The Fog
During this time of rapid change, the Zetas are implored to
sort it all out, explain it, and most often must decline. In
heated combat, one does not tell the enemy what the next move
will be. Mum is the word. So it is confusing to the public, when
the good guys and bad guys are maneuvering behind the scenes and
often just what hat they wear is confused by the media,
political factions, and individuals with various financial or
historical agendas. This exchange is an example.

- Although the Zetas stated that
Trump acts as an actor, we see that many members of his
team were formed from the Bush era and have conflicting
views with Trump himself and etc. We all remember when
Obama failed to make an announcement under blackmail or
for other reasons. Ben Fulford recently said that Trump
was being blackmailed. Please tell me that Ben is wrong.
What is behind Trump’s maneuvers in North Korea?
My reply was, regretfully, to decline. The Zetas declined the
question, so as not to empower the enemy. But I am deluged with
such email requests, from a bewildered public. I, Nancy, try to
offer some insight.
is a confusing barrage of info being spewed forth by
hundreds of various agendas. Think of the US being run by
the solid and sober generals in Trump's
Junta. Think of Trump as the mouthpiece, who gets the
message out to the public and knows how to wrangle a deal
when he meets with Heads of State. He is clean, despite the
lies thrown about. No Russian deals. No pedo stuff. No
corruption. And anyone in his Admin is clean too, and
competent. Tillerson is so impressive. His statement on why
Syria needed to be bombed, that even if Assad did not do it
he was in charge of the country at the time and thus
"incompetent" to lead, knocked me off my chair. Go

Fulford seems to have completely lost his mind. He does wrap
his words in “sources say” but nevertheless, he had Hillary
dead after 911 despite she showed up after that with her
wandering eye. Clearly not dead. He had Neil Keenan dead
too, which Keenan said he ascribed to the fact that Fulford
"gets like that when he drinks". He also said some guy
peddling around Japan on a bike claimed that MH370 would
turn up in Japan. Fulford has been worried incessantly about
being poisoned. He mentioned honey traps (women) and the
Japan equivalent of the IRS after his money.
whatever reason, perhaps to try to deflect those who might
kill him by seeming harmless, Fulford is so over the line I
am going to stop reading him. It could have been a takeover,
where someone else is writing his newsletters and he in a
locked room in a straight jacket or perhaps even dead. This
does not reflect on all the groups that Fulford worked with.
Fulford was just the mouthpiece, not the activist. Note that
the Zetas were hinting that Fulford was losing his grip, in
the ZetaTalk from late December to this past March. Their
statements moved from “Ben Fulford” himself to the “members
of Fulford’s groups”.

ZetaTalk Comment
12/10/2016: The
Transformation Team, as we have explained, is composed of many
parts. Ben Fulford and his groups, Wikileaks and Assange,
Anonymous working with millions of contactees behind the
scenes, General Dunford who is currently in charge in the US,
the Puppet Master who wishes to see the populace of the world
informed about Nibiru and the pending passage, and his protégé
Trump, ourselves at ZetaTalk and Nancy, and many, many others
who quietly work behind the scenes.
ZetaTalk Comment
4/4/2017: How
does a Transformation Team operate, when it is composed of
diverse and even at times contradictory parts? Then there are
the strictly human participants. Putin and Trump and the
members of Fulford's groups. This includes members behind the
scenes, like the Puppet Master and Dunford and the retired
generals who joined Trump’s team. There are over 100
significant human team members, which we decline to name. They
work most effectively if their identity is not known, and
there is nothing to be gained by assuaging the public’s
curiosity. Nancy is besieged by demands from a confused public
as to Trump’s agenda. They assume an erratic egoist, a madman,
in control. The Transformation Team is not run by a single
element. Trump does not rule, and Putin does not rule, though
they have common goals of defeating ISIS and providing
security for their citizens.

