Second Prong
The Zetas described the announcement about Planet 9 in January
as the first prong of a multi-prong announcement process. On
January 20 the news about Planet 9 was first released on scientific
media, which quickly spread to dozens of popular media
routes. The Zetas quickly pointed out that this was not Nibiru,
in the inner solar system next to the Sun since 2003 and so
dramatically showing up daily.

ZetaTalk Outline
1/23/2016: Now
that Nibiru is so visible that the public is regularly seeing
a Second Sun and the brilliant Moon Swirls, as well as the
body of Nibiru itself with its double helix of its two most
dominant Moon Swirls, the announcement is viewed as
inevitable. We have described the planned announcement as a
multi-pronged event that cannot be sabotaged. This is one of
the prongs.
This was followed on March 28 and days following with a blitz
of articles talking about Planet X, Red Dwarfs, and
extinction level events in Earth’s past. This was followed days
later starting on April 6 with another
blitz, this time including the term Nibiru and what the
ancient Sumerians knew.
ZetaTalk Insight
4/9/2016: In
that we have recently called the media attention to the
discovery of what is being called Planet 9 a “prong” in a
gradual announcement process, might this rush to print be
called another prong? Certainly some news is about to break,
and thus the public is being rapidly educated. This has been a
slow process, deliberately so. But now the knowledge gap is
being closed with great haste. Clearly media editors were
asked to cooperate in this regard, and clearly another prong
is just ahead!
On April 20 articles in the media were switching the public’s
attention from the western edge of Orion to the constellation
Cetus, which is where Nibiru can be found. But still, the
Zetas did not term this a second prong. Now, quietly on the
pages of scientific media outlets, in a move reminiscent of the
start of the Planet 9 blitz on January 20, we have what the
Zetas are calling the second prong - developing, as was the
first prong when first released.

- The Little Telescope that Just
Discovered Three Exoplanets and One-Upped Kepler
May 3, 2016
- In 2010, Michaël Gillon and
colleagues at the University of Liège got their small
prototype telescope built in the desert of Chile. By the
numbers, that telescope isn’t particularly
noteworthy. TRAPPIST tracks about 60 stars; Kepler
tracks 100,000. TRAPPIST has to point its lens
through the haze of Earth’s atmosphere; Kepler gets
to look through the clarity of space. TRAPPIST’s lens is
only 60 centimeters in diameter; Kepler’s is 95.
- Eight New Planets Found in Possible
Life-bearing Zones
January 6, 2015
- Eight new planets have been found
orbiting their stars in the so-called "Goldilocks zone,"
neither too hot nor too cold for water and possibly life
to exist.
ZetaTalk Insight
5/7/2016: In
an announcement release reminiscent of the Planet 9
announcements last January-March, the ESO telescope in Chile
has located potentially life bearing planets orbiting failed
suns, termed “ultra-cool dwarf suns”. Kepler, the
orbiting telescope noted for discovering enormous numbers of
these exoplanets, has been looking too far away, is the
conclusion, to discover them all. The ESO has found some right
next door. Where is this leading?
What will happen when the
public discovers a dust shrouded orb there, not at a distance
but right inside the solar system? There must be some way to
explain why Nibiru passed notice all these years, yet arrived
where and when ZetaTalk predicted. It is true that if one
looks too far, one misses what is right in front of one’s
nose. There must be some reason to explain the failures of
NASA probes and observatories worldwide, failures of the WISE
star mapping project and the Hubble’s long view. We predict
this will develop into the second prong of the slow bumbling
Elite Exodus
In 2012 when the possible return of Nibiru, aka Planet X was
discussed as a reason for the nervous elite to be looking around
for a hideaway, there were many odd resignations among the elite
that caught the attention of the public. But when the coming
passage of Nibiru proved hard to predict, resignations seemed to
pause. Now they are on the uptick again! Why must they retire?
They seldom give their reasons.

