To everyone’s surprise, the UK referendum vote was for the
Brexit, for Britain to leave the European Union. Polls had been
reporting a squeaky tight race going into the vote, so a
fraudulent result would match what the establishment wanted. But
the polls can be fixed by controlling which pools of potential
voters are polled, so the media reporting is deliberately
skewed. As has been shown in the past, election fraud to prevent
Scotland Independence was done to
support the will of the Queen, and election fraud to install Cameron as the PM likewise occurred.
Thus it was a shock when the Brexit vote went against Cameron’s

ZetaTalk Comment
5/25/2016: We
have confirmed that Scotland’s Independence vote and the vote
to install Cameron as PM were fraudulent, stolen for the Queen
and for continuing establishment control. The results were
averse the polls going into the election. For Brexit, the
press was thus more tightly controlled, reporting a tight race
where in fact the clear polls choice was to leave the EU. The
polls were pushed to lie, and the intent was to once again
steal the vote. The primary result is that the UK can control
immigration into their country, and can evade disastrous EU
decision such as the immigration quotas.
Were their signs that election fraud was in process? The
government only provided pencils in the voting booths, and the
use of pens was discouraged by the police. One could bring their
own pen, but a pen could not be shared with others. One
video even purported to show an election worker rubbing
out a pencil vote.

- Vote Fraud? Brexit Supporters Fear
Ballots Marked in Pencil Could be Changed
June 23, 2016
- Brexit supporters are worried
that ballot papers could be compromised in today’s huge EU
referendum vote because voting booths only provide
pencils. Reports are already coming in that voters are
being told they can’t use their own pens and must use a
pencil to vote, although the Electoral Reform Society has
said that voters can bring their own pen. Police were even
called when one woman offered to lend her pen to other
- WATCH: Brexit Voter Fraud Caught on
June 23, 2016
- A video alleging to show a Brexit
vote counter erasing a vote and writing a new one in has
gone viral. Backers of a British exit were urging people
to use their own pens at polling places to avoid what they
called a government plot to rig votes in favor of the
‘remain’ camp. The government provided pencils for the
What were the arguments pro and con? Immigration was a big
factor, as ISIS had been creating havoc in Europe, coming in
disguised as refugees, and the European Union had rules about
open borders and processing asylum seekers. But the Brits also
saw themselves having little say in trade deals that benefited
other countries. How much say did they have in the deal with
Turkey to pay them to house refugees from Syria? How many
European Union countries such as Greece and Italy had been
bankrupt, requiring other members to shore them up?

- Brexit: Britain to leave European
Union after Referendum
June 24, 2016
- The decision to leave the EU
spearked turmoil on financial markets, with the British
pound at its lowest level since 1985. UK Independence
Party leader Nigel Farage declared the result as “a
victory for ordinary, decent people. It is a victory
against the big merchant banks, against the big businesses
and against big politics.”
- Brexit: David Cameron to Quit after
UK Votes to Leave EU
June 24, 2016
- Prime Minister David Cameron is
to step down by October after the UK voted to leave the
European Union. The PM had urged the country to vote
Remain but was defeated by 52% to 48% despite London,
Scotland and Northern Ireland backing staying in.
- Pros and Cons of Leaving the EU Ahead
of the European Union Referendum
February 24, 2016
- The total economic cost of EU
membership is around 11 per cent of our annual GDP – which
makes it something like £200billion. Without the EU,
Britain can independently pursue international trade deals
with China, India and the US. Most Brexiters see the EU as
an over-regulated, bureaucratic burden. One of the EU’s
founding principles is the free movement of people (along
with the free movement of goods, services and money).
Because of this, the UK has no control over immigration
from other EU member states.
There had been fear mongering to prevent the Brexit vote.
Obama threatened to put Britain at the “bottom of the queue” in
future trade agreements if the UK left the European Union. Big
banks and the status quo, including the Clinton cabal, urged for
a vote to stay. Trump, who had urged voters to Brexit, was the
clear winner here, and lost no time exclaiming that. Per the
Zetas, not quite an accident either, as they had earlier stated
that Trump is working with the Puppet Master to defeat the Bush
and Clinton crime families, to prevent them from attaining the
White House. The Puppet Master had stepped in, in the past, to prevent election fraud by the
Bush cabal. Per the Zetas, the same teams and techniques
operated this time around too. The vote of the people should

