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Booms are Back
Since the arrival of Planet X into the inner solar system, mysterious booms
have been heard. For example these reports from the Great Lakes region were
posted on a message board on October 12, 2003.
I am just west of Duluth, and we have been hearing that same thing for about
20 hours now. It´s not so much a sound, but a vibration, you can feel under
your feet. For the last few days, I and my family, and my co-workers have
been talking about this loud thwomping sound. It has been going for days
now, and sounds like we are about to be invaded by indians on horses, but
the sound is too big. I figure it is coming off the lake, maybe big waves
hitting the rocks, but we have never heard waves shake the ground like that,
and it just keeps going, like a drum-beat. The whole damn town is talking.
And this mysterious boom in London was heard a year later, on October 13,
- Riddle as Massive Blast Rocks Homes
October 13, 2004
- Police and the fire service received dozens of calls from the public
about the blast which happened at 7.30am. But despite efforts by both
services to locate the source nothing was found. The British Geological
Society is investigating. Though none of their earthquake signals were
triggered, it said that it may have been too shallow to register on their
measurements. Another possibility is that the blast could have come
from old mine workings. There are disused shafts in the Walkden area
and at Agecroft where a pit closed at the beginning of the 1990s. One
caller to a radio station has claimed that she saw something falling
from the sky.
And a month later booms were heard on November 10, 2004 in Fort Wayne,
- Boom is Back
November 10, 2004
- Newschannel 15 and the Fort Wayne Police Department have each
received dozens of phone calls about the noises. The Fort Wayne Police
have no answers.
Per the Zetas, these are caused by air clapping over land that is adjusting in
elevation due to the ground heaving, causing voids in the air over the land
which then come together to clap. This is equivalent to a thunder clap, as the
same process of clapping air is involved. When booms happen over water, the
process is the same, but here is due to a sudden drop in sea level caused by
Earth movement under the sea.
ZetaTalk Explanation 6/15/1996: Increasingly as the pole shift nears, the
Earth will give evidence of the compression and tension in her surface by
what humans will perceive to be sonic booms. The mechanism is in fact the
same, clapping air masses, the same mechanism that produces thunder.
Where thunder is caused by air masses separated by what is essentially a
vacuum created by the superheating lightning bolt, and where sonic booms
are caused by a compressed air mass pushed in front of the plane exploding
back to equalize with the thin air mass trailing the plane, pre-cataclysm
booms are caused by heaving in large bodies of water. Earthquakes where
plates are compressing are measured by humans as the friction causes
jolting, but for every compression adjustment there is, somewhere, a
widening in a rift. Most often these rifts lie underwater, as water fills low
lying places. A widening rift does not jolt the bordering plates, it is a silent
adjustment. However, the sea water rushing to fill the new void has an effect
on the air masses above, creating a thin air mass and causing the air on all
sides of this thin air space to rush in, and clap!
Recently booms have emerged along the New Madrid Fault line and the
diagonal stress lines that the Zetas have predicted for the N American continent
as it approaches a major adjustment in the New Madrid area. The Zetas have
stated that N America is being pulled at a diagonal, with the New England area
being pulled toward the east while Mexico is pulled to the west.
- Mystery Source, Likely Sonic Boom, Shook Southeast Missouri Last Week
March 10, 2008
- At 2:48 p.m. last Wednesday people for more than 200 miles, from
Forrest City, Ark., to Cape Girardeau, felt what they thought was an
earthquake. Scientists at the Center for Earthquake Research and
Information (CERI) at the University of Memphis in Tennessee know it
was not. The disturbance was first recorded on a seismic station in
Pemiscot Bayou, in the lower part of the Bootheel. It then traveled
southeast at about 1,115 feet per second to a station in Lennox, Tenn.,
and was eventually recorded on all of the CERI's 100 seismic stations
in the New Madrid Fault Zone.
During the same week when the New Madrid Fault region was experiencing a
boom, New Jersey also experienced a mysterious boom.
- Early Morning Shake Rattles Some Residents
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
- It all started with a loud "bang!" In the early-morning darkness
Monday, residents in the Pedricktown section of the township felt their
homes shake, some said rather violently. The event, which occurred
between 5:30 and 6 a.m., scared many. Was it an earthquake? An
explosion? Perhaps as unsettling as the actual event is the fact that by
late Monday afternoon there was no real answer as to what had
actually caused the homes to shake. A spokesperson for the United
States Geological Survey had no records of any seismic activity on
Monday, or even Sunday, in the entire state of New Jersey.
