Prong 2 Progresses
In the multipronged announcement revealing the presence of
Nibiru, we are presently in Prong 2, which just received another
bump. Prong 1 started the process by announcing a newly
discovered Planet 9 out in the direction of the constellation
Orion, where the IRAS team found the inbound Nibiru in 1983,
with lots of talk about exoplanets and prior extinction level
events in Earth’s history and references to relevant terms like
Nibiru. Prong 1 also included a hint that Planet 9 might at
present be out beyond the constellation Cetus, which just
happens to be at the 4 o’clock position to the Sun where Nibiru
is indeed found these days.

Prong 2 set out to address the next step, which is how to
explain an exoplanet arriving into the inner solar system, when
so many high tech scans of the heavens have not noticed it.
Prong 2 began, per the Zetas, when it was announced that whereas
WISE and the Hubble and the Kepler probes are looking afar, in
2010 the ESO observatory in Chile had discovered exoplanets
closer in that were overlooked by these other scans. But how to
explain a gravity drawn out beyond Orion and
an exoplanet nearby, as these are two
objects. Enter the Lund University in Sweden.

- Stolen World: 'Planet 9' Likely Came
from Another Star
June 1, 2016
- If the hypothetical Planet Nine
does indeed exist, the sun probably ripped the world away
from another star long ago. "It is almost ironic that
while astronomers often find exoplanets hundreds of
light-years away in other solar systems, there's probably
one hiding in our own backyard," study lead author
Alexander Mustill, an astronomer at Lund University in
Sweden, said. Some researchers think Planet Nine probably
formed within the solar system. The world coalesced closer
to the sun than it currently lies and was booted to the
far outer reaches by some kind of gravitational
interaction, the idea goes. But the new study, which
reports the results of computer modeling work, supports a
more exotic origin story: Planet Nine was likely stolen
from another star about 4.5 billion years ago, when the
sun and many other members of its stellar birth cluster
were in close proximity to each other.
This is, of course, the ZetaTalk explanation for the sling
orbit of Nibiru. There are two binary suns, our Sun and a dark
unlit binary, with Nibiru shuttling between these two foci on a
long sling orbit more akin to train tracks running back and
forth and any type of elipse. This is vintage ZetaTalk.

ZetaTalk Explanation
8/15/1995: [Nibiru’s]
travels are not unlike a train on parallel tracks, where the
train is on one side of the tracks going in one direction, and
on the other side coming back.
ZetaTalk Explanation
2001: For
those not closed minded, we will describe the eccentric orbit
of Planet X, between your Sun and its dark twin. This unlit
binary sun lies some 18.74 times the distance from your Sun to
Pluto, at a 11 degree angle from the ecliptic, in the
direction of the constellation of Orion. Though farther away,
twice the distance or more, from where [Nibiru] rides at the
moment, it is a large gravitational giant, and thus between
these two binaries [Nibiru] is caught in a highly elliptical
orbit. This orbit does not fit into man's astrophysics
theories, and thus it cannot be described by the math used by
man to describe comet or orbit behavior. Yet the orbit makes
sense, if one puts the dictates of man's current theories
ZetaTalk Explanation
10/15/1995: This
second foci of the [Nibiru] has not been located by your
astronomers because it is dark, not lit, and does not happen
to block any view your astronomers are particularly interested
in. They think it empty space. Unlike the Sun, this dark twin
never lit. Should one wish to search for it, it stands at an
angle of 11 degrees off the Earth's orbital plane around the
Sun, in the same direction we have given for the approach of
Per the Zetas, this is all per plan, and all leading to an
admission that Nibiru is in the inner solar system, has been
since 2003, ie Zetas Right
Again! But first, the international team of astronomers
working on this slow bumbling announcement must explain to the
public how it is that Nibiru could be in the inner solar system
all this time, albeit shrouded by close hugging magnetically
charged red dust, and be overlooked by the astronomical society!
Here are some hints as to the excuses that will be offered.
First, the Cassini probe around Saturn cited for noting a tug
toward the constellation Cetus was looking directly across the
solar system, thus could not determine distance. Right direction
(seen next to the Sun) but wrong distance assumption. Second,
Nibiru is a cold planet and can only be detected by infra-red
(as the IRAS team did in 1983). Third, Nibiru as an exoplanet is
a relatively small planet, thus hard for sky scans such as WISE
to detect.

