Re: OK Nancy, Where Is It?
In Article Bill Nelson wrote:
> If such a disaster, of the magnitude Nancy claims, were
> to happen - there is no way to prepare for it. Most forms
> of higher life on this planet would be wiped out.
That's not what history teaches us, and the geology of the Earth.
Mammoth and Mastodon wipped out, yes. Great cities shattered and record
keeping stopped. Land going beneath the waves and mountains building.
But mankind clearly survived. The last shift was during the Jewish
Exodus, estimated (as only estimating is possible since record keeping
when to heck) at 1,628 BC. Per the Zetas, the last shift, during that
time, was a pretty good jolt, and we're all still here:
You will not find the prior South Pole, as there, out over
water, a 3,600 old melt and rebuilding left no trace. But
the prior North Pole should leave no doubt, as the Island
of Greenland, with volcanoes melting the glaciers away
in great floods, is still more heavy with ice than all that
has accumulated over the current water born poles to
date, within the past 3,600 years. Prior to the last pole
shift there was a slightly colder Europe, a slightly
warmer Russia.
And why did the continents rend, so that the oceans
dropped such a significant degree into the rifts, during
the last shift? Because the passage was closer than will
occur this coming time. The exact date and time when
the Earth finds itself distressed, and the passage occurs
for the 12th, are not on the same clock! The speed,
therefore, of the shift, was enough to wrench the
continents apart, in that the shift was barely moving
before the Earth tried to pull into alignment with the
rapidly passing 12th, rather than in opposition. The
crust was therefore jerked to and fro, rapidly. The
violent passage also was enough to heave the floor of
the Red Sea, and to heap the waters up into glass
mountains, so a desperate band of Jews could dash
forward to safety, with this dash their only choice
other than a brutal and vengeful death for all, as they
well understood.
ZetaTalkā¢, Prior Shift