- Strange Elite Exodus: Planet X
Cometh, see How They Run
November 11, 2012
- The word about Planet X spread
among the wealthy and powerful long ago, giving them a
head start on Pole Shift preparation. So, where were they
going? Now that Planet X can be seen as a Second Sun in
the sky with the naked eye, the abrupt exodus of the
so-called elite is making news. Is the cover-up cracking
now that major earth changes and second sun sightings are
undeniably upon us all?
- Strange Elite Exodus: Why so many
Simultaneous Resignations?
November 10, 2012
- As earth changes continue to
assault countries of the world, creating drought and
deluge, intense storms, booming, shifting, and cracking
land, the cover-up attempts continue. What will the
wealthy and powerful do as the last weeks before the
potential pole shift arrive and earth changes wreak havoc
on their comfortable lifestyles and the ability to
control? Do the so-called elite believe that end times are
near? Are they quietly leaving the scene on their Lear
jets and literally and figuratively heading for the hills.
Like rats deserting a sinking ship, are they slipping away
in the dead of night to their secret and hopefully safe
- Mass Exodus has Begun - CEO's Bugging
Out! 500+ Retiring CEO's Another Sign of Something Ominous
to Come?
May 4, 2015
- The list of CEO's 'getting out of
Dodge' is like a 'Who's Who' of the corporate business
world in America. Are these retirements just a coincidence
or another sign of something ominous coming? The secretive
mountain bunker in Virginia. How many more bunkers such as
this have been secretly prepared by the elite?
ZetaTalk Expectation
10/8/2011: It
has been noted for some years that many in power positions,
such as politicians or executives running corporations, are
retiring early in unusually high numbers. But what of those
who do not want to retire but who will want to slip away in
time to avoid being trapped during the Last Weeks? We are
nowhere near that time, but when it comes their exodus will be
packaged as being "unavailable" or they will be absent from
meetings without an explanation. They may have staff or
underlings lie for them, claiming illness such as the flu or a
family emergency. It is quite possible that such exits may
happen repeatedly, with the person returning to their job if
the anticipated catastrophe does not occur. The danger, of
course, is that such repeated exits run the risk of discovery,
so the safe location and exit route become known, and the
behavior is questioned.
Rioting and a rise in crime is lately being used as an excuse
for leaving cities, all this caused by income inequality. But
inequality, the poor, has always been present, throughout
mankind’s long and painful history. Why the panic now? Doomsday
bunkers were being constructed even before the 2012 clamor
over the Mayan Calendar, and escape mechanisms such as panic
rooms and escape submarines have been steadily popular.
What inside information do the wealthy have about the future
that is causing them to panic now? If the elite can no longer
control the world, then they fear it.

- Economic Collapse is Erupting all
over the Planet as Global Leaders Begin to Panic
April 10, 2016
- Let’s start with Brazil. It
has the 7th largest economy on the entire planet, and it
is already enduring its worst recession in 25 years.
Meanwhile, things are actually much worse in Venezuela
than they are in Brazil. Food and basic supplies are
in short supply, the inflation rate has hit 720 percent,
and crime is completely out of control. Meanwhile, over in
Europe the collapse of the Italian banking system has
entered a disturbing new chapter. Do you remember
how hard it was for the rest of Europe to rescue Greece?
Well, Greece has the 44th largest economy on the planet.
Italy has the 8th. In China, the stock market is already
down more than 40 percent from the peak, Chinese exports
were down 25.4 percent.
- Why the Elite are Buying Secret
January 29, 2016
- Hedge fund managers all over the
world are buying airstrips and farms in places like New
Zealand because they think they need a getaway. Income
inequality and the potential for civil unrest and riots as
the reason for the panic. The super rich have been busy
securing property in safe havens for at least five years
in anticipation of the next financial collapse.

- Landing Strips, Farms and Hideaways:
Secret Escapes of the Elite
February 20, 2015
- The trend is accelerating as of
this year’s Davos Summit, where various world leaders
across politics, business and finance were seen openly
discussing the growing inequality and possible civil
unrest will mean for them personally.
ZetaTalk Insight
4/17/2010: If
one follows the lives of those inclined toward the
Service-to-Self one finds they try to take advantage of
others, steal the work product of others, and promote
themselves into positions of greater control over others. If
they succeed at any of these endeavors, they parlay their
success to even greater control over others, greater wealth at
the expense of others, and more theft of what others have
done. They then try to lock in the courts and the political
arena to support their advantage, and since they have
accumulated wealth, they do this by bribery and by purchasing
blackmail material.
ZetaTalk Insight
2/20/2010: The
issue with Planet X, as we have repeatedly explained, is that
those in the establishment, with political power who fear the
panic of the populace, would be inclined to mow down innocents
in the street if the absolute knowledge of the pending passage
were to be known before they are dislodged from power. What is
starting to happen, and which is a trend that will escalate
soon, is that those in power are retreating to their bunkers,
leaving their jobs, to avoid this day.
If you prefer to stay in New York City as long as possible, or
need to be there for your job, you might as well be high above
the riots and sloshing ocean waves – in a penthouse! These are
still selling well, at increasingly higher prices. But they will
not offer safety during or after the Pole Shift.

