N Korean Ambitions
Negotiations seem to have failed, utterly, with N Korea’s
dictator Kim. Despite economic sanctions and N Korea’s big buddy
China cutting off oil and gas and trade, Kim continues to expand
his nuclear capabilities and missile size and range. He tested
an ICBM earlier this year, capable of reaching Alaska and Guam,
and recently shot a missile across Japan. Now he has detonated a
hydrogen bomb on the border with Russia and China. What is his
ultimate goal?

- North Korea Shaken by Strong Tremors
in likely Nuclear Test
September 3, 2017
- North Korea was shaken by as many
as two strong tremors on Sunday, with the South's
officials saying it was presumed to be a sixth nuclear
test. North Korean television later reportedly said it was
a successful test of a hydrogen bomb. The USGS initially
reported a first tremor as a 5.6 magnitude, but later
raised it to 6.3, while China's earthquake administration
said it detected a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in
Northeastern North Korea.
- In latest test, North Korea Detonates
its most Powerful Nuclear Device yet
September 3, 2017
- Even if Kim Jong Un’s regime is
exaggerating its feats, scientific evidence showed that
North Korea had crossed an important threshold and had
detonated a nuclear device that was vastly more powerful
than its last — and almost seven times the size of the
bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.
Kim’s site for testing underground nuclear devices was in the
very northern tip of the country, a narrow finger of land that
touches both Russia and China. Vladivostok, a Russian seacoast
city just above this detonation site, was recently evacuated by
Putin, who foresaw more mischief from Kim after Kim shot a
missile over Japan recently. Beijing, China’s capitol city, is
just to the south of N Korea, within reach of Kim’s missiles.

- Earthquake at North Korea’s Nuclear
Test Site Following Hydrogen Bomb Announcement
September 2, 2017
- According to South Korea’s Joint
Chiefs of Staff, the quake came from Punggyeri, home to
North Korea’s underground nuclear test site. China later
reported a second earthquake, magnitude 4.6, due to a
suspected “cave in” following the explosion.
- Russia orders Mass Evacuation over
North Korea Missile Launch
August 29, 2017
- Russia has dramatically relocated
1,500 people from its border with North Korea after Kim
Jong-un's latest missile launch. North Korea angered the
international community by launching a missile that flew
directly over Japan. As Trump reeled from the provocative
test, thousands of people from the city of Vladivostok
were moved as part of an emergency operation.
Since negotiations have repeatedly failed, and since Kim does
not care how much his people suffer, what now? Starvation in N
Korea is rampant, with the populace in many cases forced to eat
grass and known to dig up the newly buried for a meal. To guard
against this, bodies are allowed to rot before being buried. As
long as the chubby dictator has plenty to eat, and he obviously
does, sanctions to make the country suffer will not work. Now
what? The Zetas address the possibilities of what might come