I have
often said that as Nibiru becomes more obvious, the truth
known, that disinfo will rise in step with the truth. The
cover-up, while losing, will point in every direction and
put up spokespersons who make all manner of claims, to
distract from the truth. The same has been true of the
Bush/Hillary/Soros crowd. Hillary may be under house arrest
(allowed out on a leash once a month for an interview) and Soros dead (though his billions
live on) but they are steadily losing influence and being
countered by the good guys. The US media is still a
disaster, spouting lies about Trump, though not one of the
lies proves true over time.

re-read the latest on Syria. We are not going to war with
Putin. We are aiming for a map that
has Kurdistan an official country, Turkey carved up so
Armenia is Russian, Assad is not running Syria, and ISIS is
wiped away and the refugees can be returned to Syria and
stop wreaking havoc in Europe. Erdogan will be put in a box
of some sort. Obviously any moves we make against Korea,
which has to be countered, will be in agreement with China.
What do you suppose they talked about at Mar-a-Lago? These
big heads of state are getting ready for the world to
understand that Nibiru is upon us! They are cleaning up the
messes, quick quick. Know that good guys are in charge and
making progress. Feel that in your heart because you cannot
get a blow by blow from the Zetas. We are not going to
empower the bad guys with detailed info just to satisfy your
Terrorism Postures
From St. Petersburg bombs set off by a Kyrgyzstan rebel
(radicalized by ISIS) to gassed civilians in Syria rebel
territory (who long ago joined with ISIS and were armed
with Chemical weapons by Hillary during her stint as
Secretary of State) to the MOAB in Afghanistan against
Taliban/ISIS cave dwellers, the battle against ISIS roars on.
This is not the first time Assad has been blamed with a False
Flag chemical gas attack, as a similar claim was made in 2013.
That one had Israeli fingerprints
all over it. The Zetas explain.

- St. Petersburg Metro bomber,
Identified as 22yo Dzhalilov, Planted another Bomb
April 4, 2017
- The Russian Investigative
Committee has identified 22-year-old Akbarzhon Dzhalilov,
a Kyrgyz-born Russian citizen, as the suspect believed to
have carried out the terrorist bombing in the Saint
Petersburg Metro. According to the Investigative
Committee, the same suspect planted a second IED at
Ploshchad Vosstaniya station, which did not explode.
- Muslim Suicide Bomber was Radicalised
two Months ago on a Trip to his Native Kyrgyzstan
April 5, 2017
- Suicide bomber Akbarzhon
Dzhalilov was radicalised just two months ago on a trip to
his native Kyrgyzstan when he said goodbye to his parents
ahead of the St Petersburg train massacre. His trip back
to Osh this year was 'probably to say goodbye' to his
parents. A picture posted by the St Petersburg killer on
social media showing cards, dice, bullets, two guns and
wads of cash. Russian premier Dmitry Medvedev said that
while Dzhalilov died in his own blast 'nobody plots such
crimes on their own, there are always a lot of abettors'.
ZetaTalk Insight
4/8/2017: Why
would a Russian born citizen from the Kyrgyz region be
interested in risking death in St. Petersburg, which is firmly
nestled in the midst of NATO countries and as far West in
Russia as one can go? If he is striking at the heart of
Russia, the government, why not Moscow? This begs the question
– was he in someone else’s employ? The Soros family and those
wanting the West to go to war with Russia have billions at
their disposal, and such funds have been known to bribe
activists when it is promised that the family, or the cause,
will be rewarded regardless of the outcome.
The bomber, Dzhalilov, did not expect to die. He planted one
IED and was in the process of planting the second when he
fumbled the timer. Why was St. Petersburg targeted? The
location is within the realm of NATO countries, which lie on
all sides – Finland to the North, Estonia and Latvia to the
South, and the Baltic Sea to Sweden and Poland to the West.
Soros and his partners expect Russia to react by an increased
military force by land and sea, thus triggering war with these
NATO states. Who did the bombing? Soros, and others within
NATO who were sympathetic with this cause.

