The US is the country with the most to disclose, being the
location of the Roswell incident, holding mummified dead alien
bodies, and with lots of MJ12 video tape on the Roswell
survivor, Skinny Bob, to share. But the US is also the country
at the helm of the cover-up over the alien presence, and thus
the most reluctant to admit the truth. The bigger the lie, the
longer it has been perpetrated, the harder it is to reverse and
confess. There were hints last January that Medvedev might lead
the disclosure, as detailed in Issue 327
of this newsletter, and the matter was reportedly discussed at
the World Economic Forum. But the UN and the Vatican are too
timid and reluctant, as noted last February in Issue
333. Control is the issue. The elite like to be in
control. How can one get huggy with aliens if they can’t be in
control? How might all this relate, then, to a very private
letter Obama sent to Putin recently? Per the Zetas, Obama knows
that it is inevitable that the pending admission that Planet X,
aka Nibiru, has been in the inner solar system will put the
spotlight on ZetaTalk. And from that, given the astonishing
ZetaTalk accuracy, it is inevitable that the cover-up over the
alien presence will break.
- Obama Sends Letter to Putin to Improve
April 15, 2013
- President Barack Obama wants to
ease diplomatic tensions with Moscow and had a letter hand
delivered to President Vladimir Putin to propose new ways
to cooperate. Obama's national security adviser, Tom
Donilon, met with Putin and other officials and presented
the letter in an effort to improve relations.
ZetaTalk Insight
4/20/2013: Why
would one Head of State send a letter to another, rather than
get on the phone? What can be put into a letter cannot be
overheard, as even scrambled phone calls can, and can carry
coded information. Coded information can be arranged in the
order of words and letters, in the double meaning of words,
and in the emphasis placed on words by repeated use of such
words. If the letter is intercepted, this cannot be discerned
on the face of the message, so all speculation is just that,
speculation. What was being relayed? What would be so secret?
There is only one issue not openly discussed by the media and
openly admitted by Heads of State – the joint cover-up over
the presence of Nibiru, aka Planet X and the cover-up over the
alien presence.
Admitting the cover-up over
Planet X is in the works, and because of the accuracy of
ZetaTalk it is anticipated that the cover-up over the alien
presence will simultaneously break. Russia will work closely
with Obama on these matters, as they have been more open with
their citizenry over both issues. Planet X, aka Nibiru, has
been admitted on their TV and Nancy and ZetaTalk quite popular
in Russia and likewise getting TV coverage in Russia. Russia
will be countering the efforts by many clinging to the
cover-up in the US by creating an Internet storm, with
ZetaTalk at the center. The cover-up crowd would like to
promote their own spokespersons, a matter Obama does not want
to succeed.
Then there are all the tacit and open admissions about aliens
from notaries like Obama, Fox News Bob Beck, Ex Congresswoman
Kilpatrick, and the young son of actor Will Smith of the Men in
Black movie. Is this creeping disclosure? Where the CIA and DIA
have, in the past, attempted to control the public’s embrace of
the visitors with scare tactics,
other movies such as ET and Paul have countered that obvious
lie. If aliens could mass land and consume mankind, what has
been holding them back? Clearly there are rules, and clearly
MJ12 guests such as Skinny
Bob are not here to colonize the Earth.

