American Bow
The Zetas have described a bow being formed by the N American
continent, which puts extreme stress on the center of the
continent. This stress will not be relieved until the New Madrid
and associated fault lines adjust, pulling the land to the west
of the Mississippi toward the southwest while the land to the
east of the Mississippi remains in place. Meanwhile, there is
pressure on the Gulf, which is oozing oil from many points,
pressure at San Diego (the center of the bow) where water mains
are snapping, and pressure across the continent (where a
sinkhole on I-24 in Tennessee recently occurred).
ZetaTalk Warning
3/3/2007: The New Madrid adjustment will
affect so much area, in a domino manner, that it will not be a
single large quake, but a series, separated by weeks and
months. The primary adjustment will be within days, after
shocks for weeks, but months later still, adjustments. The New
Madrid is associated with fault lines that run up toward the
Great Lakes, Chicago will adjust and rupture, Ohio will be
pulled in places, and as we have explained, the land to the
West of the Mississippi will sink in places. There is a known
fault line that runs from the center of the Gulf up along the
East Coast, thus the effect in 1811-12 in the Carolinas and DC
on up to Boston.
Follow that line from San Diego through Tennessee a little
further and you arrive at North Carolina, which just lost
another dam. This dam was just recently rebuilt, was new,
and the holes did not appear in the dam itself but in the floor
of the lake!
- Dam Fails, Drains Lake of NC Town
June 18, 2010
- Officials are trying to determine
why a dam failed in a North Carolina town, draining its
centerpiece lake. Hope Mills Lake drained after officials
began investigating why it had turbid water, which was
cloudy and may have soil in it. The town had gotten
permission last year to put water in the lake again after
an 80-year-old earthen dam had collapsed in 2003. The town
built a new dam and spillway before collecting water in
the lake again. Inspectors had released water Wednesday to
investigate the turbid water. The water picked up speed
and the lake disappeared. Two holes were visible on the
lake side of the dam. State and local officials and
private engineers spent much of Thursday inspecting the
dam and planned to review the information Friday.
This pressure also caused a dramatic water spout along I-95
near Philadelphia. [Note
Philadelphia is not on a line with San Diego, but it is
along a known
fault line associated with the New Madrid, running up
along the East Coast.
I-95 [in Philadelphia] is on a
known fault line that runs from the center of the Gulf up
along the East Coast, thus the effect in 1811-12 in the
Carolinas and DC on up to Boston.
- Highway Geyser
June 17, 2010
- I was driving along I-95 [in
Philadelphia] this morning and snapped this picture on my
cell phone. It wasn't until I downloaded it to my computer
that I realized I had a picture of a water elemental! I
was a little disappointed to find out it was only a break
in a 36" water main. It was at least 50 feet high and big.
Pretty neat looking and only slowed traffic down as we all
gawked at it.
And to the west, along that general line of stress through the
center of N America, we have Utah, where for unexplained reasons
an oil pipeline broke.
- Utah Pipeline Break Fouls Geese, Ducks
June 12. 2010
- A leaked pipeline sent oil
spilling into a Salt Lake City creek, coating geese and
ducks and closing a park, officials said Saturday as they
started a cleanup effort expected to last weeks. At least
400 to 500 barrels of oil spewed into Red Butte Creek
before crews capped the leak site. Nearly 50 gallons of
crude oil per minute initially had spilled into the creek
This does not mean that the stress of the bow is always lined
up with the center of the bow at San Diego. The rest of the bow
is feeling the stress too, as in Edmonton, Alberta, where a road
collapsed for no apparent reason. Or in British Columbia, where
a mudslide also occurred for no apparent reason.
ZetaTalk Comment
9/12/2009: We have repeatedly mentioned
the bow stress that the N American continent is under, where
the Aleutians and the tip of Mexico are forced toward each
other while the continent is held rigid by its flat top. The
stress is showing.
