Two weeks ago we announced that the Council of Worlds was going
to battle over the cover-up, as this is interfering with the
Earth as a schoolhouse. People have a right to know what is
pending, so they can make spiritual decisions. For this
reason, the Council allowed the pace of the 7 of 10 scenarios to
be held back (although the ultimate timeline does not change),
and are using such devices as humming and glowing boxes along
fault lines to hold back the plate movements, as reported on
February 26, 2012 in Issue282 of
this newsletter. In response, the establishment tried to
take down the ZetaTalk website along with all its Mirror Sites,
as detailed on March 18, 2012 in Issue285
of this newsletter.
ZetaTalk Announcement
3/3/2012: What
is likely to shock the world is the drama being contemplated
by the Council of Worlds, in their current battle with the
cover-up. This will be something that the establishment has
not guarded against, not even contemplated. This will be a
series of signs to mankind that even the common man has not
Now the Council of Worlds has countered with a maneuver that
seemed, as the Zetas had predicted, unimaginable. For a period
of 30 hours, the satellites measuring the Earth’s magnetosphere
reported that the magnetic blast, normally coming from the
direction of the Sun, had reversed.
This was recorded on both the ISWA
satellite and the NICT
Magnetic Simulator. Thought the establishment quickly deleted
all the evidence, during the 30 hours many in the public sector
noted this phenomena and made copies of the data. Too late, the
secret was out, and
the establishment had no
explanation for what had occurred. For all the details,
visit the Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to this issue.

Per the Zetas, their spaceships caused the satellites to record
a reversal, which affected the Earth in no other way. The
cover-up was the target, and the cover-up took a hit.
ZetaTalk Explanation 3/24/2012: For
30 hours the Earth appeared to be bombarded with magnetons
coming from a direction other than the Sun. Normally what is
described as a bowshock appears on magnetic simulators,
showing this flow coming from the right, from the Sun. But
from 14:00 UTC on March 12th to 21:00 UTC on March 13th, this
reversed. Note that the Earth’s magnetosphere did not reverse.
It was only the direction of bombardment that reversed.
Since Planet X is still sunside, still between the Earth and
Sun, what caused this reversed flow?
It certainly was not the Sun,
the establishment’s favored excuse for the Earth changes
caused by the near presence of Planet X, as their last
hoopla over a CME
warning of magnetic interference on Earth was a dud. Is NASA
going to claim a magnetic storm blew in from space? If they
have this excuse handy, then why not proffer it? Instead, they
removed all evidence of this reversal and have fallen silent.
A storm from space would have been something NASA would
register and announce ahead of time, not after the fact, and
the world’s scientists know this.
Planet X has been coming at
the Earth from the right, pointing its magnetic N Pole at the
Earth, and creating an increasingly more violent Earth wobble
as it pushes the Earth’s N Pole away. Surprisingly, this
wobble did not change during this magneton flow direction
reversal! Nor did pilots and ship captains report their
compasses acting erratically. It was just the appearance of a
reversal, as recorded on the numerous satellites that measure
such things. A simple matter, to blow the magneton wind in a
different direction, just for those satellites. This
certainly has the scientists of the world abuzz, and the
Internet talking. What could be affecting the magnetosphere of
We promised that the Council
of Worlds was going to war over the cover-up, and that there
would be a series of shocks to the cover-up. This was the
first. We stated that these shocks would be totally
unexpected, not even something that Nancy or her teammates
could expect, and this qualifies. Now, what’s next?
Cocos Plate Crunch
Why should a large quake near Acapulco cause buoy 21401 off
Japan to go on alert, as well as buoy 46419 off coast of Oregon
to go on alert? One would expect buoy 43413 near Acapulco to be
on alert, which it was. All of this of course is being caused by
plate movements, per the Zetas 7 of 10 scenarios.
- Officials Survey Damage After Strong
Quake Jolts Mexico
March 21, 2012
- The
massive quake sent broken tiles and pieces of buildings
falling onto sidewalks as far away as Mexico City, about
200 miles (320 km) from the epicenter.
This quake is precisely on the 3-way point where the Cocos, N
American, and Caribbean plates meet. As S America rolls its top
to the west, the Caribbean Plate is pushed over the Cocos Plate
and the tip of the N American Plate at Mexico is pulled to the
west. As the Caribbean Plate is pushed down, Central America
crumbles. The northern edge of the Caribbean Plate cuts
through the Dominican Republic, and sure enough, right on the
border in Mabrigida Community farmers report that their land is
sinking and tearing apart.
- Sinking Lands in Mabrigida Community
March 19, 2012
- They
asked government authorities to investigate what is
happening on their properties located in the community
Mabrígida, said some farmers are reluctant to go to their
farms for fear that it swallows the earth by agricultural
plantations that remain.
