Element of Doubt
From the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the Zetas have outlined
rules that the visitors must comply with – Council of Worlds
rules guiding contact with immature worlds such as Earth. These
rules were outlined recently in Issue
432 of this newsletter. The Element of Doubt is a rule in
place to prevent undue panic over obvious evidence of the alien
presence. It is not panic in the people that is the main
concern, per the Zetas, it is panic in the establishment who
fear losing control of the populace. But tests such as the
release of the Skinny Bob tapes in 2011 have shown the public
will hardly panic.

ZetaTalk Explanation
7/15/1995: The
rule is, and will be for the near future, we keep the issue
constantly before the populace, with a steadily increasing
level of discussion, but always, always, with an element of
doubt. This element of doubt is necessary during the Awakening
so your populace does not become unduly alarmed. What we seek
to avoid is the nervous breakdown, the fear in friends and
co-workers raising to such a level that they take violent
steps against the reporter, or the intensity of fear in the
observer that would make them susceptible, incline them,
toward giving The Call to the Service-to-Self. For this reason
visitations are currently recorded only in the subconscious.
The is what the Awakening desires, a gradual comfort level
increase, without any contactees being burned at the stake by
hysterical religious leaders whose turf has been threatened.
ZetaTalk Argument
3/26/2012: Man
did not live in fear of UFOs or encounters, but rather had
curiosity. What created fear in the public was the campaign
mustered by MJ12, where scare stories were featured in the
media, in TV series, and in movies developed for the
establishment by a compliant Hollywood. The movie Signs by Mel
Gibson, Falling Skies, Independence Day, War of the Worlds –
all tell the public that aliens will arrive and try to poison
them, enslave them, or eliminate them. None of this is
true, and the establishment knows this, yet keeps up the
disinformation. The Element of Doubt is in place primarily to
prevent panic in the establishment, who would harm the public
in their desperate attempts to cling to their status.
The number of contactees has risen dramatically lately. In 2008
when the Zetas were asked about this, they stated that
approximately 12,000 humans were contactees, and counting. A
year ago they stated this number had risen to 3.5 billion,
over half the world’s population now chatting with aliens on
space ships. Mass sightings of UFOs has increased to the point
where the issue is almost passé, and little
aliens are regularly showing up on photos around the

Even Pope Francis is on board,
stating in 2014 that he would baptize little green men from Mars
if they requested this. This is a change from prior Vatican
policy under Pope benedict, who removed a booklet from print in
2005 because it hinted that intelligent life could exist
elsewhere in the Universe. Since 2014, coinciding with Pope
Francis announcements , the booklet is back in print. Per the
Zetas, the need for the Element of Doubt rule is fading.
- Pope Francis “We Are Not Alone in the
April 14, 2014
- Pope Francis with great ease and
amazement among the faithful present reveals: “Dear
brothers, I wanted to tell all of you that we are not
alone in the universe. Science has already made so much
progress and will most likely soon will know our new
brothers and sisters with whom we will exchange a sign of
peace. On that day there will be wonder and remember that
God is one and watching over us all.”
- Intelligent Life in the Universe:
Catholic belief and the search for Extraterrestrial Life
Br. Guy Consolmagno, SJ
- Originally published by the
Catholic Truth Society in London, and long out of print,
this pamphlet outlines what we know about the search for
intelligent life, both how we search and why we search,
and what it can mean for Catholics and our understanding
of our faith.

