Social Media Outages
Between September 20-24, 2015 several social media platforms
had unexplained outages. First, on September 20, 2015, was
Skype, which had outages in the UK, Australia, and Japan. This
was claimed to be due to a software fix that inadvertently
inserted a bug. People were listed as being offline, even when
this was not the case.

- Skype Service 'Restored' after Network
September 21, 2015
- Skype service 'restored' after
network problems. Skype-owner Microsoft said it had
"detected an issue with the status settings" on Skype that
show if someone is online or not. The problem locked many
people's status as offline - stopping them making calls
even though they were connected. Many Skype users in the
UK, Australia and Japan have all reported problems.
Then on September 22, 2015 Twitter began to have outages,
people complaining loudly that they could not get access to
Twitter. This again appeared to be a worldwide problem,
affecting primarily the US, and the problems returned
periodically over the next days and weeks. No explanation was
every given.

- Twitter
September 22, 2015
- Haven't been able to open app for
2 days!
Then FaceBook joined the fray, on September 23, 2015. This
seemed to affect the US again, and Europe, primarily. FaceBook
blamed a software fix that inadvertently inserted a bug.

- More Details on Today's Outage
September 23, 2015
- Early today Facebook was down or
unreachable for many of you for approximately 2.5 hours.
This is the worst outage we’ve had in over four years.
Today we made a change to the persistent copy of a
configuration value that was interpreted as invalid. This
meant that every single client saw the invalid value and
attempted to fix it. Because the fix involves making a
query to a cluster of databases, that cluster was quickly
overwhelmed by hundreds of thousands of queries a second.
- Facebook Went Down for 13 Minutes
September 24, 2015
- Facebook went down for 13 minutes
today. Facebook went down from roughly 12:34pm to
12:47pm ET today for editors of Conservative Intel. The
problem was across the United States with emphasis on both
coasts as well as significant problems in Europe.
- Facebook
September 24, 2015
- Problems at FacebookFacebook is
having issues since 7:31 AM EDT. Are you also affected?
Leave a message in the comments.
Per Zetas, these outages are not what they might seem on the
face. On the face it looks like an attempt to take down social
media to prevent the announcement from spreading. This had been
the approach of the cover-up crowd in the past, to block access.
ZetaTalk Insight
0/3/2015: The
three major social media outlets in use around the globe all
had significant, and simultaneous outages between September
20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and
Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and
Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the
US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours
or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there
was no real explanation for the outages. The outages were not
announced as downtime for system updates. No electro-magnetic
pulse (EMP) was evident at this time.
What happened? Skype is owned
by MicroSoft, FaceBook is a public company but founder
Zuckerberg retains over 20% control, and Twitter is also a
public company with almost 50% held by institutional portfolio
management. Unlike major media, whose ownership is most often
tightly controlled by conservative members of the elite, the
social media is viewed as chatter on the Internet outside of
establishment control. Were these sites hacked, in an effort
to stop the Internet ahead of a possible announcement during
the week of September 23-28 by the Pope, Obama, Xi, and Putin?
In the past, announcement
attempts were blocked by cutting Emergency Broadcast System
wires or shutting off a TV broadcast by the 30 second delay
mechanism or confusing TV stations with false court orders.
The announcement might be made, but only those present in the
room would be aware of it, and could be threatened. Then a
story that Obama had suffered a mental breakdown would quickly
be spread. But in a broad audience such as the crowds flocking
to see the Pope or in attendance at the UN, there would be too
many witnesses. Social media itself would have to be stifled,
the news purged, while an alternate story was promulgated.
Per the Zetas, there is an entirely different reason for the
social media outages – to enhance
the announcement when it happens.
ZetaTalk Insight
0/3/2015: It
is notable that the outages affected primarily Western
countries – the US, the Queens Commonwealth countries, Europe,
and Japan. If one assumes that the outage was to test the
ability to take down social media in these countries to limit
the impact of the announcement, this could hardly prevent the
rest of the world from learning of it and chattering away on
the Internet. It would be a delay only, and one that would
raise immense suspicion of the governing powers in those
countries, thus generating social unrest. Thus logically the
downtime on social media was not to prevent chatter after an
announcement had been made. So what was the agenda, the reason
for the outage?
The cover-up crowd, those
elite reluctant to have the public informed, reside primarily
in the US, the UK and its Commonwealth, and Europe. The
leadership of Russia and China are on board with the
announcement, as they want to move their populace to safer
ground. Indonesia and Japan fear the announcement as their
countries will be impacted by the plate movements predicted by
ourselves, the Zetas. Thus Singapore and Japan were included
in the outages. Lies about the announcement will promptly be
spread in these countries. So the intent of the downtime on
social media in these countries was not to block announcement
chatter but to facilitate it.
Every Skype user has an
account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user
can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these
contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise
has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes
information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in
the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a
password, with many friends who pick up info from each other
and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts. In all of
this, the networks themselves are aware of the accounts and
passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an
announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!
Could these tech CEOs, recently at a State Dinner for China’s
President Xi, be on the announcement team?