- With Powerful Nuclear Bomb, Kim Dares
Trump and Xi to Stop Him
September 3, 2017
- In detonating North Korea’s most
powerful nuclear bomb yet, Kim Jong Un is betting it’s too
late for either U.S. President Donald Trump or Chinese
leader Xi Jinping to be able to take away his atomic
- US will Launch 'Massive Military
Response' to N Korea Threats: Mattis
September 3, 2017
- Any threat to the United States
or its territories, including Guam, or our allies will be
met with a massive military response, a response both
effective and overwhelming. Kim Jong-Un should take heed
of the United Nations Security Council's unified voice.
All members unanimously agreed on the threat North Korea
poses and remain unanimous in their commitment to the
denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
ZetaTalk Analysis
9/30/2017: What
is N Korea’s chubby dictator Kim trying to achieve by pushing
forward with his nuclear program? He is seeking to become
powerful enough that no other country, including the US and
his immediate neighbors China and Russia, can control him.
Though he has not been directly threatening China and Russia,
a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula would spread pollution
to their countries. Beijing, nearby, is China’s capitol, and
Putin has already evacuated Vladivostok in anticipation of
such conflicts. The S Korea city of Seoul holds tens of
millions, including US soldiers stationed there since the
Korean War.
Kim has had nuclear
capability for some years, but did not have the capability of
delivering a bomb outside of
his country. Meanwhile, while refusing to reign back his
nuclear program, he has developed missile capability. He now
has ICBM missiles capable of reaching Alaska and Guam and of
course Japan. In April, 2017 the Council
of Worlds intervened to scuttle one of Kim’s ICBM
launches, but what steps the Council will take in the future
is not known. Meanwhile, everyone blusters and counter
blusters and Kim sees himself soon being too powerful to stop.
Kim has the mindset of a
typical bully, and their lust for power knows no bounds.
When they get a grip on a country, they reign
for decades and are virtually impervious to attempts to
stop them. Kim envisions being able to dictate to the world,
essentially master of his Universe. Drunk with success, he
feels unstoppable. Before this point in time, Kim was
susceptible to economic
pressure from China, but he continued his endeavors in
secret. The Service-to-Self lie, so any agreements were
Now what. The latest nuclear
test demonstrates two things quite clearly – he now can
develop a hydrogen bomb and by setting it off on the N Korean
border with Russia and China, he is openly taunting them. He
now has also threatened these two powerful neighbors, but what
steps they will take in the immediate future is also not
known. In the past, we mentioned being able to
deactivate stockpiles of nuclear weapons, and have done
so, though to honor the Council of Worlds requirement that an
Element of Doubt exist re the alien presence, a dirty bomb
might be allowed to detonate.
Now what? Several scenarios
exist. The standoff could continue while the Earth changes
that precede the coming Pole Shift worsen, but given the
importance of Russia’s Far East in the Aftertime to both
Russia and China, this would be untenable. The palace guard
around Kim could finally manage to unseat Kim, replacing him
with a more reasonable member of the royal family. Russia and
China could join in a military assault, creating an occupation
of N Korea. Or the West, including Japan and the US and S
Korea, could bomb and invade N Korea in a return to the Korean
War. The future is not yet written.
Failed Predictions
David Meade predicted that the End of the World would occur in
October, 2017 with Nibiru being evident to all of mankind by
September 23, 2017. These dates are now close at hand. When
David Meade first began marketing his book last January, the
Zetas stated it was to detract from ZetaTalk, to grab the stage
and then, when his dates failed, to somehow discredit the whole
notion of the Nibiru passage. Meade based his date on his
interpretation of a quote from the Book of Revelations in the
- Exact Date Nibiru ‘will Destroy
Earth’ Revealed and it’s This Year
January 4, 2017
- Conspiracy theorists have been
warning a massive planet – called Planet X or Nibiru –
will wipe out life on Earth for some time. Now a
paranormal researcher claims to have combined astronomy,
scientific research and the Bible to calculate the date of
the apocalypse. In his book Planet X — The 2017 Arrival,
author David Meade says the killer planet will first
appear this September. And it will crash into Earth the
following month. According to Meade, Planet X is actually
a star with seven planets and moons – including Nibiru –
orbiting it. Meade claims the Book of Revelation, in the
Bible, says when Nibiru will reveal itself. Revelation 12:
1-2 speaks of a “sign in heaven” of “a woman clothed with
the Sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of
twelve stars on her head”. Using computer models of the
movement of the stars and planets, Meade claims this will
match the astral alignment on September 23.
- Planet Nibiru: Will Anyone Notice
when Worlds Collide on September 23?
September 2, 2017
- Originally Meade said the impact
was due in October. Now it’s September. It will likely
change again. The Moon involved is called a black moon.
These occur about every 33 months. In the Bible, the
divine name of Elohim appears 33 times in Genesis. 33 days
after this eclipse on the 23rd of September (24th in
Australia), a prophecy outlined in the New Testament book
of Revelations will unfold.
ZetaTalk Comment
1/7/2017: Why
is Meade’s book - Planet X the 2017 Arrival – getting press
coverage? These efforts are not done merely by the authors,
who hope for fame and fortune. They are backed by those
wanting the public to be confused by the news, so the real
message is discredited. The CIA, and certainly the cover-up
crowd which employs ex-CIA, have long used the technique of
mixing truth and fiction. Thus we see Meade’s book plagiarize
much of ZetaTalk and talk about real Earth changes ongoing.
Yes, the Sun has a dark binary, and yes Nibiru is a planet
caught between them, and yes the Earth is having earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions, but no, Meade is not the brains behind
this “discovery”.
Why are we seeing a new book
try to capture the attention of the public at this time? There
are many who assume that Obama’s timidity about making the
announcement, and his clear vulnerability to blackmail over
his family secrets, will go away once Trump becomes President.
They anticipate the announcement, in some fashion, shortly
afterwards. This would inevitably feature ZetaTalk and Nancy,
the vast repository of information on the ZetaTalk website.
They hope to steal the fame and cloud the message. Then, when
October 2017 comes and goes, the whole story of Nibiru and a
pending passage will be discredited. Or so they hope.
Oops, not for the first time, it appears! David Meade also
predicted the end of the world in 2015, writing yet another book
that came and went. Did any of his 2017 media appearances even
mention that? Who is the much ballyhooed author David Meade? Ah,
in addition to failed predictions on the date of the End of the
World, he also writes books on making pinewood derby racing cars
and on politics and on how to increase your website traffic.
Those are his qualifications.

