Mississippi River
During the 1812 New Madrid earthquake the Mississippi River ran
backward for a time, due to heaving in the river bed near New
Madrid. This was recorded by many, who described the
retrograde rush of the water as swift, the speed of a race
horse. Waterfalls were formed where the ground had been thrust
up, but soon wore down by the flow of water to allow barges on
the river to proceed again. The violent up-thrust created the
blockage that formed the Reel Foot Lake.

- Mississippi River ran Backward?
- A "thrust fault" uplift dammed
the Mississippi for a few hours early on the morning of
Feb. 7, 1812 from about Island #10 north past island #9.
There were temporary river waterfalls where the
Mississippi ran backwards during 1811-12 earthquakes. It
happened when a thrust fault created a sudden dam several
feet high near the bottom of the river loop near New
Madrid. Ask the boatmen who were rudely awakened in the
middle of the night. "In a moment, so great a wave come up
the river that I never seen one like it at sea. It carried
us back north, up-stream, for more than a mile. The water
spread out upon the banks -- covering three or four miles
inland. "It was the current going backward. Then this wave
stopped, and slowly the river went right again.
"Everywhere there was noise like thunder. The ground was
shaking the trees down. The air was thick with something
like smoke. There was much lightning.
- Eyewitnesses to Mississippi River
Earthquake Terror
- "...the water ran 12 feet
perpendicular... Another fall was formed about 8 miles
below the town, similar to the one above, the roaring of
which he could distinctly hear at New Madrid…" "...from
the deck of the primitive boat she saw the rapid current
of the Mississippi suddenly change its course and run with
racehorse speed, up-stream, accompanied by a sound like
the most terrific thunder..." "The current of the
Mississippi was turned back till the accumulating waters
gained sufficient force to break through the newly raised
barrier…" "...we saw a sandbar form below us, that
extended clear across the river, & the water commenced
rolling in terrific waves up the current & broke our
boat loose... This bar lasted only a short time; in a few
hours the retrograde current soon spread over it again..."
Now heaving in the Mississippi River bed is occurring again.
This was noted by September 29 and October 1 on YouTube videos,
showing the extraordinarily low level of the river at Memphis.
This was per US Army Corp of Engineers river gauges. All manner
of speculation ensued. Yes there has been a modest
drought up-stream, but a quick check on the water level
upstream, at St. Louis and a bit further north at Hamilton,
shows the water merely backed up. St. Louis had a 15 foot level,
and further upstream at Hamilton there was a 11 foot level, but
Memphis stood at a -5. The Zetas explain.

- Mighty Mississippi River Going Dry!
September 29, 2017
- 130 mile stretch of the Mighty
Mississippi River from Tennessee to NW Mississippi is
completely dry in places, so low making it impossible for
barge traffic to deliver grain to the International or
National markets.

- Mississippi River going Dry above New
Madrid Fault - Crack in Ground?
October 1, 2017
- Has a crack formed in the bottom
of the Mississippi River leaking water down into the New
Madrid Fault? The Mighty Mississippi is getting very low,
even bone dry in some places. No drought. Where is the
water going?

ZetaTalk Analysis
10/31/2017: Is
the mighty Mississippi so low above Memphis that barges can
hardly navigate? Drought in the states feeding the Mississippi
has very moderate, and does not account for the river depth in
the Memphis region. The river is at a normal depth upstream at
or above St Louis, IL. The temporary low water depth at
Memphis is due to heaving in the ground there, stress on the
New Madrid Fault Line, and this stress will come and go until
the New Madrid adjusts. Temporarily, the flow of the
Mississippi is being held back, a fact that is not notable as
the water above Memphis is not at flood stage.
Heaving land was noted during the last major New Madrid
adjustment, when the river was reported to run backward. Rock
strata being asked to rip on a diagonal will resist, and
during this resistance will bunch up to create a heave. When
the pressure to rip at a diagonal is eased, due to land
elsewhere moving instead, then the heave relaxes and seemingly
goes back to normal. When the quakes in Mexico no longer
suffice, then the New Madrid Fault Line will itself begin
making its move.
Nibiru Huge
Despite the vast tail of Nibiru spreading out between Nibiru
and the Earth, fogging up the view, Nibiru has gotten larger and
more dominant in filtered photos. This is a rapidly moving
scene, over this past month, with magnetosphere fields around
the Moon Swirls appearing first as
waffles, and then the entire
field throbbing with energy, with the rapid throbbing
caught on video. Nibiru visibility
can take many forms, from a Second Sun at dawn or dusk, or the
almost daily webcam captures in Italy and France posted on the Pole
Shift ning.

