Small Planes
During a 5 day period from June 8-13, 2016 the portion of the N
American continent most affected by the bow stress was afflicted
by numerous small plane crashes. The bowing of the N American
continent pulls the Aleutian Islands toward the tip of Mexico,
with the center of the bow near San Diego. Thus, in a swath
across the center of the US, small planes were suddenly
crashing, with no warning, with no communications from the
cockpit in most cases, a clear sign they were afflicted by
Electro-Magnetic-Pulse. This onslaught showed up on the Global
Incident Map for aviation.

One of the most publicized incidents was the spinning crash of a
small plane in Houston on June 9. The pilot reportedly made
repeated attempts to land the plane, aborting each time due to
his lack of control over the planet. It appears the pilot had
also lost communications. Then in a final fatal spin, the plane
crashed, killing all on board. The plane had flown from Oklahoma
to Houston, crashing at its destination.

- Plane Spins, Drops from the Sky
June11, 2016
- The NTSB is investigating the
cause of a single-engine plane crash that killed three
people in Houston.
- NTSB: Pilot Tried to Land 3 times
before Houston Plane Crash
June 10, 2016
- The pilot of a plane that crashed
near a Houston airport halted a third attempt to land just
before it plummeted to the ground, killing all three
inside. It's unclear whether the pilot made a distress
call just before the crash that happened. The plane
was in a flat spin before it plummeted to the ground
Not a day later near Hawthorne, California, a small plane dove
into an apartment complex. No distress signal had been relayed,
no communications whatsoever. Unless the pilot had a heart
attack, the clear answer is yet another incident of
Electro-Magnetic-Pulse disabling the electronics on the plane.

- Cessna Plane Crashes into Apartments
in Hawthorne, California; 2 Dead
June 11, 2016
- A small plane slammed into a
two-story townhouse in Hawthorne, in the south west of Los
Angeles County. Hawthorne Municipal Airport is less
than two miles from the crash site. The Federal Aviation
Administration and the National Transportation Safety
Board will investigate the crash.
- 2 Dead After Plane Crashes Into
Townhouse Complex Near Hawthorne Airport
June 11, 2016
- The plane went down around 5:12
p.m. in the 4600 block of W. Broadway killing two people
on board. The aircraft slammed into two townhouses in the
complex. The aircraft, described as a Grumman American
AA-1B, crashed two miles west of the airport under unknown
Other incidents include a crash near Batesville, Indiana on
June 8 which was blamed on an unexplained “mechanical
problem”. Investigation ongoing. Another on June 10
crashed into May Lake near Bismark, N Dakota which is being
blamed on the youth of the pilot. Investigation here also
ongoing. Then on June 11 the pace picked up with a crash in
Santa Rosa, California where the plane ended upside down in a
field. The aircraft had reportedly been making “odd sounds” and
the pilot, who survived, was having problems with the throttle.
Another near Collegedale, Tennessee during a failed landing.
Apparently, there were no communications and no survivors.