- Books by David Meade
- By profession, David Meade is a
research scientist, holding a master's degree in
statistics, his background in research and experimental
design has enabled him to develop a unique and powerful
approach to Pinewood Derby racing. He also enjoys model
rocketry and astronomy.
- Rapture 2015 and Planet X
- Exposing the Truth - The Rapture
in 2015. If you knew a life-changing event would be
occurring in the autumn of 2015, and the odds that it
would indeed happen were in the proven range of 1 in 17
billion, what would you do? David Meade is an acknowledged
leader in building pinewood derby cars that win.
Plagiarizing the ZetaTalk description of the coming Pole Shift
and the current Earth changes is nothing new. Mark
Hazelwood did this in the months prior to 2003, utterly
plagiarizing ZetaTalk. Then he faded
into oblivion, as after plagiarizing ZetaTalk he had zero
talent for predictions. But those seeking to displace or sully
ZetaTalk never tire.

ZetaTalk Comment
1/7/2017: Whenever
the truth about Nibiru is anticipated, opportunists emerge.
This occurred in 2003 with the Hazelwood flourish. Despite all
the material available on the ZetaTalk website since 2003,
internationally known, and despite Nancy even having produced
a book for those who were web challenged, Hazelwood got on
Coast to Coast ahead of Nancy to promote his book – Blindsided
in 2003 – which was wholly plagiarized material from the
ZetaTalk website. But where is Hazelwood now? Unable to
predict or explain in the manner we, the Zetas do, he faded
into the fog of history.
There was a flurry of Nibiru attention heading into the August
21, 2017 Solar Eclipse too, as the establishment did not know
what might be revealed. Per the Zetas, where the cover-up over
Nibiru wants a failed David Meade prediction to discredit
ZetaTalk and the interest in Nibiru, the opposite will happen.

- Conspiracy Theorists are Anticipating
a Collision between Earth and Nibiru after the August
August 11, 2017
- The theory was first proposed by
Nancy Lieder in 1995, a person who claims to have been
contacted by an alien race known as Zetas. The Zetas are
supposed to be tall, thin beings with bulging heads and
large black, pupil-less eyes. The Zetas apparently
implanted Zetan genetic material into Nancy's brain to
enable communication and use Nancy as a "communicator."
Her role was to warn the residents of Earth of an
impending collision with Nibiru, which was first supposed
to take place in 2003. When the Earth did not collide with
Nibiru in 2003, the date was shifted to 2012, which
conveniently coincided with the ending of the Ancient
Mayan Calendar. Now the conspiracy theorists are
suggesting that the planet is again headed towards Earth
and that the August total solar eclipse signals the start
of the cataclysm.
ZetaTalk Comment
8/31/2017: When
David Meade’s book was given press coverage by many in the
media last January, we
stated that this was a push by the Nibiru cover-up to
discredit the claims about Nibiru. They hoped that when
Meade’s predictions failed, as they inevitably would, the
public would stop listening to chatter about signs in the sky.
Now his predicted date is back in the news, again at the
prompting of those at the helm of the Nibiru cover-up. This
shows the desperation of the cover-up, which is being
assaulted on all sides by the many signs noticed by the
The Earth wobble has put the
Sun out of place, and sunrise and sunset times off schedule.
Dramatic Second Sun sightings are on the increase, and have no
explanation from the establishment which tries to ignore them.
Nibiru itself is in the news, as more and more amateur
photographers discover that with a few simple filters, they
can locate this passing planets as well as its vast tail
filled with moons. Do those at the helm of the cover-up think
all this will go away when Meade fails? Meade’s claims for his
dates were ridiculously contorted, so that all that will fail
is Meade and the fools who publicized his claims.
What in fact has happened is
that the term Nibiru is in the media, prompting research by
the curious who see the many signs around them. Something as
obvious as the Earth wobble, which can be determined by the
common man by merely checking the location of the Sun through
the day, will not have passed on September 23. The flood of
photos from those who see brilliant Moon Swirls or a Second
Sun, and share their captures on social media, will not stop
just because Meade’s contorted theories have not proven
correct. The cover-up has, to their horror, actually increased
interest in Nibiru’s passage.
The Zetas predicted that Nibiru would arrive in 2003, and gave
explicit RA and Dec locations for viewing as it came
inbound in 2001-2003. Precisely. This was only one of
numerous predictions made by the Zetas that came true with
remarkable accuracy.