ZetaTalk Comment
8/31/2017: Much
of the tail composition and position has been hidden from
mankind due to distance. Unless the ionized red dust in the
tail is thick, it only appears as a reddish haze when at a
distance. But the dust in the tail is not uniform. There is
clumping and congealing around various debris particles, which
themselves can become ionized due to longevity in the charged
tail. The waffle is magnetic field lines that have formed
around the dominant moon in a Moon Swirl. Just as a magnetic
field is identifiable on mankind’s electronic equipment as
lines, due to clumping of the magnetons, the waffle has lines.

ZetaTalk Insight
9/30/2017: Human
scientists understand that the Sun and magnetosphere’s can
pulse, for many reason as yet poorly understood by man. We
have described the behavior of many particle flows as being a
rush to clump together and a push away from crowding. This is
God’s plan, and accounts for the dynamic nature of the
Universe, always in motion. Where man’s studies indicate that
pulsations are long, and Alberto’s video shows a rapid pulse
in Nibiru’s tail, the variations are many. The tail is
throbbing, as interactions between many magnetospheres within
the tail are involved.
Now Nibiru itself is appearing much larger in Alberto’s photos.
There has been a gradual increase in size over the past month or
so, from September 7 to September 11 to October 2. What does
this mean? It can only mean that Nibiru has moved closer to the
Earth. Perhaps squeezed closer together by the Earth being
forced to shift over by pressure from the Dark Twin that shares
Earth’s orbit path. All these planets bobble about during the
magnetic and gravity dance that precedes the passage. These
dynamics have long been predicted by the Zetas.

ZetaTalk Prediction
8/10/2013: We
have described the magnetic dance between Planet X and the
Earth as dynamic, Planet X swinging its N Pole to point toward
the Earth more directly at times, then swinging back, and the
Earth bobbling to the left as far as possible to escape this
influence from Planet X.
ZetaTalk Timeline
6/10/2014: The
twists and turns that Planet X and the Earth take during a
passage are not linear. These planets are dancing partners.
The Earth has been in a daily wobble since 2004, and this
involves a daily Polar Push against the Earth’s magnetic N
Pole with a Figure 8 rebound. Planet X, for its part,
encounters both Venus and the Dark Twin in its path, and where
these are pushed away they are both subject to different
influences and thus return. This messy scenario will continue
until the Last Weeks. Planet X, and the Earth, and Venus and
the Dark Twin are bobbing and weaving about, like shadow
boxers forever dancing but never engaging. Venus and the Dark
Twin escape at some point prior to the Last Weeks, after some
drama quite visible from Earth, so if this has not yet
occurred, then the Last Weeks are not yet upon you.
Las Vegas Shooter
Going Postal is a phrase that emerged in 1986 after an enraged
postal worker went into a workplace rage and killed his boss and
several co-workers at the Post Office. It has come to describe
the type of unmitigated rage that can develop in what would be
described as Walter
Mitty types – quiet, dutiful, and passive – when they
suddenly explode in violent behavior. Would this fit
Stephen Paddack, who lived a quiet life but suddenly conducted
the largest massacre in US history? In fact, Paddack was at one
time a mail carrier.

- Going Postal
- Between 1970 and 1997, more than
40 people were killed by current or former employees in at
least 20 incidents of workplace rage. On August 20, 1986,
14 employees were shot and killed and 6 were wounded at
the Edmond, Oklahoma, post office by Patrick Sherrill, a
postman who then committed suicide with a shot to the
forehead. On October 9, 1991 a former United States postal
worker, Joseph M. Harris, killed his former supervisor and
killed her boyfriend at their home. The following morning
Harris shot and killed two mail handlers at the Ridgewood
Post Office. On November 14, 1991 in Royal Oak, Michigan,
Thomas McIlvane killed five people, including himself,
with a rifle in Royal Oak's post office, after being fired
from the Postal Service for "insubordination."
- The Mystery of Stephen Paddock
October 2, 2017
- He seemed to have plenty of
money, and had held steady jobs as a mail carrier,
accountant, auditor and apartment manager. Paddock listed
his occupation as postal carrier. His brother-in-law said
he was an accountant; public records describe him as an
internal auditor.
What caused Stephen Paddock to Go Postal? This was clearly
planned. Paddock had sent his Pilipino girl friend abroad a
couple weeks earlier and reportedly sent $100,000 there, in
$10,000 chunks. Was he planning to escape and live there under a
new identity? He had explosives in his car, which could mask a
fake suicide attempt. Though reportedly a multi-millionaire, he
was a high-stakes gambler, risking up to $250,000 at a time in
online gambling. Had he run up massive gambling debts? His
father, presumably a role model for young Stephen, eluded the
FBI and even escaped from prison, going on the run. Was it ISIS?
Per the Zetas, Paddock worked alone.

