh,
free of dust or pollen. When a heavy snow pack melts in the
spring, the snow along the sides of the roads becomes almost
black with the residue that had been within the snow, now
concentrated so visible. What is causing this recent phenomena
across those portions of the US recently affected by what the
weathermen are calling a polar vortex, voracious cold fronts
from the Arctic swooping in a circular manner into the midwest
thence south and east.
This vortex activity is of
course Earth wobble driven, with the globe divided into
regions that are either too cold or too warm. Where central
and eastern US has experienced a polar Winter, Europe has
experienced an early Spring, and Alaska is often warmer than
Florida. What happens to volatile chemicals released into the
air when the jet stream is forced down into low pressure
areas? Yes, these volatile chemicals are products of the
chemtrail activity, which the wealthy elite employ to mask the
presence of Planet X. But these chemicals are also residue
from car emissions, coal and gas fueled power plants, and
numerous other industrial activities as well as greasy
elements in the tail of Planet X.
Clearly, the polar vortex
that dropped snow on the US in the days preceding January 30,
2014 pulled these volatile chemicals into the snow that
covered most of the US. What happens when this mix is subject
to being heated by a flame? Where water, i.e. melted snow, is
expected, the H²O combines chemically with the other chemicals
to create something akin to plastic. Plastic, after all, is
created from petrol products, so this result should not be
surprising. Does this mean that the snow will be poisoning the
soil and ground water? These volatile chemicals will evaporate
as the snow melts, returning to the stratosphere, leaving no
apparent residue.
The Stratosphere is the atmospheric layer above the one we
humans breathe. The Jet Stream lives in the Stratosphere, and
has been distorted by the Earth wobble since Planet X arrived in
the vicinity in 2003. Thus, it is no surprise that it took a dip
during the polar vortex of January, 2014.

- Stratosphere
- With the discovery of the
Stratosphere, scientists could better define the area in
which weather occurs. This helps to gain a better
knowledge of the processes required to develop weather
phenomena such as thunderstorms and tropical cyclones.
- Jet Stream
- Jet streams are fast flowing,
narrow air currents found in the atmospheres of some
planets, including Earth. The main jet streams are located
near the tropopause, the transition between the
troposphere and the stratosphere. The major jet
streams on Earth are westerly winds (flowing west to
east). Their paths typically have a meandering shape.
ZetaTalk Prediction
5/5/2005: The
temperature and density and direction of air masses can be
determined, and thus the weatherman has historically offered
predictions, but these predictions have become increasingly
difficult, in part because of the Earth wobble which jerks the
Earth about under her mantel of air, often at cross currents
to the jet stream. More of this will follow, as the Earth
wobble is not going away or lessening its grip. It will, quite
the contrary, proceed to more horrors.
Tests made on the burning snow proved that this snow indeed
contained an oily substance!
- As Snow-Burning Craze Sweeps Nation,
Sublimation Purification Gets Results
January 31, 2014
- Multiple people in multiple
locations experienced dramatically different results when
attempting to singe their snow. From the plethora of
tests we have seen already, it is quite clear that snow in
many areas is not acting identical to snow found in other
areas. The toxicity varies from location to
location, based on countless factors. Sublimation
Purification cuts the flame out of the equation, uses heat
to vaporize the water, and what is left is a crystalline
structure that takes a long time to melt, and when it
finally does, an observable oily residue remains on the
surface of the water.
The Zetas state that the burning snow is not caused by
chemtrails, in the main, but by all the other pollutants we
humans produce on a daily basis. Just look at the smog over
Beijing and LA lately, and the collective emissions from coal
and gas burning power plants, to imagine the cumulative effect.

- Beijing Smog Continues as Chinese
State Media Urge More Action
January 14, 2014
- China's state media have called
for environmental improvements in unusually frank
discussions of the country's pollution problem, as thick
smog continues to shroud Beijing and other cities.