Nibiru Waffles
The Nibiru complex has added a new face. There is the Second
Sun face, where at dawn or dusk the public will briefly see a
Second Sun rising or setting, as
large as the real Sun itself. Nibiru itself appears at the 4
o’clock position, when viewed from the Northern Hemisphere. It
is heavily shrouded in dust, so often is difficult to discern.

Then there are the Moon Swirls, brilliant orbs of light that
appear clustered below the Sun, then wrap to the left and above
the Sun. The Moon Swirls are most brilliant when light bounces
down their long tubes to emerge at the end, like a flashlight.
But the Moon Swirl tubes can also be seen from the side. One of
the clusters is called the Check Mark.
This appearance is caused by two Moon Swirl tubes that emerge
from a single dominant Moon. But these Moon Swirls can also be
seen as a String of Pearls, a long tube viewed from the side.

The vast tail itself can be seen in filtered photos, wafting to
the left. The tail at times featured a puzzling dimpled blob
look, but mostly these photos showed the tail full of debris and
moons and wisps of the clinging, charged red dust. Now a new
appearance has emerged. For two captures in a row on August 29
and September 1 Alberto captured the Nibiru complex with a tail
blob that had a distinct waffle appearance. Per Alberto, these
photos were taken with a UV Mylar Orange filter. The Zetas

- Magnetic Field
- The study of magnetic fields
began in 1269 when French scholar Petrus Peregrinus de
Maricourt mapped out the magnetic field on the surface of
a spherical magnet using iron needles. Noting that the
resulting field lines crossed at two points he named those
points 'poles' in analogy to Earth's poles. Magnetic field
lines are like streamlines in fluid flow, in that they
represent something continuous, and a different resolution
would show more or fewer lines. Iron filings placed in a
magnetic field, form lines that correspond to 'field
ZetaTalk Comment 8/31/2017: What
are the waffle pattern orbs to the left of Nibiru in Alberto’s
recent photos? This is where the vast tail of Nibiru wafts,
blowing out from the magnetic N Pole of Nibiru and then
circling round in a retrograde manner, clockwise, below the
Sun and to the left of the Sun. This waffle pattern is new,
and does not fit the usual appearance of Moon Swirls. Moon
Swirls are seen from the side as a long tube or a String of
Pearls, or at the end of the tube as a brilliant focus of
light. The new waffle pattern is neither, but it has been
generated from the tail.
Much of the tail composition
and position has been hidden from mankind due to distance.
Unless the ionized red dust in the tail is thick, it only
appears as a reddish haze when at a distance. But the dust in
the tail is not uniform. There is clumping and congealing
around various debris particles, which themselves can become
ionized due to longevity in the charged tail. This tendency of
debris to adopt a charge would be based on its composition, as
the more iron in the debris or Moons, the more likely to adopt
a charge.
Thus in addition to the dance of the Moons within Swirls, or
the attraction of charged dust in the tail to cling to Nibiru
and give it a heavily shrouded appearance, or the attraction
that the Moons also have for the charged dust, giving all a
fuzzy appearance, we now have yet another characteristic of
the Nibiru complex. The waffle is magnetic field lines that
have formed around the dominant moon in a Moon Swirl. Just as
a magnetic field is identifiable on mankind’s electronic
equipment as lines, due to clumping of the magnetons, the
waffle has lines.