Asteroid Blitz
The Zetas predicted that asteroid swarms would be used as an excuse by the establishment to explain
the debris in the tail of Planet X. Since Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003, debris in the
tail of Planet X has resulted in numerous fireballs.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2/22/2003: We anticipate NASA will explain the Planet X complex as any
number of things, or rather their lackeys, who will natter the word on every Internet or media
source that allows their nattering - asteroid bunch, passing comet, unusual comet, Mars closest
pass in many eons, or whatever.
At first, NASA explained this as space junk, but when pieces of the meteor were located, the approach
by those effecting the cover-up over the presence of Planet X was to limit the news reporting of fireball
activity. Nevertheless, when fireballs screamed across several states or provinces, their presence was
hard to deny.
- Possible Meteor or Space Junk Seen all Over the Region
January 4, 2007
- 9NEWS was flooded with calls from viewers. It appears to have been either space junk or
a large meteor falling from north to south in the western part of the city. The brilliant
streak of light that raced across the sky west of Denver was a Russian rocket re-entering
the atmosphere, NORAD and U.S. Northern Command reported.
- Report: Russian Specialists Study Rocket Debris Sighting Over U.S.
January 5, 2007
- The rocket's pieces that allegedly fell on U.S. territory cannot be parts of Russia's Fregat
upper stage that placed France's COROT satellite into orbit on December 27. Specialists of
the Lavochkin research and development center, where the Fregat upper stage was
manufactured, said that they know the area where Fregat was dumped for certain. It was
dumped into the Pacific Ocean on December 27.
- Mysterious Object Crashes Through Roof
January 4, 2007
- Authorities were trying to identify a mysterious metallic object that crashed through the
roof of a house in eastern New Jersey. The metal object had punched a hole in the roof of
the single-family, two-story home, damaged tiles on a bathroom floor, and then bounced,
sticking into a wall. The object was heavier than a usual metal object of its size. No
radioactivity was detected. It's definitely not an aircraft part. Magnets held near the rock
are attracted to it. Meanwhile, NORAD spokesman said there was no known connection
between the New Jersey object and the remains of a Russian rocket that launched a French
space telescope last month.
- UFO Crashes in South Africa
January 1, 2007,,2-7-1442_2050665,00.html
- A strange object on an orange cloud, singing like a million turbines - hitting the earth with
a bang. A bright object plunged from the clouds to the earth, at a terrible speed, and hit
the ground with an almighty bang. It looked like Haley's comet, round in the front and with
an orange-red tail following behind.
The Zetas were quick to point out the falacy in NORAD's explanation. Space Junk was not what was
falling to Earth, peppering South Africa, New Jersey, and Wyoming simultaneously.
ZetaTalk Comment 1/6/2007: Are these incidences related? If it was space junk landing in
Wyoming, then did a piece of this land in New Jersey, simultaneously, looking like a meteor? And
drop several days earlier in South Africa, with great fanfare? The answer from NORAD is
suspect in light of the co-incidences, and with good reason. This is hardly re-entering space junk,
a favorite excuse by the establishment to increased fireball and meteor incidences.
Then in October, 2009 NASA began to claim these fireballs are "asteroids", or rogue "Near Earth
Orbit" objects instead, claiming they were unaware of the trajectory until the last minute. This was a
radical shift in explaining the debris in the tail of Planet X, but a shift that was anticipated by the Zetas in
their 2003 prediction.
- Asteroid Impactor Reported over Indonesia
October 23, 2009
- On October 8, 2009 about 03:00 Greenwich time, an atmospheric fireball blast was
observed and recorded over an island region of Indonesia. The blast is thought to be due to
the atmospheric entry of a small asteroid about 10 meters in diameter that, due to
atmospheric pressure, detonated in the atmosphere with an energy of about 50 kilotons
(the equivalent of 100,000 pounds of TNT explosives).
This incident was followed with the "asteroid" excuse being used again on November 6 and November
14, 2009.
- Close Call
November 12, 2009
- An asteroid almost impacted the earth on November 6. As usual, we got no warning from
NASA, since it wasn't discovered until the same day it almost hit us.
