NASA Excuses
What is appearing on the SOHO and Stereo satellite images just does not stop, these days. First, Planet
X as a Winged Globe or Red Cross and its Moon Swirls began appearing, as was featured in Issue163
of this newsletter. NASA found this so threatening to the cover-up that they allowed doctored images to
be placed into their archives, pretending that the Winged Globe et al had been there for years and years.
But the doctoring was obvious. The doctoring issue was covered in this newsletter in Issue170.
Compare the legit appearances to the doctored version.
Then the individual moons in the Moon Swirls began to show up on the SOHO and Stereo Behind
images, as was featured in Issue171 of this newsletter. NASA called these individual moons
"compression artifacts", denying those round shapes with shadows on the dark side were objects at all.
No one with a brain believed them.
NASA had by then switched heavily to their asteroid excuse, as outlined in Issue161 of this newsletter,
using this as the excuse for increasing fireball activity. That this excuse would be used was predicted
years ago by the Zetas.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2/22/2003: We anticipate NASA will explain the Planet X complex as any
number of things, or rather their lackeys, who will natter the word on every Internet or media
source that allows their nattering - asteroid bunch, passing comet, unusual comet, or whatever.
Now they have concocted a new excuse for the Moon Swirls being seen so often on SOHO. They
claimed the Hubble had observed asteroid collisions, creating tails for the asteroids, and all this within
the inner solar system. All this was asteroid behavior "never before seen" but it is hoped this will be an
acceptable excuse for the Moon Swirls seen on the SOHO and Stereo images, en mass, this year.
- NASA Spots Mysterious Space Debris
February 3, 2010
- If what astronomers believe is correct, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field
Camera 3 happened to be correctly oriented just as two asteroids slammed into each other
90 million miles away from the Earth. Scientists are guessing the collision happened at
speeds over 11,000 miles per hour, which is what scientists believe the average speed of
asteroid collisions are. It seems that only one asteroid, named P/2010 A2, survived the
impact and is seen in the image glowing just outside of the X-debris pattern. It is assumed
that the other asteroid disintegrated fully. Astronomers have long assumed that these types
of collisions are common, but they've never been directly recorded until now. The join of
the X is thought to mark the location where the impact occurred, while the distinctive
X-shape was created by debris being swept into tail formations by the pressure of sunlight.
Per the Zetas, they are getting desperate.
ZetaTalk Comment 2/6/2010: This is a pathetic attempt to explain the many times that Moon
Swirls are showing up on SOHO and Stereo images. Never seen before? Not that the public has
had access to, that's for sure. Liars, every one of them at NASA.
String of Pearls Redux
The String of Pearls, however, is a Moon Swirl appearance that is hard for NASA to explain. As
outlined in Issue169 of this newsletter it has shown up in photos since 2003 when Planet X arrived, and
is lately also showing up on SOHO and Stereo images. This is just the Moon Swirl signature, as seen
from the side. What excuse will NASA come up with now? Trailing asteroids, never before seen? The
first really dramatic presentation of the String of Pearls on the Stereo images was seen on February 3,
2010 at 6:09:35 UTC on the Stereo Ahead image, since replaced by a doctored image dated the same
day but taken, supposedly, moments earlier at February 3, 2010 at 06:09:15 UTC. The String of Pearls
also appeared on February 5, 2010 at 00:24:24 UTC, but so far, not as yet replaced or doctored.

When asked about what NASA would do with this new presentation on their images, the Zetas said
they have no choice but to blame it on asteroids, no matter how ridiculous the excuse has become.
ZetaTalk Comment 2/6/2010: The corpus of Planet X has been in range on the SOHO cameras
since Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003. But the Earth and the SOHO satellite
were not buffeted around as they are today. Thus, NASA was able to program air brushing
programs to alter the images as they were being received, to effectively replace any sign of the
corpus or its tail with predictable backgrounds. At times, the programming failed, but quick
adjustments were made. However, this year things have gotten out of control. The corpus is not
where expected, due to the Earth or the satellite being buffeted around, or Planet X itself
moving. The tail has likewise blown into view, after having been blown out into space for the
many years Planet X was slowly turning its N Pole toward Earth. Now the Moon Swirls are
visible, even strung out into a String of Pearls. NASA has no choice but the ratchet up its
asteroid excuse, that a swarm or asteroids has entered the scene. This will hardly impress anyone
able to think, and thus this excuse too will fail just as blaming the Sun for the Earth changes has
The veritable blitz of String of Pearls presentations is continuing on both the Stereo Ahead COR2 and
COR1 images on February 10, 2010 at 00:09:15 UTC and 01:09:15 UTC on COR2 and February 10,
2010 at 14:30:18 on COR1. A dual String of Pearls streaming from a single focal point even appeared
on the SOHO C2 on February 13, 2010 at 08:30.

Volcano Uptick
Volcanoes seldom hit the news unless it is to announce that this or that volcano is erupting again. What
is seldom mentioned is that long extinct volcanoes are erupting, such as the Chilean volcano in Chile,
which erupted in May of 2008 after almost 10,000 years of sleep as was discussed in Issue077 of this
Newsletter. Or this volcano in Ziarat in the mountainous highlands of Pakistan, which has no prior
eruption of record, ever.
- Lava erupts in Ziarat
February 3, 2010
- Volcanic emissions have surfaced at Wham in Ziarat district including burning rocks, ashes
and other lawa for the first time in the known history causing great anxiety among the
people according to reports.
There are more volcanoes erupting today, simultaneously, than in the memory of man. Volcano World
lists 540 known volcanoes, 183 of which have erupted within the last 10,000 years.
- Volcano Status
- A "Historical" eruption, documented during or shortly after observation, is the best
evidence for inclusion. We list more than 540 volcanoes with historical eruptions, the
criterion used by many people terming a volcano "active." However, we have tried to
provide more even coverage of the globe's volcanoes, many of which carry no written
record until 80 centuries after the first historically documented eruption in our file (Central
Turkey, in 6200 BC). To do this we have included 183 volcanoes with dated eruptions
during the last 10,000 years, as determined by techniques such as "Radiocarbon" dating.
For volcanoes with different eruptions dated by different techniques, we have entered the
technique that seemed to confirm Holocene activity most certainly. We should mention,
however, that the "Anthropology" status covers volcanoes with undated (but recent)
activity described in native legends as well as activity dated by buried artifacts.
A really impressive chart was recently posted by George Ure on his Urban Survival site. Using data on
the date of most recent eruption, George shows us, visually, just how many of the 183 active volcanoes
are active right now.
A good starting point might be a click on the data posted by the Smithsonian
Institution which lists recent volcano eruptions by year. Boring? Hell no -
especially when you plug it into a spreadsheet and turn it into a chart.
Active volcanoes seem to all be going off at the present time. Mount Etna, in Italy, has been erupting
almost continuously since 2001, after last erupting in 1994. Cleveland, in the Aleutian Islands, has been
erupting almost continuously since 1997, though historically only erupted once every dozen years or so.
Piton de la Fournaise, on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, has been erupting since 1998 though
historically has gaps of 10-20 years between eruptions. Baren Island, on the Andaman Islands of India,
erupted in 2000, 2005, and 2008 though historically was quiescent for longer times between eruptions,
for instance between 1852 and 1991. Llaima in central Chili has been erupting since 1997, though
historically had gaps of 5 years on average between eruptions, which were brief.
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