- Jaden Smith Believes In Aliens and
Somehow, President Obama Reaffirmed these BeliefsE
April 18, 2013
- On a trip to the White House with
his dad (Men In Black superstar) Will, mother Jada and
sister Willow, he found himself in the President's
Situation Room. I talked to President Obama about
extraterrestrials. He said he could neither confirm nor
deny the existence of aliens, which means they're real.
- Obama Stays Silent on Aliens During
Roswell Visit
March 22, 2012
- A lighthearted President Barack
Obama on Wednesday joked that although he had landed in
Roswell he could not disclose if extra-terrestrials had
done the same in a flying saucer in 1947.
- The Fox News Channel's Bob Beckel
Admits We Have Had ET Contact!
April 15, 2013
- The Fox News Channel's Bob Beckel
Admits We Have Had ET Contact! On Fox News Channel,
Friday, April 5, 2013, hosted by Eric Bolling, Greg
Gutfied, Dana Perino, Andrea Tantoaros and Bob Beckel,
(Democratic strategist). They usually discuss news of the
day and politics in a round circle format. Bob Beckel
began his comments, "I think, I have to be a little
careful on how I say this. I think there absolutely has
been visitors from other places on this planet." This was
a pretty amazing statement coming from a source that has
worked closely with the White House and the Democratic
- Ex-Michigan Congresswoman Presides
over ET Hearings
April 29, 2013
- The 30 hours of
congressional-style hearings kicked off Monday and are
scheduled to run through Friday at the National Press Club
in Washington, D.C. Those testifying hope to prove that
aliens contact Earth — and that the government is trying
to keep it secret.
ZetaTalk Insight
4/20/2013: Inevitably,
during the announcement admitting the nearby presence of
Nibiru, aka Planet X, it will be noted that ZetaTalk was right
about the matter all along. And how could this not raise the
issue of the alien presence, especially when the public begins
to explore the long track record of ZetaTalk accuracy on many
issues. Where human science was ignorant or puzzled about so
many issues, the Zetas explained these scientific principles –
the gravity
repulsion force, the
nature of Nibiru as a wandering
planet on a sling
orbit, the solar system lying within a larger magnetic field, the speed of light not being the limit,
and the futility of nuking
asteroids to name but a
It was we, the Zetas, who
predicted the arrival of Planet X in 2003, precisely where and
when we stated many years earlier. It was we, the Zetas, who
predicted the Earth wobble that began in 2004, after Planet X
arrived in the inner solar system, as we knew the magnetic
influence of Planet X would cause this. It was we, the Zetas,
who described the 7 of 10 plate movements and the date they
would commence, with our astounding accuracy once again. If
anyone has been unaware of ZetaTalk, the admission that Nibiru
is real and has been present near the Sun for some time will
introduce them to the history of the ZetaTalk saga. And how
could this all be true, while the alien presence is false?
Greer's False Claims
In Issue333 of this newsletter the
Zetas stated that Greer’s claim that his little mummified corpse
was an alien was a CIA directed hoax, to test how the public
would react to disclosure on the alien presence. Now that DNA
tests have come in, it appears the mummy is composed of human
remains, per the Zetas quite obviously a premature infant. So
sayeth the documentary airing in April. Per the Zetas, Greer has
long been a puppet of the establishment.

- 'Sirius' Documentary Reveals DNA Test
Results On Ata, The '6-Inch Alien'
April 23, 2013
- The mummified remains of what
looks like a 6-inch space alien has turned "Sirius" into
the most eagerly awaited documentary among UFO
enthusiasts. The findings, however, might come as a
disappointment. In early publicity, filmmakers claimed the
documentary would reveal that the DNA of the creature with
an oversized alien-looking head couldn't be medically
classified. In fact, the film, which premiered in
Hollywood, features a scientist who concluded the little
humanoid was human. The primary force behind "Sirius" is
Steven Greer, a former emergency room doctor who founded
the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
(CSETI) and The Disclosure Project.

ZetaTalk Explanation
5/4/2013: As
we explained when Greer’s fraud alien first appeared in the
media, this is not an alien creature. The CIA, which has Greer
on puppet strings, is testing the public’s readiness for
disclosure. They are as usual on these matters, dragging in
the dust behind the eager public. If this is not a tiny alien,
what is it? It is obvious that this is the mummified skeleton
of a premature human infant, lost in the desert as the mother
stumbled home after a spontaneous abortion. Nature most often
aborts infants with malformed genetics very early in the
pregnancy, but some live on for a few months.
Earthquake Lies
Why should the magnitude of a quake in China range from 7.1 to
6.6, when reported? Shouldn’t the report from China, the
epicenter, rule? GeoScience
in Australia reported it as a 7.1. China called it a 7.0 and
then moved it to a 6.9. But true to form the USGS quickly
dropped it to a 6.6. The USGS has long been shown to dumb
down the magnitude of quakes so that statistics generated
tend not to show a rise in earthquakes. A 7.1 thus must be
pushed down under 7.0, so it falls in the lower category. The
USGS is obviously still at it, lying to the public under orders
from the establishment, who want the status quo to continue. No
panic among the workers and taxpayers. Only the elite are to
know the truth.