- Putin : I have Credible Proof
Elements Loyal to Hillary and UN Planned the Gas Attack so
they can Blame Assad
April 5, 2017
- Putin claims that the leak was
intentionally planned by rebels to blame Assad regime and
the mastermind behind the operation is Hillary Clinton.
Bashar had no reason to gas his own people when he is
winning the battle without much effort. Rebels are the
one's who are loosing ground and are desperate.
- Report: Soros-Linked Group Behind
Chemical Attack in Syria
April 5, 2017
- A day prior to the attack,
Gulf-based Orient TV announced “Tomorrow we are launching
a media campaign to cover the airstrikes on Hama country
side including the usage of chemical warfare against
civilians.” This shows clear foreknowledge that the rebels
were going to stage an attack by Orient TV. It is known
250 people were kidnapped last week from the nearby city
of Hama, which is the same number as the current body
count of wounded and killed civilians. According to award
winning journalist Seymour Hersch, intelligence reports
show the rebels smuggled in chemical weapons from Libya
through Turkey with the approval of Hillary Clinton. ISIS
is also known to be in possession of chemical weapons
having conducted attacks on Syrian forces in Deir Ezzor.
- Removing Assad no Longer a Priority -
March 30, 2017
- The US representative to the
United Nations has said that the US is no longer
prioritizing the removal of Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad. March 30, 2017.
ZetaTalk Insight
4/8/2017: Almost
simultaneously, St. Petersburg has a terrorist attack and yet
another suspicious chemical weapons attack happens in Syria.
Can this be a coincidence? The US had just days earlier
announced they were no longer going after Assad. Connect the
dots! Those trying to start World War III – and this includes
the Soros and Hillary crowd – see themselves losing and are
making desperate moves. It is all quite obvious but Western
media backing the Hillary crowd shout fake news, once again.
Of course Assad did not gas his own people, just when he was
obviously winning against the formerly US backed rebels.
Putin and Seymour Hersch
agree. Hillary was setting the stage for this type of False
Flag event during her tenure as Secretary of State, and her
crowd is still playing to the script. The rebels then joined
with ISIS, thus coming into possession of US weapons and
support. On a day when Syria was going to be conducting air
raids in the area, gas some kidnapped civilians. Meanwhile
Trump is stuck acting indignant, as to do else would put his
leadership in question and raise the claim of collusion with
Russia once again. This will eventually sort out, but
meanwhile, the public is once again being misled by CNN.
The bombing of one of Assad’s air bases, announced to be in
retaliation for the chemical attack against civilians, was just
the start, it seems, to bombing runs against ISIS. Until Assad
agrees to be removed from power, allowing the US to openly treat
the Assad rebels like the ISIS allies they have become, Trump
will be accused of being a Putin puppet. Thus the US bomb
dropped on Assad could rightly be termed a bomb dropped on
McCain, Hillary, and the Soros gang. Then the MOAB was dropped
in Afghanistan. Where and what is next? The Zetas are not
revealing this, as such info would only empower the enemy.

- Trump: Why I Launched a Missile
Strike on Syria
April 7, 2017
- Two U.S. warships fired 59
Tomahawk missiles into the Shayrat Airfield near the
Syrian city of Homs. That is the airfield Assad is
believed to have used to undertake the attack that killed
so many innocent civilians. "Either Russia has been
complicit or simply incompetent in its ability to
deliver," Tillerson continued.
- Trump Orders Military Airstrike
against Syria after Deadly Chemical Attack
April 6, 2017
- The Trump administration called
the chemical attack that killed 80 innocent civilians a
serious matter than required a serious response. There
were not Russian forces at this particular air field. An
area of the base was used to house Russian personnel.
Russia was given advance warning of the strike, and the
U.S. deliberately avoided the area of the base where the
Russians live.
ZetaTalk Insight
4/8/2017: Both
Tillerson and Trump are privy to the US intel on the 2013
chemical weapon attack in Syria, and know that Israel, not
Assad, was responsible. They are well versed in the various
agendas at play, and see how illogical it would be for Assad,
when winning his war against rebels, to deploy chemical
weapons. Those in the West beating the war drums for war with
Russia are clearly responsible, though the exact perpetrators
as yet unknown. So why then launch an attack against Assad?
It has always been admitted by Putin that after ISIS is
defeated, that Assad must go. The US had recently acknowledged
that Assad was necessary until ISIS was defeated. Then all the
Syrian refugees could return home, Erdogan be dealt with more
firmly, and Syrian elections held. But everyone was running
out of time. The Earth changes and awareness of Nibiru were
increasing. The Middle East – Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and
Kurdistan – needed to be under settled governance or chaos
would result and explode over neighboring regions.
Both the US and Russia were
trying for a united front against ISIS at this time, but it
was difficult while Assad was in power. For too long the
anti-Assad rebels had US support, and when they merged with
ISIS the US weapons flowed to ISIS. Assad will now be toppled,
resigning, and with his absence any US sympathy for the
anti-Assad rebels will be under attack. This includes
influential US politicians like McCain. The full force of the
new Syrian government will be turned against ISIS, while those
trying to start World War III with Russia will be identified
quickly by their actions.
In short, Assad was a lightning rod, allowing the anti-Trump
and anti-Russia agenda to flourish. Assad’s presence allowed
McCain and the Soros and Hillary crowd to box Trump in. If he
defended Russia and Assad, he looked weak and as though he
were cooperating with Russia. In that Assad was in charge for
a large portion of Syria, these arranged chemical attacks
could and would continue. With Assad gone, McCain and his ilk
will be countered, solidly. Then Syria can be divided, as has
been the plan, giving Kurdistan its own country.
EMP Incidents Rise
Of course it was not a computer hack that set off 156 sirens in
Dallas. They were controlled at a hub, which per media reports
required “physical access” in order to accomplish what happened.
This is because all radio and phone access to that hub showed no
signs to being used. If physical access to the hub was required,
why were the local police not called in? Are there no
fingerprints to be investigated? Once again, the public is not
being told the truth.