The Zetas have stated that the land along the eastern seaboard is being pulled
down due to the Atlantic being pulled apart at the Atlantic Rift. This happens
more dramatically closer to the equator, per the Zetas, as continental drift is
more pronounced there. Thus the pull on Florida is more pronounced, and there
is a break-off point in Pennsylvania. Land to the north of Pennsylvania rises up
as it is freed from restraint, while land to the south of Pennsylvania is pulled
down. Thus, there is a point near Pennsylvania where rock would be bent and
thus would be snapping.
ZetaTalk Explanation, 2001: Continental rip, which is what occurs during
pole shifts rather than continental drift, occurs down the length of the
Atlantic Ocean. Prior to the rip, there is tension and consequent dragging
down of the coast line on either side. The East Coast of the US south of the
New England area will suffer during the pole shift, due to this general
stretching that the plates under the Atlantic during the crustal tension ahead
of the shift. With the crust resisting a ripping apart so that the land on the
edges of the Atlantic Ocean are pulled down. This is most intense the closer
one gets to the equator. This will bring the islands in the British Isles
underwater, and along the southeastern US too for an astonishing drop in
level beyond what the inhabitant think possible. The New England states will
find themselves bouncing up during the shift, due to the quick ripping of the
already separating St. Lawrence Seaway prior to the shift, where the
southern states will find themselves pulled under the water prior to the shift.
The entire peninsula from central Pennsylvania north, will experience a
bounce, but being on the edge of this drama, Pennsylvania will have its toes
in water but its head above water.
If booms have been heard from Seattle to Duluth and from New Jersey to New
Madrid due to stress on the rock, then what is the ultimate outcome? Per the
Zetas, the N American continent is locked at the top, so cannot shift or roll to
reduce stress as the Atlantic widens. Thus, the N American continent will
adjust during the pole shift, and in great quakes prior to the pole shift, by
ripping the St Lawrence Seaway open and pulling the continent at a diagonal
along the New Madrid Fault.

ZetaTalk Prediction 2/10/2006: The stress on the N American plate will
resolve by ripping. Ripping the St. Lawrence Seaway open. Pulling the SE
down into the crumbling Caribbean and into the widening Atlantic, as
neither of these sinking fronts will be able to support the edge of the weighty
N American plate. There is pressure along the West Coast, of course, and as
the N American plate confronts the compressing Pacific, this will only result
in the predictable volcanic increases and West Coast earthquakes. But the
primary drama preceding the pole shift will be the ripping action that a
plate unable to move must endure. The notable area of catastrophe during
this is the eastern half of the continental US. From Houston to Chicago to
New England, the diagonal pull will tear the underpinning of cities and
create a catastrophe for the US that will make the New Orleans disaster
appear trivial. A widening Seaway also does not affect just those land
masses bordering the Seaway, as buckling occurs inland and afar. What does
man assume caused the Black Hills to be so rumpled, with the appearance of
a recent bucking and heaving? This is the center of a land plate! The tearing
of the Seaway does not end at Duluth, MN, it travels underground to S
McCain's Senility
Although gaffe's indicating confusion on the part of presidential candidate John
McCain have appeared in the past, one occurred this past week that was
thoroughly documented and has been much under discussion in the press. This
particular gaffe by McCain was also one that had occurred repeatedly. The
gaffe involved McCain's understanding of Iran's influence on the Iraq
insurgency. Per McCain, Iran is training al Qaeda, but this is incorrect. Al
Qaeda is Sunni, and Iran is of the Shia sect, and the two certainly don't mix or
support each other. These gaffes by McCain are not a mere slip of the tongue
from fatigue or momentary confusion. They were repeated, even after the
media asked for a correction. McCain in fact had to be set straight by Joe
Lieberman, who was accompanying him on the Middle East trip and whispered
in his ear.
Gaffe #1: on Monday, March 17, 2008 McCain stated his misunderstanding on
Hugh Hewitt's radio show.
