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Planet X vs Sun: CRUST Movement Issue

In discussing evidence of what is described as Earth's wandering poles,
the issue of a wandering crust, rapid movement of the crust, is removed
from the table.  If the Sun were causing magnetic flips, as is being
argued on sci.astro recently by Charles Cagle, then is it also causing
the accompanying crust movement?  Crust movement can ONLY be explained
by the passage of a giant magnet, Planet X, larger than the Earth and
dominating its field.  The core of the Earth moves, to come into
magnetic alignment with the passing Planet X, the crust dragged along. 
Afterwards, the core, more mobile, realigns gradually with the Sun, the
crust remaining where is has been moved. 

    A 90-degree shift of the Earth's early continents - in 
    which the North and South Poles wound up at the 
    equator ...  A report to be published on Friday in the 
    journal Science said ... Caltech geologists Joseph 
    Kirschvink and David Evans and Robert Ripperdan 
    of the Oak Ridge National Laboratories in Tennessee
    said ...  at the same time as Earth's then-super 
    continents took a 90-degree turn, shifting the polar 
    masses to the equator and putting equatorial points 
    at the poles. ... demonstrate that all of the major 
    continents experienced a burst of motion during the 
    same interval of time. ...  "Other parts of the 
    Gondwanaland super continent must have been 
    involved in this ... rotation,'" the  report in Science 
Science, (Reuters, Jul 24, 1997)

    In 1797 the body of a mammoth, with flesh, skin, and
    hair, was found in northeastern Siberia. The flesh had
    the appearance of freshly frozen beef; it was edible, 
    and wolves and sled dogs fed on it without harm. The
    ground must have been frozen ever since the day of 
    their entombment; had it not been frozen, the bodies 
    of the mammoths would have putrefied in a single 
    summer, but they remained unspoiled for some 
    thousands of years. In some mammoths, when 
    discovered, even the eyeballs were still preserved. ... 
    the cold became suddenly extreme .. and knew no 
    relenting afterward. In the stomachs and between the 
    teeth of the mammoths were found plants and grasses 
    that do not grow now in northern Siberia .. (but are) 
    .. now found in southern Siberia.
Earth in Upheaval, The Ivory Islands

    That the entire earth can tilt in space is a confusing 
    point to humans in understanding pole shifts. Humans
    are drenched in Newtonian theory, which explains the
    planets maintained in their orbits based on centrifugal 
    force and momentum. All of this falls apart when 
    Newton's math is applied to your Moon, so very close 
    at hand yet too large and slow moving to even stay up 
    there, per Newton. Nevertheless, Newton is force-fed 
    to humans in school so they contemplate pole shifts 
    in this venue, and boggle. ... core finds itself in. But 
    without arguing these points, ... Would a passing planet
    draw another closer to it, temporarily? This argument 
    would not cause a pole shift, but a temporary slowing 
    down or speeding up in the orbit path, per human 
    astrophysics. ... Humans, schooled into dead-think in 
    their autocratic schools, have no way to explain pole 
    shifts without being open minded and exploratory, 
    those attribute that get them punished in their schools 
    and yelled at by the Shepherds of the Sheep of the 
    sci.astro Usenet. ... But what holds the core of the 
    Earth so firmly that it cannot move in its molten mush, 
    during the passage of another planet with a magnetic 
    field? This can move, without affecting the orbit or 
    the relative position to other bodies re gravity factors, 
    and it does move. Place two magnets end to end, and 
    they are happy to line up. Place two magnets side by 
    side, and they both try to move so that they line up. 
    Make one of these magnets several times the mass of 
    the other, and the larger dominates in this motion. 
    Thus, the Earth moves, in place, in its orbit, at the 
    point where the passage itself occurs, the north pole 
    of the passing planet no longer approaching the south 
    pole of the Earth, but passing it, thus dragging this 
    south pole along with its north pole during the passage.
     ... Thus, you have wandering poles, magnetic fields 
    pointing in all directions in frozen lava, crust shifting 
    to bring mastodons into the polar circle with green 
    grass in their stomachs, flash frozen to be discovered 
    and pondered over by modern man. ... The 
    approaching passage, and its effect on the Earth, 
    explains these phenomena, where the Shepherds of 
    the Sheep of sci.astro have no such explanation save
    the laughable. 
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