Allen Resigns
What is the nexus between the Super Dome blackout on February
4, the Zombie Appolcalyse warning on the Emergency Broadcast
System in Montana on February 11, Pope Benedict’s resignation on
February 11, and the recent resignation of General Allen on
February 19? They all have to do with the pending announcement
on Nibiru, aka Planet X, by Obama. General Allen was identified
as part of the cover-up crowd, but unlike General Pretreaus was
not caught in a scandal sufficient to force him to resign last
ZetaTalk Insight
11/24/2012: If
the DIA and the CIA were the primary source of the 3% fighting
to keep the cover-up in place, what might they be planning to
unseat Obama? Petraeus and Allen were both among the top brass
working to keep the cover-up, and trying to embarrass
Obama. The FBI was instructed to involve Allen, as his
flirtations were likewise known.
The Zetas have now revealed that clearing General Allen of any
shreds of the Kelly scandal was part of a ploy to embolden him,
and Obama’s odd golfing weekend away from Michelle and the girls
was likewise a ploy to fools those who would block the
announcement. They stepped out of the shadows, to block the
announcement, and were caught!

- General John Allen Cleared of
January 22, 2013
- General John Allen, the commander
of NATO forces in Afghanistan, has been cleared of
military misconduct allegations for exchanging
'racy' emails with Tampa socialite Jill Kelley, a key
figure in the scandal that led to the resignation of
former CIA Director David Petraeus.
A Pentagon investigation examined 20,000 to 30,000 pages
of emails he exchanged with Kelley and announced on
Tuesday that Allen violated no military regulations
regarding the conduct of officers.
- Obama, Tiger Woods Play Golf In
February 17, 2013
- The president is currently on a
three-day getaway in Palm City, Fla. while First Lady
Michelle Obama and daughers Malia and Sasha ski out West.
Obama arrived at the Floridian, an exclusive golf resort
on Florida's Treasure Coast, on Friday evening [February
15], and will return to the White House on Monday
[February 18].
- John Allen Exit Latest Fallout from
David Petraeus Scandal
February 20, 2013
- John Allen’s decision to retire
instead of pursuing the top U.S. command in Europe opens
up a vacancy in one of the most coveted military jobs in
the world. The four-star Marine general, who until this
month was the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan,
officially retained the support of the White House after
President Barack Obama nominated him last year to take the
NATO command, even after he’d been ensnared in the
adulterous web that forced out Petraeus last year as
director of the CIA. But even though a Pentagon
investigation cleared Allen of any wrongdoing, he decided
to finish his tour in Afghanistan and hang up his uniform
rather than go through with a postponed Senate
confirmation hearing for the NATO post. Neither Allen nor
President Barack Obama alluded to the Petraeus scandal in
their statements announcing Allen’s retirement on Tuesday
[February 19].
ZetaTalk Insight
2/23/2013: Is
there a correlation between Obama’s weekend of golf, away from
Michelle and the girls, and General Allen’s resignation? Those
watching for the announcement felt the weekend was ideal.
Michelle and the girls were in Colorado, as were the Bidens.
They were skiing in Colorado, close to the Western White House
at Denver. It is customary for the President and Vice
President to be separated when chaos might erupt, and rioting
in Washington DC could be anticipated after the announcement.
Obama was likewise in a safe location away from Washington DC,
and isolated, the press kept away, so no one could be sure
just what he was up to.
Those watching for the
announcement have been puzzled at the long delays since Obama
set out to break the cover-up last September, 2012. His first
attempt on the Emergency
Broadcast System failed
because the cover-up crowd cut wires or diverted the flow to
radio and TV stations. The second attempt to use an Oval Office
Address failed when the
cover-up crowd created confusion with injunctions, questioning
whether the announcement was a hoax. Focus groups then
indicated the public would tend to take the announcement as a
hoax, due to the long-running cover-up. By this time the
pending presidential elections were being threatened, Obama so
distracted that he lost the first debate with Romney. The
announcement was put aside until Obama’s second term was
firmly in place.
But the team assigned to
arrange the announcement did not rest in the interim. They
have conducted dozens of false starts to sweep for the
opposition, who often lay in powerful positions within the
government. We mentioned when the Petraeus affair forced
Petraeus to resign that he and General Allen, as well as other
Generals suddenly caught up in scandals, were part of the
opposition. But General Allen, who was in line for a plumb
NATO promotion, was not forced to resign at that time. He thus
was still in a position to throw stones in front of any
announcement attempt, due to his stature and influence within
the US military.
Obama’s long weekend devoted
to golf was a setup to sweep for such opposition, and use this
to force a resignation from General Allen. Allen had just been
cleared of any wrongdoing by the Pentagon, a move that was
part of the setup. Just what the sweep involved, or what prior
sweeps might have involved, is not something we will disclose,
as the public’s curiosity is not more important than the
success of this mission. Suffice it to say that if the
opposition thinks the announcement is about to happen, is
rolling, is imminent, they will show their hand and make their
moves. In successive sweeps, the parties were identified,
communicating with each other, and the announcement team can
go up the ladder to those at the helm. General Allen was one
such leader at the helm.
Super Dome Blackout
While officials struggled to explain the 34 minute blackout
that descended on the 2013 Super Bowl game, one thing was clear.
This was no ordinary blackout. The FBI stated that terrorism was
not a factor. It was not a deliberate sabotage of any sort. The
wiring was new, and functioning perfectly. The blackout was not
from an external electromagnetic source, as the surrounding area
outside of the dome itself was unaffected. It was not due
to an excessive drain on power, as Beyonce had well finished her
intermission show, and this had utilized auxiliary lights, not
the dome lights. The outage occurred when the second half of the
game was underway, and the first half had not resulted in any
distress. In addition, when the breakers were reset, the game
continued unabated, so the problem did not return. At no time
was power from the grid interrupted. Yet there was either a
temporary surge or temporary brownout that triggered a breaker,
for an unknown reason.