AUDIO: McCain March 17 Gaffe
Gaffe #2: on Tuesday March 18, 2008 McCain stated his misunderstanding in a
press conference in Jordon.
VIDEO: McCain March 18 Gaffe
- McCain Conflates Shiite Iran And Sunni Al Qaeda, Needs To Be
Corrected By Lieberman
March 18, 2008
- Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has spent a majority of his presidential
campaign trying to convince voters that he is the most qualified to
tackle foreign policy issues. Of course, McCain's supposed prescient
understanding of foreign policy has been proven faulty over and over.
Today, as the Washington Post's Cameron Barr and Michael Shear
report, McCain further undermined his claim to be the best qualified on
matters of foreign policy, when he repeated a mistaken claim that Iran
was training al Qaeda fighters. He made the same assertion on
right-wing Hugh Hewitt's radio show last night [March 17]. The
"common knowledge" McCain cites is simply false. Far from working
together, Iran and al Qaeda represent opposing sides in the Iraq civil
war. Al Qaeda is a Sunni Muslim extremist group, while Iran is ruled by
Shiites, where they make up 90 percent of the population. McCain, the
so-called foreign policy expert, is confusing reports that Iran was
aiding Shiite insurgents in Iraq - one of the groups that virulently
opposes al Qaeda.
Gaffe #3: on Wednesday March 19, 2008 McCain issues a press release.
- On War Anniversary
March 19, 2008
- Today in Iraq, America and our allies stand on the precipice of winning
a major victory against radical Islamic extremism. The security gains
over the past year have been dramatic and undeniable. Al Qaeda and
Shia extremists - with support from external powers such as Iran - are
on the run but not defeated.
How could McCain, who has made more than one trip to Iraq and spoken to the
generals there, be so confused about this matter? Should this be the man picking
up the red phone in the White House? Lest this latest gaffe be considered just a
misunderstanding, there is a report from Iraq, posted on both the Voice of the
White House and Jeff Rense sites, describing another senile moment for John
McCain. Where this report is unsubstantiated, the repeated gaffes by McCain
on al Qaeda in Iran seem to point to a senility problem. It is now well known
that Reagan was pre-Alzheimer's when in the White House, requiring his staff
to place yellow tape along the floor where he was to walk to the podium, and
to have cards on his desk with pre-written statements to make to various
individuals who might call. Reagan died of Alzheimer's disease recently, after
having been secluded since his days in the White House.
- Green Zone Follies
February 25, 2008
- Here is just a personal vignette of an experience I and my psychologist
buddy had with the Republican probable nominee, Senator McCain.
There was the Senator all by himself, sitting on a folding chair by a
card table. Then his lips moved but he said nothing. He looked up and
smiled. (My wife's grandfather did just that.) And the Senator may have
been sitting right near us but believe me, he was somewhere else. Then
he began a conversation with someone who wasn't there. We started to
go back the way we came when some civilian came in. "It's time to go to
the meeting, John," but McCain just smiled and kept on talking to the
table. The civilian said, "All right, gentlemen, time to go. The Senator is
very tired and has jet lag." And when we left, the Senator was talking
complete nonsense. Later, one of the staff personnel told both of us that
the Senator had "a little accident" and he had to change his pants. My
friend, who is a pro, said he was very obviously suffering from
pre-Alzheimer's and believe me, although I am not trained, this one was
a pure space case. They must know this.
What insight can the Zetas give us on this matter?
ZetaTalk Insight 3/22/2008: John McCain has been protected from exposure
during this campaign. The early dropout of most of the Republican
candidates has allowed him to escape the hard campaigning knocks that
Clinton and Obama are throwing at each other. The earlier debates are
notable as a chance for each candidate to air a view, not truly debate. He
has not had to answer charges as Obama has, nor had to evade them actively
as Clinton has. Media clips are of McCain making a statement, at most. As
those close to the campaign of McCain are aware of his mental lapses, they
will try to protect him from exposure by limiting debates with Obama going
into the general election. They will try to assuage any concerns Republicans
have about McCain's obvious senility with a strong vice president on the
ticket. Senility is most obvious when a sufferer is in new or strange places,
not grounded. When in on familiar ground, the sufferer has many mental
pathways to rely upon. Thus when in his home state of Arizona, or in the
Senate, or talking about issues familiar to his senate role, he seems solid.