- Edmonton Sinkhole Gives Driver a Scare
June 14, 2010
- The road dropped out from under a
city couple's car as they were driving south on Connors
- Cause of B.C. Mudslide Still Uncertain
June 14, 2010
- It is still not clear what caused
a mudslide on Sunday afternoon that destroyed as many as
five homes in a B.C. community. A wall of mud, water and
debris tore down a mountainside. The slide hit Highway 97,
the main highway through the Okanagan, at Road 14. The
area has been hit with heavy rain of late, but it remains
unclear exactly what may have caused the slide.
Increasing Deluge
Severe floods have occurred this past week, in many parts of
the world. Deluge, increasing deluge, is something the Zetas
predicted early in the ZetaTalk saga. They also predicted
extreme deluge following extreme drought, as was reported in
China during their flooding this June.
ZetaTalk Prediction
7/15/1995: Mankind will find its greatest
problems with the weather to be its unpredictability. Areas of
the world which have been deserts throughout mankind's memory
will become swamps under constant and repeated rains.
Temperate climates used to periodic gentle rainfall will
suffer intractable droughts. Then this will switch about, for
no apparent reason.
In one week in June, 2010 deluge with extreme flooding occurred
in France, China, Brazil, and Canada. This in addition to the
nonstop deluge with consequent flooding that occurred in
Oklahoma and Arkansas, as reported last week in Issue 190 of this newsletter.
- Flash Floods Leave 15 Dead in Southern
June 16, 2010
- Rescuers airlifted survivors and
searched for missing people in southern France Wednesday
after heavy rainstorms triggered flash floods that left at
least 15 people dead. Heavy rains on Tuesday caused water
levels to rise swiftly in the area, preventing many people
from fleeing to higher ground and forcing some to seek
shelter on the roofs of their homes.
- Southern China Floods Kill Scores
June 21, 2010
- Many of these areas have gone from
one extreme to another, according to the government.
Earlier this year, south-east China endured its worst
drought in living memory, but in the past week, some
places have been inundated with three times the average
rain for this period. Southern China experiences flooding
almost every summer, but the Beijing climate centre says
extreme weather events have increased in recent years,
with droughts becoming longer and rain falling in more
intense and damaging bursts.
- Growing Concern in Brazil as Number of
Flood Victims Increase
June 21, 2010
- Officials in Brazil fear the death
toll may rise as a result of persistent rain and flooding
that has punished the northeastern states of Pernambuco
and Alagoas, killing 33 people and leaving thousands
homeless. More than 1,000 people are missing in the state
of Alagoas; 500 people are unaccounted for in the town of
Uniao dos Palmares in Alagoas alone. According to Brazil's
civil defense agency, more than 40,000 are homeless.
Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is meeting in
Brasilia with governors of both states and has promised
emergency funds to help flood victims.
- Trans-Canada at Sask.-Alberta Border
Still Shut Gaping Hole in the Highway
June 19, 2010
- The Trans-Canada Highway at the
boundary between Alberta and Saskatchewan remained closed
because of flooding. Officials from the Saskatchewan
Highways and Infrastructure Ministry said Saturday that
crews have not yet had a chance to inspect the extent of
damage to the flooded portions of the Trans-Canada
Per the Zetas, such deluge was predicted by them in 1995, and
will only get worse as we approach the time of the pole shift.
ZetaTalk Warnings
7/29/2005: We warned at the start of
ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather extremes,
switching about from drought to deluge, would occur and
increase on a lineal basis up until the pole shift. Where this
occurred steadily, it has only recently become undeniable.