- Brexit: Britain Votes with Trump,
against Hillary, Obama
June 23, 2016
- Hillary Clinton had also urged
Britain to stay in the EU. Only Donald Trump had backed
the campaign to leave. President Obama, who adopted his
haughtiest professorial manner when lecturing us to stay
in the EU, before making the naked threat that we would be
sent “to the back of the queue” in any future trade deals
if we had the temerity to vote to leave.
- Can Trump Repeat the Brexit Miracle?
June 24, 2016
- Indeed, the run-up to Great
Britain’s surprise vote to leave the European Union would
look familiar to anyone who’s watched Donald Trump’s shock
run to the top of the Republican party. That’s certainly
how Trump himself sees it. “Many people are equating
Brexit, and what is going on in Great Britain, with what
is happening in the U.S. People want their country back!”
Trump tweeted.
ZetaTalk Comment
5/25/2016: What
stopped the voter fraud? The forces for good, during the
Earth’s Transformation, are a widespread team that includes
former MJ12 members living and working with ourselves, the
Service-to-Other Zetas, the Council of Worlds giving edicts to
be followed by other alien groups, Anonymous with their
hacking skills, and the Ben Fulford associates. It should be
no surprise that Nancy, and ZetaTalk, are part of this team.
They cannot control Trump, who is working with the Puppet
Master as a force for good. It should be no surprise that the
Bush family, and many in the GOP, are sliding behind Hillary
as their candidate of choice. This Bush/Clinton group is
faltering, and will go down together.
What now? It was immediately apparent that many wealthy
investors took a financial hit. The markets plunged. Trade with
the new leadership in the UK uncertain, prior deals formerly
anticipated now uncertain. The UK has a large economic foot
print, simply because London is a large financial center. Per
the Zetas, the impact goes beyond the uncertainty of financial
investments. Brexit has struck a blow to the New World Order

