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Re: Planet X : NEW Coordinates to Feb 9, 2003

Bob May wrote:

> Ah, a fresh set of random positions at random times.  What else is new?
> --
> Bob May
> Why is there an Ozone Hole at the South Pole but Not at the North Pole?
> Somebody's been lying to you!

Yep, yep, yep.. beautiful there, Bob!  Very nice, indeed.

It is stuff like this, replies like Bob's, that continue to amaze me, in
that it shows, beyond a doubt, that most critics are not even bothering to
look at the evidence, let alone, give Nancy credit for her past.

When Bob barks with no proof "a fresh set of random postitions".... what
in the heck is he basing his logic on?  The postions are anything but
random.  The positions, and their relevance to newly spotted "stellar"
objects, are always "Spot On", and nobody is bothering to explain why the
latest images are clearly not "pixel defects", and nobody, has, or will,
or can, challenge why the latest images are not shown on previous star
charts.  Notice how quiet I M Openmind is these days?....  I wonder why he
has not updated his web sight in an attempt to "prove" otherwise?

And when Bob further barks "...... at random times"... this is clearly not
the case either.  Steve is meticulously showing images, with predicted
coordinates, at predicted times, and/or showing the respective positions
of the predictions by posting dates, with the "newly" discovered stellar

And yet people like Bob, continue to totally over look the latest
evidence, and say things that are not even close to the truth, in regards
to Nancy's predictions, and track record.

Bottom Line: The latest predictions, all show up, spot-on, per earlier
predictions, and there is nothing "random" about their predictions, and/or
outcome, and the data has proven as such.

It is comments from people like Bob, that so exemplify, the total lack of
objectivity in this  so-called "scientific" group, which consists mostly
of closed-minded snobs, and stone-throwers.

Observer on the Fringe

p.s. Sci.Asttro fitting haiku:

bark bark bark bark bark
woof woof woof woof woof woof woof
bark bark bark bark bark