- Hundreds Dead or Injured in China
April 21, 2013
- Local seismologists registered the
quake at magnitude 7.0 while the US Geological Survey gave
it as 6.6.
- Deadly Quake Hits China
April 20, 2013
- The U.S. Geological Survey
initially put the magnitude at 7, but later revised it
- Earthquake in China claims 203 Lives,
with Over 11,500 Injured
April 21, 2013
- China's seismological bureau
initially measured the earthquake’s magnitude at 7.0 on
the Richter scale, while the US Geological Service
estimated the magnitude at 6.6.
The populace reports the ground trembling or reports hearing
booms, but all this is denied by the authorities and only
occasionally gets into the news. Certainly the number of
earthquakes gets reduced, often in front of amazed watchers who
see the earthquakes deleted from online databases in front of
their eyes. Increasingly prevalent earthquake swarms are hard to
explain, so what is the USGS to do? If you can’t hide them
anymore, just give them a different cause! Thus we find
scientists explaining that swarms to the west of the Appalachian
Mountains were caused by the Hurricane
Sandy storm surge! The theatre of the absurd has opened.

- Hurricane Sandy Lit up Seismometers
Across US
April 18, 2013
- Hurricane Sandy's fateful left
turn toward the mid-Atlantic Coast in October last year
lit up earthquake monitors all the way to Seattle. When
Hurricane Sandy veered on Oct. 29, the sudden increase in
crashing ocean waves sent rumbles through the Earth
detectable on seismometers. The wave-on-wave collisions
created what are called standing waves, doubling the
energy directed at the seafloor, scientists reported
today. The ocean gave the seafloor a little shove, sending
seismic waves through the Earth.
ZetaTalk Statement
4/20/2013: Hurricane
Sandy occurred during the Earth wobble, which had been
regularly sending Atlantic storms veering into the East Coast,
as had occurred during Hurricane Irene the year before. The
wobble affects more than the atmosphere as the globe lurches
around beneath it. It also affects the plates, which are
jerked around and smash into one another. Thus the notable
increase in earthquakes as the Earth wobble increases. Of
course there were minor quakes along the New Madrid Fault
Line. Notably there were NO minor quakes in the Appalachian
Mountains or the East Coast! The quakes were hardly a result
of a storm surge, they were the result of the wobble, which
these scientists are not allowed to discuss.
Red Dust and Hawks
Earth and Mars apparently have much in common! A little
understood phenomena called Desert Varnish has long puzzled
mankind, who carved petroglyphs into the coating. This has been
found on deserts on Earth, and on Mars. Per the Zetas, no
surprise that both planets share this phenomena, as it is caused
by the red dust in the tail of Planet X, aka Nibiru.
- Do Mars Rocks Have Desert Varnish?
March 23, 2013
- Some people believe that rock
varnish results from an interaction of small amounts of
water from humidity in the air with the surface of rocks
-- a chemical reaction that forms a coating.
- Life on Earth but Not as We Know It
April 13, 2013
- Across the world's great deserts,
a mysterious sheen has been found on boulders and rock
faces. These layers of manganese, arsenic and silica are
known as desert varnish and they are found in the Atacama
desert in Chile, the Mojave desert in California, and in
many other arid places. They can make the desert glitter
with surprising colour and, by scraping off pieces of
varnish, native people have created intriguing symbols and
images on rock walls and surfaces.

ZetaTalk Explanation
4/20/2013: Desert
Varnish is merely the traces of red dust from the tail of
Planet X, melting in water vapor or fog and then baked by the
Sun, repeatedly. The only mystery is where the red dust comes
from, as the passage of Nibiru, aka Planet X, is denied by
mankind who prefers to let the trauma of these passages slip
from memory. Of course Mars rocks have this varnish on those
rocks where the red dust clung and did not blow away, or where
the fog or water washing them in lakes and rivers and streams
did not wash the dust away into the subsoil. Early man on
Earth discovered they could easily scrap designs into the
varnish, and often reported the passage that had just occurred
as part of the stories told by the designs.
Desert varnish is not the only thing shared by both Earth and
Mars. They also both have hawks! If mice infested Mars,
inadvertently brought along by the Annunaki with grain
transported from Earth, then how to control the infestation? If
the US military relies upon drones to travel far and wide with
eyes in the skies, the Annunaki apparently chose desert hawks to
control the rodent population. The mice live there still and so
do the hawks! This pair can be seen, one standing guard while
the other spreads its wings closer to the ground for an air
bath. They seem to most closely resemble the coloration and
feathered legs of the Ferruginous Hawk - Buteo regalis – of the
N American deserts.

