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Re: OT: Current Magnitude of Planet X, per Zetas?

Here's a magnitude question for YOU, Thomas.  I posed this to sci.astro
on May 28, 2001 (under the thread Planet X: MAGNITUDE Clarification 2 )
and again on June 29, 2001 (under the thread Planet X:
PASSAGE Magnitude), and again on August 25, 2001 (under the thread
Planet X: VIEWING, Restated) but no one bit.  

Documentation on the last passage of Planet X, during the Jewish Exodus,
shows that Planet X is quite bright, while passing between the Earth and
Sun. The Zetas have provided information on the Entry Angle page
that resulted in a diagram of the passage at the Point of Passage page
This shows Planet X not quite halfway between the Earth and Sun. So what
would the apparent magnitude of Planet X be:
- given that is 4 times the diameter of Earth
- given that it is about 2/5 of the way to the Sun, in distance
  from Earth

Does this compute to be in line with the following eye-witness report?
The following documentation was gathered during the last passage?

    The Mishna of Rabbi Eliezer, edited by H.G. Enelow
    in 1933, states that during the Jewish Exodus, (wherein
    the slaves were able to escape their Egyptian captors,
    old ladies and lame among them, due to some very
    distracting situation), on the last night in Egypt, the
    head of the celestial body [i.e. passing comet] was

    In Pliny's Natural Hitory, "a terrible comet was seen
    by the people of Ethiopia and Egypt, to which Typhon,
    the king of the period, gave his name; it had a FIERY
    APPEARANCE and was twisted like a coil, and it was
    very grim to behold; it was not really a star so much as
    what might be called a BALL OF FIRE." It is depicted
    as an IMMENSE GLOBE (globus immodicus) of fire,
    also as a sickle, which is a description of a globe
    illuminated by the sun, and close enough to be observed
    thus. Its movement was slow, its PATH WAS CLOSE
    TO THE SUN. Its color was bloody: "It was not of fiery,
    but of a bloody redness."
        Worlds in Collision, by Velikovsky