And as the great continent of S America is pulled to the west,
it too is stretched. If S America is an ice cream cone, the ice
cream piled at the top pulls more readily to the west, as the
Cocos and Caribbean plates are small and thus easily
pushed around. The cone, whose tip points to Antarctica, butts
up against the larger Nazca Plate, which resists and forces the
spine of the Andes up and over the edge of the Nazca Plate. As
the ice cream top lobs over toward the west, S America is pulled
into a stretch, which can be seen in the large crevasses that
have opened up across the continent, a point well made in this Pole
Shift ning blog.
- Minas Gerais
February 29, 2012
- Earth
fissure opened in Pitangui, Minas Gerais, Brazil
- Sao Paolo
February 14, 2012
- In
Araraquara, Sao Paolo, in the weekend opened a crater on
avenue Alberto Santos Dumont, which provides access to the
city airport.
- Amazon
March 9, 2012
- The
crater, which opened in the middle of Highway BR-364,
damaged both lanes and blocked the only access to the city
of Porto Velho from other regions of the country.
- Colombia
February 23, 2012
- Began
to appear cracks, and the earth keeps moving. Locals watch
the daily on mountains earth movement. They hear any
sounds emanating from the depths of the earth.
Wisconsin Stretch
Stretch zone noises have come to Wisconsin, as they were
destined to do. Wisconsin will rip apart as the Seaway
pulls apart, and it is already giving evidence of that.
ZetaTalk Explanation
7/26/2008: Looking
at a map of Wisconsin, one sees that Green Bay is at the point
where the peninsula is pulling away from the mainland of
Wisconsin. In other words, at the rip point. Looking further
inland along the line of rip, we see Lake Winnebago, a large
body of water which formed over an area that had sunk in the
past. When we described the St. Lawrence Seaway ripping open
during the pole shift, and the ripping process which has
already begun since the wobble and tugging at the surface of
the Earth occur daily, we described not just the seaway but a
Mississippi River bridge failing at Minneapolis and the much
earlier rumpling of the Black Hills in S Dakota. Of course the
ripping open of the seaway is going to affect Wisconsin as it
is in the heavy traffic lane!
A Green Bay hum was reported on July 23, 2008, as outlined in Issue 089 of this newsletter. A hum
just above Detroit at Kincardine, Ontario was reported on August
7, 2008, as detailed in Issue 091 of
this newsletter. A crevasse in upper Michigan appeared on
October 5, 2010, as outlined in Issue
207 of this newsletter. Now popping noises and shuttering
and vibrations have come to Clintonville and nearby Montello in
central Wisconsin.
- Something's Rattling Small Wisconsin
March 21, 2012
- Workers
peered into manhole covers and utility crews tested for
leaking natural gas and other problems, but no one has yet
to find anything amiss. Absent any better explanations for
the sounds and sensations that have, well, rattled, the
town, residents were left to their own devices to come up
with explanations.
- Mysterious Booms Continue for Third
March 21, 2012
- The
mystery is even stumping some of the brightest minds at
the University of Wisconsin, who were consulted about
whether or not these booms could be related to seismic
activity. The city has so far managed to rule out problems
with the water and sewer system, elevated gas levels, area
blasting or mining, industrial businesses, and even
military operations.
- Mysterious Sound and Rumble In
March 21, 2012
- Police
in Montello are investigating reports of booming sounds
similar to what's been reported in Clintonville this week.
One person even described it like a really bad train
wreck, all the cars slamming into each other at once,
right where you're standing.
The towns of Clintonville and Montello are both just to the
west of the “Prairie du Chien Group —dolomite with some
sandstone and shale” per the Wisconsin
Geological Survey. This rock is apparently strong enough
to resist being pulled apart, which puts the stress to the west
into rock strata that is sandstone. Both Clintonville and
Montello are along rivers too, which are weak points in the
crust, drooping down because the crust is thin in those places.

Per the Zetas, it is no surprise that investigators can find no reason for the noise and
shaking as the truth about the nearby presence of Planet X is
being suppressed. However, the USGS gave it a try, claiming that
Clintonville’s nightly banging and shaking were due to a mere
magnitude 1.5 earthquake that occurring on the first
night. This apparently explains why the noise and
vibrations only occur at night,
and continue unabated.
- Clintonville's Booming, now Explained,
March 23, 2012
- Residents
complained of loud booms and shaking houses for the fifth
consecutive day, but the calls are dwindling in number as
seismic activity declines. The U.S. Geological Survey
reported that a 1.5 magnitude earthquake was recorded
beneath this Waupaca County city at 12:15 a.m. Tuesday.
That likely was the largest disturbance among "a swarm of
several small earthquakes" that has been shaking the city
all week, geologists said.
- Authorities Solve the Mystery of
Town's Odd Noises, Shaking
March 23, 2012
- The
1.5 tremor is only the second recorded earthquake in
Wisconsin since 1947, according to USGS geophysicist Paul
Caruso. The rock underneath Wisconsin and in much of the
country east of the Rocky Mountains is "very consolidated"
and without fault lines. And that means small quakes are
actually felt by residents. Some Clintonville residents
were even holding "shake" parties at night, waiting for
the rumbling.
