Star Trek
Astute observers noted many parallels to the ZetaTalk warnings
about the pending passage of Nibiru, aka Planet X, in the new
Star Trek Into Darkness
movie. Indeed there are similarities between what the Zetas term
the Council of Worlds and what Star Trek calls the United
Federation of Planets. The key difference is that per the Zetas,
it is not optional whether one is or is not under the
jurisdiction of the Council, whereas in Star Trek it seems to be
voluntary, similar to the United Nations on Earth.

- United Federation of Planets
- The United Federation of Planets,
usually referred to as "The Federation", is a fictional
interplanetary federal republic of composed of planetary
governments that agree to exist semi-autonomously under a
single central government based on the principles of
universal liberty, rights, and equality, and to share
their knowledge and resources in peaceful cooperation and
space exploration.
ZetaTalk Definition
7/15/1996: The
Council of Worlds, sometimes known to you as the Association
of Worlds, has over 40 groups at the present time, but this
number varies from time to time, and is in motion. The alien
groups that are present on Earth are all members of the
Council of Worlds. All entities, from either spiritual
orientation, who are visiting the Earth at this time are
likewise members. This is not optional. The Council of Worlds
stands as the final arbitrator when issues fall into certain
areas, such as territorial issues.
There is even more similarity in what the Zetas call the Rule of
Non-Interference and what has always been called the Prime
Directive in Star Trek.
- Prime Directive
- In the universe of Star Trek, the
Prime Directive, Starfleet's General Order number 1, is
the most prominent guiding principle of the United
Federation of Planets. The Prime Directive dictates that
there can be no interference with the internal development
of alien civilizations. Starfleet allows scientific
missions to investigate and secretly move amongst pre-warp
civilizations as long as no advanced technology is left
behind, and there is no interference with events or no
revelation of their identity.
ZetaTalk Definition
7/15/1995: Humans,
in general, do not understand how non-interference works.
Non-interference can best be explained if you keep in mind
that nothing can be done by an alien unless it is through a
human - nothing. In this they must wait until a human gives
The Call, signaling an interest in having a conference. We are
not here to rescue you. You have free will as to your
Star Trek also parallels ZetaTalk in presenting bizarre forms of
life throughout the Universe, though Star Trek tends to feature
hominoids where ZetaTalk states hominoids are a tiny minority.

- Horta
- The horta is a blob-like thing
that eats solid stone and lays eggs every 50,000 years to
create a new generation.
ZetaTalk Explanation
10/15/1996: There
are life forms in the Universe that have sex only once, on
average, during their life time and then produce a large
number of offspring.
That Star Trek Into Darkness showcasing a red planet called
Nibiru is being released to the theaters just as Obama is
preparing to make his announcement admitting the near presence
of Nibiru cannot be a coincidence!
- 'Doomsday Planet' Nibiru Has Cameo in
'Star Trek Into Darkness'
May 17, 2013
- While the "Star Trek" filmmakers
did not say where they found inspiration for the film's
volcanic planet Nibiru, they shared their enjoyment in
creating the fictional worlds for the movie.
- 'Doomsday Planet' Nibiru Has Cameo in
'Star Trek Into Darkness'
May 17, 2013
- There was (and still is) no
scientific evidence to support the existence of Nibiru,
and NASA even released a statement last year refuting the
claims, after the agency was accused of a conspiracy to
cover up the Nibiru threat to avoid mass panic. A
self-described psychic named Nancy Lieder announced that
aliens had warned her that Nibiru would collide with Earth
in 2003.
- Star Trek into Darkness
- A preliminary script was rumored
to be completed by Christmas 2009 for a 2011 release. By
2010, a release date of June 29, 2012, was set. Abrams
admitted in December 2010 that there was still no script.
The film was given a revised release date and pushed to a
2013 slot. The film began principal photography on January
12, 2012, with a scheduled release date of May 16, 2013.