- NFL Says no Indication Halftime Show
Caused Super Bowl Outage
February 4, 2013
- The 35-minute disruption came
moments after performer Beyonce lit up the Superdome with
a halftime spectacular that officials said was powered by
generators and would not have sapped the stadium's
electricity. Entergy Corp, the utility providing power to
the Superdome, said its distribution and transmission
feeders were serving the Superdome at all times. A piece
of equipment designed to monitor electrical load sensed an
abnormality in the system where the Superdome equipment
intersects with Entergy's feed into the building,
triggering an automatic cut in power. The halftime show
was running on 100 percent generated power.
- 'Abnormality' Blamed for Superdome
February 4, 2013
- Embarrassed officials say the
blackout that shut down the Super Bowl for 34 minutes was
caused by an "abnormality in the system," though they're
still in the dark as to what caused it. The Superdome's
management company says power was partially cut to isolate
the issue after the problem was detected and backup
generators kicked in as designed.
- Super Bowl Blackout: What Went Wrong?
February 4, 2013
- Entergy, the local electric
company, said in a message posted on its Twitter account
that there were no power issues outside of the Dome, and
the "power issue at the Superdome appears to be in the
customer's side."
Blackouts, caused when breakers trip to protect electrical
equipment, can happen during solar flares or due to the
electromagnetic interference the charged tail of Planet X can
create. In 2003, when the charged tail of Planet X wafted past
the Sun and enveloped the Earth, temporarily, there were numerous
blackouts, including the notorious blackout of New York
City on August 14, 2003. But in these affairs, the outage
affects the entire region, not a single building as occurred
during the Super Dome outage.

- Aug 14 massive power outage swept
across swaths of the eastern United States and Canada
Aug 28 power outage during the evening rush hour creating
havoc for around 1 million commuters
Sep 1 A power outage today blacked out parts of peninsular
Sep 2 A power outage left at least 3 million Mexicans in
the southern Yucatan without electricity
Sep 2 Finland, Russia, and overnight power blackout in
Sydney´s business district.
Sep 23 A power outage struck the capital of Denmark and
southern Sweden affecting 4 million people
Sep 28 much of Italy is without power after a blackout
swept the country
Oct 6 major power failure blacks out Czech Republic.
Nov 7 most of Chile lost power in a major blackout
Per the Zetas, the Super Dome outage was a warning to the
Obama administration that their delays in making the
announcement on the near presence of Planet X, aka
Nibiru, would not be tolerated by the Council of Worlds. The
gloves were coming off.
ZetaTalk Explanation
2/5/2013: We
explained in March 3, 2012 that the Council of Worlds had engaged
the cover-up in what we
called a war, as to allow the Earth changes to proceed as
nature intended while the common man was kept ignorant of the
cause would interrupt the spiritual lessons the passage of
Planet X, aka Nibiru, provides. Punch 1 occurred on March 12,
2012 when the Earth’s magnetosphere appeared to completely reverse,
though this was only the view provided by NASA’s satellites
and did not affect the Earth. By June 16, 2012 the Obama
administration was formulating an announcement, but due to the
efforts of those wanting the cover-up to continue and the
pending re-election of Obama, these efforts were put aside
until after the election.
Now the November 6, 2012
election is past. Potential blocks to the legitimacy of the
Obama presidency, such as the Electoral College vote on
December 17, 2012, are past, as is the acceptance of this vote
by the House in early January. The swearing in ceremony on
January 20, 2013 is past. And key positions within the
administration, such as Secretary of State, Secretary of
Defense, CIA and other less important cabinet appointments are
essentially filled or guaranteed to be filled by Obama’s
nominees. The fiscal cliff is resolved in Obama’s favor, with
the Bush tax breaks to the rich ended. The debt ceiling has
also been resolved, the House allowing Obama to raise the
ceiling, at least temporarily. The announcement team is ready,
yet Obama is not proceeding, lingering for yet another day or
week, as he fears the reaction will be devastating and
The Council of Worlds has
lost patience. The deliberate blackout during the Super Bowl
was just a gentle nudge. Punch 2 has been delayed because the
Obama administration was dead serious about announcing the
presence of Planet X, having NASA explain what they have
withheld from the public, having NOAA and the USGS explain how
the near presence of Planet X has affected the globe. It is
time for the little guy, the common man, to have the same
access to information that the elite enjoy. Rather than punish
the common man by releasing the full force of the 7 of 10
plate movements, the Council will be punishing those involved
in continuing the cover-up, whether friend or foe.
To bolster the Zeta statement that benign aliens had caused the
power outage is what appears to be a capture of a UFO hovering
above the stadium just before the blackout. Could this be