ZetaTalk Insight
6/13/2015: World
leaders have been pressing for disclosure for over a decade,
in part because UFO sightings, glimpses and photos of alien
bodies, and evidence of past and present life on Mars were
pushing the discourse. But in part because leaders like Putin
(who has his own alien
advisor) and Obama (who
is a Star Child) know that the populace of the world will be
so much better off with open admission on the alien presence.
Assistance from the alien presence would no longer need to be
modulated by the Element of Doubt, potentially, thus allowing
aliens to openly assist mankind if the Rule of
Non-Interference allowed.
The Element of Doubt rule is
in place primarily to prevent mass slaughter of contactees
during the Awakening period. The establishment – the powerful
and wealthy and religious leaders – wanted mankind to continue
to fear them, to respect the power they had over their lives
and their afterlives, and feared that awareness of the alien
presence would diminish that. Therefore, the public was
encouraged to either think that aliens did not exist or to
fear contact with them. This conundrum meant that obvious
assistance from aliens had to be denied or camouflaged.
This situation is gradually
changing, as the number of contactees worldwide has surpassed
the 50% point, with over half the population giving the Call
and receiving contact. This increasing awareness and lack of
anxiety is allowing the Element of Doubt rule to ease back, so
that the rules of how aliens can interact with mankind is
covered by the Rule
of Non-interference with
mankind’s right to make and express his orientation decision
and other pertinent edicts the Council of Worlds may issue.
For instance, the 7 of 10 pace was slowed to allow Obama time
to effect the announcement re Nibiru, and the Council of
Worlds went to war with the cover-up crowd.
Nukes Affected
What does a fading Element of Doubt do for alien intervention
on nuclear accidents or deliberate use of nukes during terrorism
or warfare? At the start of the ZetaTalk saga in 1995, when the
Element of Doubt rule was firmly in effect, the Zetas stressed
that concerned humans should give The Call on this matter, as
the Collective Call is not inconsequential.

ZetaTalk Statement
7/15/1995: The
Earth is in 3rd Density, and by the Rules of Non-Interference
we are required to watch and not interfere. Unless humans take
steps to disarm their nuclear weapons and properly shut down
their power stations, radiation poisoning will undoubtedly
take place. Our assistance prior to the cataclysms is
therefore dependent on humans giving The Call.
Then by March 20, 2010 the Zetas reported that the Collective
Call had been heard, and some intervention was going to be
allowed. Indeed I had seen the demo described below whereby
radioactive material was neutralized by the addition of a clear
liquid. The Geiger Counter registered no activity whatsoever
ZetaTalk Amendment
3/20/2010: In
the past we have stated that this was in the hands of man, and
all concerned should take steps to contact power station
operators asking them to shut down their plants at the first
sign of a pending pole shift. We have also intimated that
since the Earth was to be home to ourselves and other visitors
in the future, we were being allowed to take steps to prevent
nuclear pollution, so that disarming nuclear weaponry was in
process. Nancy can attest to this, as during her engagement
with MJ12 she was present at a demonstration whereby we poured
a clear liquid into a radioactive vat and neutralized it.
The great powers, the US and
Russia, deny this is happening to their weaponry, so that they
can posture as nuclear powers. Their weapons are being
neutralized whether they want this or not. Recently, when
asked about power plant operations, we have intimated that by
giving the Call, en mass, many voices concerned about the
effects of nuclear pollution on innocents, Chernobyl redux,
that the Council of Worlds granted ourselves and others the
right to step in and assist. Such is the power of the Call,
out of love for others by those in the Service-to-Other. This
does not mean that mankind should relax. This means that the
pressure should not be abated.

But even with requirement for the Element of Doubt fading, it is
still a factor. Fukushima was modulated
in 2011, but radiation and deaths and damage still occurred. So
keep giving that Collective Call, all hearts pleading for Mother
Earth and the many creatures who live here. The war is not won
ZetaTalk Insight
6/13/2015: How
would a relaxed Element of Doubt rule help the world avoid
nuclear accidents? At the start of the ZetaTalk saga, in 1995,
we stated that preventing nuclear accidents was firmly in the
hands of humans giving the Call. This was not entirely true as
the Council of Worlds had already negated most nukes in the
hands of the world’s superpowers, but the Element of Doubt
rule could and would still force a dirty bomb explosion. But
Fukushima in 2011 was
modulated, and the future could bring further assists if the
strength of the Collective
Call were such that the
elite are negated. This is one reason the elite often continue
to resist disclosure.
Rich and Poor
Who will survive the coming Pole Shift, the coming cataclysmic
Earth changes that will scour coastal areas, shatter cities into
rubble, sink ships and blow away all but Hobbit style bermed
homes? Yes, there will be survivors, but they will be the poor
who know how to rebuild from rubble, how to cooperate with each
other by sharing resources and working as teams, how to make-do
with a minimum. Urban farms, such as promoted by Growing
Power, show what leadership focused in the right
directions can do.

The Phoenix rises from the ashes, and the poor will do likewise.
They have, per the Zetas, been doing this all their lives! Here
are a couple recent examples showing what good governance or
innovation can do.