- Pilot Airlifted to Hospital after
Small Plane Crashes near Batesville Airport
June 8, 2016
- The crash occurred near Three
Mile Road and Enochsburg Road around 11:45 am. An initial
investigation determined that the plane was a homemade
ultralight single person aircraft. The pilot took off from
the airport and soon experienced a mechanical
problem. The aircraft then went down in a heavily
wooded area not far from the airport. The investigation
into the crash is ongoing.
- Small Plane with Young Pilot Crashes,
Killing all Onboard
June 10, 2016
- The four-seat plane crashed into
May Lake near the town of Wishek while en route to
Bismarck. Complications during takeoff from Wishek's
airport resulted in the crash. The Federal Aviation
Administration is investigating.
- Pilot Uninjured after Small Plane
Crash in Santa Rosa
June 11, 2016
- Personnel from the Bennett Valley
Fire Department could hear a plane flying low in the area
making an odd sound around 10 a.m. A short time later, the
department received a report of a small plane crash in a
vineyard near 6500 Jamison Road. Emergency responders
arrived on the scene to find the biplane aircraft upside
down in the vineyard. The pilot had been flying in the
area when he realized there was a problem with the plane’s
throttle, causing the aircraft to idle.
- Official says 2 People Dead in Plane
Crash in Tennessee
June 11, 2016
- A single-engine plane crashed
around 12:50 p.m. at the Collegedale airport. The plane
was coming into the Collegedale airport when it crashed.
She said she did not if anyone else outside the plane was
injured or if there was property damaged in the crash.
Collegedale is a city about 20 miles east of Chattanooga.
What’s causing this increase in Electro-Magnetic-Pulse (EMP)
on the N American continent? The N American continent is a
flat top, unable to roll, and thus as the Atlantic expands
and the Pacific shortens, Mexico pulled to the west, there is
unrelieved diagonal stress on the N American continent. This is
resolved when the New Madrid rips open, but until this
occurs the rock is screaming. Compression in the rock squeezes
air out of pockets in the rock, allowing electricity to rise
unimpeded through the rock layers and arc to the charged tail of
Nibiru. Booms are back with a fury
in 2016, and dramatic blackouts
occurred along the East Coast in 2015 as did a derailed
Amtrak train in Philly.

ZetaTalk Prediction
2/10/2006: The
giant plates of N America and Eurasia are locked against each
other, unable to rotate against each other due to their shape.
But the primary drama preceding the pole shift will be the
ripping action that a plate unable to move must endure.
ZetaTalk Prediction
1/10/2015: We
have consistently warned that electro-magnetic pulse, the
arcing from the electronic screech in compressed rock to the
charged tail of Planet X, will be on the increase. This brings
down the grid, as surge and brownout destroy electronic
infrastructure and electronic grids are designed to protect
themselves thus. Blackouts, electronically damaged airplanes,
and interference with mankind’s satellites will be on the
ZetaTalk Prediction
5/28/2016: We
have stressed that airplane travel will get increasingly
risky, due to EMP which is already taking planes down in
dramatic fashion.
Bilderberg 2016
What changes have occurred during this past year, to affect the
focus of the Bilderberg attendees? A year ago, in Bilderberg
2015, the focus was on the failing western banking system and
the threat of immigration and riots.
ZetaTalk Report
7/13/2015: It
is clear that the banking system is increasingly shaky, the
west’s IMF ability to strangle the world via debt is also
disappearing. Control of rioting and secure borders – these
are the focus.

