Nibiru Media Blitz
Starting in the last week of March, the media was flooded with
news articles touting concepts such
as mass extinctions caused by cometary collisions with Earth,
habitable red dwarf planets, and the recently discovered Planet
9. The term Planet X was tossed in, but the term Nibiru was
excluded. This blitz continued between March 28 to April 2. Now
there is a second wave of news articles, starting on April 6,
and lo and behold, the term Nibiru along with its ancient
Sumerian mythology origin are included. The second wave is also
featuring a running debate between astronomers Whitmire
and Brown
on whether any danger to earth happens every 27 million or every
15,000 years. All this mixed in with speculation or rumor that
such debris is due to arrive in April, 2016, a prediction
ascribed to Whitmire.

- Rare 'Brown Dwarf' Identified after
18 YEARS of Tests: Failed Star could help Deepen
Understanding of Exoplanets
April 7, 2016
- Brown dwarfs' are a kind of
half-hearted version of a star that started to form, but
never managed to gather enough energy to begin the process
of nuclear fusion. Now a rare brown dwarf has been
identified after 18 years of measurements. In addition to
taking its picture for the first time, a team at the
University of Notre Dame, Indiana, has determined the
brown dwarf's mass, age and composition. The discovery of
the brown dwarf, which goes by the name HD 4747 B, came
after measurements of a star 61 light years away in the
Cetus constellation indicated it hosted an orbiting

- A Killer Planet is Rapidly Heading
toward Earth
April 7, 2016
- Scientists believe they have
discovered a planet, currently unnamed but being referred
to as Planet 9. Unfortunately, this might not be great
news, since the planet’s orbit might cause asteroids to
come shooting at the Earth.
- Scientists Fear Possible Planet X Can
Destroy Life on Earth
April 7, 2016
- Caltech researchers Konstantin
Batygin and Mike Brown discovered evidence for the planet
back in January, which they believe is similar in size to
Uranus and orbits the sun around 20 times farther than
Neptune, and it’s also been suggested that such a planet
could potentially fling “comet storms” toward Earth. The
only major difference between Whitmire’s theory and the
theory proposed by Caltech’s researchers is the length of
Planet X’s orbit: Whitmire suggested an orbit of 27
million years whereas Batygin and Brown believe the planet
orbits every 10,000 to 20,000 years. The idea of a
distant, massive planet bringing doom to humanity was
first proposed by numerous ancient civilizations,
particularly the Sumerians who said that Planet X dwarfs
Earth and bombards the solar system with comets every
several thousand years.
- Have you Heard about the Gigantic
Mystery Planet that could Kill Us All?
April 7, 2016
- Recent reports suggested there’s
more and more evidence that a giant planet is orbiting our
solar system. Beyond it, there may be an even bigger
threat. Planet X, unseen by scientists, exerts a
tremendous gravitational pull on other objects in space,
changing the course of comets and sending them towards
Earth. Not all of these flying space objects hit our
planet, but those that do might kill off almost all life.
Apparently, it all happens every 27 million years.

