Alternatives 1-2-3
MJ12 myths include the three Alternatives planned by the elite.
These Alternatives were to be their means of not only surviving
the Pole Shift but also sculpting the globe to their liking.
Alternative 1 was an underground bunker program on Earth,
primarily within the US. Alternative 2 was reducing what the
elite considered undesirable “useless eaters” via the spread of
AIDS and Ebola. Alternative 3 involved sheltering the elite
off-world during the Pole Shift on Mars, the Moon and the Dark
Twin. All three Alternatives sprang into action after the
1947 Roswell era, when MJ12 learned of the pending Pole Shift
from aliens.
ZetaTalk Explanation
7/15/1995: Alternative
3 is suspected as having been implemented, as Alternatives 1
and 2 have been. The United States government went
underground, at Mount Weather and numerous other spots, as has
been documented to the satisfaction of even the skeptical
reader. This fact is not even being denied by the government
any more. Portions of the government, and we are here speaking
of rogue CIA officers, set out to trim and prune the Earth's
humanity to their liking. Thus we have the AIDs and Ebola
viruses, as well as various wars and conflicts which the CIA
always seems to be at the center of. Likewise, Alternative 3
was implemented, but as the populace can't get up to the
surface of other planets, this cannot be demonstrated to the
satisfaction of skeptics. Of course, there are clues such as
the tight controls placed over transmissions from probes, and
the odd malfunction of the Mars probe just as it was about to
hit pay dirt.
Alternative 1 was evident at Mt Weather where the underground
facilities were completed in 1959. Various underground bunkers
have been rumored to exist, as well as tunneling connecting
these facilities. Underground facilities at the Denver airport
head the list. These bunkers remain secret, with only Mt Weather
exposed due to an airliner crash in 1974.

- Mount Weather Emergency Operations
- The site was brought into the
public eye by The Washington Post, when the government
facility was mentioned while reporting on the December 1,
1974, crash into Mount Weather of TWA Flight 514, a Boeing
727 jetliner. The facility is a major relocation site for
the highest level of civilian and military officials in
case of national disaster, playing a major role in U.S.
continuity of government . The underground facility within
Mount Weather, designated "Area B", was completed in 1959.
The underground component, contains 600,000 square feet.
- Jesse Ventura and Secret Ozarks
Underground Highways
December 5, 2012
- What is happening with TruTv
"Conspiracy Theory" episodes is a conspiracy itself. The
TSA/FEMA episode has been blocked from being aired.
ZetaTalk Prediction
9/7/2002: Many,
many other facilties were constructed, as rumored, with the
idea that the pole shift would ruin the atmosphere but not
cause extensive quakes and shifting of the crust. In those
days, the CIA, who was dominant in MJ12 in the early years,
listened to the Service-to-Self aliens who impressed them with
technology, and talked their language, frankly, one
Service-to-Self group to another. The Service-to-Self aliens
spoke of saving the few, the elite, and leaving the masses to
their lot. This resonated with the CIA, who were composed at
the start with recruits from the Nazi SS. Given the size of
the quakes, Richter 9 force worldwide, with mountain building
and renting of continental rifts, these underground facilities
will hardly be a safe place. It takes little to trap an
outlet, torque an elevator such that it cannot rise or fall,
and create panic in the tomb. Air circulation will not work,
slowly smothering those trapped inside. Water will find its
way into underground pockets, drowning those trapped.
Electrical equipment will falter, plunging those into
Alternative 2 was implemented by the CIA, who extracted the AIDS
and Ebola virus from the wildlife in Africa and set about
spreading this among those they considered the world’s
undesirables. Not surprisingly, pandemics started with
both these pathogens in Africa around 1975-1980.

- Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
- HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic. As
of 2012, approximately 35.3 million people are living
with HIV globally. AIDS was first recognized in 1981 and
by 2009 had caused nearly 30 million deaths.
- The most frequent mode of
transmission of HIV is through sexual contact with an
infected person. In the United States intravenous drug
users made up 12% of all new cases of HIV, and in some
areas more than 80% of people who inject drugs are HIV
positive. There is currently no cure or effective
HIV vaccine.
- Ebola Virus Disease
- Fruit bats are believed to be the
normal carrier in nature, able to spread the virus without
being affected by it. Humans become infected by contact
with the bats or with a living or dead animal that has
been infected by bats. After human infection occurs, the
disease may also spread between people. Bats were known to
roost in the cotton factory in which the first cases of
the 1976 and 1979 outbreaks were observed, and they have
also been implicated in Marburg virus infections in 1975
and 1980.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
7/15/1995: AIDS
is both a natural and unnatural occurrence. It has occurred
naturally within the simian races for centuries. It has
outcropped among humans in Africa and the south seas
periodically, but due to limited population spread, simply
devastated those groups it invaded. Where there is no written
record and no survivors, there was no trace. It was spread
through diet, by blood improperly cooked. It was spread
through the dietary norms of the initial groups infected. Once
having taken place, fastening on a group of humans, the
infection could be directed. Sexual habits in Africa and the
south seas is highly promiscuous. Sexual liaisons can be
ZetaTalk Confirmation
7/15/1995: The
Ebola virus was one of many gleaned from the bowels of the
African jungles. Africa and South America are targeted
continents. The land, rich in resources, was then to be
theirs, and any human inhabitants having natural immunity to
the viruses unleashed would be their docile servants. Africa
and South America have long histories of such abuse, being
colonized for centuries in such a manner. The Ebola virus did
not catch on as did the AIDS virus, and the reason was simple.
It tended to kill its handlers! When cast out among the swine,
as was the phrase used to describe dissemination, the swine
would die, but those casting their evil seed could not run
fast enough. They carried it home with them, and they died in
secreted hospital rooms, infecting their frantic nurses and
doctors. After a time or two, they gave up on the Ebola virus,
which refused to be tamed.
Alternative 3, being off-world and highly secret, does not have
a track record on Earth, but this recently changed. Due to the
elite’s desire to avoid the sliding crust of the Earth during
the coming Pole Shift, interest in an escape
to Mars has reached a fever pitch. The recent rendezvous
with the comet 67P is a case in
point. Now we have the possibility of humans on Mars in
1979 in the news. Yes, the Apollo flights went to the Moon
around that time, and yes, the Viking
landers went to Mars around that time, but per the Zetas,
these did not establish colonies. Alternative 3 did, however,
result in colonies which did not survive.

- NASA Worker Claims there was a Secret
Manned Mission to Mars in 1979
November 27, 2014
- Vikings 1 and 2 landed in 1975 and
1976, and sent back the first data about the Martian
surface - including a distinct lack of extraterrestrial
- I Saw Men Walking on Mars in 1979
November 28, 2014
- The woman called into Coast to
Coast AM with a 'confession' that she had witnessed suited
men running on the red planet in 1979. Jackie said she was
working as part of a 'downstairs' team downloading
telemetry from a Viking Lander when she saw the humans via
live feed. ‘That old Viking rover was running around. Then
I saw two men in space suits – not the bulky suits we
normally used, but they looked protective. They came over
the horizon walking to the Viking Explorer.’ NASA has not
corroborated the story. Six other NASA workers saw the two
humans walking on the red planet's surface. The Viking
landing craft did not send a live TV feed back to Earth,
and as its name suggests it simply landed on the Martian
surface, it did not have wheels like the latest Curiosity
- Mars - Viking 1 Lander
- The Viking 1 Lander sampling arm
created a number of deep trenches as part of the surface
composition and biology experiments on Mars.
ZetaTalk Insight
12/6/2014: Is
this supposed 27 year secret, a leak from a former NASA
telemetry technician, genuine? As with most CIA directed
leaks, there is partial truth along with a lot of
disinformation. There was no connection between the
Alternative 3 operations and the Apollo and Viking efforts,
for obvious reasons. The public was not to know about the
alien presence, was not to know about MJ12, the secret
government, and certainly was not to know about the pending
passage of Nibiru. The humans that resided on Mars for a time
were exterminated when the program closed down, to ensure
secrecy. Nor did they walk about where they could be seen.
ZetaTalk Description
7/15/1995: We
will tell you about Alternative 3. As with the other
Alternatives, the particulars of this alternative were
something the Service-to-Self aliens contacting the government
were familiar with. They are currently parked on the surface
of planets in your Solar System - Mars, the Moon, and a dead
planet in orbit opposite your Earth, which you never see as
the Sun blocks your view. They sent representatives of the US
and other governments up to these places, to demonstrate that
such a living arrangement was hospitable. Matters soon went
amuck, however. Stress diseases cropped up among the humans,
ulcers and heart palpitations and arthritic pains. They became
distracted in their work, stricken with headaches and vague
feelings of weakness. Their human commanders, paranoid about
living away from the Earth to begin with, attributed all this
to planetary factors such as gravity, air pressure, air
composition, or perhaps strange rays that were not measurable
on their instruments. The plan was abandoned, and the humans
who participated were exterminated.
Atlantic Booms
Booms from the stretch zones have been around since
2003, when Planet X arrived in the inner solar system.
Described by the Zetas as clapping air over heaving water or
land, they are the result of stretched rock layers that are
being pulled apart or rock that is being snapped at a bend
ZetaTalk Explanation
6/15/1996: Increasingly
as the pole shift nears, the Earth will give evidence of the
compression and tension in her surface by what humans will
perceive to be sonic booms. The mechanism is in fact the same,
clapping air masses, the same mechanism that produces thunder.
Where thunder is caused by air masses separated by what is
essentially a vacuum created by the superheating lightning
bolt, and where sonic booms are caused by a compressed air
mass pushed in front of the plane exploding back to equalize
with the thin air mass trailing the plane, pre-cataclysm booms
are caused by heaving in large bodies of water. Earthquakes
where plates are compressing are measured by humans as the
friction causes jolting, but for every compression adjustment
there is, somewhere, a widening in a rift. Most often these
rifts lie underwater, as water fills low lying places. A
widening rift does not jolt the bordering plates, it is a
silent adjustment. However, the sea water rushing to fill the
new void has an effect on the air masses above, creating a
thin air mass and causing the air on all sides of this thin
air space to rush in, and clap!
The Atlantic is certainly one of those widening rifts, being
pulled apart as the Pacific compresses during the 7 of 10 plate
movements. Certainly the highly active volcanos in Iceland,
erupting again since August 29, 2014, show the Atlantic rift to
be ripping.