But when aware from home in the Middle East, he has been befuddled and
caught at this. In that the general election will bring up subjects he is not
versed in, like the economy, and force him to at least a few debates with
Obama, there is strong likelihood of more slips where his early senility will
express itself.
Obama Breach
Barack Obama's passport files, considered personal and highly confidential,
were breached 3 times during 2008.
- Obama Campaign Demands Probe into State Department Passport
Records Breach
March 20, 2008
- Two contract employees of the U.S. State Department's Bureau of
Consular Affairs have been fired, and a third has been disciplined after
it was discovered that they accessed Sen. Barack Obama's passport
records without a specific need to do so. Sean McCormack, spokesman
for the State Department, confirmed to the Associated Press three acts
of "imprudent curiosity" by the employees in question, occurring on
January 9, February 21, and March 14 of this year.
Regulations require this type of breach on a very public person such as Obama
to be reported up the line, but Secretary of State Condi Rice only heard about
this after the last breach on March 14, breach. Why would this be? Where the
investigation is just beginning, it is notable that the first two breaches were
overseen by a former Clinton ambassador.
- State Department Official In Charge During Two Of The Breaches
An Ambassador Under Clinton
March 21, 2008
- After the news broke Thursday that two employees of the State
Department had been fired and a third disciplined for accessing
passport records of Sen. Barack Obama, MSNBC noted a Clinton
connection to the story. The network reported that Maura Harty, the
State Department official in charge of the Bureau Of Consular Affairs
during the first two breaches of Obama's passport, had served as an
ambassador under Bill Clinton. Harty was a consular affairs chief until
the end of last month when she retired from foreign service work.
Before her stint as the assistant secretary of state of consular affairs,
Hardy was an ambassador to Paraguay under President Bill Clinton.
Harty served as Clinton's ambassador to Paraguay from 1997-1999.
Harty began serving as U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Consular
Affairs in November 2002.
What is striking about these breaches is that three different individuals, on
three different occasions, tried to access the files. Could this be coincidence?
There is an additional pattern that each breach followed a dramatic win by
Obama. January 9, 2008 followed his Iowa win. February 21, 2008 followed
the Potomac states victory. And March 14, 2008 followed his win in
Mississippi. Certainly the press by the Clinton campaign to find some dirt on
Obama during these times would be intense. A similar breach occurred in 1992
against Bill Clinton when he was the Democratic candidate against George
Herbert Bush, who was at that time the sitting president. After this breach,
which hit the press, it became policy to flag the files of very public individuals
so that any breach would become know to superiors in the State Department.
ZetaTalk Comment 3/22/2008: Maura Harty, the former Bill Clinton
ambassador to Paraguay, was leaving anyway. If her suppression of the first
two breaches into Obama's file had been discovered, she would have been
excused a few weeks early. What did she have to gain? Another Clinton
appointment! If one examines her bio, it is clear that her ambassadorship
was the highlight of her career. For anyone doubting that the Clinton
campaign was behind this breach, examine the facts. Once this Clintonite,
Harty, was no longer the supervisor, the next breach was properly reported.
Three individuals, not connected to each other, were "curious" enough to
take a risk. Each had been assured they would be financially compensated,
and if they stuck to their story about being "curious" they could not be
prosecuted. They were all promised a healthy financial payment for any
information they gleaned. Harty covered herself by terminating these
contractors, and for some slight that would not get them into trouble. Thus
they all thought they had the crime covered. But after Harty's scheduled exit
as supervisor, the Clinton campaign still did not have enough information
and pressed yet another contractor. This time, without a Clintonite at the
helm, the whistle was blown and Obama was informed of the breach. Will
there be a prosecution? Not unless one of the co-conspirators confesses,
which is unlikely. What was the Clinton campaign looking for? A passport
file contains personal information on place of birth and social security
number, none of which is that difficult to come by. It also contains the stated
reason for any foreign travel, and this is what the campaign was looking for.
Obama traveled extensively to Africa, the Middle East, and Russian satellite
countries. Did Obama intend to contact any organization with terrorist ties?
The Clinton campaign certainly hoped so. Hillary is losing and is desperate
to start a smear campaign against Obama, but this episode will prove to be
disastrous for Hillary.
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