ZetaTalk Explanation
5/25/2013: What
is notable in the new Star Trek’s use of the name Nibiru for a
red planet about to experience total destruction is the
placement of this portion of the film – right at the start,
with the segment utterly separated from the rest of the plot
line and scenes. Totally detachable. Filming the Nibiru
portion involved primitive people chasing Star Trek people
across a red planet with red vegetation. Not an expensive set
to redo using another planet. Thus the use of Nibiru could
have been popped in at the last minute, or replaced at the
last minute. Was it? An alternate version of the start was
indeed in the offing, should Obama’s plans to admit the
presence of Nibiru change.
It is not unusual for a film
to be under production for years, while the cast and producers
are lined up and contracts signed. But this whole production
has been, notably, while Obama has been president with a
“preliminary script” completed in 2009. Release dates were set
for 2011, then 2012, and finally 2013. Was there pressure from
the cover-up to change the film? If the announcement admitting
the presence of Nibiru, aka Planet X nearby was not in
process, this movie would not have the links to ZetaTalk in
place. Nibiru would not be the name, for instance, were the
cover-up over the presence of Nibiru still firmly in place.
Because of Obama’s intentions, Star Trek is leading the
Is this release hand-in-hand
with the planned announcement admitting, virtually, that Nancy
was right all along? Certainly the production and media have
been encouraged to make those associations. News
articles such as the
Yahoo article are pointing directly to Nancy and ZetaTalk. How
many ways is this new Star Trek movie pointing to the ZetaTalk
website? Nibiru, the name of the planet, related to planetary
destruction. The red color in the soil and vegetation. The
rules of a council or federation affecting interplanetary
engagements. And where Star Trek has always had the Prime
Directive, in this episode it is clear this means
Non-Interference, a ZetaTalk term. All to generate
chatter in the media.
Military Matters
One aspect of preparing to announce the presence of Nibiru, aka
Planet X is preparing for post announcement panic. This is an
unknown, but could involve the populace suddenly fleeing the
coastlines, or opportunistic rioting and looting, or attempts by
the Red States to secede from the union or a refusal to pay
taxes. The worries are endless. The Zetas have long predicted
that the US military will be brought home prior to the Pole
Shift, for these reasons.
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/4/2008: We
have long predicted that the US military would be brought home
when the Earth changes or other turmoil related to the End
Times required their presence. We predicted that this recall
would primarily be conducted stealthily, with little fanfare,
as the government's nervousness about panic among the public
is extreme. They know that the public will eventually find out
about the presence of Planet X, causing the erratic weather
and an increase in earthquakes. They anticipate that the
public will be enraged over the cover-up, and likely panic and
riot in any case.
ZetaTalk Insight
3/9/2013: Obama
and the announcement team are now moving beyond the
announcement to planning for governing after the announcement.
What to do if riots break out? What to do if survival
communities refuse to pay taxes and declare independence from
government rule? What to do if states themselves declare this?
What to do if crop failure and food prices create starvation,
at a time when food stamps themselves will be hit by the
sequester? How to handle international treaties when base
closures are likely to occur due to the sequester cuts. Obama
decided to inform senior Republicans, as he has senior
Democrats, of his planned announcement and what might result.
Cooperation will be needed.
There was a recent change by the US House of Representatives to
statutes affecting the Posse Comitatus Act, giving the
military more freedom to support civilian law enforcement and
rescue operations. The Posse Comitatus Act was last covered in Issue 109 of this newsletter in 2008.
Per the Zetas, this recent change was due to the pending
announcement, as well as the public’s increasing awareness of
signs that Nibiru, ala Planet X, is nearby.