- Planet X to really cause Mass
Extinction this Month?
April 9, 2016
- The celestial body, theorized in
many an ancient text – most notably among the Sumerians
– is predicted to be 10 times our size, and is
currently still thousands of times further away from us
than our sun. But if the latest research is correct,
something is having a skewing effect on a group of objects
in the Kuiper Belt, just beyond Neptune. And it’s closing
in fast. Now, a retired astrophysics professor from the
University of Louisiana, Daniel Whitmire, is saying Nibiru
has all but arrived to our neck of the woods - and that
the destruction brought about by its gravitational
trickery will take place this very April, as it’s done
numerous times before, every time it passed us by.
Per the Zetas, this is more evidence that the cover-up over
Nibiru is running hard to make up for lost time, for all the
delays and lies they have put forth during their decades of the
cover-up. The question is, what are they running from?
ZetaTalk Comment
4/16/2016: Where
the first wave of articles re-introducing the term Planet X
and associating this with mass extinctions hit the press only
a couple weeks ago, starting March 28, a second wave of
articles quickly followed. This second wave included the
Sumerian name for the passing planet of destruction – Nibiru.
The only thing missing from this apparently expedited
education of the public is the admission that Nibiru has
arrived, did arrive last 2003, and is being seen daily naked
eye by the public.
After decades of a firm
cover-up over these issues, what’s the hurry? Clearly the
establishment is making up for lost time, suddenly realizing
they cannot endlessly stall and deny, claiming that the
changed weather is due to carbon emissions, ie Global Warming,
and claiming that any electromagnetic disruption is coming
from the Sun. Increased debris bombarding Earth is claimed to
be space junk, or only reported locally so the incidence is
not noted by the general public. Earthquake statistics are
falsified. Any captures of the Nibiru complex on film are
claimed to be lens flares or photo shopped frauds, and
ridiculed accordingly.
The cover-up crowd clearly
thought they had all the time in the world, could fool the
public until the last minute, the Last Weeks, and meanwhile
the 1%, the wealthy and powerful, could continue their party,
living high while the common man was kept ignorant. What has
changed, in this equation, that the owners and editors of
major media outlets have been told to rapidly educate the
public? The announcement, as planned by Obama, may have
failed, but the Council of Worlds is hardly without cards to
play. Regardless of the route the Council’s announcement
takes, the outcome will be the same. The public will be aware
of what is pending, aware that the establishment has lied to
them for decades, and aware of the history and accuracy of
ZetaTalk predictions. Just what this will involve, we will not
Zetas Right Again!
When the media exploded with news
that a “Planet 9” had been discovered 20 Sun-Pluto distances,
the Zetas called this a “prong” in a multi-prong approach to
achieving the announcement that Nibiru exists and has arrived.
ZetaTalk Explanation
1/23/2016: Why
is this article simultaneously exploding on major media? It is
not describing Nibiru, aka Planet X. It is describing the
Sun’s binary twin, which we have described as being
18.74 Sun-Pluto distances away from the Earth’s Sun. Now that
Nibiru is so visible that the public is regularly seeing a
Second Sun and the brilliant Moon Swirls, as well as the body
of Nibiru itself with its double helix of its two most
dominant Moon Swirls, the announcement is viewed as
inevitable. We have described the planned announcement as a
multi-pronged event that cannot be sabotaged. This is one of
the prongs.
Planet 9 is, as the Zetas explained, the dark unlit binary of
our Sun, which is in a static dance with our Sun, which the
Zetas had long stated was 18.74 Sun-Pluto distances out in the
direction of Orion. This is of course the direction of the inbound
Nibiru’s approach when it arrived in 2003. Note the
location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided
by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003,
and right where predicted
a full 7 years earlier.

- Planet Nine
- The predicted planet would be a
super-Earth, with an estimated mass of about 10 times that
of Earth (approximately 5,000 times the mass of Pluto), a
diameter two to four times that of Earth, and a highly
elliptical orbit. The aphelion, or farthest point from the
Sun, would be in the general direction of the
constellations of Orion and Taurus.
Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw
represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound
Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon
in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not
provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only
referring to the location as the “western edge of the
constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is
vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just
outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of

- Actual 1983 Washington Post Article
Reporting of Presence of Planet X (Nibiru)
October 24, 2014
- A heavenly body possibly as large
as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth
that it would be part of this solar system has been found
in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting
telescope aboard the U.S. Infrared Astronomical Satellite
(IRAS). The mystery body was seen twice by IRAS as it
scanned the northern sky from last January to November,
when the satellite ran out of the super-cold helium that
allowed its telescope to see the coldest bodies in the
heavens. The second observation took place six months
after the first and suggested the mystery body had not
moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge of
the constellation Orion in that time.
How would the public eventually become “aware of the history
and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions”? It would seem this is
already in process.
Sci.Astro Debates
Compare the discussion on the media ongoing at present to how
these concepts were handled 1998. Odd orbits such as the sling
orbit of Nibiru denied, not possible. The Zeta description for
Nibiru as being a “smoldering brown dwarf”, a planet that can
emit its own light, was not even in the list of possible
objects. Mankind could have huge brown dwarfs or planets,
nothing in between. The concepts were rigid. The sci.astro
debates in 1998 show there was no discussion, only
ridicule and the dismissive attitude that human astronomers knew
best. Note that Jim
Scotti, who was debating the Zetas in this small sample,
is a well-known astronomer working at the Lunar and Planetary
Lab at the University of Arizona in Tucson. As such, he was well
aware of the Pope Scope at Tucson, and what it was tracking.