- Asteroid Passes Just 8,700 Miles from Earth - with Only 15 Hours Warning
November 11, 2009
- Although no one noticed at the time, the Earth was almost hit by an asteroid. The asteroid
was discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey on November 6, 2009. It was then identified by
the Minor Planet Centre in Cambridge, Massachusetts as a near Earth object. Nasa's Near
Earth Object Programme plotted the orbit of the object and determined that although it
would fly extremely close to our planet it wouldn't hit us. It was the third-closest known
(non-impacting) Earth approach on record for a cataloged asteroid.
- Western "Fireball" May Have Been Small Asteroid
November 18, 2009
- A brilliant meteor that startled residents across parts of Idaho and northern Utah may
have been a small asteroid. It exploded in the atmosphere with a force equal to a thousand
tons of TNT. reports: "Witnesses in Colorado, Utah, Idaho and
elsewhere say the fireball "turned night into day" and "shook the ground" when it
exploded just after midnight Mountain Standard Time. Researchers who are analyzing
infrasound recordings of the blast say the fireball was not a Leonid. It was probably a
small asteroid, now scattered in fragments across the countryside. Efforts are underway to
measure the trajectory of the asteroid and guide meteorite recovery efforts." Security
camera footage of the event shows a flash that brightened the sky so much that a street
light operated by a light sensor winked out for a time before the sky grew dark again. If
this was a small asteroid (or a big space rock of some sort) entering the atmosphere, it
would be second one in recent weeks to make news.
The switch to suddenly calling inbound debris from the tail of Planet X "asteroids" is just another
example of the Zeta's accurate predictions.
ZetaTalk Comment 11/21/2009: When the debris from the tail of Planet X first started arriving in
ernest, in 2004, the establishment chose to call this space junk. When the public became alarmed
at the amount of space junk falling to Earth they tried to enhance the story by claiming that two
satellites had crashed into each other, but this just made a bad story worse. Since fireballs have
not gone away, but continued apace and if anything gotten worse, a new term has been used -
asteroids. This is debris in the tail of Planet X, which is increasingly turning toward the Earth,
hosed out from the N Pole of Planet X. This is why the wobble has gotten more violent, why
electromagnetic disruption of dams and airplanes has occurred, and why blackouts will become
more frequent. There will also be displays in the sky, some of which has already been noticed,
from the electomagnetic tides assaulting the Earth's atmosphere. Stay tuned, more to come!
And more did come later that same day, on November 21, 2009 a fireball dramatically exploded over S
Africa and was caught on a security camera. Note the asteroid excuse has been dropped, speculation
returning to meteors (which are smaller than fireballs) or space junk.
- Meteor Shower Video
November 21, 2009
- Footage from the security camera of the Mustek building in Midrand of the meteor shower
that took place on 21 Nov 2009. Tim Cooper, Director of the Astronomical Society of
Southern Africa Comet & Meteor Section estimates the size of the meteorite as that of a
rugby ball. On the other hand one should not rule out the possibility that it could have been
a piece of space junk as meteor showers originating from comet debris are normally much
Fireball Clouds
Noctilucent clouds are, per the Zetas, glowing clouds are caused by a combination of a greasy
atmosphere, deposits from the tail of Planet X, and an electrical charge in the tail of Planet X, which is
wafting the Earth increasingly.
ZetaTalk Statement 12/11/2005: In 2003, there was a period of electrical surges and outages,
affecting countries worldwide. This could return, as it is the charged tail that caused this. Neon
clouds, red colored and seemingly lit, were seen at that time, and these and other atmospheric
displays will be produced.
ZetaTalk Statement 10/27/2007: We have stated repeatedly that the tail of Planet X has returned.
It hoses out from the N Pole of Planet X, which is increasingly pointing toward Earth. This tail is
immense, and wafts afar. Fine red dust has been deposited on Earth from 2003 to the present
because the tail was wafting past Earth. Fireballs and meteors are on the increase for the same
reason. The atmosphere of Earth has been affected so that Sun halos or Moon halos appear, and
odd red neon clouds appear.