- Exclusive: Bilderberg Planning to
Trigger Financial Collapse
June 10, 2016
- For the second time in the space
of ten years, the powerful Bilderberg group is plotting to
trigger a financial collapse, with elitists already
positioning themselves to profit from the next economic
meltdown. As we reported back in 2006 during the
Bilderberg Group’s meeting in Ottawa, Canada, leaked
information from an American delegate revealed that
insiders were preparing for the housing bubble to burst
and a global market crash. Over the course of the next two
years, that exact scenario played out, culminating in the
collapse of Lehman Brothers and a worldwide recession.
- Bilderberg 2016: US Election and
Refugees top of Agenda at Secret Invite-Only Conference
June 11, 2016
- Often cited as “evidence” is Bill
Clinton’s attendance at the 1991 conference as a largely
unknown governor from the small state of Arkansas a year
before he became president of the United States. Hillary
Clinton’s chief adviser Jim Messina stopped by last year,
just in time for a gig as head of the Democratic Party
super PAC Priorities USA. More than a dozen attendees this
year have close financial ties to both Clintons.
- Does Bilderberg Really Run the World?
One Chart to Help You Decide
June 11, 2016
- Here is a chart laying out the
linkages and various connections - financial, political,
statutory and otherwise - between the handful of people
who comprise the Bilderberg core and the rest of the
ZetaTalk Report
6/18/2016: In
the year that has passed since Bilderberg
2015 the elite have been grieving over the slow rolling
announcement on Nibiru’s existence - the multi-prong’d press
releases ongoing since January, 2016. Any hope of preventing
this has vanished, though they are still loading
the media with disinformation as to the causes of the
Earth wobble (an ice-free N Pole) and sinking land along the
Southeast coast of the US (mantle erosion). They hope to delay
the connection between Nibiru’s approach and the obvious
appearance of a wobble and weather extremes and the earthquake
increase since 2003. They hope the public will be confused.
Meanwhile, the western
banking systems are rapidly collapsing. Wall Street is pumped
high, as it was going into the 2008 housing bubble collapse,
and savvy Hedge Fund owner Soros is again betting on another
collapse. General Dunford, at the helm in the US, has over
this past year assumed full control of the US Federal Reserve,
confiscating huge amounts of illicit funds kept there via
double bookkeeping, and the Panama Papers has resulted in
confiscation of funds being laundered in Europe and the
Caribbean and South America.
Where the 1% are not yet collecting food stamps and standing
in soup kitchen lines, many frankly fear this will in essence
be the end result. Poverty is relative, and for the
elite to find themselves in the middle class is a devastation.
Where the elite attending Bilderberg are primarily allied with
the West, the strength of the West seems to be shaky, from
NATO’s stand against Russia to Erdogan’s ambitions to the
brutality of ISIS while trying to take over the Middle East
and even Europe. They fear the Euro will collapse, European
alliances be dismissed, and a need to bow and scrape to China
and Russia in the near future.
Where the Bilderberg consider
themselves to be in control of the world, the Bilderberg 2016
conference has this group frantic as the reins of power keep
slipping through their fingers. A Bush or Clinton was supposed
to ascend to the White House, so that war profiteering and
Wall Street fraud could continue, but now Bush is firmly out
of the picture and Clinton seems likely to be challenged by
Dunford on her many self-serving crimes as Secretary of State.
Public corruption and failing to protect national secrets will
hardly get her elected by the people. How to make a deal with
Trump, the deal master, is thus much under discussion.
Suburban Gardens
Suburban lawns are noted for their acres of green grass,
stretching forever. At a minimum all this grass could feed herds
of sheep or goats, which could provide milk and cheese and meat,
but the lawns just enslave suburban households into their weekly
chore of mowing. Fleetfarming has an alternative. Turn those
urban and suburban lawns into gardens. Fleetfarming stresses
growing vegies for sale locally, and reducing the carbon
footprint further by sending out fleets of gardeners via
bicycle. What Fleetfarming would call grow-pedal-sell the Zetas
might call grow-teach-barter. Start your gardens, encourage your
neighbors and share seed, and barter your produce for whatever
else you might need.

- Florida Lawns are being Transformed
into Edible Farms
June 1, 2016
- Gary Henderson can eat his lawn.
Row upon neat row of tomatoes, carrots, sweet lettuce and
arugula are growing in the front yard of his home in
Orlando, Florida. Volunteers regularly visit his home
to maintain his bountiful vegetable garden. Henderson can
keep a portion of whatever grows there for free. The rest
is sold at local markets and 100 percent of those sales go
back into the organization, covering the costs of such
needs as irrigation, compost and seeds. It’s estimated
that the average American meal travels about 1,500 miles
to get from farm to plate, according to the Center for
Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture.
- Grow Food, Not Lawns!
- Fleet Farming strives to reduce
the environmental impact of food production through a
pedal-powered, hyperlocal urban farming model that creates
a culture of health and vibrant ecosystems
by: teaching an intergenerational fleet of volunteers
how to grow their own food, activating and re-engaging the
community through biweekly Swarm Rides, and creating a
breathe free and biodiverse environment through
emissions-free, organic farming.
Fleetfarming points to a National Public Radio article showing
how far our food travels. Food distribution is a global affair.
Not only is this expensive, increasing the price of food, it
also burns fuel. None of this will be available in the
Aftertime. Fuel will be unavailable after the Pole Shift where
wells and refineries and distribution lines will explode and be
consumed in fires. Roads will be torn up and train tracks will
zig and zag, and any cars not tossed about by the earthquakes
will lack fuel in any case. Food grown locally will be the only