- Las Vegas shooting: From ISIS to
Gambling Debts, Theories abound for Shooter's Motive
October 3, 2017
- Paddock was a prolific gambler
who was known to play poker games for $1,000 a hand, and
was spending up to $30,000 a day on the casino floor in
the days leading up to the shooting, according to casino
accounts. He was purportedly well known in Las Vegas and
was even comped free rooms and given access to special
casino facilities thanks to the large sums of money that
he spent on the Strip. “It's like a job for him,” his
brother, Eric Paddock, said. “It's a job where you make
money. He was at the hotel for four months one time. It
was like a second home.”
- What was Stephen Paddock's Motive?
October 4, 2017
- The only unusual detail of
Paddock's lifestyle to come to light so far is his
high-stakes gambling. According to his brother Eric,
Paddock would win up to $250,000 a time gambling online
and in casinos. Between his gambling success and
properties in Florida, Nevada and California, Paddock is
believed to have been a multi-millionaire. However, any
regular gambler can quickly see their fortunes change very
quickly. Is it possible Paddock racked up huge debts in
the months before the shooting?
ZetaTalk Analysis
10/31/2017: Details
about the Las Vegas shooter’s life are emerging, showing a man
who had the intelligence to accumulate wealth, but spent his
retirement gambling. Had he lost it all? That he was becoming
increasingly paranoid was apparent in that he had amassed a
huge arsenal of guns. This was not a sudden snap, but a steady
decline, over months and years. The fact that his girlfriend
of many years recently left him is an indication of his
decline, his touchy ego, and constant ruminating about his
future and safety in general.
Was Stephen Paddock, as a
young boy, affected by his father, who was on the run for
years while being sought by the FBI for bank robbery? Young
boys both fear and admire their fathers, and the impression
young Stephen got was that the family had to be on guard.
Young minds cannot sort out the reasons for the paranoia, but
the lingering sense of urgency and dread lingers. Despite
conspiracy theories, this was not ISIS inspired nor some kind
of Manchurian Candidate setup by the CIA to do a False Flag
operation. He worked alone.
Meanwhile the fallout from the carnage continues, from an
examination of the gun laws that allowed Paddock to compile his
arsenal to surveillance by the IRS to identify who might be
next, losing all to gambling debts. Are open air concerts the
problem? Or concerts with a high vantage nearby such as the
Mandalay Hotel? Would better scrutiny of what hotel guests bring
into their rooms catch these scenarios before they happen? The
debate continues.