- The National Park giving Free Farms to
Wannabe Farmers willing to Work the Land
May 26, 2015
- The National Parks Service,
through its Countryside Initiative nonprofit, is offering
leases for 2015 on three farms in Cuyahoga Valley National
Park. The three farms are being restored and will be
required to run under sustainable farming
practices. As part of the arrangement, farmers also
pay 10 percent of gross revenue from the farm back to the
program. The program launched in 1999 as a land management
plan by the National Parks meant to mimic the way publicly
held land is allowed to be farmed in parts of Europe. To
provide farms, the program acquired properties that had
sat on what was once active farmland but over the years
had been abandoned. On one piece of land, farmers are now
raising sheep and ducks, as well as growing herbs and
spices. Another plot is being used to cultivate grapes,
with farmers there turning those fruits into several
distinct wines.
- Homeless Deportees in Tijuana turn to
Urban Farming
March 13, 2015
- Along the Tijuana River — more of
a drainage canal than a scenic river walk — there is a
stark view of problems caused by a flood of more than
150,000 immigrants deported from the U.S. in the last two
years. The majority of the homeless living along the river
in El Bordo (“the ditch”) are deportees, kicked out of the
U.S. and thrown into limbo in a place where they have no
friends, family, jobs or homes. But a few hundred feet
from these dismal camps, a glimmer of hope and urban
revival is unfolding. Thirty wooden planters overflowing
with freshly planted beets, kale, lettuce, tomato,
arugula, onion and other vegetables line a small stretch
of the concrete channel.
- Phoenix
- A phoenix is a long-lived bird
that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with
the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the
ashes of its predecessor.
Bermed homes take advantage of the Earth to avoid high winds
and to gain free insulation against heat and cold. Homes can be
made from trash and small
homes are cozy and provide the necessities as well as
palatial estates.

- Earth Sheltered Homes
- They are naturally insulating. The
structure of the house is such that it keeps the earth
sheltered homes cool in summers but keeps the house cozy
and warm in the winters. They can even safeguard the homes
from earthquakes as well as windstorms. These homes can be
easily made in hilly areas. These homes are also safe from
fire and are well protected in terms of natural
ZetaTalk Analysis
11/15/1995: Tumultuous
times like the coming cataclysms are great equalizers. Where
in stable times the strong and/or clever take from the weak
and/or befuddled and nice guys seem to finish last, during
turmoil the playing field is flattened. The wealthy and
influential, in spite of having forewarning about the coming
pole shift and the means to arrange for their safety and
comfort, will be no better off than the rest of humanity.
Human nature tends to blunt the full reality of what will
occur and what life will be like afterwards. The short term is
considered, with the depressing long term scenario avoided.
Thus food and water are stocked and batteries aplenty, but the
wealthy do not consider what to do after these supplies run
out. They have all their life relied upon the services of
others, and comfort themselves with some vague notion that
civilization and its administrators will right itself shortly
afterwards and they will be able to return to shopping. What
in fact occurs in these situations is a false sense of
security preventing a more appropriate preparation or
The impoverished individual
may find himself without goods or services, but as this is his
status quo under normal circumstances will mobilize himself
more effectively during the Aftertime. He will grieve less and
ponder his options more, and take risks where the wealthy sit
on the remnants of their toys until death overtakes them. In
like manner, those who are physically or mentally handicapped
may have an advantage over those who are whole in the
Aftertime. They have already adjusted to being diminished and
looked down upon. The palsied individual will find himself
comforting those who have newly lost an eye or a hand, and the
chronically mentally ill may find themselves counseling those
who have gone mad from the turmoil and sense of loss. Survival
is to a great extent based on the ability to adapt, and in
this way those on the bottom today have an advantage over
those on the top. The coming pole shift will be a great
Then there are the wealthy, who imaging that their worthless
paper assets will continue to buy the services and products of
others. Whether they are in well-guarded underground bunkers or
well stocked ships at sea, they will find their bunkers
collapsing on them and their ships overturned. Even those
in submarines will not survive. Per the Zetas, their
militias will turn on them, taking over. Pity the rich!