Zombie Apocalypse
After the so-called Zombie attack in
Miami on May 29, 2012, when one man tried to eat the face
of another, the term Zombie Apocalypse was used to explain
riot-control exercises where hoards of starving and stumbling
citizens would have to be quelled and controlled. Per the Zetas,
the term Zombie Apocalypse was used to avoid having to explain
how and why the citizenry would be starving and stumbling about.
ZetaTalk Explanation
9/22/2012: How
best to get the participants focused when planning exercises
on containment when citizens will be starving, rioting, sick
and injured, and out of their heads with grief and insanity?
Calling this an exercise dealing with a zombie apocalypse puts
the participants in the right frame of mind, instantly. There
is no parallel in history, to point to. And by making it
almost comical, something fictional out of the movies, those
calling for these exercises are exempt from having to explain
themselves. No need to detail the coming Earth changes and
pending Pole Shift. No need to explain why the usual social
safety nets will be gone. The zombie apocalypse label is a
convenient shortcut!
Now the term is back, on an Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)
alert in Montana warning that zombies were rising from their
graves in several Montana counties. The EBS was traced
from the KRTV station in Montana back to the CW network
headquarters in LA. Was this a prank? Per the Zetas, the
perpetrators had given up trying to stop Obama from announcing
the near presence of Planet X, aka Nibiru, so they were trying
to create the illusion that such emergency announcements are
just a hoax. The EBS was the route first selected to carry Obama’s
announcement on the presence of Planet X nearby. And
Montana is in the heart of the cluster of Red States surrounding
Dick Cheney’s planned Aftertime fiefdom in Wyoming, where the
legislation is so taken by his leadership that they almost
purchased an aircraft carrier for
him in this landlocked state. This use of the EBS is surely a
crime, but per the Zetas, the perpetrators will never be found.

- Bogus Emergency Alert Message
February 11, 2013
- Someone apparently hacked into the
Emergency Alert System and announced on KRTV and the CW
that there was an emergency in several Montana counties.
This message did not originate from KRTV, and there is no
emergency. Our engineers are investigating to determine
what happened and if it affected other media outlets.
- KRTV's Emergency Alert System Hacked
To Warn Of Fake Zombie Apocalypse
February 13, 2013
- The emergency alert system at
KRTV-TV in Great Falls was hacked during the "The Steve
Wilkos Show" to send out a message that "dead bodies are
rising from their graves" in several counties. The warning
also told those watching not to try and apprehend the
dangerous individuals, only to get to shelter and stay
safe. So far, no one has been able to figure out who did
the hacking.
- Someone Just Hacked An Emergency TV
System To Tell People Zombies Were Happening
February 12, 2013
- The emergency alert interrupted
programming on a local TV station as well as on the CW
network and told people that the dead had begun to rise
and walk the streets.
ZetaTalk Explanation 2/16/2013: Frustrated
by their inability to stop Obama’s plans to announce, some in
the crowd that hopes to keep the cover-up going are trying
alternative methods. They hoped to create the myth that the
announcement, to be broadcast worldwide, simultaneously, is a
hoax. All a joke. This was the first, and likely the only,
such salvo. If they can’t convince the world, they hope to get
the myth going in Cheney territory, the red states around
Wyoming, so the populace there does not challenge Cheney and
friends in their bunker plans, demanding shared resources. The
EBS played on a single channel in Montana, but has been traced
to headquarters in LA, where the CW network is headquartered.
The perpetrator will never be found.
Pope Benedict
Holding a post that is traditionally only vacated by death, the
current Pope Benedict shocked the world by announcing that he
would resign, after having held the post for only a few years.
With apparent good health, with a keen mind, the reasons are
hardly clear. In his resignation speech, he mentions “rapid
changes”. Humm.