- Los Angeles Air Most Unhealthy in
Nation, Study Says
July 30, 2010
- Just about anyone who has been on
a plane in the daytime descending into Los Angeles has
seen that lovely brown layer of haze covering the sky.
- Air Emissions
- Electricity generation is the
dominant industrial source of air emissions in the United
States today. Fossil fuel-fired power plants are
responsible for 67 percent of the nation's sulfur dioxide
emissions, 23 percent of nitrogen oxide emissions, and 40
percent of man-made carbon dioxide emissions. These
emissions can lead to smog, acid rain, and haze.
The grease in the tail of Planet X also has an effect! This
grease has put halos around the Moon and created noctilucent
clouds from the chemicals in the tail, all since Planet X
arrived in the vicinity in 2003.

ZetaTalk Prediction
2/15/2002: In
early 2002, a distinct halo around the Moon became noticeable,
and this is directly related to increased ash in the
atmosphere. But as the shift approaches, such halos will
become more commonplace, surrounding the moon, bright lights,
and cease to receive comment as even more disturbances
distract troubled mankind.
ZetaTalk Statement
1/24/2008: There
are different chemicals in the atmosphere of Earth at this
time than have been in the memory of man. It has been only
during the past couple years, since the arrival of Planet X
into the inner solar system, that Moon halos have been noted,
or odd neon clouds.
ZetaTalk Explanation
10/25/2008: We
have stated in the past that occasional neon clouds or light
pillars were due to atmospheric changes from the tail of
Planet X. This would not be occurring without chemicals from
the tail of Planet X mixing into the atmosphere. Such displays
will become more common.
Remote Viewing
Telepathy is no mystery, as it has been studied by Russian and
US intel agencies, at Duke University in N Carolina, and
reportedly also at Courtney Brown’s Farsight Institute in
Georgia. Animals have telepathy, which is why your pet knows you
are about to take him to the vet and hides under the bed. The
Russians did experiments, taking rabbit babies far out to sea in
a submarine and when killing the babies one by one, the mother’s
heart beat, back in Russia, skipped a beat. What is also known
from the Russian experiments is that both sender and receiver
begin to synchronize their heat beats. It is also known that
holding one’s breath assists telepathy by increasing the CO² in
the blood stream. Thus the reference to “breathing techniques
used by the Yoga” who live in the oxygen thin air on mountain
tops in order to become enlightened.

- How it all Started - in Russia
- Scientists in pre-Revolutionary
[Russia] were studying the area of parapsychology as did
later such Soviet scientists as V.M. Bekhterev, A.G.
Ivanov-Smolensky and B.B. Kazhinsky in the twenties and
thirties. In 1922, a commission composed of psychologists,
medical hypnotists, physiologists, and physicists worked
on parapsychology problems at the Institute for Brain
Research in Petrograd (Leningrad). Work flourished
throughout the thirties with research being reported in
the literature in 1934, 1936, and 1937. Soviet interest in
psi was reawakened in February 1960 by a story which
appeared in French magazine Science et Vie (Science and
Life). The story was entitled ‘The Secrets of the
Nautilus’ and it claimed that the US government had
secretly used telepaths to communicate with the first
nuclear submarine ever constructed, the Nautilus, while it
was under the Arctic ice pack.
- Telepathy
- At the behest of Dr. J. B. Rhine
of Duke University, Olivia Rivers, a psychologist at
Mississippi State University, conducted tests with
identical twins, Terry and Sherry Young. The Jackson,
Mississippi, twins were able to pass entire sentences to
each other via telepathy. The girls seemed to be in
constant rapport; and even when separated, each knew if
the other had turned an ankle, gotten a toothache, or
developed a cold. Sherry was better as the receiver; Terry
as the sender. Their schoolteachers despaired of ever
receiving an accurate test from either girl. Even when
placed in separate classrooms the girls still used similar
phrases and got similar marks. They made no secret of the
fact that they helped one another in their school work,
but insisted that it was by telepathy alone. It was not
cheating to them, nor could anyone consider it as being
unfair or dishonest of the girls. It was not their fault
if their minds functioned as one.