- Here's What We do Know about 'Planet
June 3, 2016
- But there may be other ways to
spot it. For example, there was a prediction that the
orbit of the Cassini spacecraft at Saturn may be affected
by Planet 9's gravitational pull, based on its possible
location in Cetus at about 630 AU (1 AU = the distance
between the Earth and the sun). So why haven't we seen it?
The study that modelled its interior also postulated how
easy it would be to detect the object using surveys such
as WISE, and estimated that Planet 9's current size is
just 3.7 times Earth. This is considerably less than the
10 times our planet which was initially suggested. They
therefore argue that it would be very hard to spot the
planet with current instruments, but suggest future
telescopes may be able to. This research suggests Planet 9
is like a "mini-Uranus", with an iron core, silicate
mantle, water ice shell and hydrogen/helium outer layers.
In fact, the planet would reflect very little sunlight,
which means it would be visible in infrared wavelengths
(heat) instead of visible light.
Per the Zetas, this is all per plan, and all leading to an
admission that Nibiru is in the inner solar system, has been
since 2003, ie Zetas Right

ZetaTalk Comment
6/4/2016: First
we had Caltech astronomers Batygin and Brown and retired
Louisiana astronomer Whitmire as discoverers of Planet 9
arguing about a possible orbit of either 15,000 or 27 million
years. They were clear on the Aphelion, the most distant
point, of Planet 9, out beyond the bottom of Orion’s bow, but
presented what seemed like a friendly argument among peers.
Just some astronomers trying to sort it all out. We, the
Zetas, quickly pointed out how this documented Zetas
Right Again, in that this was the direction we
pinpointed for Nibiru’s approach, as well as the location we
pinpointed for the IRAS team’s search in 1983.
Then we had scientists Holman
and Payne working with data from NASA’s Cassini probe around
Saturn theorizing that Planet 9 might currently be in the
direction of the constellation Cetus, which just happened to
be at the 4 o’clock position to the Sun, the location where
Nibiru at present can be sighted from the Northern Hemisphere.
How Planet 9 could have made that distance since 1983 was not
addressed, as the point was to get the public looking near the
Sun, and to show once again that serious scientists could
argue and debate and bumble about, trying to sort it all
This slow moving
announcement, which will culminate in the public being aware
that Nibiru is in the inner solar system and has been there
since 2003, ie Zetas Right
Again, must at some point resolve the puzzle of what
Batygin and Brown and Whitmire discovered that was 20
Sun-Pluto distances away, beyond Orion, when they appear to
have something in the constellation Cetus. Well of course it’s
that there are two objects, one the Sun’s dark binary which we
have stated is 18.74 Sun-Pluto distances away, and another, an
exoplanet attached to both suns, which is, tada, now in the
inner solar system 4 o’clock to the Sun! Now we have yet
another voice from astronomer Mustill of Lund University in
Sweden, who asserts two suns sharing Planet 9.
Next we will hear that
because of its dust shroud, Nibiru could not be seen, except
of course by the public who have been seeing a Second Sun and
brilliant Moon Swirls of Nibiru since 2003. The ESO’s
observatory in Chile has already been given this assignment,
announcing they can see nearby exoplanets where WISE and the
Hubble and the Kepler probe look too far out. This bumbling
approach is being taken as a way to excuse all the scientists
who have been silenced during the decades of the cover-up. It
was not their hand that denied the public the truth. They are
thrilled to at last be allowed to speak, even if required to
appear to bumble and debate.
Pyrolysis Fireball
On June 2, 2016 both the ISS and the State of Arizona were
treated to a dramatic display. An extremely bright, flaming
fireball, seen screaming across the Arizona skies and exploding
with a blast that registered on seismographs.

- Asteroid Explodes over Arizona
- June 2nd just before 4 a.m. MST,
a small asteroid hit Earth's atmosphere and exploded over
Arizona. NASA believes there is meteorite debris scattered
on the ground just north of Tucson, Arizona.
- Arizona Morning Sky had Unique Bright
Flash to Please Residents
June 3, 2016
- The object could have been
man-made space debris. It was a meteor or Space Junk
around the size of a baseball.
On the same day, cameras on the ISS caught what appeared to be
a bright, flaring fireball, so far up in the atmosphere that it
was suspected of being a UFO, as how could there be fire where
there was so little oxygen?