- Tech CEOs among Guests at State Dinner
for China
September 26, 2015
- A high-wattage collection of
Hollywood studio chiefs and technology big-wigs convened
at the White House Friday for a state dinner in honor of
Chinese President Xi Jinping. The White House invited
marquee names from Silicon Valley, including Apple CEO Tim
Cook and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, to sit at the
dinner's head table alongside President Barack Obama and
President Xi.
NASA Grabs the Mic
In 1995, at the start of the
ZetaTalk saga, the Zetas were asked about Mars, whether it had
once or does now hold life. The Zetas went on record stating
that Mars indeed had developed primitive life to the extent of
supporting moss and bugs and worms, and had indeed held water
sufficient to sustain an atmosphere. But the Annunaki sent the
water underground while washing their Gold, and thus the
atmosphere thinned to the point where the Annunaki could no
longer live on its surface. Reluctant to acknowledge that
the Zetas were right, NASA stalled, but finally NASA and the ESA
admitted water on Mars in 2008,
providing images of water washed gullies.

Then increasingly NASA provided not
only proof of water on Mars, but signs of the Annunaki on Mars
in the past. In 2008 the NASA rover images also revealed an
obvious stick of wood. By 2011 NASA
was admitting that water on Mars
occurred “in the past”, adopting the ZetaTalk explanation that
the water had been run underground. By 2012 the Mars rover
images released showed a mouse on the
run and the skull of a sheep or goat.

In 2012 the Mars rover images released even revealed evidence of
the Annunaki on Mars in the past – a toy
doll with Annunaki head dress. By 2013 the rover images
revealed desert hawks and gold
dust on the sleuth paths used by the Annunaki in the
past. And in 2014 major media was abuzz about a rock on
Mars that apparently moved between photo shots. Per the Zetas,
this was a mouse nest that had been
dropped by a hawk. Then in 2015 we had an atmosphere plume in
the media and now, scientific proof that Mars has vast seas, as
large as the Arctic Ocean.

Now, amid much drumroll and suspense, NASA is admitting that
fresh water flows over the surface of Mars!

- NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid
Water Flows on Today’s Mars
September 28, 2015
- New findings from NASA's Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest
evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on
present-day Mars. Using an imaging spectrometer on MRO,
researchers detected signatures of hydrated minerals on
slopes where mysterious streaks are seen on the Red
Planet. These darkish streaks appear to ebb and flow over
time. They darken and appear to flow down steep slopes
during warm seasons, and then fade in cooler seasons. They
appear in several locations on Mars when temperatures are
above minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 23 Celsius), and
disappear at colder times. The new findings of hydrated
salts on the slopes point to what that relationship may be
to these dark features. The hydrated salts would lower the
freezing point of a liquid brine, just as salt on roads
here on Earth causes ice and snow to melt more rapidly.
Scientists say it’s likely a shallow subsurface flow, with
enough water wicking to the surface to explain the