- Russian Research on Supernatural
Powers and Developing Psi Psychic Abilities
March 18, 2009
- Both the United States and Russia
studied telepathic messages as a back up method of
communication for astronauts. Few knew of the race
to inner space between the two cold war factions. Russia
experimented in remote viewing and telekinesis in a
haphazard fashion. Many of those that learned the PSI
technique used breathing techniques derived from Yoga.
Per the Zetas only a small portion of the human population has
any telepathic ability, perhaps 10%, and most of this providing
only a rare contact with a close family member. True telepaths
are rare.
ZetaTalk Description
12/15/2002: A
telepathic person in listening mode may seem distracted,
though other functions can proceed. In tune with the inbound
message, the receiver's heart will beat in tune with the
sender, and their brain be activated in similar places, so
they are acting as much as possible as a single brain. During
these modes, it is possible for the receiver to start sending,
as they are in sync, on the same wave length, so to speak.
Only a small segment of humankind can utilize telepathy to any
degree. Telepathy also occurs during sleep, highly common,
which is why many humans conclude they have prophetic dreams.
They are merely reaching out, during sleep, when they are
breathing slowly and not highly oxygenated, and chatting with
others who have knowledge. Holding your breath, to increase
Carbon Dioxide levels, helps, which is why the Hindus prefer
mountain tops for meditation.
Enter Courtney Brown of the Farsight
Institute, established in 1995, the same year that
ZetaTalk began and was published on the web. Purporting to train
the public on how to develop telepathic ability, as does
purported remote viewer Ed Dames who charges $250 for a kit,
neither the Farsight Institute nor Ed Dames have a track record
of success on predictions. Ed Dames first “kill shot from the
Sun” was predicted for 1998, and the Farsight Institute was
notable for predicting a “coastal event” in 2009 that never
occurred. Telepathy can only pick brains, picking up information
from other brains, and if it is picking up nonsense, well, there
you are - garbage in, garbage out.
So what is to be made of the recent pronouncement by Courtney
Brown that some announcement would occur in February, 2014 that
would change everyone’s life from then on out? Sounds a bit like
the announce predicted since June, 2012 by the Zetas, eh? The
Zetas have always declined to give the date, stating that the
announcement team had enough contention to deal with from the
cover-up crowd without public curiosity and alarm entering the
mix. But note that in the December 7, 2013 MUFON
interview, which I, Nancy, put onto a YouTube
vid, I mention private ZetaTalk wherein the Zetas said the
announcement would occur “mid Winter” and “after the holidays”.
This is at minute 10:10 and again at minute 11:30. Considering
that China is a major player and the Chinese New Year is their
biggest holiday of the year, running from January 31 for a week
to February 7, this would indeed put the pre-scheduled and fixed
announcement date in February. So why is Courtney trying
to get on record with an accurate prediction? Given all the
failures, his CIA handlers hope to give him a win.

- An Announcement from Courtney Brown
January 22, 2014
- Something important is going to
happen sometime next month, February 2014. Nothing can
stop it now. There will be an announcement, and the world
will change on the date of that announcement. Part of that
announcement will happen on this Facebook page, right
here. In the beginning, only a few will understand
the significance of the announcement, and what it means
for all of humanity currently living on this planet. Some
will laugh, and some will cry. But in time, the world will
come to know that life on Earth changed significantly on
that day in February 2014. A mystery that has
confused our civilization for thousands of years will find
an answer. And from that answer, a new direction for the
future growth of our species will arise.