- The 10 most Expensive Homes you can
Buy in New York City right Now
July 9, 2015
- New York ranks third in the world
for the highest residential real estate prices per
square foot. The penthouse at 23 East 22 Street — also
known as One Madison — is the "crowning jewel" of one of
the tallest residential towers in downtown Manhattan.
The 7,600-square-foot penthouse has 360-degree views
of the surrounding city, including the neighboring Madison
Square Park. It was put on the market by billionaire
Rupert Murdoch earlier this year.
ZetaTalk Prediction
3/5/2011: The
entire city area will be under water at 100 feet. Tall
buildings will vibrate at different rates during the
earthquakes, bash into each other, and thus collapse. This is
in addition to what is known for city dwellers everywhere -
exploding gas mains and water mains, so fires cannot be
extinguished. Those who plan on staying in your cozy city, and
living in whatever sticks up above the water, whatever has not
been burned, with others who will be starving and looking at
you as a meal. The bridges will be down. Any rail service
impossible due to twisted rails. The waters sloshing about so
boat service is inconceivable.
Then there is the Mad Max worry, that one will be caught by a
mob, unable to escape, and no police or militia about! This is
given as the excuse lately, and now that terrorism from ISIS is
among us, this is likely to be used as an excuse too. But crime
has always been with us. Is this really the reason for the
exodus by the elite? The Zetas pointed out that the fear over
Mad Max gangs is most palpable in
Australia, where Mad Max movies were filmed. Biker
gangs were outlawed in Queenland in eastern Australian in 2013.
Of course, this is where many in the elite are heading,
including the Queen herself.

- Millionaires Fleeing Chicago Over
Fear of Civil Unrest
April 7, 2016
- Millionaires are fleeing Chicago
due to concerns over racial tensions and rising crime
rates. Chicago is third on the list of cities experiencing
an exodus of millionaires, behind Paris and Rome. Wealthy
elites are also installing panic rooms in their big city
apartments due to fears over potential civil unrest and
skyrocketing crime.
- Enter the Thunderdrome: Inside the
World's largest Post-Apocalyptic Festival where Thousands of
Mad Max Fans Gather in the Desert
April 28, 2016
- The four-day post-apocalyptic
party in the Mojave desert began in 2010 and has seen
steady growth each year - this year's event is set to be
held from September 22 to 25.
ZetaTalk Comment
11/2/2013: Biker
gangs are not new to Australia, which has vast regions
virtually uninhabited where lawlessness is difficult to
control. The famous Mad Max series was staged in Australia,
and featured a biker gang running rampant over the populace.
It has been steadily documented that the elite - the wealthy
and politically powerful - are placing a footprint in
Queensland, along the coastline that will lift during the Pole
Shift and be close to new land in Antarctica, ice free and
waiting to be settled. Immigration has been severely
restricted, and now biker gangs to be imprisoned without bail.
Just the start, for this elite enclave.
At the mercy of grids vulnerable to rolling blackouts, where
one portion of the grid fails and brings others tumbling down
with it, mankind is in pain when their reliance on electricity
is challenged. Delivery of fuel via gas lines and electrical
heating are shut down. Hospitals can find themselves without
lights in the middle of surgery. Those in cities dependent upon
elevators or escalators can find themselves stranded in upper
floors. And since the days of the cave man, where a small fire
in the cave gave comfort, heat, and light, being plunged into
total darkness can be distressing for psychological reasons too.
The ability of mankind to travel and transport his goods is
often affected. This happened in Egypt in 2014 when the Suez
Canal was closed, and in India in 2012 when the Delhi Metro line
serving the busy city was paralyzed, and in 2005 in Moscow when
the Moscow Metro was likewise paralyzed. Railroad trains rely on
switching mechanisms, and often are run with electrical trains.
Airports can divert traffic to other airports, but if the outage
is widespread, this mode of travel too is crippled. As Nibiru
continues in its approach toward Earth, these incidents will