ZetaTalk Comment
3/24/2012: Stretch
zone incidents - where rock pulls apart or snaps, creating
booms and vibrations and hums, dropping bridges that lose
their moorings or snapping gas and water mains, or creating
sinkholes or crevasses - are not considered earthquake
incidents. Quakes occur when rock borders slide along each
other or push under one another, creating a jolt or a series
of jolts. Stretch zone accidents only happen when major
plate movement is occurring, and are usually silent so do not
get the attention that jolting earthquakes get. A bridge slips
off its mooring and is attributed to heavy trucks or poor
construction. A sinkhole appears and is attributed to ground
water erosion. A building implodes and is attributed to
settling, even though the building may have been there for
With the increase in incidents
in stretch zones, and the moaning and humming and booming
coming from the ground, the establishment is left in a
dilemma. Scientists are chastised and forbidden from
mentioning the Earth wobble and presence of Planet X, so how
to explain the incidents? Just as NASA falls silent when
Planet X and its Moon Swirls show up on SOHO images, and just
as the USGS has recently run from responsibility for
earthquake data collection, silence is the only avenue open to
them. Wisconsin is in the stretch zone due to the spreading
St. Lawrence Seaway. Its landscape gives evidence of this
stretch in the past, with numerous lakes along the route from
Green Bay to Madison. Clintonville is pulling apart!
What’s a Stock Market guy to do when the Zetas are advising the
public to cash out, buy chickens and goats and seed, and forsake
paper money? Since they cannot directly address the ZetaTalk
predictions and the obvious Earth changes without running amuck
of the cover-up over the presence of Planet X, they must be
sneaky. Ameritrade’s latest commercial tries to ridicule the
Zeta prediction of a pending pole shift by association. Rotation
stoppage does not cause
things to float off the face of
the Earth, nor have the Zetas espoused the December 21,
2012 date as the end of the Mayan Calendar, nor have the Zetas
said that time would stop when the pole shift occurs. Yet this
is implied.

ZetaTalk Comment
3/17/2012: Will
this commercial bring business for Ameritrade? Those promoting
it hope it will counter the urge to follow our advice, for the
public to put their funds into gardens and flocks and herds,
forsaking the Stock Markets. We have advised that paper money
in all its forms will become worthless, the barter system
replacing this. This commercial is attempting to ridicule our
predictions, tying the concept of a Pole Shift to the
misconception about how gravity will operate during a passage.
And now that it is presumed that a Pole Shift will not occur
during 2012, given the slow start to the 7 of 10 scenarios, it
is safe, so they hope, to burry our warnings along with the
Mayan Calendar hype.
Mount Safety
If Wall Street is trying to urge you to invest, despite the
Pole Shift hype, elsewhere around the world mountain top safety
is being considered. In Brazil, the mayor of Sao Francisco de
Paula is advertising his town, some 900 meters above sea level.
- Brazil Town Mayor Urges to Prepare for
the End of the World
March 15, 2012
- Mayor
of Sao Francisco de Paula in Brazil has launched a
campaign to urge his fellow citizens to prepare for the
end of the world, which, according to the Mayan calendar,
will happen on December 21, 2012. Decio Colla believes
that his town located 900 meters above the sea level may
become a safe haven to those afraid of floods and giant
tsunamis. The mayor advised citizens to keep enough
drinking water and food at home in case a natural
catastrophe takes place.
On famous Mount Bugarach in France, the public is not waiting
to be invited. They are arriving in droves well ahead of the
anticipated December 21, 2012 end of the Mayan Calendar.
- Hippies Head for Noah’s Ark: Queue
Here for Rescue Aboard Alien Spaceship
March 25, 2012
- For
decades, there has been a belief that Pic de Bugarach,
which, at 1,230 metres, is the highest in the Corbières
mountain range, possesses an eery power. Since the 1960s, it
has attracted New Agers, who insist that it emits special
magnetic waves. Upwards of 100,000 people are thought to be
planning a trip to the mountain, 30 miles west of Perpignan,
in time for 21 December, and opportunistic entrepreneurs are
shamelessly cashing in on the phenomenon.
Per the Zetas, there is nothing special about this location,
but due to its elevation it will afford safety during the Pole
Shift sloshing and rise in sea level elevation in the Aftertime.
ZetaTalk Comment
9/18/2010: Clearly
Mount Bugarach along the border of France and Spain will be
well above the waves after the rise in sea level to 675 feet
and will survive all pole shift tides. As the highest mount in
the area, and within the borders of France, the people of
France could seek shelter there and because of the many myths
associated with Bugarach undoubtedly will do so. Beyond that,
there is nothing special about the spot as a pole shift
refuge. Mountain building in Europe is no longer occurring but
in the past for one rock layer to be shoved atop another was
not uncommon. This often creates caverns and caves.
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