- Pope Benedict XVI Resigns
February 11, 2013
- Pope Benedict XVI has announced he
will resign on February 28th, saying he no longer had the
strength to fulfill the duties of his office. The
announcement was "a bolt from the blue", said Angelo
Sodano, a senior Vatican cardinal. The news apparently
came as a surprise, even to the Pope's close aides.
- Pope Benedict's Full Resignation
February 11, 2013
The last resignation of a Pope occurred in 1415, although
prior to that seven Popes resigned. It is not common practice,
although legal. The Pope normally dies, still serving. That’s
the tradition. Per the Zetas, Pope Benedict is
anticipating an exhausting work schedule, and is ducking out
ahead of this.
ZetaTalk Interpretation
2/16/2013: Of
course Pope Benedict is struggling with poor health, he is 85
years old! That he had a minor stroke and is taking heart
medication is hardly a reason to resign. The rumors are
rampant that Obama is getting ready to announce the truth
about Planet X, aka Nibiru, nearby. After months of delay,
during which Obama tried to set his house in order,
anticipating political chaos after the announcement (when
little work would be done in Washington DC), he is again
proceeding. The Pope of course is in the loop, and knows what
will follow at the Vatican. The faithful will want to be
assured of their rapture, the priesthood will want advice, and
royalty will want to inquire into special dispensation or
powers the Pope may secretly have.
In short, the announcement
will mean a lot of work for anyone who might be caught as Pope
during this time. It is not in this Pope’s nature to be
that person. If anyone thinks this all seems to be fulfilling
Saint Malachy’s predictions on the last Pope, we agree! The
Catholic Church is already in trouble, a trend started even
before all the pedophile scandals. The faithful have long
suspected the Third Fatima secret was about the End Times and
will resent the obvious lies by the Church elite. It is not
just the earthquakes that will ravage Italy and the world
during the passage that will end the Church. It will be their
failure to lead.
Indeed, Pope John virtually revealed the truth about the Third
Fatima vision in 1980, in Germany. It was not as officially
stated by the Catholic Church, that the Third Fatima vision was
regarding a Pope’s assassination.
- Mel Gibson's Secret Meeting With
Fatima Visionary
January 11, 2005
- On the other hand, it should be
sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there
is a message in which it is said that the oceans will
flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment
to the other, millions of people will perish ... there is
no longer any point in really wanting to publish this
secret message.
Is St Malachy’s prophecy about the “last Pope” coming true?
According to St Malachy's prophecy the second to last pope will
not last long and he shall have a short reign. Malachy’s
prophecy has proved to be remarkably accurate. Per Wikipedia
on the issue, Pope 108 was to be, per Malachy the “flower
of flowers”. His coat of arms featured three fleur-de-lys. Pope
109 was to be “from the midst of the moon”. His month-long reign
began with the moon half-full. Pope 110 was to be “from the
labour of the sun”. He was born on the day of a solar eclipse
and entombed on the day of a solar eclipse. Pope 111 was to be
the “glory of the olive”. The order's crest contains an olive
branch. And the last Pope, Pope 112 was to be “Peter the Roman,
who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are
finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the
dreadful judge will judge his people.”

- Prophecy of the Popes
- The Prophecy of the Popes,
attributed to Saint Malachy, is a list of 112 short
phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the
Roman Catholic popes (along with a few anti-popes),
beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and
concluding with the successor of current pope Benedict
XVI, a pope described in the prophecy as "Peter the
Roman", whose pontificate will end in the destruction of
the city of Rome.
- Saint Malachy Prophecy Last Pope Next,
Destruction of Rome
April 7, 2012
- The internet and Bible prophecy
community have been buzzing due to an ancient prophecy
attributed to Saint Malachy which predicted some 112 popes
culminating in the destruction of Rome, Benedict being
next to last. Ratzinger also created a stir when he chose
the name “Benedict” seeming to intentionally fulfill the
Malachy prophecy’s characterization of him as the “glory
of the Olive” (the Benedictine order is symbolized by an
Olive branch).
Per the Zetas, there is merit to the prophecy, as Malachy was
a genuine prophet and had an accuracy track record.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
1/17/2009: Many
prophets have proven their worth by predictions that have come
true. Saint Malachy was prophetic about many popes and those
wanting certain confirmation have extended these predictions
to the present day popes by tenuous connections. That his list
has come close is a credit to his precognitive abilities,
which is as we have explained an ability to think logically
and project into the future based on past events. Our rule
since the start of 2002 has been to decline to comment on the
predictions or comments of others unless this other source has
some prediction accuracy. Saint Malachy qualifies.