- Super-Rich Plan To Survive Apocalypse
in Underground Luxury Condos
April 11, 2012
- Four buyers have already spent
about $7 million on luxurious doomsday-safe condos built
in a Cold War-era missile shaft below a Kansas prairie.
The cylindrical underground building not only includes
condo space, but its developer is also adding an indoor
farm, pool, movie theater, a stockpile of five year’s
worth of dry food, and space for a medical center and
- The Rich are Rushing to Build End of
World Bunkers
- Millions believe the world is
coming to an end. But many of the super rich have secret
luxury bunkers beneath their homes. They can survive
disasters, from earthquakes to floods, tornadoes and
nuclear attacks.
ZetaTalk Warning
1/10/2004: Bunkering
into mountains has been a favorite theme since the days of Mt.
Weather. The term ‘rock solid’ takes on grim overtones when
this is rock that drops into the tunnels during stretching, or
shifts to skew a doorway such that it cannot be opened. It is
known that when rock is compressed radio static and compass
interference occur, but those in underground chambers die
mysteriously during intense rock compression, a surprise to
their human masters who suddenly find themselves making other
plans at this late hour.

- The World's Largest 'Gigayacht'
May 27, 2015
- Called Double Century, she has an
incredible nine decks, will rise 88 feet above the water
and at 656-feet long, she’s twice the length of a football
field and 130 feet longer than the biggest superyacht
around today, the Azzam, owned by the President of the
United Arab Emirates. Roman Abramovich’s Eclipse will also
be put in the shade by Double Century, measuring a
relatively meagre 535 feet. A boat with these dimensions
doesn’t come cheap, with Double Century, designed by the
renowned Christopher Seymour, costing a cool $770million.
ZetaTalk Analysis
7/21/2007: Have
the super rich then figured out a way to avoid being hurt
during the pole shift? The problem comes afterwards, as none
can avoid the Aftertime! Such subs will certainly be swept a
long way from their starting point, and in unanticipated
directions. In the low-lying cloud cover, volcanic gloom and
constant drizzle, there will be no visible stars to guide, and
compasses will be useless in the magnetic turmoil. Any
anticipation that GPS satellites will be operational is
fantasy as the satellites have already failed and crashed to
Earth. So unless the sub just happens to find itself close to
a familiar shoreline, where it is unlikely to survive the
flood tides and sloshing of the shift, they will be lost. They
may head out toward the center of the ocean, or wander in
circles for years, never finding land. But say they do find
land, and are anxious to replenish their supplies. How do you
suppose they will be welcomed by the starving survivors they
find on land? And how would such submarine occupants parlay
with these survivors? By offering worthless paper money, or
perhaps empty wine bottles?
What will the outcome be? In that paper money, including gold
and silver and jewels, will have no
worth in the future, the wealthy will find themselves
in the same situation as the common man, but with a difference.
They will not be prepared, will lack skill sets, and will thus
be worse off. Why
would their servants and employees not continue in the service
of the rich? Why should they? There will be no functioning
courts or police. The militias hired by the wealthy will look
around them and decide they no longer need to take orders. Theft
of supplies will be rampant. The common man, the lowest of the
low, will have skills and the right attitude for survival. Viva
the common man!

ZetaTalk Advice
12/15/2001: The
value of the dollar, in all countries, will be falling, such
that in any transaction one or both parties will feel they are
getting a fair deal only if a thing, not a representation, is
given or received. The rich will of course whine endlessly,
and try to convince anyone who will listen that their goods
will return in value, which it will not. Moneys will be used
as a medium of exchange, as will jewels and art, in some
settings, for a brief period of time. We advise the common
man, as we have in the past, to relieve themselves of stock
and jewels and paper money that will fall in value, perhaps
suddenly and without warning. Better to stock up on things
that will have value, candles and matches, school books and a
guitar, than what the rich treasure.
In that one's skill sets can
be considered a bartering item, one should examine their own
skill set by the following exam. If you were in the middle of
a wilderness, alone, what steps would you take to survive?
What is the first skill that you would need, and not have?
Whom do you know that you would wish about you, in such a
circumstance? What is that skill that they possess, that you
perhaps could develop? Imagine a group in such a setting,
having arrived at a land dump where various pieces of junk are
about and could provide mechanical devices or shelter, if
utilized creatively and resourcefully. How would you go about
creating a comfortable home for yourself, and others, in such
a situation? If you are clueless on how to use junk to
structure a home, recycle and hook up, then perhaps you should
work with a junk man, in his yard, and take lessons!