Nancy Now and Then (2)
Article: <5gidnb$>
Date: 17 Mar 1997 03:27:39 GMT
In article
<6fs4n2$g2i$> Jim Scotti writes:
> BTW, we can also take an image of the same field later
(hours, days, weeks, whatever) and see
> your object move. .. And even if it is coming "straight
at the Earth", we'll be able to see it move
> as the Earth orbits the sun, it will move by parallax on
the sky - unless it is magically wobbling at
> the same rate the Earth would induce that parallax.
There'll be no doubt, if you can only tell us
> exactly where to look for your 12th planet.
> jscotti@LPL.Arizona.EDU (Jim Scotti)
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Since this is an object on
the move, any given RA and Dec would soon be outdated and
would be used to confuse those sincerely searching to FIND
this object. You post ephemerides for your comets. As we
have repeatedly stated, you cannot develop ephemerides for
the 12th, as it is NOT a little ball of ice and behaves
unlike any object you are familiar with. A planet on a long
ellipse. A planet that comes through the Solar System like a
comet. A comet so large that it roars through the Solar
System, and turns around for a return beyond the Solar
System rather than circling the Sun in your view. And
finally, you DO see it, and ARE watching it, tracking it
closely. You're just not telling the rest of mankind about
this monster that will ravage their lives and the lives of
their loved ones because the establishment fears panic! But
you're watching it, and verifying what you've been told
about it's potential, and THIS is why the Hubble was
recently outfitted with additional infra-red capability!
THIS is why the Reagan administration and some republican
hardliners are pushing Star Wars, to be up in the skies by
2003, a PUBLISHED date per statements by Dole, as they hope
to be able to shoot this monster out of the sky by some as
yet unavailable laser technology.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])
X/12th Planet Discovery
Article: <6ftpmp$>
Date: 1 Apr 1998 16:23:53 GMT
In article
<6fs4n2$g2i$> Jim Scotti writes:
> How do you think we determined the masses of all of the
planets? Before spacecraft flew past them,
> we used their
perturbations on other bodies, asteroids, and comets and the
other planets themselves
> to estimate their masses.
Once we were able to track spacecraft like Pioneer and Voyager
> them, our estimates for
the masses was greatly improved. A complete "swag"? No, good
enough in
> fact to direct the
spacecraft past the planet and on to the next one with rather
high accuracy.
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Are you trying to say that
a fraction of a percent in estimated weight made the
DIFFERENCE in being able to use the planet as a
gravitational sling shot? You GUIDE your probes, with those
little jets they have about their middle! The effort that
went into directing the IRAS team to point toward Orion was
not done without reason! What was your reason? That you went
brain dead and didn't tweak your formulas by that fraction
of a percent in weight BEFORE the search, but did so
AFTERWARDS! The weight of the planets was not a given, it
was a computed weight, at all times, and stands so today.
Depending upon the other factors, this weight changes! This
is how you placate yourself when something new comes into
your life. You tweak the formulas around until they seem
reasonably close to what is currently "known", and they you
get smug again.
But the bottom line is that
you did not FORGET how these weights were computed prior to
the press to locate Planet X, and then REMEMBER them when
the discovery was feared to create panic in the
populace. If you would make this silly statement, then
give us some insight into what you, Jim Scotti, would tell
the populace upon such a discovery. What would your
masters allow you to say? That coastal cities will be
washed away? That inland cities will be a crush of
broken rubble? That electricity will not flow in the power
lines that criss-cross rural areas, and the phone lines will
be dead? That no groceries will be on the shelves, and
gardens difficult to grow in the haze of volcanic
gloom? That there is a REASON the self-protecting CIA
and Military built secret underground structures like Mt.
Weather? How would you tell the populace this, and
still hold your job?
(End ZetaTalk[TM])

X/12th Planet Search in Early 1980's
Article: <6ftpjo$>
Date: 1 Apr 1998 16:22:16 GMT
In article
<6fs4n2$g2i$> Jim Scotti
> Now who was "frantically searching" for Planet X in the
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
YOU were, among
others. What does it take to get articles published
in magazines like Newsweek and Astronomy and on the front
page of the Washington Post? A nap?
(End ZetaTalk[TM])
magazine, Dec '81, article "Search for the Tenth Planet"
Astronomy, October '82, article "Searching for a 10th
Newsweek, June 28, 1982, article "Does the Sun Have a Dark
US News World Report, Sept 10, 1984, article "Planet X - Is
It Really Out There?"
Washington Post, 31-Dec-1983, a front page story "Mystery
Heavenly Body Discovered"

X/12th Planet Cover-Up Mechanism
Article: <6ftpfq$>
Date: 1 Apr 1998 16:20:10 GMT
In article <6fs4n2$g2i$> Jim
Scotti writes:
> Wrong again - NASA follows rules that Congress sets.
Oh, but I guess Congress wants NASA to lie.
> How do they stop scientists like me (or Dave Tholen or
Brian Marsden or Foreign scientists literally
> unconnected with NASA) who aren't directly on the NASA
payroll? Oh, yeah, it's all a big conspiracy.
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
NASA's rules have hardly
been set by Congress, populated by elected officials who in
the main barely passed their high school math courses. NASA
runs itself, setting before the awed congressmen scientists
who pratt language their audience cannot understand, much
less question. If NASA says it must give their discoveries
to their buddies, exclusively, then it must be done!
Congress understands pork barrel, after all, and there are
all those jobs to be handed out to congressional buddies by
a call to NASA now and then. Those with their hand in
the tax payer's pork barrel understand each other. And
what about you, or Marsden or Tholen? Which of you is
not on the public payroll in some regard, or within a short
reach of such a relationship? Did you not sign papers
agreeing to work in the best interests of national
safety? Did your observatory not sign such papers, in
order to receive tax payer financing? And if such
papers were not signed as a condition of receiving taxpayer
funds, similar papers were signed when private financing
from wealthy individuals was secured. You are owned, by your
masters, and those who are not so owned are few and far
(End ZetaTalk[TM])