- Brexit Strips World’s 400 Richest
People of $127bn
June 25, 2016
- The British voters’ decision to
leave the European Union caused profound ripples in all
major global equity markets. The Brexit vote has sent
European markets into the steepest decline since 2008. The
pound plummeted to a record low, not seen since Margaret
Thatcher was prime minister some 30 years ago. The
Bloomberg Billionaires Index says billionaires lost
3.2 percent of their total net worth, now estimated at
$3.9 trillion.
- Dow Plunges More Than 600 Points on
‘Brexit’ Vote
June 24, 2016
- The Dow Jones Industrial Average
plunged 611 points, or 3.39 percent, as investors reacted
strongly to news that the United Kingdom voted to leave
the European Union. The Nasdaq dropped 202 points, or 4.12
percent, while the S&P 500 slid 76 points, or 3.6
percent. Britain’s FTSE 100, the country's blue chip stock
index, plummeted as much as 8.7 percent before clawing
back to a loss of 3.15 percent. The FTSE 250 plunged even
further -- 12.3 percent -- before recovering slightly to
7.19 percent. The euro fell 2.28 percent against the
- 'Explosive Shock' as Britain Votes to
Leave EU, Cameron Quits
June 24, 2016
- The pound fell more than 10
percent against the dollar to levels last seen in 1985,
its biggest one-day fall in history, on fears the decision
could hit investment in the world's fifth-largest economy,
threaten London's role as a global financial capital and
usher in months of political uncertainty. European shares
plummeted more than 8 percent, headed for their biggest
ever one-day fall. Billions of dollars were wiped off
European banks' market value, with Britain's Royal Bank of
Scotland, Barclays and Lloyds Banking Group among the
biggest fallers.
ZetaTalk Comment
5/25/2016: Where
this particular battle was over the UK remaining in the
European Union, or leaving, there are similar battles on many
fronts that have a common nexus. Saudi Arabia and Israel and
Turkey were partners of the West, so ISIS was allowed to
flourish as a means of forcing Obama to provide military
forces to push back against Iran and Russia. Draconian, and
totalitarian control over the common man, slavery via debt,
and the ability to punish any who try to escape this control
is the desire of those who have over the decades declared that
a New World Order is
pending. Top down, orders from the top, is the arrangement
most desired by those firmly in the Service-to-Self.
Prong 2 Creep
We mentioned a month ago, on June
12, 2016 that Prong 2 is making steady progress. Prong 2
emerged in early May, and is still is process. This is all
leading to an announcement of sorts by various astronomers,
seemingly working independently of each other but in actuality
working as a team. Next will be the realization that the fuzzy
dust shrouded object next to the Sun, seen by so many in the
public and photographed by amateur astronomers, is an exoplanet.
ZetaTalk Prediction
5/7/2015: Where
is this leading? We have described the bumbling announcement
admitting the near presence of Nibiru as deliberate. There
must be some way to explain why Nibiru passed notice all these
years, yet arrived where and when ZetaTalk predicted.
ZetaTalk Prediction
6/4/2016: Next
we will hear that because of its dust shroud, Nibiru could not
be seen, except of course by the public who have been seeing a
Second Sun and brilliant Moon Swirls of Nibiru since 2003.
Progress over this past month has included admissions by two
Spanish astronomers that Planet 9, as an exoplanet periodically
visiting the Earth’s inner Solar System, is probably “not
alone”. Speculation now in the press is that what is being
called “Planet 9” might actually be “several planets instead of
just one”.

- Planet Nine is not Alone: More
Planets Predicted to be Hiding at Edge of Solar System
June 14, 2016
- After carrying out calculations
relating to the hypothetical Planet Nine, the scientists
said the presence of even more planets could better
explain the unusual orbits of objects at the far reaches
of the Solar System. Scientists found six trans-Neptunian
objects (ETNOs) with highly unusual orbital paths. Spanish
astronomers Carlos and Raúl de la Fuente Marcos along with
Sverre J. Aarseth from the University of Cambridge have
now looked more closely at the orbits of the ETNOs.
Published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, researchers found Planet Nine could
keep three of the ETNOs confined to a specific orbit for
hundreds of millions of years. However, the three others
would become highly unstable in just a dozen million years
or so, "eventually triggering their ejection from the
Solar System". Therefore, if Planet Nine exists, it is
probably not alone."
- Planet Nine might not be Alone:
Astronomers Suggest there could Several Hidden Worlds in our
Solar System
June 13, 2016
- One of the biggest mysteries in
astronomy that has come into the limelight this year is
the question of whether a mysterious planet is lurking at
the edge of our solar system. Since an announcement was
made at the start of this year, researchers have published
a series of papers suggesting where the planet might be
and how it could have formed. But the latest theory
suggests something none had predicted before - that
'Planet Nine' might in fact be several planets instead of
just one.
To add to the perception that things previously overlooked are
constantly being discovered, NASA
announced that the Earth has another Moon. Well, a tiny
Moon, actually just an asteroid, that they have just recently
determined is in fact orbiting the Earth. This is Prong 2
related, in that Prong 2 is to make the point that astronomers
are discovering new objects in our Solar System.