- DoD Issues Instructions on Military
Support of Civilian Law Enforcement
April 11, 2013
- In addition to defining
responsibilities for military coordination with local law
enforcement, the instruction describes circumstances in
which direct participation in civilian law enforcement is
permissible. Under the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878,
U.S military personnel are generally prohibited from
assisting in civilian law enforcement functions such as
search and seizure, interdiction of vehicles, arrest and
interrogation, surveillance or using force except for in
self-defense. Though the Posse Comitatus Act originally
referred only to the Army, it was extended in 1956 to
include the Air Force. Subsequent DoD regulations prevent
the use of the Marine Corps or Navy for civilian law
enforcement functions. In 1981, this principle was
further codified in 10 USC § 375 which directs the
Secretary of Defense to ensure that military activities do
“not include or permit direct participation by a member of
the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps in a search,
seizure, arrest, or other similar activity unless
participation in such activity by such member is otherwise
authorized by law.” Though the Posse Comitatus Act is the
primary restriction on direct DoD involvement in law
enforcement functions, it does not prevent military
personnel from participating in circumstances “authorized
by the Constitution or Act of Congress.” This
includes circumstances involving “insurrection, domestic
violence, or conspiracy that hinders the execution of
State or Federal law” as well as actions “taken under
express statutory authority.”
- U.S. Military Grants Itself the
Authority to Deploy Troops in American Cities Without
Presidential or Local Approval
May 16, 2013
- lf-the-authority
- Military no longer under civilian
control? In a move that makes clear the direction that our
country is increasingly heading towards, the Department of
Defense has published an update to a US code that outlines
military power during civil unrest. The code, ““Defense
Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies,” was
slightly altered during a May 13th update which now allows
the military to unilaterally declare martial law without
presidential approval.
ZetaTalk Explanation
5/25/2013: The
Posse Comitatus Act has been tightened under Republican
presidents in the past. In 1956 Eisenhower was president and
in 1981 Reagan was president. Republicans are deemed by nature
to be more aware of the agendas behind power grabs. Bush,
eager to install martial law to increase his own power only
temporarily convinced Congress after Katrina to loosen the act
in 2006. In 2008, the issue of returning troops being used to
suppress domestic rioting again raised its head, due to
anticipation of the Wall Street and housing bubble collapse.
Why at this current time has the Republican House allowed the
rule to be relaxed, handing control to a Democratic President?
Should widespread rioting occur, during a time when
cataclysmic changes make communications difficult, those in
governance want the US military to engage.
In all of this, for any country, increasingly relying upon the
military while being mindful of potential military coups is part
of the mix. The massive US military, as large as all other
nations combined, has also recently been affected by the
sequester, requiring layoffs. This has produced a pool of
resentful ex-military personnel. Obama and Hagel have also
been clearing the US military of treasonous leadership bent upon
blocking his intended announcement about Nibiru. General
Petraeus, who was forced from the head of the CIA over
infidelity, and General Allen, who
suddenly retired after being cleared of charges, are such

We are told that the sudden removal of 17 Air Force officers at
Minot Air Force Base was due to sloppy handing of the nuclear
arsenal there, but is there more to this picture? This is the
same Air Force Base where a nuke was slipped away under the Bush
administration, in 2007. There was an investigation into that
matter, to determine how so many regulations could have been
side stepped to allow this slip to happen, but after several
obvious assassinations of junior officers who would have been
likely to testify, nothing came of it. Those willing to break
the law in support of the Bush/Cheney agenda for planting WMD in
Iraq were still, ostensibly, in operation at Minot.
ZetaTalk Explanation
9/8/2007: Closely
examine the excuses given out by the Air Force and you can see
what actually happened here. These nukes were being taken out
of the country. The fact that they were missing from the
arsenal was not to be discovered until after they had escaped
the continental US, having been moved from the heartland to
the Gulf where they could be transferred to a ship along the
convoluted and unprotected Louisiana coastline.
Per the Zetas, the nest of officers who would likely include
those inclined to be treasonous has been removed from power
because a plot to steal a nuke to blackmail the Obama
administration was uncovered. Why blackmail? To prevent the
planned announcement ending the cover-up over the presence of
Nibiru, aka Planet X.
- 17 Nuclear Missile Officers Sidelined
at North Dakota Base
May 9, 2013
- Underlying the Minot situation is
a sense among some that the Air Force's nuclear mission is
a dying field, as the government considers further
reducing the size of the U.S. arsenal. Because there are a
limited number of command positions to which missile
launch officers can aspire within the nuclear force, those
officers tend to think they have no future. It appeared
the Minot force, which is one of three responsible for
controlling — and, if necessary, launching — the Air
Force's 450 strategic nuclear missiles, is an outlier. The
Air Force told AP on Wednesday that the two other missile
wings — at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont., and at F.E.
Warren Air Force Base, Wyo. — earned scores of "excellent"
in the most recent inspection of their ICBM launch skills.
- Air Force Sidelines 17 ICBM officers
at Minot; Commander Cites 'Rot' in Nuke Force
May 8, 2013
- An investigation had revealed a
force in disarray and resulted in the unprecedented
removal of 17 launch officers from their duty at Minot Air
Force Base, N.D.
ZetaTalk Comment
5/18/2013: In
an unprecedented move, 17 officers in charge of nuclear
missiles at Minot Air Force Base were removed from their
commands. Is it just, as reports suggest, that their morale
was low due to sequester cuts, and chances of promotions in
the future slim? Minot was the base where nuclear missiles
were stolen in 2007 and transported by plane to a Louisiana
base, thence to be slipped out of the country. This plot was
foiled, but not before several airmen were assassinated before they could cooperate with
the investigation. Is this purge related?
A plot was being hatched to blackmail Obama into cooperating
with the cover-up, now reduced to a small group of people
demanding he set aside his plans to announce the presence of
Nibiru. The DIA and CIA have remnants of this cover-up crowd,
who are dwindling in numbers. Until the announcement is made,
aggressive public prosecution of those responsible for such
acts, which is essentially treasonous, cannot be done. But
removing those cooperating with the cover-up crowd from power
and influence can certainly be done.
Moon Meteors
NASA announced that a meteor hit the Moon on May 16, 2013, and
creating a flash seen naked eye on Earth, as noted in this Pole
Shift ning blog. This meteor was hardly alone, as the
Moon has been bombarded recently, as has the Earth.