- Amazing International Space Station
Footage shows 'Fireball-like UFO Streaking through Space'
June 3, 2016
- The footage purportedly shows a
UFO coming into shot behind the ISS and was reportedly
captured on the unit's live feed on June 2, 2016. There is
this bright object which cannot be a fireball because
there's no air in space, hence there cannot be any fire.
The Zetas quickly explained. This was a pyrolysis fire, a fire
that does not need oxygen but can proceed when heat from
friction is present. Pyrolysis combustion is used in many
commercial process, including the making of charcoal.
- Pyrolysis
- Pyrolysis is a thermochemical
decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures
in the absence of oxygen.
ZetaTalk Explanation
6/11/2016: Is
there a nexus between the bright fireball exploding overhead
in Arizona on the morning of June 2 and the bright object seen
flaring in space near the ISS, also on June 2? There is indeed
a nexus, though these are not the same objects. This is not
space junk, which would indeed require oxygen not present in
space in order to flare out as the ISS object clearly did. Nor
was the trajectory of the Arizona fireball normal, as it
twisted around, leaving a clear smoke pattern showing the
contortions. What is this debris, and why the unusual
We have stated that Planet X,
aka Nibiru collects trash during its travels, as it is a big
magnet and thus the shroud of red iron oxide dust particles
that form its massive debris ridden tail. Nibiru smacked to
death many small water planets formerly in the Asteroid Belt,
and because these were life bearing planets there were organic
compounds in the dust and debris that resulted. There is much
evidence of this in traces of life in meteors that land
on the Earth. When debris bearing a large amount of this
organic material heats up from friction after making contact
with the atmosphere of Earth, or even the upper atmosphere, a
Pyrolysis reation – a chemical fire in the absence of oxygen –
Combustion of this sort
reacts as normal oxygen fed fires do, by an expansion of hot
gasses. Since the organic material is spread throughout the
debris, it will outgas in this or that direction, sending the
descending fireball in this or that direction. This is not a
straight line drop, but the twisted path noted in the smoke
patterns after the Arizona fireball. The extreme brilliance of
the Arizona fireball explosion was due to the combined
pyrolysis combustion and the addition of an oxygen fed
combustion. Will there be more such brilliant displays as the
bombardment from the tail of Nibiru increases? Absolutely.
What is the likely scenario as the Earth changes march toward
the hour of the Pole Shift? Will the public be warned to leave
the coastlines and move inland? Will the wealthy owning assets
along the coastlines allow such a warning? Will banks holding
mortgages on homes there allow such a warning? If volcanos are
about to blow, will the public be likewise warned to move 100
miles away, or will corporate farmers insist their crops growing
in such region be harvested first? What about nuclear power
plants, which should be shut down to avoid a nuclear holocaust?
Such a shutdown would cut off power to the elite, and to their
assets - the factories and the infrastructure they rely upon.
The Zetas paint a picture of what they anticipate, as existing
governments falter and unravel.

ZetaTalk Overview
6/4/2016: The
issue of the End Times, as the coming cataclysms and upheaval
caused by the pending passage of Nibiru is often called, was
considered hypothetical by the establishment until NASA and
JPL sent their infrared balloon aloft in 1983 and discovered
that what the aliens were telling MJ12 was correct. Nibiru was
inbound, and the 2003 date we, the Zetas, and other aliens had
given MJ12 for its arrival seemed probable. By then, many
centuries of industrial development in a heavily populated
world had already occurred, and corporate greed was in charge
in the corridors of power.
The choice was simple. Inform
the people that mythology and legend were true, and a likely
catastrophe could occur in the years ahead, or remain silent.
What was the impact on corporations and the wealthy, who own
politicians in the main, if the people were to be informed?
Cities had been built along coastlines and river beds, and
since these assets would be flooded they would be considered
worthless. The public would become selective on what it
purchased, and many corporate inventories would gather dust.
The worker base would become rebellious, not seeing pensions
or a paycheck important when compared to survival camps and
Then in 1983, Reagan signed
Executive Orders forcing a cover-up on the approach of Nibiru
and, for good measure, a cover-up on the alien presence. Many
who wanted to inform the public were assassinated, over the
years, and the alien presence was painted as evil by
Hollywood, under the direction of the nervous establishment
who did not want the public making contact and learning the
truth from aliens. They lost this battle, as over half the
world’s population are presently contactees, and know the
truth about all of it. Now what? As the Earth changes progress
and it is obvious that the Last Weeks are ahead, these
contactees will take action on plans they have been silently