- A Map of Where your Food Originated
may Surprise You
June 13, 2016
- More than two-thirds of the crops
that underpin national diets originally came from
somewhere else — often far away. And that trend has
accelerated over the past 50 years.
From the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the Zetas have been
encouraging local gardens. Urban gardens, such as the urban
gardens Growing Power in Milwaukee
achieved, are possible as is container gardening on every porch.
When earthworms are allowed to feed on green compost, they
create nutrient rich soil. And the earthworms themselves are
very nutritious, 82% protein. These steps should have been taken
by city and suburban residents yesterday! Don’t wait!
ZetaTalk Warning
7/15/1995: As
we described earlier, going into the cataclysms the weather
will become unpredictable, with torrential rainstorms where
not expected, and droughts likewise where not expected. Where
today the world balances these situations, shipping produce
around the world, during the years coming close to the time of
the reappearance of Planet X, all parts of the world will
experience extremes. Backyard gardens, tendered carefully by
watchful eyes, will survive. But the large cash crops that
supply crowded population centers will find little to market,
and the prices will go up accordingly. At first, stores put up
against such times will be tapped. After a bit, these stores
will run down, and governments will get nervous. Helping
handouts, from countries better off to those in desperation,
will stop. Those groups who have prepared, and are relying on
themselves and their own carefully tended gardens, will not
find themselves pinched between starvation and hostilities.
Fortunately, the easiest produce to grow is that most
economical as foodstuffs. Humans have but to return to their
recent past and relearn these lessons.
Chickens and Goats have long been
espoused in our newsletter. Combined with gardens that can
provide calories and lysine rich vegies, this is self
sufficiency. One can eat bugs for protein and fat and weeds for
calories and even get all
your vitamins from bugs and weeds. Or one can step up a
notch to domestication. One can eat bugs or the chickens can eat
bugs and provide eggs and meat. One can eat weeds or the goats
can eat weeds and provide milk and cheese and meat. The Gates
Foundation agrees. A family that raises chickens has something
to barter.

- Keep Chickens if you want a Better
Life, Billionaire Bill Gates tells Poor People
June 9, 2016
- You’d be forgiven for thinking
it’s fowl play for him to be dishing out financial advice
to the poor people of the world. But Gates has decided to
tell people living in extreme poverty that
the solution to their woes lies in
raising chickens. Gates is worth a whopping $76.6
billion and earns an estimated $20 million every
single day. The Gates Foundation, a charity run by Bill
and his wife, has launched a drive to help 30 per
cent of people in rural sub-Saharan Africa keep hens and
- Why I Would Raise Chickens
June 7, 2016
- Through my work with the
foundation, I’ve met many people in poor countries who
raise chickens, and I have learned a lot about the ins and
outs of owning these birds. It’s pretty clear to me that
just about anyone who’s living in extreme poverty is
better off if they have chickens.
ZetaTalk Prediction
12/15/2001: We
predict that long before the shift, a barter system will be
replacing the current paper money system. The value of the
dollar, in all countries, will be falling, such that in any
transaction one or both parties will feel they are getting a
fair deal only if a thing, not a representation, is given or
received. This is a common practice in countries where the
dollar is falling, and a natural migration as the thought
occurs readily to mankind, the barter system being recent in
their cultural evolution. What will this mean for the common
man, and what will it mean for the rich? The common man will
find they are pleased with themselves if they have had the
foresight to secure goods of value, such as seeds or tools or
dried food. The value of appliances that are dead and not able
to run, even of cars unable to run over broken roads, will be
zero. The value of items that can increase worth, such as a
needle and thread which can repair clothing otherwise
worthless, or a shovel that can create a garden otherwise a
weed patch, will balloon. The rich will of course whine
endlessly. If you are an accountant, and cannot
translate this skill into becoming a tailor or herdsman or
cook, your skill is useless!