- Light Gradually Returns to Egypt
after Cities-Wide Blackout
September 4, 2014
- The massive power cut caused
several stations along two metro lines to stop for up to
two and a half hours. Naval traffic and industrial
activity came to a grinding halt along the vital waterway.
- Northern & Eastern Grids
Collapse: Biggest Power Failure in India
July 31, 2012
- In what is being called the
biggest ever power failure in India, half of the country
was without electricity supply. This affected
hundreds of trains. The collapse of three grids is
unprecedented. Following the blackout, services of Delhi
Metro rail were brought to a halt.
- 2005 Moscow Power Blackouts
- Some tens of thousands of people
were trapped in stranded underground trains in the Moscow
Metro and in elevators, railway signaling was put out of
action and many commercial and governmental organisations
were paralysed.
Electro-magnetic pulse can affect vast areas in a sudden
blackout. In 2003, when Planet X, aka Nibiru first arrived in
the inner solar system, there was a massive blackout affecting
New York City. A million commuters quietly walked home across
darkened bridges. After much finger pointing, it was ultimately
blamed on a service station failure at Niagara, causing rolling
blackouts from excessive demand placed on neighboring suppliers.
Per the Zetas, this was a classic EMP, which happened again in
2009 at the Itaipu dam in Brazil. The hydroelectric generators
at the dam were not damaged, were rebooted, but the outage
affected a massive area. Once again, per the Zetas, this was
classic EMP. These blackouts, caused by the near presence of
Nibiru, will be in the increase.

- Northeast Blackout of 2003
- The Northeast blackout of 2003
was a widespread power outage that occurred throughout
parts of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States and
the Canadian province of Ontario. At the time, it was the
world's second most widespread blackout in history.
ZetaTalk Warning
10/6/2007: In
2003, when the tail wafted past the Sun toward Earth, there
were all kinds of blackouts, worldwide, caused by this charged
tail. The famous NYC blackout in August, 2003, where commuters
quietly walked home over the darkened bridges, was one such
incident. Worldwide, these blackouts occurred. We warned
recently that as the N Pole of Planet X turned away from the
Sun, turned outward toward Earth, that these days would
return. This will increasingly be the case.
- Dam Failure Triggers Huge Blackout in
November 19, 2009
- An important hydroelectric dam
shared by Brazil and Paraguay failed Tuesday night,
pushing a large swath of central and southern Brazil into
darkness. Millions of people were affected by the blackout
in six Brazilian states that included the cities of Rio de
Janeiro and Sao Paulo. Rio's main streets and
avenues were in a total blackout. The subway system in Rio
came to a stop. As Itaipu rebooted, it would repower the
affected regions. This is regarded as one of the largest
blackouts in man's history.
ZetaTalk Explanation
11/11/2009: The
failure of the hydroelectric plant at the Itaipu dam situated
on the border of Brazil and Paraguay was of course caused by
an electromagnetic storm caused by the near presence of Planet
X and the wafting of its charged tail. The Brazilian Energy
Minister was honest about the cause, stating it was a failure
at the dam caused by an unknown "atmospheric phenomena". Many
blackouts are caused by the equipment shutting down to protect
it from surge or brownout damage. The blackout was sudden,
affecting the whole area serviced by the power station,
showing that the outage stemmed from the dam itself.
And the beat goes on, as noted in the Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to EMP incidents. Europe is very
much in an EMP zone, affecting their Internet connectivity,
airline safety (as the Germanwings crash into the Alps
demonstrated), and their potential for sudden blackouts. Swiss
banks will be treated no differently. Rich or poor, blackouts
and outages affect all.

- Massive Blackout in Zurich, Officials
Cite Technical Issues
April 27, 2016
- A massive power outage struck the
Swiss city of Zurich, electric officials have confirmed,
adding that the city center lost electricity and traffic
was halted. Two transformers had been shut down due to
“unknown reasons.”