- Las Vegas Shooting
October 4, 2017
- At least 59 people were killed
and 527 were injured in the shooting that started late
Sunday night. Police believe he killed himself, ending the
massacre. Police searched the gunman's home in
Mesquite, Nevada, where they found at least 19 firearms,
explosives, several thousand rounds of ammunition and some
electronic devices. In Paddock's 32nd-floor hotel room at
the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, police recovered 23
weapons, including a handgun, and multiple rifles - some
had scopes on them. Authorities also found several pounds
of ammonium nitrate, a material used to make explosives,
in his car. As police uncovered more evidence, they're
still piecing together a motive. There was no explanation
so far on why Paddock, a 64-year-old retired accountant
who had never faced any notable criminal charges,
unleashed a hailstorm of bullets into concertgoers. So
far, police believe Paddock acted alone.
- Nothing Stood Out about Stephen
Paddock before Las Vegas Shooting
October 2, 2017
- One point of intrigue has emerged
from the shooter's background, courtesy of his brother:
Their father was a bank robber. According to the FBI,
Benjamin Hoskins Paddock was on its most-wanted list from
June 10, 1969 until May 5, 1977. He escaped from prison in
1969 and lived on the run until 1978, when he was arrested
in Oregon, the Eugene Register-Guard reported at the time.
Eric Paddock said his father died a few years ago. Eric
said he was born while his father was on the run. They
were married for four years and nine months.
7 of 10 Volcanoes
As the Earth wobble increases in scope and ferocity, the 7 of
10 Plate Movements follow. Volcanic activity has been noted as
well as an uptick in earthquakes. Note how this increased
volcanic activity correlates with the 7 of 10 Plate Movements
predicted by the Zetas. The Zetas predicted that the tilting of
the Indo-Australian Plate would be followed by Indonesia on the
Sunda Plate being squeezed under the plate curve formed by
Sumatra and Java. Then the Philippine Plate would tilt. Do not
the current exploding volcanoes reflect this activity?
- The Ring of Fire is Exploding Right
October 4, 2017
- The Ring of Fire is exploding
right now with 32 volcanoes erupting, 33 showing unrest or
minor activity, and several strong earthquakes.
- Seven Volcanoes in Six Different
Countries all Start Erupting within Hours of Each Other
October 4, 2017
- In Vanuatu the Yasur volcano is
giving some cause for concern. In Indonesia a four mile
high ash cloud is making life hard for residents. Mount
Sinabung came back to life in 2010 after dormancy of
hundreds of years. Occasionally coming to life after its
2010 awakening, the rumbling of the volcano prompted the
evacuation of over 6000 people as scientists feared a
major eruption. Mount Merapi exploded yesterday. Hundreds
of people were killed when it last erupted in 2010.
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2010: The
Indo-Australian Plate is being driven under the Himalayans.
Bangladesh is sinking and the Coral Sea is rising, showing the
overall tipping of the Indo-Australian Plate. Jakarta on the
tongue of Indonesia is also sinking rapidly, showing that the
tilt that will allow Indonesia to sink has already started.
Next in the 7 of 10 sequence is the S American roll, where the
top part of S America tilts to the left, pushing the Caribbean
Plate down and into the Pacific. This includes Central America,
which is likewise pushed West. The recent Mexico quakes are part
of this process. Exploding volcanoes all up and down the Andes
show this process, as to the volcanoes in the Caribbean and
Central America, and even Popo near Mexico City.

- Mexico suffers Volcano Eruption Same
Day as Deadly Quake
September 20, 2017
- As if the deadly earthquake in
Mexico weren’t enough, a volcano erupted amid the violent
tremors. Popocatepetl — about 45 miles southeast of
quake-ravaged Mexico City and some 30 miles from the
temblor’s epicenter — belched ash and gas as the
earthquake rocked the country’s central region.
- Seven Volcanoes in Six Different
Countries all Start Erupting within Hours of Each Other
October 4, 2017
- In Mexico, the Colima volcano
blew its top after a period of relative calm. A steam and
ash cloud rose two miles into the sky and the grumbling of
the mountain could be heard in towns a few miles away. In
Guatemala the ‘Fire Mountain’ belched out lava and sent up
a moderate ash cloud causing an ash fall over nearby
- Fernandina Island Volcano Erupts in
September 5, 2017
- After eight years of relative
calm, this volcano began generating a column of water
vapor and magmatic gases that were about four kilometers
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2010: Meanwhile,
S America is showing signs of a roll to the west. The Andes
are regularly being pummeled. As the Indo-Australia Plate
lifts and slides, this allows the Pacific plates to shift
west, which allows S America to shift west also. This is
greatly increased by the folding of the Mariana Trench and the
Philippine Plate.
Next in the sequence of 7 of 10 events is the African Plate
roll, which is already in process. To hide this fact, that both
S America and Africa are rolling, all buoys in the South
Atlantic are silenced, deactivated. S America rolls to the left,
to the West, while Africa rolls to the right, to the East, thus
pulling the Atlantic apart. The Mediterranean is also pulling
apart. The African Rift Valley, alive with volcanoes, is
certainly pulling apart. Again, the current volcanic activity
reflects the 7 of 10 predicted Plate Movements.

- Seven Volcanoes in Six Different
Countries all Start Erupting within Hours of Each Other
October 4, 2017
- Mount Etna is putting on quite a
display. The current eruption started a few days ago and
has been getting stronger as time moves on. A massive
eruption lit up the sky and disturbed residents yesterday.
The ash cloud was high enough to see flights canceled. The
lava flow was the biggest in years.