- NASA Confirms Presence of Liquid Water
on Mars
October 7, 2015
- Thanks to its carved topography,
researchers have always suspected that Mars was once home
to several rivers, lakes, and perhaps even oceans. There
has even been some speculation about the existence of
frozen water deep beneath the ground. However, finding
evidence of liquid water in the present day, has been a
little elusive. That is why NASA's September 28th
announcement that confirmed the detection of liquid brine
on the Red Planet caused so much excitement.
- Wondering about NASA's Mars Mystery?
We may have Found the Answer
September 27, 2015
- NASA says it has big news for us
Monday. "Mars Mystery Solved," the agency's news release
touts without offering even a hint as to what mystery they
mean. For those who just can't wait, a little
Googling may solve the puzzle - and it's not Matt Damon,
little green people, or any other clear indication of
life. It appears to be a confirmation of periodically
flowing water on the planet's surface. Three of the
scientists slated for the news conference are listed as
authors of a new paper to be delivered at this week's
European Planetary Science Congress.
Has NASA gone into the entertainment business? Following the
drum roll announcement on water on Mars we had a NASA light show
along the East Coast in the news. Flash! Tune in to NASA for the
latest drama! The NASA Light Show is part of the MMS
project to measure the Earth’s magnetosphere.

- A NASA Experiment Is Going to Light Up
the Sky With Beautifully Colored Clouds Tonight
October 7, 2014
- NASA says it’s ejecting four
different payloads of a mix of barium and strontium,
creating “a cloud with a mixture of blue-green and red
color.” Here’s an example of a barium release provided by
@NASA; you can see the barium’s “ionized component, which
has become elongated along the Earth’s magnetic field
lines.” And here’s another tracer shot from a launch
using lithium vapor and trimethyl aluminum over the
Marshall Islands.
- Tracers - Clouds and Trails
July 30, 2015
- First used with sounding rockets
flown in the 1950’s, scientific research with experiments
which inject vapor tracers in the upper atmosphere have
greatly aided our understanding of our planet’s near-space
- Launch Begins MMS Mission in
Spectacular Fashion
March 12, 2015
- Scientists Michael Hesse and John
Dorelli explain the science objectives of the MMS mission.
The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission is comprised
of four identically instrumented spacecraft that will use
Earth’s magnetosphere as a laboratory to study the
microphysics of three fundamental plasma processes:
magnetic reconnection, energetic particle acceleration,
and turbulence. These processes occur in all astrophysical
plasma systems but can be studied in situ only in our
solar system and most efficiently only in Earth’s
magnetosphere, where they control the dynamics of the
geospace environment and play an important role in the
processes known as “space weather.”
This follows prior light shows that got media attention, the
Costa Rica “End of Times” rainbow display, detailed in Issue
470 of this newsletter. Signs in the skies have indeed
become an issue of concern.

Per the Zetas, the drum roll on the light show to take place on
the East Coast was to give the impression that these lights in
the skies are normal,
and even that they are manmade.
ZetaTalk Insight
10/10/2015: On
September 17, 2015 Costa Rica had a dramatic hole in the dark
clouds above. This break in the clouds showed brilliant
sunlight on the fluffy white Cumulonimbus clouds above the
dense lower cloud cover, and circular rainbows were visible
around the opening. This was billed as an “End of Times” sign,
and appeared in major media globally. Not even a month later,
on October 7, 2015 NASA is advertising a “light show” for the
East Coast of the US, created by their upper atmosphere
seeding with barium and strontium, which they state will
create “a cloud with a mixture of blue-green and red color.”
Of course we have also had
neon clouds galore lately due to the grease in the tail of
Nibiru, aka Planet X, and these neon clouds come in these same
colors. None of this is a coincidence, and the public should
get used to this type of polarized news – yes it is true, no
it is not true. For every evidence of Nibiru that hits the
media, there will be comfort news for those who would be
driven insane or into drastic action out of fear. The Element
of Doubt principle, instituted by the Council of Worlds, which
has worked so well in getting the populace accustomed to the
idea of the alien presence gradually, adopted by Obama and
Indeed, the NASA induced light show, the tracers to measure the
Earth’s magnetosphere, do look similar to the neon
clouds that have appeared since Nibiru, aka Planet X came
into the inner solar system. These are NOT the upper atmosphere
tracers launched by NASA. Nor was the dramatic Norway
swirl in 2009 caused by NASA tracers. But the public is to
be confused, and when noting the increased signs in the skies
caused by the greasy tail of Nibiru wafting the Earth think that
perhaps it is all just the NASA light shows.