- Ferruginous Hawk - Buteo Regalis
- Nesting Sites: Large nests made of
sticks are on cliffs, the ground, or trees. Pairs
sometimes build multiple nest sites but only use one.
Prey: Prairie dogs, rabbits, ground squirrels, and other
Boston Bombing
The ZetaTalk written on the Boston Marathon bombing is an
example of ZetaTalk accuracy. The question was posed
on the ZetaTalk Q&A on April 15, 2013, the day of the
bombing. The answer was prepared on the morning of April 17, and
the clues were called into the FBI at 8:15 am that
morning. The ZetaTalk was posted
to the ZetaTalk website by noon on Friday April 19, and
posted on the Pole Shift ning early Saturday morning April 20.
How did the Zetas fare?
The Zetas stated the bombers were local residents, would likely
be identified from video and photos at the bombing site, and
purchased the bomb components locally. By Friday April 19 it was
known the bombers were local residents. The Zetas stated this
was not part of a
jihadist network with overseas connections, though an attempt to
give that appearance was done. Days later on April 23 the news
was reporting that the surviving bomber was not going to be
charged as an “enemy combatant” but rather that the brothers
were acting alone. The Zetas stated that the perpetrator,
clearly the older brother, was sullen and disgruntled and
resentful as he had not succeeded in life as others had. The
older brother proved to be a high school dropout, then later
became a college dropout. He was in the Golden Gloves but was
passed over for the Olympics. He was having trouble getting the
US citizenship granted to his younger brother due to an assault
charge on his record. Arrogant and dictatorial, relying
upon his athletic prowess for status, he fit the Zeta
While the media seemed determined during the week following the
bombing to establish a connection to overseas jihad networks,
the Zeta explanation for a motive has been holding true. The
Zetas also stated that the older brother had felt slighted by a
family and marathon runner likely to be at the finish line, and
that these individuals were the target and motive for the
- Boston Marathon Bombing: Feds Raid
Apartment, Police Seek Rental Van
April 16, 2013
- The explosions occurred on April
15, tax day, which could be a further indication of a
domestic connection. But the bombs were not directed
against a government building or institution, which is
often a hallmark of disaffected, lone-wolf domestic
terrorists. And the style of the attack, in which one
explosion was closely followed by another, mimics that
used by numerous groups in the Middle East.
- Boston Bombs Were Loaded to Maim
April 17, 2013
- The scale of the attack and the
crude nature of the explosives, coupled with the lack of
anyone claiming to have been the perpetrator, suggested to
experts that the attacker could be an individual or a
small group rather than an established terrorist
organization. Rudimentary explosive devices made from
pressure cookers have been widely used in attacks in
Afghanistan, India, Nepal and Pakistan, all countries
where the cooking device is common. Instructions for
assembling such devices can be found in many places on the
Web, including in terrorism “cookbooks” popular among
domestic extremists.
- The Five Weirdest Boston Bombing
Conspiracy Theories Yet
- In the episode “Turban Cowboy,”
which aired March 17, 2013, the bumbling dad character
Peter befriends a Muslim man who involves Peter in a plot
to blow up a bridge in the fictional town of Quahog, which
he does by mistake at the end of the episode shortly after
winning the Boston marathon. Alex Jones is convinced that
the Federal Reserve, operating on behalf of a shadowy
group of global banking elite, is preparing to use the tea
party and patriot movement as a scapegoat to initiate mass
gun confiscations, collapse the U.S. economy, and
ultimately usher in a global currency and one-world

ZetaTalk Prediction
4/20/2013: Despite
all the conspiracy theories, the Boston Marathon bombing has a
simple motive and the perpetrator’s identity is obvious. Where
the techniques used were typical of the bombs placed in
Afghanistan and Pakistan, the recipe is broadly on the web for
all to access, and the items cheap and available to anyone – a
pressure cooker, nails, gunpowder, and an egg timer. This will
prove to be assembled locally, with the perpetrator identified
via store videos and a simultaneous purchase of all the items
at once. The authorities will also likely have other evidence
of the identity of the perpetrator, such as DNA or
fingerprints, or photo recognition in association with
placement of the bombs.
What was the motive? The bomb
timer was set to go off at the finish line at a time when the
front runners were expected to be crossing the line. This
scene was staged to disguise the murder and maiming of a
runner and his family, who were expected to be clustered in
the area at the time. It was punishment, for various slights
and insults in the past. The perpetrator was trying to hide
behind the assumption that the bombing was caused by Middle
Eastern terrorists, due to the recipe being one used in
Pakistan and Afghanistan. The perpetrator will likely be
identified as a Boston resident, sullen and given to holding
grudges, a failure in his own eyes and resentful of the
success of others.