ZetaTalk Explanation
2/8/2014: Courtney
Brown’s remote viewing operation at the Farsight Institute of
course has links to the CIA, which from its beginning has been
interested in what remote viewing via telepathy could bring in
the realm of intelligence gathering and subliminal influence
from the mental intrusions that telepathy can afford. The
Kremlin likewise has studied such use of telepathy
extensively. The CIA has remote viewing squads that it employs
to harass or interrogate high level targets. The public hears
little of this because there are no overt recruitment
campaigns as, for instance, the Army seeking enlistments at
How does the CIA locate those
with inherent talent in telepathy? Enter Courtney Brown and
his Farsight Institute. Under the guise of research, those
with native talent are identified and the CIA notified. This
is not a one-way street. Courtney gets something in return.
The CIA is aware of matters in the political world well before
the media is allowed to report upon it. The pending
announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru, aka Planet X in
the inner solar system, is one such tidbit. The CIA is very
much in the know, and hoping to boost Courtney’s book sales
and Institute activities, so leaked the date to him.
Wobble Landings
Airplanes have had an increasingly hard time navigating since
Planet X, aka Nibiru arrived in the inner solar system in 2003.
First noticed was that the compass is no longer reliable. Then
GPS became unreliable.
- Shifting North Pole Forces Tampa
Airport to Remodel Runways
January 7, 2014
- The North Pole is shifting. More
specifically, the earth’s magnetic field is ever changing,
just slightly. It’s that shifting that has forced Tampa
International Airport to repaint all its runways so that
the numbers on them accurately reflect the compass
headings they’re supposed to represent.
ZetaTalk Explanation
1/18/2014: Air
navigation has been having increasing problems since 2003,
when the magnetic bully Planet X arrived in the inner solar
system. First the compass became erratic, pointing toward
Siberia as the magnetic N Pole instead of its established
location north of Canada. Airports responded by painting
directions on their runways, a fact which hit the press. Other
guidance systems – radar and GPS – were relied upon. But radar
merely tells you where the ground or large objects lie, and if
the terrain is similar to that expected. A wrong location
would pass notice.
Now the wobble has gotten so bad that big airliners are landing
too far to the north in Missouri and Kansas! Note that both
these airliners were misdirected at
night, when the Earth wobble in N America would have a
similar impact. Both also about 9 miles too far to the north.
This cannot be a coincidence. It is, in fact, proof of the Earth

- Southwest Plane Lands at Wrong
Airport, Narrowly Avoids Precipice
January 13, 2014
- A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737
landed at the wrong airport on Sunday, stranding its
passengers in Hollister, Mo. It is unclear why the
airplane, which was headed for nearby Branson, Mo.,
touched down at an airport 9 miles away from its intended
destination, but it appears it will stay there for a
while, since the 3,700-ft. (1,130 m) runway is not
sufficiently long for the Boeing jet to take off.
- Southwest flight Lands at Wrong Mo.
January 13, 2014
- It's the second time in less than
two months that a large jet has landed at the wrong
airport. In November, a Boeing 747 that was supposed to
deliver parts to McConnell Air Force Base in Wichita,
Kan., landed 9 miles north at Col. James Jabara Airport.
- Boeing Jumbo Jet Lands at Wrong Kansas
November 21, 2014
- The pilot of a Boeing 747 jumbo
jet mistakenly landed at a small Kansas airport not far
from the Air Force base where it was supposed to deliver
parts for the company's new 787 Dreamliner. The 747
intended to touch down at McConnell Air Force Base in
Wichita, which is next to a company that makes large
sections of the 787. Instead, the cargo flight landed 8
miles north, at the smaller Col. James Jabara Airport.
ZetaTalk Explanation
1/18/2014: GPS
has been faltering due to the wobble. Where the GPS
satellites are mostly dragged along with the globe, as the
atmosphere tends to cling to the Earth beneath it, a more
violent wobble will put the satellites out of position for a
period of time. It is notable that two such errant landings
have happened lately in the same vicinity, both times planes
landing 9 miles north of where expected. The globe returns to
its prior position during the wobble, so, as the saying goes,
even a broken clock is right once a day. The solution is to
add more identifiers on airport landing strips that can be
seen from above, and perhaps to fly only during the day.