- Computer Hack sets off 156 Emergency
Sirens across Dallas
April 9, 2017
- The hack is being investigated by
system engineers and the Federal Communications Commission
has been contacted, but police have not been involved.
- Hackers set off Dallas’ 156 Emergency
Sirens over a Dozen Times
April 9, 2017
- The sirens began blaring shortly
before midnight on Friday and were shut off and
reactivated "more than a dozen times" before emergency
workers shut the system down entirely at around 1:20am on
Saturday morning. They aren't disclosing how the system
was compromised or who may be responsible.
- Hacker Causes every Dallas Tornado
Siren to go off at once for 95 Minutes in the Middle of the
April 10, 2017
- Officials have ruled out a remote
hack - telling reporters someone gained physical access to
a hub connecting all the sirens, which may not be turned
on again until Monday as the city tries to figure out who,
how and why.
ZetaTalk Comment
4/15/2017: Clues
that this was an EMP event are that Dallas could not shut the
sirens down without it starting up again. A hack would have
been stopped at the first shut-down, and not recur. Attempts
to shut down the system were repeatedly tried. A second clue
is that Dallas reports someone had to be able to “physically
access” a central hub to have all the sirens activated. Thus
the theory that the perp was a local Dallas person. Yet the
police have not been called in. No fingerprint checks at the
central hub, the physical location that had to be involved?
Civil defense sirens are
normally wired so as to be controlled by and communicate via
multiple routes. One does not just physically push a button,
though this option is available too, the going theory. If a
tornado swarm is approaching, all sirens should go off, as
would be the case for an air raid attack. The setup requires
that individual sirens can also be tested, a scheduled and
well announced action. This is all done via electronic
connections, yet Dallas cannot find any electronic evidence of
a hack or even any evidence that the sirens were activated. An
EMP at the central hub, with a surge of electricity, simulated
activation of the sirens, could occur, just as electric trains
pick up speed due to such a surge.
EMP incidents are on the rise, as we noted in Issue
545 in March. Since then an escalator in Hong Kong poured shoppers off
onto a floor, a man in Alabama was almost electrocuted by his
cell phone charger, and a massive lightning storm lingered in
Australia when Cyclone Debbie went through. Clearly, we are
having more EMP and likely more lightning storms too.

- Viral Video shows moment Hong Kong
mall Escalator Malfunctions, Plummets Backwards
March 27, 2017
- CCTV footage captured the moment
hordes of shoppers are seen gliding up an escalator before
it suddenly malfunctions and speedily sends people back
down, causing a pile up at the bottom of the escalator.
- Man 'Lucky to be Alive' after he was
Electrocuted in his Sleep by his Phone Charger
March 29, 2017
- A man in Hunstville, Alabama
nearly died recently when he was electrocuted by his own
cellphone charger. Like many tech-addicted Americans,
32-year-old Wiley Day sleeps with his cellphone charging
in his bed. Doctors say he's lucky to be alive because
people can die from 100 volts, and he was hit with 110.
- Don’t know if you had any
coverage in the US from Cyclone Debbie last week. After
the storm had passed there was a lightning storm that
lasted for over a day without hardly moving at all. I’ve
never seen electrical activity like this before and
wondered what caused the ferocity seen in the picture.