To the extent that officials
have been relatively open about both Nibiru and the alien
presence, and have obviously taken steps to accommodate their
citizens during moves to safe locations and life afterwards,
these officials will have influence with their public. Russia
is a prime example of positive leadership, developing their
Far East and offering free land there to their citizens who
are willing to move. China too, with their inland Ghost Cities
awaiting a population move. Contrast this with the
Queen’s plans, which entail deserting her public in the UK
while she and her family seek refuge elsewhere.

The public already knows the
truth, due to being contactees, and open discussion of the
Earth changes and what is pending will break out as the Earth
changes force this. Nothing can stop this. Even attempting to
control the media and block the Internet will not stop this,
as contactee discussions take place outside of human control.
Given that the public will take steps to secure safety and
wellbeing for themselves and their friends and families, not
listening to officials trying to bark directives, what will
result? Migrations will ensue, in such numbers that blockades
will be ineffective. Like water seeping through chinks in the
walls, the pace will be steady and eventually erode all
attempts to block the flow.
The halls of power will stop
listening to the demands of the wealthy, or the wailing of
corporate leadership, so that those who had been in the know
about the coming passage of Nibiru will desert their posts and
take flight to their bunkers or enclaves. Government
operations will grind to a halt, as distracted leadership will
simply not be available and incessant demands from the public
will cause even the good hearted in government to simply give
up and get drunk. If proper plans have not already been put
into place, so the public can be directed to safety and
survival, governments will fold and not be functional.
How is the US doing, on warning their citizens and most
importantly, on giving the citizens an alternative to living in
cities along with coastlines? Sadly, as with Europe, western
cultures are doing little in this regard. Witness Obama’s latest
efforts to prepare the citizenry. What are they to do after they
grab their bug-out bags and head out the door? What about the
morning after? Compare this to China’s ghost cities and
developing their lands inland, of Russia developing the Far East
with functioning farms and industry. Per the Zetas, the Council
of Worlds, reaching out to a vast network of contactees, will
fill the gap.

- Barack Obama Warns Americans ‘To Be
Prepared for a Disaster’
June 2, 2016
- On May 31, Obama took time out of
his extremely busy schedule to deliver an address at the
FEMA National Response Coordination Center in
Washington. During his speech, he stressed that
every American is responsible for preparing for disasters.
“It is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a
disaster. And that means taking proactive steps,
like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked
disaster supply kit. If your local authorities ask
you to evacuate, you have to do it. Don’t wait.”
ZetaTalk Overview
6/4/2016: Because
of a strong network among contactees, we anticipate that nuclear
power plants will be properly shut down, though man’s
Free Will still prevails in these matters. The Council of
Worlds has the capacity to negate radiation, and this is a
card that can and will be used. We anticipate that most
non-violent offenders in prisons will be released, as a cost
saving measure as well as humanitarian, ahead of the Pole
Shift, and particularly in the US that military personnel will
be released to be with their families. They would likely go
AWOL, if this were not so, in any case.
We have given general advice
to mankind - the sequence of events during the Last Weeks, the
relative safety of various regions of the world, and beyond
these general guidelines for safety. Be 100 miles inland and
at least 200 feet up during the hour of the shift. Be 100
miles away from any volcano that has been active during the last 10,000 years, as they
will all likely go off. Be prepared to get
your vitamins and nutrition from bugs and weeds, as
wildlife will be hunted almost to extinction. Start your
gardens and flocks and herds early, if possible do it now. All
dams will break during the Pole
Shift, if not beforehand. Do not be seduced by offers from the
wealthy for work camps, as these will likely become slave
camps. And remember that the love you pass on to others is
what is important, and is what will be remembered through