ZetaTalk Statement 1/24/2008: There are different chemicals in the atmosphere of Earth at this
time than have been in the memory of man. It has been only during the past couple years, since
the arrival of Planet X into the inner solar system, that Moon halos have been noted, or odd neon
These clouds were on display, and in the media, after the November 18, 2009 fireball exploded over
the western US states.
- Bolide Explosion After Midnight
November 18, 2009
- Approximately 6 hours later, observers in Utah and Colorado witnessed a twisting
iridescent-blue cloud in the dawn sky. Debris from the fireball should have dissipated by
that time, but the cloud remains unexplained; we cannot yet rule out a connection to the
fireball event. The cloud strongly resembles artificial noctilucent clouds formed at high
altitudes by rocket and shuttle launches. Yet there was no (officially reported) rocket
launch at dawn on November 18th. Could the cloud be associated with the fireball? The
geographical coincidence is certainly striking. Debris from the fireball should have
dissipated by sunrise, but the cloud remains unexplained and a connection to the fireball
cannot yet be dismissed.
- Midnight Meteor Fascinates Utahns
November 18, 2009
- A photo believed to be depicting the meteor's aftermath, taken at 7 a.m. Wednesday, Nov.
18, 2009, from Clive, in western Tooele County, looking east toward Salt Lake City.
(Courtesy of Les Ashwood)

Per discussion on the GodlikeProduction message board, there were other effects from the tail wafting.
The charged and greasy tail affected more than the atmosphere and clouds!
I just called a friend that lives in Utah. he is a radiologist and by law has to wear a
dosimeter to work. Well he always leaves it on his ID tag that hangs in his car. Well this
morning it was up "3 ticks" (whatever that means) from its reading when he left work.
He says normally there is zero change! That entire area had some type of irradiation last
Many people are reporting a strange ringing in their ears. Electrical pulse of some kind,
fades in , gets stronger then fades out. Also dogs acting kinda strange , as if they are
About 30 minutes ago (2:30am here Nov 18 in South East Queensland Australia), we
had the same thing. We did have a thunderstorm last night, but this was not one. There
was no noise, no spikes of lightning, just a big flash which lit up the whole sky for a
second or two. Most people would dismiss it as a random flash of lightning, but it was
Weather Records
Weather records are being broken all over the world lately, from the heaviest snowfall in China to
record flooding in the Canary Islands and Britain.
- 7,000 Buildings Collapse in China Under Heaviest Snow on Record
November 09, 2009
- The snow - heaviest in the area since records began - has caused more than half a billion
dollars in damage, including the collapse of more than 7,000 buildings and damage to
297,000 acres (120,000 hectares) of crops.
- The Canary Islands Have Been Hit by Severe Weather.
November 17, 2009
- The authorities are calling it the worst rain in 40 years. In some places 100 litres of rain
has fallen per square metre, causing traffic chaos. Cars have even been washed off the
roads by the flooding.
- Rain Like This Happens Once Every 1,000 Years
November 21, 2009
- The Environment Agency said that the flooding across the region was so severe that such
an event was likely to happen only once in 1,000 years. The rainfall, on to an already
saturated terrain, was the highest level measured in England since records began.
Per the Zetas, the increase in weather irregularities, records being broken, is due to the increased
violence of the Earth wobble.
ZetaTalk Comment 11/14/2009: This is the effect of the wobble, which we asserted would become
more violent. The magnetic N Pole of Earth is pushed away, forcefully, and then allowed to
bounce back into position later, forcefully. The Earth meanwhile is trying to maintain its normal
position, align with the Sun's magnetic posture. It is the force of the push that is steadily
And they remind the readership that they predicted these weather irregularities at the start of the
ZetaTalk saga.
ZetaTalk Reminder 10/3/2009: We predicted the current weather in 1995, with increasing
drought and deluge, temperature swings, storms appearing where least expected, crop shortages
as a result, snow in summer, and eventually the seasons blending into one another. Why is this a
And indeed they had.
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/15/1995: Mankind will find its greatest problems with the weather to be its
unpredictability. Areas of the world which have been deserts throughout mankind's memory will
become swamps under constant and repeated rains. Temperate climates used to periodic gentle
rainfall will suffer intractable droughts. Then this will switch about, for no apparent reason.
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