ZetaTalk, and only ZetaTalk, warned of these weather changes,
at that early date. Our early warnings spoke to the issue of
global heating from the core outward, hardly Global Warming, a
surface or atmospheric issue, but caused by consternation in
the core. Affected by the approach of Planet X, which was by
then starting to zoom rapidly toward the inner solar system
for its periodic passage, the core was churning, melting the
permafrost and glaciers and riling up volcanoes. When the
passage did not occur as expected in 2003 because Planet X had
stalled in the inner solar system, we explained the increasing
weather irregularities in the context of the global wobble
that had ensued - weather wobbles where the Earth is suddenly
forced under air masses, churning them. This evolved by 2005
into a looping jet stream, loops breaking away and turning
like a tornado to affect the air masses underneath. Meanwhile,
on Planet Earth, droughts had become more intractable and
deluges positively frightening, temperature swings bringing
snow in summer in the tropics and searing heat in Artic
regions, with the violence of storms increasing in number and
ferocity. Is this as bad as it will get, prior to the pole
shift when hurricane force winds will sweep the Earth and
every region of the globe will emerge with a new climate and
geography? Has the lineal increase we predicted in 1995
reached its climax? We are not here with good tidings, nor
were we here with good tidings in 1995.
Crop Circle Season
The Zetas have promised great drama as the Earth is
increasingly in the grip of Planet X, squeezed together with her
sister planets Venus and the Dark Twin. Crop circles are sending
an increasingly pointed message. This set from Fano,
and Belgium
seemed to have a common theme.

ZetaTalk Analysis
6/19/2010: This set of crop circles is
presenting, to mankind, an obvious scenario of clashes,
planetary clashes. Look at them visually, as Nancy had laid
them out in a line, and what do you see? Fano looks like
something thrown to one side, Ancona looks like a dither or
vibration, Belgium looks like vibration, and Walmont a bomb
with a short fuse. Only Andrea looks stable, as it is a simple
reminder of the trimesters, our warning on when the last weeks
will occur. We have repeatedly explained how Planet X and the
Earth are in a dither with each other, complicated by the
presence of Venus and the Dark Twin in the cup. That's what
you're seeing here. They dither, bounce off one another's
magnetic fields, ricochet around, and do this so often it
looks and behaves like a type of vibration.
A fascinating crop circle at Walbury
Hill in the UK, first reported on June 12, puzzled many.
But the Zetas point out the absolute correlation with their
description in the early days of ZetaTalk of the path of Planet
X asviewed from Earth. Indeed, by checking the path diagram against the snake formation it
is an exact correlation!
ZetaTalk Analysis
6/19/2010: Planet X has a contorted path
coming to its current position - a creep past the Sun and
thence outbound. In the view from Earth on the website Nancy
maintains, it first moves left, then up, then left some more,
then right, then down. All this only for the years 1983, when
Planet X was first sighted inbound by the IRAS team run by
JPL, to 2003 when it arrived to creep past the Sun. If you
consider this path from an overhead, rather than head on as
Nancy's diagram shows, then you see this contorted path,
exactly. When Planet X stopped the Earth in its orbit in
December, 2003, Venus was likewise halted and trapped in the
cup, and this is what you see with the two small orbs inside a
circle. By June, 2004 the Dark Twin had arrived, coming up
behind Earth in their shared orbit, so there were 3 planets in
the cup in front of Planet X.
In July, 2004 Planet X was close enough to the Earth, having
the Earth in its grip and squeezing these 3 planets before it
in the cup, that a change in the regular reaction of the Earth
to the Sun's sweeping arms was noted by Nancy. As stated "A
pattern of 11-11-8-8-8 days between Sweep Sets with a
One/Two/Three jolts in each set was noted from April through
June but by mid-July the sweep pattern changed to include a
Four/Five, the almost continuous activity predicted by the
Zetas, so it became difficult to discern the sweep sets." A
this point, in the crop circle, Planet X is near the Sun,
creeping past the Sun, and time stands still for this crop
circle, awaiting the time of the outbound passage. But there
is a mirroring of activity on the outbound phase. For the year
following the passage, the planets that had been caught in the
cup right themselves and find their old orbits and place,
while Planet X disappears from view.
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