- Bright Explosion on the Moon
May 17, 2013
- For the past 8 years, NASA
astronomers have been monitoring the Moon for signs of
explosions caused by meteoroids hitting the lunar surface.
They've just seen the biggest explosion in the history of
the program. Anyone looking at the Moon at the moment of
impact could have seen the explosion--no telescope
required. The lunar impact might have been part of a
much larger event. Earth and the Moon were pelted by
meteoroids at about the same time.
Fireballs have been on the increase since
2004, when Planet X and its massive wafting tail entered
the inner solar system. The bolide blitze on February 14-15,
2013 which devastated Chelyabinsk,
Russia was an example. This incidence and increase in bolides
and fireballs is mainly suppressed by the media, as the
establishment did not want to admit to the presence of Nibiru,
aka Planet X. Perhaps, with the pending admission planned by the
Obama administration, this has changed. Certainly hail and
debris is something that mankind must anticipate during the
coming Pole Shift.
ZetaTalk Warning
7/15/1995: The
tail of Planet X, as it travels out in space, meets almost no
resistance. It is composed of debris attracted to trail after
Planet X from the days when it was first formed, but as it
travels, it picks up stragglers in space attracted to its
gravitational pull. The tail has dust, gases, stones,
boulders, and moons, depending on the size and composition of
the entourage at any given point. Nothing much affects this
out in space, on the long arc Planet X makes as it zooms away
from Earth and floats into the darkness of outer space. All
this changes when Planet X enters your Solar System. The Solar
wind, a bombardment of radiation your eye cannot see except as
light, pushes the tail outward, away from the Sun. Thus the
tail of Planet X sweeps the Earth - dust, gases, stones and
boulders all. What is the effect? The moons of Planet X hug
close, so do not come in range, but all else is a massive
onslaught on the Earth's atmosphere.
The devastation caused by the debris in the tail of Planet X
during the hour of the Pole Shift was recorded by the ancient
Egyptians during the Jewish Exodus, in the Kolbrin.
- The Doomshape, called the
Destroyer, in Egypt, was seen in all the lands,
thereabouts. It swept the Earth with grey cinder rain and
caused many plagues, hunger and other evils. It bit the
skin of men and beast until they became mottled with
sores. In the glow of the Destroyer the Earth was filled
with redness. The face of the land was battered and
devastated by a hail of stones which smashed down all that
stood in the path of the torrent. They swept down in hot
showers, and strange flowing fire ran along the ground in
their wake. The fish of the river died; worms, insects and
reptiles sprang up from the Earth.
Per folklore, the hail storms that occur during a passage are
very destructive of crops. Velikovsky reports, in his book
Worlds in Collision, a compilation of folklore from around the
world. This hail will not hit everywhere, but where it does,

- Worlds in Collision, The Hail of
- Following the red dust, a small
dust, like ashes of the furnace fell in all the land of
Egypt, and then a shower of meteorites flew toward the
earth. We are informed by Midrashic and Talmudic sources
that the stones which fell on Egypt were hot. Ipuwer
wrote: Trees are destroyed. No fruits, no herbs are found.
Grain has perished on every side. In the Book of Exodus it
is written: And the hail smote every herb of the field,
and brake every tree of the field. The description of such
a catastrophe is found in the Visuddhi-Magga, a Buddhist
text on the world cycles. When a world cycle is destroyed
by wind .. there arises .. a wind. First it raises a fine
dust, then coarse dust, then fine sand, then coarse sand,
then grit, stones, up to boulders as large as trees. The
Mexican Annals of Cuauhtitlan describe how a cosmic
catastrophe was accompanied by a hail of stones.