- Earth has Captured a Second Moon,
says NASA
June 17, 2016
- A mini-moon has been orbiting our
planet for only around 100 years. It's a remarkable event
that proves just how dynamic our gravitational
relationship is with near-Earth objects. it's small,
measuring in at only around 120 feet across and no more
than 300 feet wide, which is probably why it has taken so
long for scientists to spot it. (It was only just spotted
last April.) Its distance from Earth varies from between
38 and 100 times the distance of our planet’s primary
moon. The quasi-satellite was given the label of asteroid
2016 HO3.
Per the Zetas, these announcements are all to plan, as is the
fact that they repeatedly confirm ZetaTalk accuracy. We are now
awaiting Prong 3.
ZetaTalk Insight
6/25/2016: The
agenda for Prong 1 was to revisit the gravity tug some 20
Sun-Pluto distances out in the direction of the constellation
Orion, to place the possibility of devastation from a
long-period orbit object passing through the Earth’s solar
system periodically into the public mind. Prong 1 left the
public with unanswered questions – the true name of this
object (Planet 9 was temporarily assigned), how a gravity tug
in the direction of Orion would also result in a similar tug
in the direction of the constellation Cetus, and how such
expensive sky mapping enterprises such as Hubble and the
Kepler probes and WISE could have missed this object.
Prong 2 sought to answer why
“Planet 9” evaded discovery for so long by suggesting that
Hubble and Kepler and WISE looked afar, at bright objects, so
that anything close in or somewhat dim would be missed. As
evidence of this, the ESO’s observatory in Chile had
discovered several exoplanets overlooked by the other sky
mapping enterprises. Prong2’s agenda is to place into the
public mind that an object such as Nibiru, shrouded by dust,
could sneak into the Solar System unnoticed. To this end we
have the newly announced second moon of Earth, an orbiting
asteroid, just recently “discovered” by NASA.
ZetaTalk accuracy has been
regularly featured during the Prongs. That the gravity tug 20
Sun-Pluto distances matches in distance and location the
ZetaTalk description of the Sun’s dark binary twin some 18.74
Sun-Pluto away. That the newly discovered exoplanet
travels between two suns, as ZetaTalk had always described
Nibiru’s path. That it is currently next to the Sun (where
Cetus lies at present). We have predicted that when the Prongs
are done, that the world will know that Nibiru exists and is
currently next to the Sun, preparing for another passage, and
that it arrived in the inner solar system in 2003 as we the
Zetas had predicted. What parties will play which roles in
this matter, we will not say.
Jet Stream Wobble
The Zetas have been asked about the erratic Jet Stream since
the Earth wobble commenced in 2004. It has, of course, gotten
worse. Jet Stream tornadoes
appeared in 2005 and loops in the
stream appeared in 2010.

And now, in 2016, the Jet Stream is crossing the Equator during
the increasingly fierce Earth wobble. Per the Zetas, this will
only get worse.

- Global Weather Emergency?
July 1, 2016
- Unprecedented weather chaos has
been predicted by climate change campaigners who warn that
the northern hemisphere jet stream has crossed the equator
into the southern hemisphere, threatening global food
supplies and an "end to winter".
- Claim that Jet Stream crossing
Equator is ‘Climate Emergency’ is utter Nonsense
June 30, 2016
- These shrill claims have no
validity — air flow between the hemispheres occurs
routinely. The claims are unsupported and
unscientific, and they demonstrate the danger of wild
assertions made by non-experts reaching and misleading the
ZetaTalk Comment
7/2/2016: Of
course the daily Earth wobble has reached the Jet Stream. This
fact is just reaching the media because the wobble has become
so obvious, observed by the common man as a rising or setting
set out of place, or parts of
the Arctic seeing the Sun in Winter when this is not
supposed to be possible. We have predicted that the “seasons
would blend into one another”, and of course, as with
all our predictions, this has begun. Snow
in Summer, something we predicted from the start of the
ZetaTalk saga, is increasingly common. Of course this will
affect crops, especially fruit trees which have their tender
blossoms emerge and quickly freeze. The grasping cover-up over
the presence of Nibiru is frantic to deny all, as usual.