- 11 Photos of Iceland's Bardarbunga
Volcano Erupting That Are Just Unreal
September 11, 2014
- Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano has
been erupting since Aug. 29, with lava shooting out of the
ground on the Holuhraun lava field about halfway between
that volcano and a neighboring volcano called Askja. The
caldera itself has sunk by more than 61 feet, which is the
largest amount of subsidence observed in any volcano in
Iceland since such observations began in about 1950.
Something gave way in the Atlantic rift on November 29, 2014
as booms from sudden plate movement were simultaneously heard in
upstate New York along the Seaway as well as several places in
Scotland and Britain. The Seaway of course is pulling open, and
would react to a widened Atlantic rift. The UK is dropping on
its western edge. Whenever the gap in the Atlantic rift widens,
support for the UK is lost, thus a drop in elevation. The only connection between
these two locations is the ripping Atlantic.

- Mystery of the Loud Boom that Shook
Homes over Upstate New York and the UK
November 30, 2014
- A loud boom was reported by a
number of people in upstate New York on Saturday afternoon
at the same time as a similar noise was heard more than
3,000 miles away in the UK. Residents in locations
including Buffalo, Cheektowaga, Clarence and as far north
as Niagara Falls took to social media to report the
unusual noise at around 4:45 p.m. EST. People described it
as loud enough to shake their homes and rattle windows.
One possible explanation is that the loud noise and ground
shaking could have been a meteorite breaking up in the
atmosphere, which would result in a sonic boom. At the
same time as residents in New York State reported hearing
noises, hundreds of Twitter users in the UK reported
hearing similar sounds - that also shook their windows.
Meanwhile, conspiracy theorists took to social media to
claim that aliens were to blame.
ZetaTalk Comment
12/6/2014: Simultaneous
booms heard 3,000 miles apart, along the Seaway in New York
State and in the UK, can only mean one thing – the Atlantic is
pulling part, and as it does the Seaway is pulling apart and
the UK is being pulled down. All of this creating fracturing
rock, thus the booms.
Booms showing signs of a tightening N American bow were evident
in November also. A tightening bow would certainly aggravate the
N American Plate’s connection to the Eurasian Plate out in the
mid-Atlantic. One adjustment leads to another.
- Multiple Booms Near Dayton Ohio
Remain Unexplained
November 16, 2014
- Residents across southern
Montgomery County and northern Warren County Sunday night
heard three loud, earth-shaking booms. Local utility
companies also did not report having any incidents and
there were no power outages in the area.
- Loud Boom and Mysterious Rumblings
Reported across S. Alabama
November 14, 2014
- We can confirm it was not a minor
earthquake. The USGS reported no such activity for
southern Alabama or the Gulf of Mexico.
- Loud Boom in Kansas
November 13, 2014
- 24 hours after a 4.8 quake was
felt in Salina, people from various parts of the city
reported hearing a loud booming sound. Salina police and
fire department representatives said several people had
called to inquire about the noise, but as of the evening,
the cause was not known. The U.S. Geological Survey
website reported no earthquake activity at that time, and
representatives of the Smoky Hill Bombing Range reported
no bombing activity at the time.
Earlier, in August 2014, booms were recorded in southern
Mexico and along the spine of the Andes in Peru, signs of the S
America roll. What leads the charge in these 7 of 10 plate
movements is a lifting of the brake, the Indo-Australian Plate
lifting near New Zealand and the Solomon Islands, and indeed
booms were heard in Auckland in June 2014. All this activity is
quite apparent on IRIS
quake charts. Plate movements tend to proceed from west to
east, and the quakes and booms recorded during 2014 have
certainly followed that pattern.