Planet X/12th Planet Long Elliptical Orbit
Article: <6ganqt$>
Date: 6 Apr 1998 14:11:41 GMT
In article <6g3109$qsc$> Jim
Scotti writes:
>> It's a fact that most suns are binaries, and some so
close as to give the appearance of barely keeping
>> each
other at arms length. Why should it be astonishing
that a planet would institute an orbit around
>> BOTH?
Are you saying it is impossible for a planet to orbit
two suns? Impossible?
> A planet can orbit both suns in a binary star system.
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
You went through an
elaborate statement to say you base your theories on orbits
upon what you have OBSERVED - inverse square on Gravity and
momentum conservation of energy rules. Bearing in mind
that you have not OBSERVED a planet orbiting two suns, both
suns in a binary system, what would that orbit look
like? For the sake of moving this argument forward, we
will assume for the moment that your orbital mechanics are
correct, and not under challenge. Just paint for us
what that orbit would look like. Not the several pages
of math, but just something simple, in the manner you are so
very skilled at employing. A simple verbal description
of what such an orbit would look like.
You have a head start in
that your astronomy computer programs already ASSUME a
second foci in elliptical orbits. Just put that foci
out there, WAY out there, some 18.724 times as far as Pluto
is from your Sun. Assume the same factors published
prior to the search for Planet X, Van Flandern's statement
that the perturbations observed in the outer planets would
require a planet or brown dwarf 2 to 5 times as large as
Earth. We are requesting for this discussion that you
assume a planet 4 times as large as Earth, as this is our
statement. Grant us this assumption in return for our
granting you that YOUR assumption on orbital mechanics is
correct, tit for tat, one concession for another, and since
both assumptions as based on human assumption, you should
have no objections. This hypothetical discussion would
be no different from any other occurring on sci.astro in
that regard, applying known physics, as you say, to a
hypothetical situation.
What would such an orbit,
where a planet orbited both suns in a binary system, look
(End ZetaTalk[TM])

Planet X/12th Planet Distance at Present
Article: <6glv9b$>
Date: 10 Apr 1998 20:26:19 GMT
In article <6giqqq$qeg$> Jim
Scotti writes:
>> The long elliptical orbit stands in contradiction to
human gravitational theories, which has the
>> gravitational tug rapidly diminishing with distance.
> 400 years of observation and calculation has shown that
gravity and elliptical orbits (along with
> parabolic and hyperbolic orbits) go hand in hand (the
detailed derivation of such can be found in
> any Celestial Mechanics textbook such as Danby's
"Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics". We've
> accurately
predicted the last 4 returns of comet Halley and
hundreds of its short-period comet cousins
> along
with all the planets, asteroids, and most recently
have sent manmade spacecraft to the moon
> and planets using exactly this theory of gravity.
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
You are replacing an
EXPLANATION with a DESCRIPTION! We've made this
statement perhaps hundreds of times on this Usenet.
Your posture is no different from a 2 year old stating the
Earth is flat and the Sun revolves around it because he
observes this and can predict this will be the case the next
day, or when he walks to the horizon and still sees the
horizon flat before him! Would you allow this to
stand? You'd say, in a superior and smug way, that he
would have to place his childish theories up against what
YOU have observed, and RECONCILE them. Well, we're
asking little Jim to do the same. See our companion
post where our emissary, Nancy, has reported two of the
three contradictions you have NOT addressed.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])
In article <6giqqq$qeg$> Jim
Scotti writes:
>> Likewise perturbations by other planets do not
explain why the comet leaves off where it does,
>> and even such a well known comet as Haley's regularly
leaves off from the same spot in spite
>> of vastly different planetary alignments each time.
> We've successfully predicted the return of Halley's comet
since Sir Edmund Halley himself predicted
> the 1758 return.
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Ditto. See
above. The 2 year old with the flat Earth theory, the
Earth the center of the Universe theory, could point to some
700 repeated occurrences. Does that make him
right? Does his theory and observations line up with
other known facts?
(End ZetaTalk[TM])