- Underground Strike worries Hacienda
Gardens Neighbors
August 22, 2014
- An underground hit, with
consequent shaking doors and windows has been recorded in
the Hacienda Gardens neighborhood for about four months,
however it has increased in frequency and even heard by
dawn. The clarion call of the neighbors is the sense of
concern for not knowing the origin of the "coup" and
especially because in this neighborhood runs the San
Andreas fault line and the results are visible in an
adjoining subdivision to the highway. In interviews
conducted by Noticias neighbors agree that the noise is
heard on the ground, it's like something ran underground
and then hit, and then an increased frequency and
intensity of the blow, which makes windows and doors
- Mystery Booms Rattle Lima
August 4, 2014
- Suddenly, social media were
flooded by reports of loud explosion
noises heard in different districts of the vast
city of Lima (El Augustino, San Borja, Rimac, La Molina,
Surco, Surquillo, Lima Center, San Juan de Lurigancho,
Brena, Jesus Maria, Miraflores). Sound of thunder?
Dynamite explosions?
- Mystery Bangs and Shaking in Auckland
June 18, 2014
- A series of mysterious
"explosions" have been reported across west and north
Auckland, but police are mystified. Reports of loud
‘‘bangs’’ followed by houses shaking began about 5pm, in
the Hibiscus Coast area. Inspector Tony Edwards of police
northern communications said police received reports of
the bangs from the Herald Island - Greenhithe area about
the same time.
Migration Trap
The Zetas have said that the elite of Indonesia made a deal
with Australia. They would keep their citizens trapped in
Indonesia to drown, so that they themselves might be invited to
safety in Australia. While the Sunda Plate sinks and Indonesia
loses land to the sea, they are busy keeping undesirables away
from Australia. This despite a commoner being elected President
in Indonesia on October 20, 2014. It appears it will be business
as usual for the elite.

- Asylum Seekers will be Shipped to a
Desert Island
November 28, 2014
- Asylum seekers trying to reach
Australia could be housed on Indonesia's uninhabited
islands. Galang Island, Batam, in the country's northwest
was used to accommodate 250,000 refugees during the
Vietnam War between 1979 and 1996. The suggestion follows
last week's decision by Australia's federal government to
lock out asylum seekers who registered after July 1.
- New Leader Takes Oath of Office in
October 20, 2014
- Mr. Joko, 53, is the first
Indonesian president not to have emerged from the
country’s political elite or to have been an army general.
Mr. Joko defeated Prabowo Subianto, a former general and
son-in-law of Suharto, the late authoritarian president
who was forced from office. Mr. Prabowo, however, leads a
coalition of opposition parties that control a majority of
seats and all the leadership positions in the House of
Representatives and that has vowed to challenge Mr. Joko’s
policy agenda at every turn.
ZetaTalk Statement
7/9/2011: The
elite of Indonesia had made arrangements with Australia, in
exchange for an agreement to keep the common man in Indonesia
trapped in their cities until it was too late. Eastern
Australia is still seen to have a welcome sign out for the
elite of Indonesia and the UK, and as recent news articles
show, even the wealthy of the Middle East.